Chapter 364

The Buddha is on the left, the old cow is on the right, and they drive side by side towards the Luming.

The Buddha didn't take action against the old cow. He had sharp eyes, and he saw through the old cow's origin at a glance, and he was quite fond of it.

Just because he first became enlightened, he also took the way of escape,

Huangliangdongtian derived two alien gods, both of whom were influential figures thousands of years ago, but after leaving the two alien gods one after another, Huangliangdongtian also lost its essence, and this old cow was one of the escaped ones born later. It can be seen that Huangliangdongtian It has come to the end of the Dharma era.

Later, Ding Niu succeeded in taking over the decaying Huangliang Dongtian, but it brought the Dongtian to life, and there was another scene... It was really contrary to common sense.

The Buddha was curious, and he also expressed his feelings for the old cow:

"The sage promotes the kingly way, and the future trend of this world is the same as that of Huangliangdongtian. The you today are the me of the past."

Lao Niu was on his way in a dull mood, and asked after hearing the words:

"The Buddha's wisdom reaches the sky, and his magic power is boundless. Since he knows the consequences of the sage's kingly way, why doesn't he stop it, and instead joins in the evil?"

The Buddha was not surprised to hear Lao Niu's accusation, but said calmly:

"It is difficult to produce the fruit of true wisdom without going through a desperate situation."


Lao Niu knows that there is a branch of Buddhism that advocates asceticism, and true enlightenment is born during the journey of asceticism.

But the journey of asceticism can only save the individual and the self, but what if the whole world becomes a purgatory?
After the world has experienced the sage's kingly way, the world has slowly solidified to a point of despair, and it is possible to be extremely peaceful, a new way will be born, and finally everyone will be detached.

No wonder the Buddha did not stop the sage from promoting the kingly way, but supported it.

Standing at the height of the Buddha, when the world has experienced despair and a new way is born, it is a kind of rebirth and nirvana.

The Buddha is not like the way of heaven and regards all things as a humble dog. He wants to save all living beings. He undoubtedly loves all living beings, but his love is still too high, and it can also be said to be cold to the general public.

Buddha and demons are originally one.

Lao Niu is not of human origin, although he has established a deep friendship with Ding Niu because of his experience of living with low-level humans after he walked out of Huangliangtu, but he actually cannot empathize with low-level humans.

On the contrary, Lao Niu could understand the Buddha better, so he said:
"Not necessarily a way out."

The Buddha heard the words and said: "It seems that you and I see the same thing."

But the old cow said: "Ding Niu once said that you must come here."


"He used to practice in Lingshan, and he saw many Buddhas, venerables, and Bodhisattvas, and he was named after several realms of detachment. It can be seen that the atmosphere is like this, and he is proud of the large number of detachment from several realms."

The Buddha asked, "What does this have to do with my coming here?"

"I am also one of the fleeing ones. I know very well that if you transcend many realms, your mana will increase greatly. For me, you will have a little more freedom. I wanted to invite Ding Niu to escape from this world, but Ding Niu asked me : The meaning of your life is to pursue the growth of mana, keep escaping, and constantly increase mana? Transcendence, where does the ultimate detachment go? Detachment from this world, detachment from that world, in fact, is still in this universe, if you detachment for the sake of detachment , I’m afraid I’m going to chase after the end.”

"..." The Buddha praised: "Ding Niu's insight is extraordinary and refined."

"Ding Niu once said that the Buddhas and Buddhas would have understood these things that he was a novice, so he didn't leave his own world. It's just because there are things that can't be solved here, no matter how many worlds he transcends, it won't help. "

"The so-called detachment is, after all, escaping. You can escape for a while, but you can't escape for a lifetime. Especially for people who live forever, it is impossible to escape."

"That's why Ding Niu thinks that the Buddha transcended all worlds and has seen a lot, so he will definitely return to the original place and seek another way besides escaping."


The Buddha said happily, "Ding Niu is right."

"Ding Niu dragged the saint and made you come to catch the white deer first. Could it be to make you a saint?"

The old cow smiled honestly: "What virtue and ability do I have, how can I become a saint? After today, I will not live in this mountain."

The Buddha wondered: "Since that's the case, why do you see the white deer?"

"The sages in this world are deeply cultivated and have a grand layout. They can use almost unlimited power and are invincible at home. Ding Niu knows that he can't stop him. It's hard to stop the sage from becoming king today." Lao Niu didn't hide it from him:

"However, Ding Niu wants to confront the sage's heyday and kingly way head-on, so as not to expand his influence. Even if he is overthrown in the future, there will be lingering poison, and he will continue to restore and revive."


"The white deer's supernatural powers are far inferior to the sage's, so I avoid seeing them." The Buddha thought for a moment, and said, "It's hard to change the current situation with the addition of the white deer."

"I don't understand either, but since Ding Niu entrusted me, I can't help it." In an instant, the two of them had swept across the mountains and reached the highest peak where the deer sang.

The Buddha spontaneously took a step back, and asked the old cow to come forward first, and he took a look first. I don't know what the old cow wanted to say when he saw the white deer.
On the top of the mountain, the white deer really asked.

The old cow replied:
"The way of practicing qi unearths the mysteries of the laws of heaven and earth. Those who discover them first want to monopolize them, so they set up many barriers to prevent others from getting their hands on them. This is the mystery of becoming a god."

"However, the rules of heaven and earth exist, and they have never been absent because some people are anxious, worried, and do not want to be discovered by others."

"Even if there are many barriers, there will always be those who come later and others who will tirelessly explore and approach the mystery step by step, threatening the status of the gods... In order to kill this possibility, the gods joined hands to establish the realm of nothingness to kill the latecomers."

"Today is the darkest hour."

"Mr. Lu, Ding Niu asked me to ask you a question: Are you desperate?"

Bailu didn't answer but asked instead: "Ding Niu, is he desperate?"


"Oh, so far, what else does he have to do?"

"Ding Niu asked me to find some people."

"Who is it?"

The Buddha then listened to the old cow and said:
"Ding Niu said: There are quite a few people in this world who are born with kindness and a sense of responsibility beyond ordinary people."

"However, these qualities have no place in today's world. Perhaps these people began to learn and grow early on in accordance with their own nature, believing that the world works in a fair and just way, but instead of doing so, these people often encounter setbacks. It is limited to words from relatives, friends, lovers and even sages."

"The world gives negative feedback. These people may choose to sink, they may fall from extreme positive to extreme negative, and they may be willing to break the lofty bottom line. But these people's sinking will not be too long, and the nature of these people will not let them completely Adapt to the sinking. These people will stand up again and think about the world. Over and over again, their thinking becomes more and more profound, and their understanding of the world becomes deeper."

"However, the world has not changed for the better. On the contrary, it has become more complicated and the contradictions have become more unsolvable. These people try to understand and dissect the world with more serious thinking. Similarly, superficial and metaphysical knowledge can no longer fill the depth of their thinking, and they begin to Seeking a theory that is deeper and closer to the meaning of the existence of the universe."

"These people will find that the people and things they meet around them will leave them, just because they are just nutrients for their thinking. In the end, the logic of their spiritual world and the real world will become closer and more unified. Just missing a source of information that would give them a positive answer.

"At this moment, no matter how grand and metaphysical the narrative, no matter how profound metaphysical conjectures, these people can no longer continue to think. Because they know that in this secular world, no one can enlighten them."

"These people can't deduce the final answer. Ninety percent of the exam questions have been written. They don't know whether they should continue to get the answer, or sink into this chaotic world again."

"These people look back at the road they have traveled, and they are devastated, but their spirit and thoughts are incomparable to ordinary people. Their hopes in this life are all placed on a certain point in the illusory future-they hope that one day, Someone can find them, someone can lead them to the path of truth."

"Is that the end?"


"Their appearance is not accidental."

"There are not many of these people, and they are scattered in every corner of the world. All the training is just to forge their nutrients. All they have to do is wake up."

"The innate goodwill and sense of responsibility of these people have told them the direction of their efforts in this life; their innate comprehension is the sharp edge for them to solve the plight of human beings."

"Throughout the torrent of history, there are too many intelligent elites. They have no sense of morality and no kindness. There are quite a few low-level people with extremely weak mental discrimination, and they can break through the bottom line again and again, bringing quite a shock to the world."

"For these people, whether they choose to follow the law of the jungle or stick to the ideals in their hearts determines how the destiny of our humanity will end."

"People who are born with great goodwill and a sense of responsibility should become an inextinguishable spark and the last hope of mankind. If they don't shine, who else can we hope to light up the night?"

"Today, the sky and the earth are extremely dark, and when I come, they also come."


"Ding Niu's original words have been finished." Lao Niu asked: "Are there any such people?"

On the top of the mountain, there was a long silence, and when he finally spoke, he was extremely firm and solemn:


Buddha, shed tears.

 can't write
(End of this chapter)

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