Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 41 The last moment of a fierce conjunction

Chapter 41 The last moment of a fierce conjunction

At this time, Ding Niu and others had already discussed the dosage and refining method of Mengxi Pills, and the eight kings and grandsons knew it well:

"I will be responsible for the materials used. Brothers, just try."

Everyone didn't shirk, they started alchemy on the spot, and the first hand was naturally Yang Zhenzi's master hand, and others watched and observed.

How to refine this kind of elixir with no refining technique or dosage depends on experience and knowledge. Before opening the furnace, calculate the ratio. For yin and yang, you have to study the properties, pharmacology, characteristics, and changes in the middle of the material. At the same time, it is necessary to control one's own alchemy furnace like a fingertip, and to control one's true energy and magic power with perfect proficiency, so that one can easily feed, burn, and control the fire.

Not surprisingly, the first furnace was quickly abolished, emitting a curl of poisonous gas.

Everyone scattered aside, avoiding the poisonous smoke, Yang Zhenzi was disheartened: "Damn it!"

"Feng Zhenzi, come!"

Feng Zhenzi stepped forward, but instead of using Yang Zhenzi's proportions and firing techniques, he used a set that he prepared himself.

Before going up, I still muttered something.

Not surprisingly, the elixir was all burnt into powder, and the poisonous smoke was bigger than that of raising a real child. Everyone knew that this person had added some unknown ingredients, which greatly increased the toxicity.

"...Cao Zhidan can be burned into powder, but you can also burn Jinshidan into powder?"

"Hey, the selfless ancestor I invited when I set the fire, his firepower is fierce, what can I do!"

"..." It was about Patriarch Selfless, so everyone shut up, not daring to say more, and then Lang Zhenzi came up, and as soon as this person prepared the ingredients, everyone turned pale with shock:

"Mako Lang, this Jinshi Dan, what do you add that material for? Do you want to make it into medicine for tigers and wolves?"

"I am preparing this amount of medicine to raise the sun to heaven, you know what a fart!" Lang Zhenzi advertised his philosophy: "All gold and stones used in medicine have the power of strengthening yang. This pill contains so many gold and stones, it is not a medicine for tigers and wolves. What is it? Mengxi, Mengxi, Mengxi must be a lovely woman! Everyone, watch my tricks!"

... Such a fairy-level understanding is really appalling!
Everyone took a few steps away and covered their mouths and noses one after another.

It didn't take long to see Lang Zhenzi's face turned red, and steam curled up from his head. Seeing him panting, it was obvious that he had been tricked.

Everyone quickly pulled him away, and Zhenzi Lang panted heavily: "Ah! Aah! It's fierce! It's too fierce! Adoptive brother..."


If everyone destroys pills, those who water them water them, and those who feed them medicines, they must not let him get angry here.

After finally tossing and tossing, I saw the person in charge of Mie Dan sniffing in front of Langzhenzi's pill furnace, his face full of contemplation.

"...Ju Mako? What's wrong with you? You got tricked too?"

"It's fine if you get the trick." Ju Zhenzi shook his head and sighed, "Even Brother Lang's poison of spring stone is so fierce, I didn't react at all, Brother Yang, your nine-turn golden elixir formula must be wrong. "

"...Alchemy is alchemy, what are you talking about, what are you talking about the Nine-Turn Golden Alchemy!"

"Hey, hey!" It was Ju Zhenzi's turn to open the furnace to make alchemy, and he sighed while doing alchemy, with such a preoccupied look, the furnace soon exploded, and others were startled, but he was still sighing there.

Everyone taught him a lesson first... After enlightening him, everyone promised to cure his immobility, and then he was coaxed.

Immediately afterwards, Ku Zhenzi stepped forward and said with a bitter face: "My gallbladder injury has not healed yet, I don't know if I can make this Fang Dan, foster brother..."

Yang Zhenzi became angry from embarrassment: "...I will pay you for your courage! Practice quickly, there are so many words!"

In the end, Kuzhenzi did not practice well, and it was suspected to be a problem with the gallbladder:
"Just now, I hesitated when I cut the ingredients. As the official of Zhongzheng, I will be slow to make a decision before I recover. I... suffer!"


Then it was Ding Niu's turn, and Yang Zhenzi hurriedly said: "Junior brother, shut up! You are not allowed to say anything, just practice! Practice!"

Everyone has no hope for him. Although he is talented and hard-working, and has been recognized by everyone, he has only refined the Yiqi Pill for more than a month... They all failed, and they did not expect him to be able to refine it.

Feng Zhenzi, Lang Zhenzi and others first encouraged Ding Niu: "Junior Brother, just practice hard and you will be successful. Find experience."

Ding Niu nodded, slowly weighed the medicinal materials, and arranged them one by one by category, first going through the process of Jinshigong's medicine refining in his mind.

Yang Zhenzi looked at it and praised: "It looks good..."

Ding Niu suddenly opened fire!
Infusing true energy, with full force from the beginning, the Liujin furnace was burning hot quickly, everyone was surprised when they saw it, and attacked quickly when they came?

Practicing in this way, just say a quick word, without stopping in the middle, it is obvious that there is a final decision in mind.

Everyone stopped talking and watched intently.

The firepower driven by the true energy caused a small explosion in the furnace cavity, smoke, water vapor, and evening wind of various colors from the wind collecting bottle kept pouring in from the outlet, and the flame became more intense.

The material of gold and stone was liquefied in the flames and became water droplets. Under the pull, the weak impurities contained in it were burnt into ashes and eliminated.

The gold liquid, which is the mother blank, rolled up in the furnace and circulated slowly.

But Ding Niu began to feed materials, magnetite, Zengqing, cinnabar... Throwing them in extremely extensively, bang bang bang, bang bang bang, making a lot of noise.

"...Young brother uses so much?"


Everyone secretly thought: You are actually a bold and unrestrained person, no wonder you produce so many Yiqi pills a month!
The material of gold and stone was continuously liquefied, combined, and separated into categories, but they were wrapped into two groups, rotating and merging separately. This process lasted for nearly an hour.

This is much longer than others.

Everyone suddenly felt strange, and then went to look carefully inside the alchemy furnace, Yang Zhenzi carefully distinguished, gradually saw the clues, and felt novel:

"Eh? Two balls of pill liquid, the true yin of Li, the true yang of Kan, the younger brother practices this way, the yin and yang are separated, do you want to combine them into one at the end? What a fantastic idea!"

The rest of the people also saw the difference: "It's not bad, it's not bad, how do they fit together in the end?"

Ding Niu said: "The last moment is a fierce coincidence, isn't it a great success?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately objected fiercely: "Junior Brother, you can't do it! You can't do it! If the yin and yang are not in harmony, the elixir will explode!"

"You use so much, I'm afraid it will explode!"

Lang Zhenzi even yelled: "Junior brother, concentrate on alchemy, don't talk!"

"...Am I in good control?"

"Wow, wow, among the six masters of our Yangdan, it's fine if I'm the first one, and there can't be a second one. You concentrate, concentrate!"

Yang Mako and others took two steps back calmly:
"When the time comes, all kinds of yang and yin qi will be mixed and combined at the same time, how to coordinate? Inappropriate, inappropriate..."

"No! I think Niu Zhenzi's method has a good way... If the total amount of yin and yang is balanced, it only needs to be blended slowly, but a sudden combination is definitely not enough..."

"In this way, the weight of yin and yang qi must be calculated from the beginning."

"How to calculate accurately? Even with infinite experience, it is difficult to calculate accurately. The method of alchemy depends on the change and shape of the alchemy liquid. If it is weak, it will increase, and if it is strong, it will decrease. It is very fine to adjust it temporarily and slowly. Otherwise, Put all the ingredients in and burn it into one furnace, won’t it be done?”

"That's the truth."

The Eighth King Sun hurriedly asked: "Brother Ding has been refining for so long, is it almost finished?"

Yang Zhenzi replied: "He practiced like this, and he couldn't see it until the last step."

During the intense discussion, Ding Niu yelled: "Senior Brother, I'm going to combine Yin and Yang!"

"... so fast? Junior brother, don't act recklessly!" The crowd was startled, and hurriedly stepped back three steps. The eighth prince was also disturbed by their words and deeds, and stretched his hand into the bag, ready to lift it Take out the protective magic weapon.

puff puff!

Puff puff puff!
The Liujin Stove kept making muffled sounds, like firecrackers, and every time it sounded, it made people's heart beat.

The elixir erupted like steam from burning tea, and in a short while, the entire elixir room was filled with mist, and you couldn't see your fingers when you stretched out your hands.

After a while, the voice slowly slowed down.

Didn't explode?

Everyone poured mana into their eyes and looked in the middle.

I saw a huge pill floating in Ding Niu's palm, steaming hot.

This is it?

Yang Zhenzi and the others opened their mouths and looked at each other.

Ding Niu picked up the pill and looked around:
"Brother, which one will taste the saltiness first?"

"...Junior brother, you can't do it!"

Everyone was in a hurry and took Dan to see.

The pill in Ding Niu's hand was as big as a chicken.

Looking at the color again, it is bright, bright, crystal clear, and the surface texture is like streams and rivers. It is very beautiful, and it is exactly the same as Dan Fang's description...

Smell it, there is no peculiar smell, which is commendable for Jinshidan.

"...It turned out to be? Adoptive brother, you are an expert, what do you think?"

"...I can't see it for a while."

Yang Zhenzi watched, beating a drum in his heart.

The other four masters of alchemy encouraged one after another:

"Brother, why don't you eat first!"

Yang Zhenzi looked at other people with malicious intentions, and was shocked: "...Young brother can't eat it, so I can eat it?"

"He is at the Martial Arts Realm, and you are at the Xiantian Realm. If you are tougher, it doesn't matter if you die."

"Yeah, who told you that you are the head of our six masters of Yangdan? How easy is it to be the boss?"

"Eat it quickly, we have prepared a life-saving elixir."

Especially Ju Zhenzi and Ku Zhenzi used what he said to fool them into practicing the Nine-turn Golden Alchemy:
"Brother, for the Danfang of the world, he will never give up, have you forgotten the pride and ambition at that time?"

"...Zhuzi..." Yangzhenzi no longer evaded, closed his eyes, opened his mouth, Gudu swallowed the pill.

Zhenzi Lang quickly asked: "This elixir records that Mengxi Pills can help longevity and solidify energy, improve qi and refresh one's mind, take it for a long time, make people's eyes and ears smart, lighten their bodies and keep them from being hungry...does it have these effects?"

Yang Zhenzi closed his eyes and felt silently: "Some effects."

"Oh? What is it?"

"It must be true that you are not hungry." Yang Zhenzi said blankly, "If you take this pill, you will not be able to digest it for a few months, and you will never be hungry again."

"...Can't digest it?"

But I heard Ba Wangsun said: "Senior brothers, Mengxi pills are not digested like this. Brother Yang swallowed it too fast, and I didn't have time to stop it."

"..." When Yang Zhenzi heard this, he almost lost his breath, and with a movement in his stomach, he spit out the Mengxi pill and dropped it in his hand.

Everyone leaned closer to observe the changes: "Brother, your stomach is not good at exercising, and the Danpi has not melted."

"...You guys can do it!"

"The innate realm can digest tree roots and bamboo joints, but metal and stone are still a little bit worse. It's okay to say that the overlord realm is fine, but our cultivation base is shallow."

At this time, the Eighth Kingsun took out a secret book: "This is the "Melting Alchemy Jue", which melts the alchemy with true energy and mana, and melts into the skin. After a long time, it can form an armor, change as you wish, and be invincible."

"...This is a pill for external use, so that's how it is."

(End of this chapter)

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