Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 53 You are too bold

Chapter 53 You are too bold
When Gu Tianhui heard this, the corners of his mouth curled up on his cold face: "Your uncle has a high level of cultivation, and it's nothing to be able to dispel corpse poison."

"If you say this to others, you will believe it, and I have a particularly strong memory of the corpse poison of the senior. Another uncle Liu in our sect is similar to Master Zhou, and the corpse poison of the senior lingers on him for a long time. I was the one who completely eradicated the self-cleaning, but I know exactly how powerful the corpse aura is from seniors."

"You are very careful." Gu Tianhui sneered and said, "What else?"

"When senior retreated, we counted the number of people, detoxified and healed the wounds. I paid special attention to it, but no one in the team was poisoned by senior's corpse. In fact, if senior wants to chase us down, we don't need to confront Uncle Zhou. We just need to release the corpse. The poisonous corpse gas, going back and forth in our team a few times, can make us unable to parry... Now that I think about it, Uncle Zhou is really shameless. Everyone said that he blocked the senior's offensive and saved everyone's life. You can’t believe anything you say.”

After hearing this, Gu Tianhui looked happy: "Your Uncle Zhou must have tolerated you when he heard this."

"As long as senior can tolerate me." Ding Niu took the opportunity to say: "Senior, you let me go back. After I go back, I will definitely clean up the house. I am afraid that Uncle Zhou will not be able to get away with the crime of making friends with the devil. Inwardly, won't the pressure on seniors be much less by then?"

Hearing this, Gu Tianhui couldn't help laughing: "If you fight against the outside world, you must first secure the inside? You are right, but I know your name is Ding Niu, and you are indeed extremely cunning! If I let you go back with the front foot, you will be able to push the back foot I sold it."

Ding Niu categorically denied: "I don't know where the seniors heard the rumors?"

"Follow me." Gu Tianhui glanced at him sideways: "You are a martial artist, but this corpse qi is well practiced, and it also has the aura of a tyrant. No wonder you can absorb my corpse qi, which shows evil... Famous and upright, but also practicing heretics?"

"Good and evil are divided among people, but heaven and earth are selfless."

"Quite knowledgeable." Gu Tianhui led him to the center of the city: "Hand over the formation disk, so as not to suffer the pain of flesh and blood."

"I really don't know." Ding Niu insisted, if he spit out the formation disk, the ground stiffness, Gu Tianyue, Huang Liangtu, and Gu Tianhui's intentions were unknown, he might die instead.

He took out the dikun bag and handed it in to prove his innocence: "Senior, please take a look."

Seeing that he was interested, Gu Tianhui took the Dikun bag and shook it open, the pill furnace, medicinal materials, and pills rolled out, followed by a large golden nanmu coffin.

"...What is the use of this coffin?"

"I bought it to honor the old master."

"..." Gu Tianhui was astonished, won't your master be pissed off?After another look, I didn't say any more.

But Ding Niu said: "Senior, return the Dikun bag to me."

"Are you brave?"

"If such a personal thing is lost, it will be difficult for others to believe that I have retreated completely. It will be difficult to explain when I go back." Ding Niu said: "After I help senior, senior will not cross the river and demolish the bridge, kill me? If you don't return it , I don’t need to go with Senior.”

Gu Tianhui smiled, and threw the Dikun bag back: "Are you sure you can go back?"

"If I don't return it, I'm too lazy to cover it up, I'm tearing my face, and I'm going to die on the spot." Ding Niu was very calm: "Return the bag to me, at least there is hope. I am also willing to solve problems for the senior, and live up to the pretense of the senior."

"Hahahaha!" Gu Tianhui laughed when he heard the words: "Ding Niu, you are very interesting, how about following me in the future?"

"I have long been determined to become the headmaster of Xieyue Mountain, and I can only live up to the love of my seniors."

Gu Tianhui laughed again after hearing this: "Teacher Xieyue Mountain? So you have such ambition, so I want to see it."

The two entered the Sheriff's Mansion in Old Han City one after the other.

A majestic man came to pay his respects earlier, with a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty!"

"Well, you go to set up the array, and go to inspect the surrounding area to protect the array."

Ding Niu gave Ding Niu a stiff look: "Your Majesty, then this place..."

"I make my own claims."


Gu Tianhui climbed up step by step, sitting on the high position of the county guard, condescending: "Ding Niu, how can you relieve my worries?"

Ding Niu took a step forward: "Senior, hand over to me the two martial uncles who were seriously injured by our sect Liu Shishu and Qingxiao faction who died in battle. I will rescue them and absorb the corpse energy and poison from their bodies so as not to leave any future troubles. After I have made such a great contribution, I will have the right to speak when I go back."

"...Do you know what effect three Qi trainers at the Overlord level can have in my hands?"

"Appreciate further details!"

"Hmph, one step is in place, and you can become a flying stiff, with three more overlords to help! You are understating, just ask for it?"

"Senior, the three Flying Zombies are powerful, but they will only be beaten when they encounter the Immortal Realm, why don't you give them to me."

"Do you know how much thought it took me to capture the three of them?" Gu Tianhui just sneered: "I made such a battle just to benefit you and help you rise in Xieyue Mountain?"

"Senior caught the three of them, but still clinging to the camp, and continued to attack the old city of Han. It can be seen that these three people are not the target of the senior, so why be stingy."


"Senior is not going to sacrifice blood to the people of the city..."

“How come you see?”

"If you're preparing for a blood sacrifice, just rush to the location and kill them all. Why lock them up one by one, guard them, and drive them out to slaughter them at that time? It's unnecessary. Obviously, they are going to be hostages, so that they can be used as hostages."

Gu Tianhui was very interested: "Go on."

"As a hostage, delaying time shows that senior is not doing some kind of ritual for a city of flesh and blood, nor is he doing some kind of ritual for blood sacrifice. Then there must be something in this old cold city that attracts senior, and senior is bound to get it."

"You know what it is?"

"If I had known, I wouldn't have appeared in front of seniors, and I would have gone back to my teacher to claim credit." Ding Niu said, "Since I have been caught by seniors, I don't want to know, for fear of being killed by seniors."

"Okay! I didn't expect you to have such knowledge and wisdom, but you underestimated you." Gu Tianhui looked at him meaningfully: "Ding Niu, you are so smart, how can I trust you?"

"I have no conflict of interest with my senior, and if my senior let me go, if other people find out, I will be guilty of a serious crime. No matter how I explain it, I can't explain it. All kinds of crimes in the world are the most suspected crimes. I will definitely keep it secret to the end, better than anyone else. We all hope that no accident will happen to senior, don't I stand by senior?"

"The most suspected crime? As long as you know." Gu Tianhui couldn't help but nodded: "Where is the corpse aura you removed earlier?"

"My senior brother has some. Since senior has hooked up with my senior uncle, presumably Zhou senior uncle can find some excuses to get those corpse auras into his hands."

Gu Tianhui didn't answer, just resting his chin in thought.

One person froze and did not speak again.

Ding Niu shut up, sat on the ground, and took the opportunity to heal his injuries.

I don't know how long it took, Gu Tianhui suddenly stood up, frowning, the Yinyue formation was repaired in sevens and eighties, but the corpse gas accumulated in the ground changed after a while and then calmed down. I don't know what Gu Tianyue was doing.

Just now he secretly hooked up with her, but he didn't reply for a long time, which made Gu Tianhui anxious, if he couldn't draw out the corpse energy, the Yinyue Formation wouldn't be effective.

And there is not much time left for them.

Waiting for a while, Gu Tianhui couldn't wait anymore, glanced at Ding Niu, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Ding Niu, a condensed giant palm of ice firmly grasped Ding Niu, trapped him in place, moved his feet, and flew away Out of the sheriff's office.

Gu Tianhui flew over the old city of Han, sensing Gu Tianyue's aura. They all practiced the "Xuanmu Zhenjing", and their aura came from the same source. As long as they didn't deliberately hide it, they could sense each other.

But now, she couldn't feel Gu Tianyue, not only couldn't feel it, but she didn't respond to several hookups.

Gu Tianhui's mind was very heavy.

There are two possibilities. One, with the cultivation base of the ancient Tianyue Tyrant, he was dealt with silently. It is self-evident how strong the enemy is.If so, the enemy has no reason to let her go.

There is another possibility, Gu Tianyue hid his breath and ran away.

Gu Tianhui has always known that she is a cousin, and she is determined to get rid of the fate of being controlled by the Maoshan faction. This time, she is dispatched to Han Laocheng to carry out a secret mission. She may think it is a great opportunity.

However, the tracking method planted on them by the Maoshan school has penetrated into their souls, how can they get rid of it by simple means?It is easy to leave today, but if you are captured in the future, you will most likely be killed by refining.

These ghosts have no status at all. Although their cultivation base is already in the overlord state, they are similar to the elders in the Maoshan faction, but their status is low. If they defect and are caught, the Maoshan faction will never be soft when dealing with them .

What puzzled Gu Tianhui was that Gu Tianyue was always scheming and unpredictable, so it was impossible not to know this, and if he had any reliance, he didn't have to wait until today.

Gu Tianhui's thoughts turned, and he realized: What method did she get all of a sudden?
What happened today?
According to the plan, Gu Tianyue should have taken the Gu Yue Meteor now and let out the accumulated corpse energy.

As soon as Gu Tianhui's heart moved, he landed on the ground, used the technique of escaping from the ground, and dived into the ground, ten meters, 100 meters, 200 meters... According to his memory and previous investigations, a large amount of corpse energy was suppressed in nearly one hour. The stratum at a depth of several kilometers would not affect the ground of Han Old City on weekdays, which is why the Yinyue Formation has been unknown for hundreds of years.

Gu Tianhui quickly arrived at the predetermined stratum, but he did not find a sea of ​​corpse aura, and continued to go deeper, one kilometer, two kilometers... There were only some "weak" corpse auras, even if they were lured up, they could not last long, and could not Turn Han Laocheng into a ghost town.

Dead breath, where to go?
Gu Tianhui's incomparably cold heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and overnight, the accumulated corpse energy disappeared!
I sensed the flow of breath in the ground before, so that's it!
 Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommended tickets for your support.Because the word count is about to exceed 20W, Xiao Langlang still wants to stay on the new book list until this week. In the next few days, he will control the word count and the number of chapters will not exceed the limit

  Two chapters will be stable from next week, and updates will be added from time to time, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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