Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 32 GM Empty Gloves White Wolf

Chapter 32 GM Empty Gloves White Wolf

To become an inner disciple, on Chilong Peak, you don't need to collect morning dew every day and evening wind at night, and you need to do it regularly and quantitatively.

You only need to hand in a certain amount of elixir such as Yiqi Pills and Junliang Pills every month. There is a time limit. If you don't want to refine it, you can buy it and hand it in.

At this point, you basically don't need to think about production, just concentrate on cultivation.

Ding Niu listened to Feng Yunlong's explanation, and planned to spend the time spent gathering dews as outer disciples on learning alchemy.

The next day, he got up early as usual and practiced on the edge of the cliff on time.

When it was time, when the punctual wind hit, Ding Niu immediately shouted:
"How dare you!"

No wonder he is so arrogant, now that he is wearing a cyan cassock, his status is noble, and the status of inner disciples and outer disciples is naturally different, that person dares to take the lead, it is really courageous!

The woman ignored her, and her attacks were still heavy and ruthless. Ding Niu's status suddenly rose, but his cultivation base did not increase so fast. He still attacked less and defended more, trying to maintain his undefeated status.

The two fought for a while, and each had its disadvantages.

Ding Niu leaned on his face, extremely puzzled: "My move, Dragon Swallowing the Sun and Moon, is capable of blocking, transforming, and eliminating. I have clearly reached the peak, how can I still be slapped by you?"

"...Niu Zhenzi, even someone like you can be promoted to the inner sect!"

"Oh, with my current status, I'm afraid that you will fall in love with me, and I'm afraid I can only live up to it."

"...Shameless, don't be complacent, just wait and see!"

"You put on your Tsing Yi first, and then speak wild words."

"Green-skinned toad, what are you barking about?"

"...It doesn't matter whether it's big or small, it was caught by the picket disciples, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Are you scared?" The woman rolled his eyes at him, spat at him again, and left.

Ding Niu waited for her to leave, secretly dissatisfied with the progress of his cultivation base, he was improving, and others were also improving, one ebb and flow, equivalent to no growth, damn it!

He understands that things like cultivation are a steady effort, and if you want to improve suddenly, you can only open a cheat.

After tidying up, we headed to Jindan Hall.

I used to come here to share the morning dew and evening breeze, and I was familiar with the road. At this time, the disciples of the outer sect went to collect the morning dew in the regular class, and the front hall of the Jindan Hall was extremely quiet.

Ding Niu went to the back hall, and after checking his identity, the disciple guarding the door said politely: "Senior brother Ding, are you here to receive routine work or to hand in homework?"

"Come to learn alchemy."

"Oh, that's in Danfang Hall, the first hall on the left."

"Thank you, brother."

Ding Niu followed the directions and found Danfang Hall, and when he entered the door, he heard someone arguing inside.

Ding Niu looked over and saw several inner sect disciples in green and green cassocks standing around arguing, he pricked up his ears to listen, and only one of them said:
"The secret of my newly developed Nine-Turn Golden Elixir is unprecedented. It can be compared with the selfless ancestor's firepower alchemy formula. Why don't you believe it?"

"Stop blowing the air!"

The man in the middle said loudly: "Turn [-] to descend pills, turn [-] to nourish yang, turn [-] to nourish yin, turn [-] to transform bones... Turn [-] to ascend, one by one, clear and clear, there are all evidences, why is it wrong?"

"It's all patchwork, and I haven't heard any high-level arguments."

"May I ask you to use the tongue to roll back first to fix the two orifices at the root of the tongue. How does this sentence work?"

"Operate by yourself!"

Immediately, someone asked: "I lost my gallbladder, can I continue to practice?"

"...What nonsense are you talking about!" The inner disciple in the middle couldn't help but tremble coldly.

Another person had a bitter face: "Brother Yang Zhenzi, I believed your words and practiced, but now I don't lift it. Is this normal?"

"...Nonsense, you must have practiced it yourself!"

Ding Niu couldn't help being surprised when he heard the symptoms. He was afraid, is alchemy so dangerous?
He hurriedly grabbed a passing disciple, and hurriedly asked: "Senior brother, I have to ask, what kind of pill did they make? It sounds terrible."

"Oh, that's Yang Zhenzi, that guy is whimsical all day long, he wants to create a pill formula comparable to the selfless ancestor Huoliwan, he talks so much, but no one really believes it!" The man spoke disdainfully, then glanced at Ding Niu, Seeing the ugly and ferocious appearance of this person, it is impressive and easy to identify: "Senior brother, I haven't seen it before, new here?"

"Yeah, I just became an inner disciple and want to learn some alchemy."

"Oh, go over there to get the firepower alchemy formula, it's an operation method, and then get a few elementary alchemy formulas to practice... Don't be so ambitious, you don't understand how to play the outer alchemy, just use yourself as the cauldron, refine what inner alchemy Dan!"


As soon as Ding Niu came out after receiving the fire control textbooks, prescriptions and some materials, he saw the Yang Zhenzi coming towards him, and said excitedly:
"A new senior brother, please stop, may I ask Gao's name?"

"Niu Zhenzi."

"Oh, you are Niu Zhenzi! A newly promoted inner disciple!" Yang Zhenzi heard his name yesterday, suddenly realized, and introduced himself: "I raise Zhenzi, who likes alchemy. I just noticed that my junior has received alchemy materials. It can be seen that My dear friend, I came here specially to make friends."

"Uh...what's the matter, brother?"

"That's it. I see that the materials that my junior brother received are for refining Yiqi pills. The method taught by the teacher is quite satisfactory and has no bright spots." Yang Zhenzi's eyes brightened, and he asked: "Junior brother, do you know how many Yiqi pills are there?" Is it a refining method?"

"...Brother, you are asking the wrong person."

"It's okay, it's okay." Yang Zhenzi said happily: "There are nine methods of refining Yiqi Pills. I will teach you one by one today. Listen carefully..."

"Yang Mako, what are you doing?" a voice shouted.

"...Uncle Huang! Didn't do anything!" Yang Zhenzi looked up, covered his head and ran away. At the end, he didn't forget to throw a jade certificate to Ding Niu: "All the methods are in it, junior brother, try it later!"


Uncle Huang ignored him and looked at Ding Niu: "Are you Ding Niu?"

This person's attitude is not very friendly, and he doesn't hide it, which makes Ding Niu a little strange: "Yes?"

"You also came to learn alchemy, and you took the common alchemy formula... That's right, your master Fengyunlong has made no achievements in the way of alchemy. No wonder he can't teach you." The selfless patriarch created Huoliwan, which is amazingly talented, but it is a pity that there are no successors in his lineage, it is really a pity."

What this person said was not pleasant, so Ding Niu wanted to listen to a few more words, so as to exercise his tolerance and prepare for being a teacher in the future.

Ding Niu smiled: "No, the master wants me to learn alchemy and inherit the mantle of the selfless ancestor."

Uncle Huang smiled on the surface when he heard the words, and nodded: "Oh, that's fine, if you don't understand anything in the future, you can ask me for advice."

Ding Niu asked: "That's great. I don't know where the uncle lives? I've never seen him before."

Uncle Huang couldn't help laughing: "Jiaolongfeng, remember, my name is Huang Cangtong."

"...Ah, Senior Uncle Huang Cangwu is my Senior Brother Huang Tianhua's Master. You are only one letter away from him. There are so many wonders in the world. What a coincidence."

"What a coincidence! Huang Cangwu is my brother!" Huang Cangtong sneered: "You don't even know this, Feng Yunlong really turned against us because of you?"

"No." Ding Niu said affirmatively: "Uncle Shi, there's nothing wrong, don't think too much about it, and our two families will get closer in the future."

"..." Listening to his words, Huang Cangtong always felt that something was weird, so she gave him a glare and left with a flick of her sleeve.

Ding Niu took the materials to the alchemy room, took out the magic weapon Liujin Furnace from the Dikun bag, and activated it with true energy, the miniature alchemy furnace slowly expanded, even the cauldron and feet, but the height was only one meter, which was the limit up.

With one hand, he activated the firepower of the Flowing Gold Furnace with his true energy, and with the other hand he started feeding.

Yiqi Pill is the simplest elixir, it is the elixir that the disciples on the mountain usually take when practicing kung fu.

It took two hours for Ding Niu to make a furnace, and the Yiqi pills that came out of the furnace were all crystal clear, with round particles and uniform size, which can be regarded as high-quality products.

It's not that he is a genius in alchemy, benefiting from the alchemy recipes that have been tempered and refined, and the detailed steps of alchemy, just control the firepower, time, step by step, the control of true energy is not bad, and the finished product is naturally not bad.

Mechanical refining is only effective in exercising the control of true energy and mana. At the same time, it consumes a lot of true energy. It is also effective for pure true energy and mana.

The regular lessons in the mountains have always been beneficial to cultivation.

But the disadvantage is also obvious: it takes too much time.

It takes two hours or four hours to make one batch of the most common Yiqi Pill, and it takes one day to refine several batches. How can there be time to refine oneself and improve one's cultivation?
You must know that cultivation is the foundation of longevity, the right way.

Pills have an auxiliary effect on the growth of cultivation base, but refining them by yourself, especially these ordinary pills, is not so cost-effective.

It's no wonder that the other four peak Qi practitioners regard Chilong Peak as cooks.

This kind of alchemy, don't say it's a cheat, but it will slow down your own cultivation progress.

Ding Niu thought about how to use what he had now.

With the insight, experience and knowledge of the modern world, one can understand the principle of resource integration.

In his hand is a picture of Huangliang, and the creatures in it are his hands.

They can't help you to exercise your own cultivation, alchemy can always help, just take some time.

Ding Niu thought about it and did it. He meditated in the alchemy room, wandered outside, and entered the yellow beam map.

The yellow beam map has been remodeled by Ding Niu, drawing on a lot of experience from previous lives.

Beyond the 21st Peak of the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen Lands, at the peak of the Xieyue Peak, he landed quietly without disturbing the living beings in the picture.

Sitting in the center, for a moment, a decree fell in the world of Huangliangtu:
"Two small alchemy workers are recruited, no age limit, who can refine Yiqi pills, those who have the basics of alchemy are preferred, and those who can't learn, they will be taught and organized."

"Once hired, the remuneration is favorable, weekends and weekends are off, and there is a year-end bonus."

"Registration address: Old Niu Taoist Temple in Huangliang City, diagonally opposite Tongfu Inn."

When this decree fell, it was displayed on the top of the "system information bar" in the sky of the 21st peak in the nine countries and thirteen places, pressing all the scrolling information below.

Suddenly someone noticed this and shouted: "Who is the owner of the Lao Niu Dao Temple in Huangliang Country? He actually sent a message on the World Channel to recruit two alchemy apprentices? He actually bought the top message? Do you know how expensive it is!"

"Family has a lot of gold, and what you do and what you do is determined by your heart. It's incomparable, incomparable!"

A series of news followed up on the national channel and the regional channel.

Sending this kind of cross-regional news is a fee-based item, and the money falls in Ding Niu's pocket.

Such a change in the Huangliang map is because Ding Niu has mastered the authority of the map, introduced the settings of the holographic game, enhanced the settings of the world channel, national channel, private information, etc., task NPC, system notarization, cross-regional auction house... ...and so on the elements of the previous life.

Such changes have gradually improved the lifestyles of the creatures in the world in Huangliangtu, and undoubtedly greatly facilitated their communication and interaction. Of course, any convenient use requires payment of a certain fee.

The changes are unquestionably dramatic.

Ding Niu is now the administrator/GM of Huangliangtu. In an unprecedented way, he can quickly and completely control the world of Huangliangtu in his own hands. In this way, by selling some services, obtain the general resources in the map, and then exchange for what you want.

It belongs to the white wolf with empty gloves.

Now, he only needs to issue a mission, such as: "Offer a high price for the peerless martial art Ji Dinggong." There will be many creatures in the picture serving him, instead of him having to go to Ji Ding Palace to discuss everything and worry about trivial matters.

It is equivalent to changing the life ecology of the world in the picture, inserting its own rules,

When he continues to operate for a while, even if the soul of the original owner Liang Longshi is immortal, there is nothing he can do about it.

 Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for your support, thank you for the fun girls, Fu Feng Ruobai gave a big reward

(End of this chapter)

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