Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 51 The Bad Woman

Chapter 51 The Bad Woman

Ding Niu turned to Liu Nian for the second question.

Even if the corpse qi erupts, it may be difficult and strenuous for others to deal with it, but he can absorb the corpse qi into Huangliangtu, which is not a hard job, and what he is looking for now is nothing more than a fast word.

He can afford to wait, and ordinary people in the city can't afford to wait, even if he has the ability, he is willing to help others.

Liu Nian knew what he was thinking, but he sighed: "Now that things have happened, I can only take a risk to see if I can get the Gu Yue Meteor that suppresses the body energy."

"what is that?"

"The ancient moon meteorite is a piece of meteorite from the sky obtained by the ancient dynasty. This object was originally a star that fell into the mortal world. It is a huge stone. It looks inconspicuous, but it can actually suppress the accumulation of corpse energy. This object sank in the ground. I don’t know if it’s still there for a hundred years.”

"How to get it?"

"This thing is buried deep in the ground and suppresses the accumulated corpse energy. Generally, no one will touch it. At this time, the Yinyue Great Formation has not been repaired at this time, and it is impossible to channel and control the accumulated corpse energy. The princess will not touch it for the time being. If we are one step ahead and collect the ancient moon meteorite, the accumulated corpse energy will naturally explode, and under the guidance of the situation, it will be absorbed very quickly."

"Then it's not too late, let's act now."

"I'll listen to you, Mr. Lang."

Under the guidance of Liu Nian, Ding Niu left the room, carried the silver corpse Qi to disguise himself, evaded patrols and tricked other ghosts all the way, spent about two quarters of an hour, and found the place where the ancient moon meteor was buried—now The cold old city soldiers and horses.

Ding Niu observed for a while, there was no one there, and there were no ghosts wandering around, but he didn't enter rashly, but carried the Dundi Qi into the depths of the ground, and fled quickly in one direction.

Generally, escaping techniques run parallel to the ground. The amount of true qi practitioners of ordinary fourth-grade true qi can only escape more than ten kilometers at a time. The huge old cold city has a diameter of hundreds of kilometers. Air warriors may not be able to use the ground escape technique to get to the end in one go.

Ding Niu, on the other hand, escaped into the depths before moving. This move was very risky and consumed a lot of true energy. Such a move was not something that ordinary martial arts practitioners could do. If he hadn't absorbed the inner alchemy of the fish monster, his true energy would It's strong, but it won't last long.

Of the five element escape techniques, the earth escape technique is used the most. It is slow, and consumes a lot of energy. If one falls out of the escape technique deep underground, one will have to be squeezed to death by the surrounding mud and rocks.

However, this is the only choice at this time.

Fortunately, there is Liu Nian's internal response, pointing to a correct path, otherwise, after digging for a long time, they may not be able to find where the ancient moon meteorite is.

I see, if no one reminds me, I may not know it.

It took another quarter of an hour. Ding Niu kept Liu Nian's reminder in mind, and found a big stone that was as dark as iron, as big as a house, and it would freeze to the touch. One kilometer deep in the ground, I found this icy, huge ancient moon meteorite, and this huge rock is connected with the land here.

If it weren't for the ground escape technique, it wouldn't be easy to find out.

Seeing this, Ding Niu didn't waste any time. While maintaining the ground escape technique, he urged Huang Liangtu to maximize the suction.

This magic weapon of the cave has never been disadvantageous in absorbing objects that will not resist, but this time when encountering the ancient moon meteorite, it is really difficult to absorb. This object is extremely heavy, and it took a lot of effort to suck it into the yellow beam map .

As soon as Gu Yue's meteor fell into his pocket, Ding Niu looked around with Niu's tears and qi. On the ground around him, the black and gray breath was like frozen water, boiling and evaporating in a blink of an eye, as if he was in the depths of a black ocean.

Ding Niu hurriedly pushed the Guyue Meteor in the Huangliang map, and continued to open the Huangliang map. Under the rotation of the Guyue meteor, the corpse gas boiling around seemed to have found the target. Without Ding Niu pushing the Huangliang map, it was like It is a big river, which automatically flows into the picture.

Ding Niu is multi-tasking, while maintaining the technique of escaping from the ground, while communicating with Huangliangtu, he introduced a large amount of corpse energy into Huangliangtu, raised a mountain by tens of meters, and built an underground underworld under the authority. ocean.

Under the suppression of the ancient moon meteorite, the accumulated corpse energy merged into a dark black river, continuously flowing in, and in a blink of an eye, it became a pond, a lake, an ocean...

While Ding Niu guided the accumulated corpse energy in, he expanded the range of Minghai, and his mind was strained to the limit.

Such a big fluctuation of vitality, such a big movement, the powerhouse of the Tyrant Realm swallowed thousands of miles, how could he not notice it?
If it wasn't for self-deception, it would definitely alarm the ghosts and Princess Yinyue above.

It's just that if Ding Niu doesn't care about it now, the boiling corpse gas will immediately rush to the ground and kill the people in the city, and then turn this place into a deadly place.

And if you want to escape now, it may be too late.

The matter has come to this point, so he doesn't think twice: He is great and hides in the Huangliang map, he will be the king of the whole world, he will fight to the end, wait for the strength to digest, and then wait for an opportunity to fight back.

Furthermore, if Liu Nian wanted to harm him, there was no need to be so troublesome. Could it be that what happened at this time was unexpected to her?

Ding Niu simply broke his heart.

Inhale, inhale!
All the expectations did not happen. With his absorption, the whole Old Han City remained calm as usual.

Such a scene made Ding Niu's heart move, and his mind immediately fell into the Taoist temple of Huang Liang Tu Lao Niu.

In the quiet room, Liu Nian saw him coming, smiled slightly and said:

"You came?"

"Princess Yinyue, what do you intend to do?"

"Lang Junguo has discovered it." Liu Nian was not panicked when Ding Niu called out his true identity, and giggled: "I am the Yinyue Princess Gu Tianyue. Although this cave is good, there is no alternation of the sun and the moon, yin and yang." Divide, now you are the bright sun, and I am the bright moon, okay?"

"I was afraid of you before, but I'm not afraid now." Ding Niu turned his face and refused to recognize anyone: "I am everything in this cave, and you need half of it if you open your mouth. What can you do?"

"We are already husband and wife, what's the difference?"

"Shut up!" Ding Niu reprimanded: "You woman looks like a greedy and lustful bad woman. If you didn't take a fancy to my magic weapon in the cave, and I am mighty and majestic, how could you be like this?"

"Mr. Lang stole my array and captured my subordinates. If I didn't have the magic weapon of the cave, I would kill you at once." Gu Tianyue did not deny it, and said naturally:
"Seeing that Mr. Lang has a magic weapon, I changed my mind. I want to use Mr. Lang's cave to reincarnate and get rid of the constraints. Otherwise, what's the fun in being controlled by others for the rest of my life?"


"I am the princess of the ancient dynasty. After the country is destroyed, how can there be no eggs? I turned into a stiff, thinking of revenge. Unexpectedly, after many years, I was captured by the Maoshan faction and became the king of the mountain guard. Seeing that I will be enslaved forever, I don't want to be free all the time, so what's wrong?"

Gu Tianyue said: "Even if I kill Lang Jun, this magic weapon of the cave will not fall into my hands, not to mention that with the magic weapon of the cave in my hand, if I hide in it, there is nothing I can do for a short time. After weighing the pros and cons, I naturally know how to choose .”

Hearing what she said, Ding Niu accepted it instead and said:

"Not bad."

"Lang Jun can understand, I am very happy." Gu Tianyue said with a smile: "It is also subject to others, I would rather be controlled by Lang Jun, I am indeed greedy for money and lust, and Lang Jun is so powerful and strong, I like it very much."

Ding Niu chuckled: "I have a green face and fangs like a ghost, but your taste is rather strong."

"It's natural for the gentleman to transport the corpse energy like this, and the gentleman's fact, it doesn't matter, it is enough for the concubine to love the mighty gentleman." Gu Tianyue showed a shy look: "The gentleman is not only mighty, but also quite talented. "


"I fell into this cave and observed secretly. People's lives in the cave are peaceful and orderly. It can be seen that Mr. Lang is not a cruel person, and he will not harm me for no reason."

"When I look at the system in the cave, it is even more novel, such as fast transmission, mailbox, real-time auction house, world news, top news, etc...all of which I have never seen for hundreds of years, and have never appeared in the world. In this world, with such fantastic ideas and talents, how can you not not be admired by me? My whole heart is tied to him.”

... This woman only flatters him, and she speaks nicely. When Ding Niu is vigilant, it is inevitable that she will use it, but she still has a sullen face:
"I'm powerful and talented, and I'm indeed popular with women. It's only natural for you to like me."

Gu Tianyue agreed very much: "What Lang Jun said is true."

"Your Majesty, don't bark any more." Ding Niu waved his hand: "I can't handle you right now, so you stay in the cave and don't go out, okay?"

"Naturally, not only do I have to use the cave to avoid being tracked, but I have to dissipate my whole body's cultivation base one by one. Only in this way can I gain a new life and start a new life. It will take a long time, and my strength is low during this period. Well." Gu Tianyue said with a coquettish smile: "When I dissipate my skill, Lang Jun will be able to grasp me, how and when he wants to grasp it, it will be done."


"I'm going to dissipate my skills now, so that Mr. Lang can be completely relieved!"

While speaking, another mysterious pill flew out of Gu Tianyue's mouth. This mysterious pill was different from the previous one. Silk:
"Lang Jun, come and suck me!"

"'re so hot." Ding Niu frowned, and quickly summoned the silver corpse qi, quickly wrapped this profound pill, and tried to absorb it as best he could, but he had only sucked a Xiantian realm profound pill before, and it hadn't been fully digested yet. Now that such a large Overlord Realm Profound Pill came again, it was even more indigestion.

Ding Niu said: "Come and help me!"

Seeing this, Gu Tianyue took the initiative to feed back and help Ding Niu absorb it, and a cycle was established between the Yin Corpse Qi and Xuan Dan.

Sucking back and forth, Ding Niu's true energy unknowingly breaks through the fourth rank, impacts the top rank, breaks through all the way, all the way to the third rank and second rank!
If it wasn't for Gu Tianyue's cultivating mysterious yin mana, which was incompatible with his true qi, otherwise his true qi could break through to the first rank, and he would reach the peak of the martial arts realm in a blink of an eye.

Just a little aftermath has benefited him a lot.

The one that has changed the most is of course the silver corpse qi, which now glows with a golden brilliance and has been promoted to the third level, becoming the golden corpse qi.

In the ancient alchemy, gold is the father of yang, and silver is the mother of yin. Now the silver corpse qi has changed into the golden corpse qi, and there is a tendency from yin to false yang.

Ding Niu realized in his heart that this is why the flying zombies can move in the daytime without being burned by the scorching sun.

The so-called false yang is because the attribute is still yin, for example, in a place where the temperature is very low, if you touch cold iron with your hands, your skin will feel burnt, but it is not a burn, it is still a frostbite.

Ding Niu got the Golden Corpse Qi, and now he has the means of the Overlord Realm, he was overjoyed, and immediately flew out of the yellow beam map, as if he put on his pants and refused to admit it.

Gu Tianyue spat secretly, but she was proud in her heart. Just now, Ding Niu communicated with Ding Niu and established a cycle. Ding Niu naturally got infinite benefits, and she is not weak. Shenhuo.

God is fire and yang, and she stole a sliver of divine fire, and secretly combined with her own mysterious yin essence, which has already been secretly formed!

Gu Tianyue has been around for hundreds of years, and his schemes are ever-changing. Even if he takes advantage of the situation this time and puts him to death for later life, how can he casually devote himself to one person and give his wealth and life to others?
This time when she encountered a huge opportunity, she tried her best to show weakness to the person in front of her, so she flattered him, flattered him, flattered him, and sought a turning point. In Gu Tianyue's heart, she would never be willing to be inferior to others. This young boy named Niu Zhenzi has great potential, and in the future he must be made to surrender under his pomegranate skirt.

If he can keep up with his own progress, he can also be rewarded with the position of a group of subordinates.

 Today is very busy, there are only two updates, thank you for your support to Xiaolanglang.

(End of this chapter)

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