Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 20 What's wrong with the disciple?

Chapter 20 What's wrong with the disciple?
It took Fengyunlong less than half a day from going down the mountain to capturing Ding Niu and returning to Xieyue Mountain.

When we arrived at Xieyue Mountain, we first mentioned Ding Niu to the Foreign Affairs Hall for business.

The elder of foreign affairs smiled and looked at Ding Niu: "Elder Feng, you caught him so quickly? You have improved your cultivation!"

"Hey, old Fang, I'm here to receive a reward from Qingyang Mansion."

"Elder Feng, what a blessing, you have earned the reward, and you have collected a piece of good material for Chilong Peak. The cheapness of Xieyue Mountain was picked up by you alone."

"What are you talking about!" Feng Yunlong stared: "Qingyang Mansion didn't ask for this matter? I made a hard trip, why did I take advantage of it?"

"Yes, yes, yes." The elder of foreign affairs smiled and said nothing: "This kid has a very evil spirit, and it will save you a lot of effort to be able to practice like this."

At this time, the elders from all the peaks who heard the news came to watch, not surprised at the dingo fish head, fish brain, and scaly skin, but amazed:
"Knead the bones into jade, and scale the skin. This is the appearance of a fish turning into a dragon. It can teach Chilongfeng to pick up a big deal!"

"Turning a fish into a dragon is actually not superior. It's rare to turn a snake into a dragon or a dragon to turn into a dragon."

"Yo yo, what are you doing sourly?"

"This kind of material was snatched by Chilong Peak, and it was a waste of everything!"

"This kid is also a freak. The evil spirit is deeply rooted in the flesh and blood. If he doesn't practice well, he will grow up like a murloc for the rest of his life. How can he find a Taoist companion in the future?"

"Well, looking at it right now, it is indeed the ugliest one in Xieyue Mountain."

"What strange things did you say! Can you still judge people by their appearance?"

"Tsk, today's ethos... young disciples nowadays are pampered, and after learning a little bit of skill, they make their flesh and skin look better. How can they be as pragmatic as our generation of gas trainers?"

"Yes, they all pick up easy and relaxed methods to practice, but this first method has been abandoned."

"It's no wonder that the conditions are better now. The newly recruited generation can't suffer."

Afterwards, there was another generation of regrets.

Fengyunlong received the reward and returned to Chilong Peak with Ding Niu Meizi.

The two people sent up to inquire all the way, and the two arrived at a alchemy room. Fengyunlong Dama Jindao sat down first, took a cup of elixir tea and sipped leisurely, and asked Ding Niu to stand below and reply:
"Boy, what is your name? Who is it, do you have a teacher, how did you become what you are now?"

In fact, Feng Yunlong had inspected him all the way back, and he knew it was a piece of uncut jade, otherwise, he would not have brought him back to Chilong Peak at all.

Ding Niu obedient post, honestly:
"Master Feng, I'm Ding Niu. I'm from Jinxi Town on the border of Zhao State. I was a slave since I was a child. I don't have a master. I was lucky enough to get an inner alchemy of a fish monster. In a daze, I condensed my horoscope and became a Qi trainer. I don't know. I was willing to be a slave for the rest of my life, so I ran out to make a living."

"Oh, you are ambitious, it's okay, the hero doesn't ask where it comes from... What did you call me just now?" Feng Yunlong shook his beard and legs, put down his tea and said slowly: "Master Feng, Master Yun, the master is Master, how can you scream nonsense!"

Ding Niu glanced at him and immediately understood what he meant. Overjoyed, he quickly stepped forward to pour tea for him, and handed it over respectfully: "Master, please drink tea!"

Feng Yunlong looked at him and nodded.

Ding Niu waited for him to take the teacup, then knelt down and kowtowed: "Master!"

"Get up." Feng Yunlong was even more satisfied, and when he finished kowtowing, he couldn't hide his joy: "Seeing that your aptitude is good, and you are quite satisfied as a teacher, please don't be happy, apprentice, you have some problems."

Ding Niu asked, "What's your question?"

"There is something wrong with your brain." Feng Yunlong commented: "Originally, I thought you were young and ignorant, and didn't know how powerful you are, so you took the inner alchemy of the fish monster rashly and combined it with your own true energy. Although the true energy became strong and powerful, However, with your demonic energy entering your body, you can only be a half-human, half-fish demon for the rest of your life, if you hadn’t stumbled into it by mistake, and you happened to meet some of the cultivation methods of our sect, it would have been hopeless.”

"However, listening to what you said before, it seems that you are deliberate. It's not right to be a good person. To be a demon, who else can cultivate aura, a demon can refine demon energy, a person can refine demon energy, a generation of masters, and you don't blush at all! Are you I really don't know the depth!"

Feng Yunlong leisurely concluded:

"Boy, you still say that your brain is fine?"

Ding Niu seriously replied: "Master, this disciple is obviously a human being. If you don't want to be a monster, you can only be a slave. To be a slave, who should be a disciple is a human being? The difference between a monster and a monster is really funny. I figured it out. A demon is just someone else’s opinion, it’s just half human and half fish, so why is it half human and half demon? Why isn’t a fish a human, and why isn’t a human a fish?”

"Good boy, what are you talking about with me! Saying these things at a young age, no matter whether it is reasonable or not, will make people think you are playing tricks and making people hate you!"

Ding Niu said: "So what? Those who agree will be referred to as confidants, those who disagree will be strangers, and disciples don't live for anyone."

"Good boy, you really are a man with a strong head." Feng Yunlong heard him confused and muddled around, he didn't take it strange, but was overjoyed, and laughed: "Ding Niu, you still said that your head is fine? The problem is that it has nothing to do with this technique of transforming a fish into a dragon! But you have just arrived at Xieyue Mountain, and you have not yet achieved an inch of merit. As a teacher, you can't easily pass on the true biography of your school. You are my disciple, and you are the true generation. His name is Niu Zhenzi, and he is my Chilong Peak disciple."

"You start as an outer disciple first, and when you are qualified to become an inner disciple, I will teach you the true method as a teacher."

Ding Niu hurriedly said: "Master, at least pass on some skills!"

"I knew you were going to be long-winded." Feng Yunlong took out a book and handed it to him: "You were born in Ye Luzi, so you might as well tell you first, what is anger."

"The disciple is all ears!"

"En!" Feng Yunlong said: "The mountains, rivers, seas, and lakes give birth to the geography, the celestial phenomena and the stars give birth to the astronomy, the heavenly essence and the earth give birth to the innate qi, the wisdom gives birth to the aura, the power gives birth to the nobility, the fame gives the popularity, the merchants give the kindness, Sergeants have murderous aura... There are different kinds, nourishing and accumulating qi can refine qi, and turning qi into qi will have supernatural powers."

"However, you have to step into the realm of the innate realm to start to understand this kind of keenness. You are just ignorant, acting on instinct, with higher talents, and superficial natural use. If the talents are average, it is difficult to distinguish and capture. , you have to practice hard.”

"The true qi honed in the Wufu realm is the hard work. I don't care what your talent is, you must remember, don't be too ambitious! Practice hard, think carefully, and lay the foundation is the foundation! When you enter the Xiantian realm, you will have Qi Gan, I will teach you the real technique of refining Qi, and then you will be able to gradually transform Qi into Qi."

"Yes, Master!"

Feng Yunlong nodded:

"Let me talk about my own martial arts. There are five peaks in Xieyue Mountain: Jiaolong Peak, Yinglong Peak, Qiulong Peak, Chilong Peak, and True Dragon Peak."

"Five peaks all learn the same skills, but each has their own strengths. Jiaolongfeng is specialized in horizontal training, Yinglongfeng is in body skills, Qiulongfeng is in combat and spells, and our Chilongfeng is the most skilled! Chilong has no horns, There are endless changes, gathering elixir to nourish longevity, and refining the elixir in the belly, the pattern is lofty, and it is not comparable to the reckless people on other peaks."


Isn't this the "Huanglongjue" of Huangliang Xianmen, Ding Niu asked: "...What does the real dragon peak practice?"

"That's the lineage of the head teacher, it's no different." Feng Yunlong waved his hand and took out a jade seal: "Here is the entry-level exercise of Xieyue Mountain. You can practice horizontally, body skills, magic skills, and alchemy. What you do well depends entirely on yourself, and when you have reached a certain level, you can come to your teacher for advice."

"Yes!" Ding Niu looked through it quickly and luckily, it really is the most basic training method, which is more "basic" than the incomplete "Yellow Dragon True Body" given by Liang Longshi, and the training method of the Chilong lineage is even more "basic" than that. "Yellow Dragon Jue" is even worse.

On the side of Xieyue Mountain, the method of practicing Qi is somewhat lost.

And if you look closely, the training methods of the two are also somewhat different. It should be that Xieyue Mountain has made adjustments over the years.

But it doesn't matter, except that the Huangliang Zhenqi that needs to be practiced with Huangliang Daomi cannot be practiced. Now Ding Niu can justifiably practice the true biography of Huangliang Xianmen's horizontal training: "Huanglong True Body" and "Huanglong Jue".

"Okay, you go down. If you want to be promoted to an inner disciple, you should go to complete the master's training and accumulate meritorious deeds."

"Disciple understands."

Ding Niu stepped back, left the alchemy room, and took a deep breath.

This time, it was mixed with Xieyue Mountain. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

From Liang Longshi's mouth, he learned about the past of the Huangliang Xianmen, combined with the Huanglongxian family's usual style of doing things, he did not hesitate to take risks and completely combined with the murloc's inner alchemy, so that his appearance changed drastically and he became a murloc.

He also carefully selected the important officials who caused trouble in Qingyang Lake in Qingyang Prefecture, not far from Xieyue Mountain, and they did not belong to the same county.

It is also to prevent the people from Xieyue Mountain from being suppressed by Qi practitioners from other caves before they arrive.

Naturally, when making troubles, you have to rely on your own ability to survive the most critical period of time.

This crucial step is to rely on him to practice hard all the time, even when he is fleeing, he will not forget to practice all the way, risking his life and forgetting to die, he can't do it fake.

If you can't beat it, if you can't hold it, all the plans are empty talk.

All kinds of responses are based on what one likes, calculate the pros and cons, and make sufficient preparations.

In the end, the hard work paid off and the plan went smoothly.

A journey of a thousand miles is the first step.

Ding Niu thought, if Huang Gang knew that he, a slave, actually went to Xieyue Mountain and became an outer disciple, and became a fellow disciple with his precious son Huang Tianhua, what would his reaction be?
There was a burst of excitement in my heart.

And he will definitely let Huang Gang know about it.

Not only that, but in the future, he will spend as much time as possible in Xieyue Mountain, outer disciples, inner disciples, true disciples, elders... Headmaster, along the way, he will naturally completely surpass his precious son.

Killing Huang Gang for revenge, punishing this person's heart, will relieve the hatred in his heart.

And this is just a matter of convenience. If you sit on Xieyue Mountain to teach, you can achieve the ultimate in Infernal Affairs, and you will live up to Liang Longshi's request to revitalize Huangliang Xianmen.

Even if the old ghost Liang Longshi came back to life, he would not dare to say that he was wrong.

Just as Ding Niu was thinking, a group of people came to him: "You are the disciple of Elder Feng, Niu Zhenzi? Following the order of Elder Feng, I will arrange a residence for you in Chilong Peak."

Ding Niu hurriedly asked for advice: "Thank you, brother, what is your name?"

The man quickly replied: "Don't dare to be called Senior Brother, abide by Taoism and benevolence, Quanzhen and Taihe, in terms of seniority, I am of the Fuzi generation, and I am also a disciple. You are my Senior Brother! Senior Brother, I am Qiu Fuzi."


The personnel of Xieyue Mountain, the disciples, are in the Martial Arts Realm and the Xiantian Realm. If they break through the Xiantian Realm and enter the Tyrant Realm, they will automatically be promoted to the elders of the sect. Disciples become core elders.

The font size represents seniority, and sometimes it does not match the status and position.

Qiu Fuzi said again: "Among the disciples of the outer sect, there are very few who are of the true generation. Elder Youfeng values ​​it very much. It is a certainty for the uncle to be promoted to the disciple of the inner sect. I hope that the elder brother will take care of him in the future."

"Brother Qiu, you're welcome." Ding Niu leaned closer: "Brother Qiu, I'm new here and I have a lot of questions to ask, I hope you can answer them one by one."

"Brother, it's okay to say."

Along the way, Ding Niu asked all the way, and when he arrived at the residence, he found out the general situation of Xieyue Mountain and its status in Zhao State.

Twelve counties per country is the standard size of a country in the mainland of China. The eight counties of Zhao State are small countries, but there are also many fairy mountains and caves inherited by qi practitioners. These places are outside the country and do not belong to the imperial court. Jurisdiction is an independent area.

It's a bit like an autonomous region. Qi practitioners are in the dojo and on the fairy mountain. They have their own school rules and are not under the jurisdiction of the imperial court. The status of Xieyue Mountain is even more detached. Zhao Guo pays tribute every year and in turn flatters him.

However, Qi practitioners have to abide by the laws of the imperial court after going down the mountain. Many Qi practitioners will experience, serve and serve the imperial court.

If there are qi practitioners who act recklessly and cause chaos in the world, they will end up being punished by everyone.

As for the relationship between Qi practitioners, there is another layer of relationship aside from the country. The fairy mountains and caves in different countries are connected with each other, and they call each other brothers. There are grievances and frictions between the three countries, but Qi practitioners from different fairy mountains in these three countries generally have a good relationship.

Here, Xieyue Mountain is also a big faction. In the birthday banquet of Xieyue Mountain next year, in addition to the Xianshan Cave Mansion in Zhao State, fellow Taoists from Han Country and Lao Country will also be invited.

As an outer disciple, Ding Niu is not a full-time worker on Chilong Peak. His daily task is to collect morning dew and evening wind for alchemy. Normally, he has to hand in a jar of morning dew every day. Lu, a bottle of Evening Breeze.

And just as the birthday banquet is approaching, the amount handed in is now doubled, and of course, the monthly salary given to disciples by the sect is also doubled.

You can choose Yiqi Pill, Condensing Qi Pill, Junliang Pill, various Shaqi Pills... pearl rice...etc.

And these basically come from the processing and production of Chilong Peak.

Chilong Peak is the logistics department of Xieyue Mountain.

Ding Niu was stunned when he heard the news.

 Thank you for the monthly tickets, the recommendation tickets, and the support of the strict sister Hua who corrected homework in the middle of the night, gave rewards, and added reminders. The chicken crowed in the middle of the night. Xiao Langlang felt distressed after seeing it
(End of this chapter)

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