Chapter 273 Handsome
It's rare for Ding Niu to come.

Looking at the eyes of the students in the audience, Ding Niu felt a little guilty in his heart. These people are destined not to learn the method of self-cultivation, and they are more of the attribute of being a tool person, providing initial assistance for Hanlao County and the progress of the final plan.

This is the first batch of firewood to be burned. I don’t know how many people can enjoy the last sweet fruit, maybe none of them...

Ding Niu originally wanted to talk about Taoism, but changed his mind temporarily. He asked a question:
"Do domestic animals in captivity know their fate of being enslaved?"

Such a nonsensical question made the students below scratch their heads.

If this question was not asked by Ding Niu, the elite students would never waste countless brain cells on it.

Hei Wa was a little dazed, unlike his classmates who were thinking hard, he had raised pigs when he was a child.

It was the wild boar in their mountain village. Parents and adults had to do adult work, but he needed to cut pig grass to feed the pigs. Hei Wa remembered it deeply.

He was still a young man, with a sling on his back, holding a sickle, and a little yellow dog behind him. In a small mountain village deep in the mountains, he carefully followed a high-spirited little boar to cut pig grass.

At that time, the boar's eyeballs were round and round like obsidian, dark, deep and bright, and his body felt smooth.

As soon as the pigs are driven home in the evening, the little yellow dog and the little boar will start playing tricks. The naughty yellow dog and the boar who is not afraid of boiling water often need to get the moon out before getting them home.

Fighting wits and courage, exhausting physical strength, is by no means a good experience when experiencing it in person.

At that time, Hei Wa didn't think he was enslaving that little boar, but was enslaved by two bastards. He had to work hard to feed them, and they fell asleep after returning home, and he still had a lot of work. do it!

Soon everything changed, the boar quickly became stronger, and the thing in the middle of the rear straddle developed. Although Heiwa was young at that time, he knew very early on that the purpose of raising him was for breeding.

In the spring of the second year, the sows in the mountain village began to go into heat, and the adults liked it, and the young boars lived in groups of wives and concubines. As long as a sow in the village was in heat, it would be driven to do that messy thing.

Its eyes started to become cloudy, and a piece of dark red stuff covered its eyeballs, and its eyes no longer rolled around, but unmistakably vented some kind of fanaticism in a straight state.

Hei Wa could feel that the little boar didn't seem to know him anymore.

The way it looked at him was no longer like the way it looked at childhood playmates, but very indifferent, and he instantly understood his role as a tool in its eyes: it was a provider of food and shelter.

The red smog in the little boar's eyes grew more and more, gradually dyeing the entire eyeballs blood red. Hei Wa remembered that he was indeed a little bit disappointed at the time, but he was also relieved later.

He feeds it as usual, and occasionally drives it to find a gilt. After allocating and planting some money, he goes home to do business, and drives it back when he is satisfied with his work, and puts him in the pigsty.

Hei Wa especially remembered that the young boar looked crazy and terrifying when it was on the sow's body. These things gradually soaked into its body, causing its skin to lose its pink halo, and the muscles in its front legs became more swollen and deformed. The round buttocks collapsed, two bones protruded from the base of the tail, the belly drooped without elasticity, and the face became wrinkled and fleshy.

Later, Heiwa was selected by the Dao Bingyuan, left the small mountain village, and gradually forgot about it. There is no doubt that it still exists, but it is no longer an important thing, just a tool to make money.

The college is on vacation, and Hei Wa sometimes goes home, and occasionally sees it, the blood red in its eyes is getting deeper and deeper, and it is getting uglier, and it begins to grow fangs, becoming bloated, drooping, weak, and loose.

Heiwa also began to become strong and powerful. Compared with his hometown, the living conditions in the Daobingyuan were excellent. He learned martial arts and practiced Qi, and his growth was rapid. His muscles were surging under his skin. The roots stood up, and the women also became soft in his eyes. They twisted their waists, making him lose his mind.

Something was stirring inside him, leaping and burning.

He pretended to be calm and confident.

The big boar gradually faded out of his sight, until one day Hei Wa discovered that it had actually gone mad.

Its eyeballs are red like some evil spirits, or some kind of evil things. That guy is basically a hungry ghost in color. She has a cute appearance, but the skin on her body is dirty and tattered, without any luster, and she struggles to even jump up.

Only in the sow's place would this beast suddenly explode like a mass of dead ashes, bursting out countless sparks, and after it was done, the crazy spirit quickly pulled away from its body.

The old pig no longer snored when lying in the pigsty at night, but groaned in pain all night, like the wailing of a tortured soul... In fact, this kind of groaning often occurs in Daobingyuan, after all, here There are countless ghosts and gods.

Hei Wa heard it very clearly, that kind of wailing, like a file, rasps the nerves one by one.

That night, Hei Wa remembered the time when he was walking leisurely on the mountain road with the little yellow dog and the little boar.

The little yellow dog turned into an old yellow dog, and stayed awake one morning guarding his favorite food bowl. Its life was uneventful, from a naughty and cute puppy to a loyal old dog, and one day it was sleeping left him.

Only the old pig who was in some kind of pain and suffering, and Hei Wa who was restless were left behind.

It didn't take long for the old pig to die in wailing and pain. The blood red in his eyes finally faded, revealing obsidian-like clarity, and all the pain left it.

Hei Wa buried it and dug a huge pit. Several people put its body in a bamboo cage for carrying pigs, carried it to the side of the big pit, grabbed the side and turned it over vigorously. The dead body fell into the pit with a loud noise, bang!
It's like a wake-up call.

In the following days, this loud bang and alarm bell lingered in Hei Wa's mind from time to time.

Whenever he is attracted by desire, whenever he feels complacent, this loud bang will sound in time.

Hearing Yuhou's question today, Heiwa's head rang again.

There are people like Huang Huang in this world who live their lives peacefully and unknowingly.

There are also like old pigs who plunge into some kind of desire and die after suffering for a period of time.

Hei Wa suddenly thought of the sheep in Xiaoshan Village.

There is a leading sheep in the flock. As long as you control it, the whole flock will be obedient. Sheep is also a kind of greedy animal. It will dig out the grass roots to eat, regardless of what will happen next year, and it will not want to go home. Shepherd If they don't, they won't come home at all.

However, as long as you pick up a stone, swing it with a sling whip made of wool, and smash it hard beside the leader, a cloud of dust will be stirred up, and the leader will be startled and turn his head to go home. Walking in the direction, the rest of the sheep followed it very docilely.

The leader of the sheep bleats, like a general commanding thousands of horses and horses, full of ambition and complacency.

It was as if he hadn't been hit by such a stone just now.

At this moment, Heiwa thought of a lot, and he thought of Yuhou's question:

Do domesticated animals know their fate of being enslaved?

Amidst the buzzing discussions among the students, Hei Wa suddenly sighed:

Not only domestic animals, many people don't know that they are being enslaved.

A sentence popped out of his mind:

All beings are suffering.

Hei Wa looked over her classmates and looked at Yu Hou above.

Soon, his eyes were noticed by the other party, and their eyes met, and Hei Wa saw Yu Hou nodded slightly at him.

At this moment, Hei Wa was not overjoyed, but felt a sense of loss.

Yuhou, what do you want to tell everyone?

The lament that all living beings are suffering is incompatible with Yu Hou's demeanor and style.

If it was Yuhou, what would he do?
Hei Wa substituted Yu Hou's past deeds to look at this issue.

When he was in crisis, he saved Hanlao County several times, and rebuilt Hanlao County, making it prosperous... Faced with the suffering of all beings, what will Yu Hou do?

Hei Wa's eyes lit up, everyone knew what Yu Hou would do.

Heiwa thought that after graduation, it might not be enough to enter the Yuhou Mansion of Hanlao County or other departments with the skills learned, gain power, status, money, and honor the ancestors. Yuhou, what he saw was not only these ...

I should also follow in the footsteps of Marquis Yu and live up to Marquis Yu's ambition!


Every student thinks of this question differently, and the answers they get from it are naturally also different.

And Ding Niu's original intention is to tell them through this question, don't be enslaved by things they can see and can't see, and look at the world from the player's perspective, which can be regarded as a guide for cultivation.

As for whether they can realize it, and what they have realized, it depends on their own fate.

Going through the affairs of Hanlao County in a hurry, so that he knew it well. On May [-]th, Ding Niu, the Xueshan boy, and the eaten boy set foot on the road to the northwest.

The first stop is the Northwest Frontier County, which is also a county in the Dao Kingdom Xinna, called Huye County. I came here to pay a visit to the Northwest Commander Qimeng Zhenren and go to report.

The three of them were not in a hurry, they rode the clouds to escape the fog, took a look at the scenery of the road, and went all the way to the northwest. The scenery and folk customs were completely different from Hanlao County.

The farther you go to the northwest, the more you see endless sand dunes, like yellow dragons entrenched on the ground, and the green is getting less and less.

The wind is thick and harsh.

His temperament echoed the many Qi practitioners Ding Niu met in Huye County.

The arrival of Ding Niu caused a little commotion at first, but it subsided quickly.

Ding Niu is now well-known in the Dao Kingdom, and he is also blessed by the halo of the true disciple of the Dao Emperor. He is somewhat mysterious in the eyes of many Dao Kingdom Qi practitioners.

But when I saw a real person, at first glance, I didn't think there was any superficiality, Qi training state... Tyrant state, I can only say that it is quite satisfactory, it is a bit disappointing.

When Daoist Enlightenment saw him for the first time, the only thing that impressed him was handsome.

Nothing outstanding except handsome.

It is indeed handsome, and it is quite different from the image of the legendary fish head man.

(End of this chapter)

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