Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 68 Suspended Death Zhang Tianwan

Chapter 68

The two of them had intercepted the Snow Mountain Boy, so they naturally recognized him.

He didn't want him to hide in Tiandu Peak, looking at Xuelian Peak, and the other Minshan sect disciples missed it.

Round and white, it looks like a boy, with no male and female characteristics on the body, and the tentacles are cold.

This is the essence of heaven and earth, and the body is not like an ordinary physical body.

The Xieyue Mountain Kung Fu method injected energy and blood, and Ding Niu and Huang Qi's cultivation levels were not low, and they were shivering from the cold when he leaned on them.

Xue Beng was outside, and the two of them didn't dare to make too much movement, they could only watch helplessly as the boy from the snow mountain who appeared suddenly fell asleep against Ding Niu's thigh, seemingly defenseless.

"...What should I do?" Huang Qi's voice transmission was close at hand.

"The elder of the Minshan faction is right, he was put to sleep by the medicine." After observing for a while, he couldn't do nothing, Ding Niu tried to reach out to fish, not daring to slow down.

This Xueshan boy looks cute, but he is actually a powerful character who can escape from the masters of the Overlord Realm. Moreover, he knows how to sneak into the Snow Lotus Manor to steal the thousand-year-old snow lotus. , then it makes sense.

As soon as he made a move, it was the third-level golden corpse qi, and he wanted to use this third-level qi to bind the Xueshan boy. For a while, the golden corpse qi and the snow-capped boy's icy air made the air-conditioning in this small space even worse.

Huang Qi was cold and frightened, so he hurriedly fought the cold.

Ding Niu made a move and tied up a weirdo.

The qi of the golden corpse melted like silk, but the surface of the Xueshan boy was so slippery that it couldn't be bound, and when it was lifted a little, it would slide down like flowing water or cloud.

The Xueshan boy's body is like water and air, and he has to be grasped in one body.

It's no wonder that the master master of the Minshan School couldn't hold him for a while, so he ran away.

"Senior Sister, what can I do to pretend to be him? Wait until I pretend, and take him to the Minshan School to receive the reward." Ding Niu said suddenly, not avoiding others.

Sure enough, he saw the Xueshan boy's ears move slightly, as if he was eavesdropping.

Huang Qi understood, and said: "The two of us can't catch him, why don't we call the master uncle of the Minshan School to arrest him."

At this moment, Xueshan boy scratched his head and turned over anxiously, not daring to sleep again.

He sat up blankly, tried to open his blurred eyes, touched left and right, and took out a small piece of snow lotus crumbs from his stomach, babbling, unable to speak human words, but bowing like a human being, motioning for Ding Niu People hold it and ask to let it go in exchange.

Ding Niu breathed a sigh of relief, this Xueshan boy really understood people's language, and he could tell from the clothes that the two were not from the Minshan school, so he had the operation of begging for mercy, and was born cunning and intelligent.

If it was in a normal state, Ding Niu and the others couldn't even touch his sides, and at this moment, he seemed to be still digesting the power of the medicine, in a state similar to drunkenness, and could not exert a single level of skill at ten levels.

He hid in the ice and snow of Tiandu Peak. Due to the avalanche falling, he knew how to hide and save himself. It is not that he is ignorant of the outside world. There is no escape.

"What should I do?" This thing is not a human being, but seeing that he is intelligent and cute, he kept begging for forgiveness, Huang Qi felt compassion for him for a moment.

If the Xueshan boy is captured and handed over to the Minshan faction, he will be tamed and refined in the future. The Minshan school's Xueshan boy order and Xueshan boy sword are quite famous, and both use Xueshan boy as the main material.

Ding Niu then asked the snow mountain boy: "I didn't notice you rolled down, but you didn't run away when you saw us. What's the reason?"

The Xueshan boy nodded, babbling, drawing and drawing, and pointed to Ding Niu's forehead, followed by a white cloud, outlining the appearance of a flame.

Huang Qi didn't understand it, but Ding Niu knew it. He was aware of it because he was successful in spiritual cultivation and strong in spirit.

The mind is earth, the god is fire, the soul is wood, the soul is metal, and the essence is water.

Ordinary people have all the five elements, but Xueshan boy is born with no spirit and spirit. All the spirits and spirits are cultivated in the human body. In essence, it is a goal to condense oneself and achieve the five elements. Transforming into a human is only a process, not a goal.

Ding Niu has a strong inner spirit, and in today's Qi training world, he is a rare person who has achieved success in cultivating the spirit, and the Xueshan boy is keenly aware of this.

Could it be said that Xueshan Boy's current state needs the help of Shenhuo?
Seeing that it is very difficult for him to digest the medicinal power of the thousand-year-old snow lotus at this time, it may not be impossible.

Ding Niu was thoughtful, Qi practitioners pursue the ultimate "one qi", "return to one", "Taiyi", and "Tianyi", which actually mean the same thing, starting from the five elements, that is, the fairyland and below, Pursue the Tao of Tai Chi, the Tao of Golden Immortals, and finally the Tao of Infinity.

On the other hand, the vitality of heaven and earth becomes essence, which is just the opposite. It is the process of turning one energy into five elements.

Two, one is from existence to nothing, and the other is from nothing to existence, and the final destination is the same.

Very informative.

Ding Niu asked directly: "Do you want me to help you digest the medicine?"

The Xueshan boy nodded repeatedly, his eyes eager.

Ding Niu immediately refused.

The reason why he didn't do anything or expose him was because Huang Qiyu couldn't bear it, and discussed with Ding Niu to let him go. Ding Niu took care of her.

But it would be impossible to help him digest the medicine on the other hand. This move is against the Minshan faction. I'm sorry for senior brother Zhou Zizheng.

Huang Qi is here, pitiful, and needs to take care of her feelings, and although senior brother Zhou Zizheng is not here, he can't seduce himself with beauty, but he is a brother in his heart.

At most, Ding Niu pretended not to see it, and didn't intervene. Whether the Snow Mountain boy can escape this catastrophe depends on his own blessing.

When the avalanche stopped for a while, Ding Niu pulled Huang Qi and left quickly, not caring what the snow mountain boy did, so as not to get into trouble.

The two returned to the Minshan School and kept this matter to the bottom of their hearts without mentioning it at all.

Among the Minshan sect, Ding Niu put aside the matter and went to the viewing stand to watch the disciples of the Minshan sect refining alchemy and fighting skills, confirming what he learned from the sidelines.

During the fight, the avalanche technique of the disciples of the Minshan School caught Ding Niu's attention. He had just experienced an avalanche, and when he looked at it now, he had some different insights and gains.

And Minshan School's water alchemy method is indeed ingenious, and Ding Niu, who was watching, also gained a lot.

He kept changing scenes, having a great time.

In the evening, there was good news from the Minshan faction:
The Xueshan boy who stole the thousand-year-old snow lotus has been captured!

Huang Qi, who got the news, was worried, and immediately rushed to look for Ding Niu. Ding Niu sighed secretly, and Huang Qi seemed to blame himself.

Before the two went to the mountain gate together, the disciples who followed Hexi and watched the excitement went outside the mountain gate to greet and watch.

In the lead was an old man wearing an elder's costume, carrying the Xueshan boy. Inside a special container, the Xueshan boy sat slumped on the side, with his head downcast, still looking groggy.

Behind the elder, five or six disciples were beaming, accepting the congratulations from fellow disciples.

Everyone asked how to find Xueshan boy.

One of them said: "It's Tiandu Peak where there was a sudden avalanche, so I was a little suspicious. I asked a few senior brothers to go back to check, and searched carefully for half a day. Unexpectedly, I found this beast under the deep snow, sleeping soundly! We didn't disturb it. , Notified Elder Wang immediately, and then captured it."

Speaking of it, he was a little proud, he got a Millennium Snow Lotus Pill, although it was shared by several senior brothers, it was still very beneficial to the growth of his cultivation.

Everyone praises it.

"Uncle, Uncle, what should we do with this beast?" Someone asked urgently.

The Elder Wang who captured the Xueshan boy didn't shy away, knowing everything: "Haha, Xueshan boy, you can refine weapons and methods, and this Xueshan boy has eaten snow lotus for thousands of years, and his cultivation level is even better, and the effect is even better. , you practice hard, and if you forge a good magic weapon or treasure, you will also reward outstanding disciples in the future."

Everyone was envious for a while.

Ding Niu and Huang Qi looked at each other, especially Huang Qi, who felt that he caused the avalanche, aroused the suspicion of the disciples of the Minshan School, and harmed the Xueshan Boy, and felt very unbearable.

"Niu Zhenzi..."

Ding Niu thought for a while, then walked to the front, and said with a smile: "Senior brother is really capable. Our brothers and sisters have also been to Tiandu Peak. We didn't want an avalanche to stop us and return in a hurry."

The disciple saw that it was him, and the two had met under the introduction of Zhou Zizheng, so he smiled and said: "Haha, Senior Brother Ding missed it."

"It's really good." Ding Niu sized him up and praised him, then suddenly said, "I don't know if this Xueshan boy is for sale or not?"

... Elder Wang, who was walking in the front, stopped suddenly: "You are Niu Zhenzi from Xieyue Mountain, why did you say that?"

"Uncle, I think this boy is cute and cute, and he is also the essence of snow energy, so I want to buy a boy who can make alchemy and blow air for me."

"Haha, Niu Zhenzi, you also know how to make alchemy? It's a good idea! But don't be fooled by his appearance." Elder Wang laughed: "Although this dog is cute, he has a cunning temperament and loves to play tricks. A spirit monster that can calm down and assist in alchemy."

"Haha, is it?" Ding Niu stopped talking after hearing the words. At this time, there were many people with mixed eyes. Although this Elder Wang didn't say it clearly, he didn't approve of selling what he said. Besides, this matter, He may not be the master.

Moreover, I don't have any friendship with this Elder Wang, this person may not give face, if he chases after him, it will be regarded as forced buying and selling, which is annoying.

For this matter, we should go to Zhou Zizheng and let him take the lead, so we can talk about this matter again.

It was night, Ding Niu went to Zhou Zizheng and asked to buy Xueshan boy again.

Zhou Zizheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, "What does Brother Ding want Xueshan boy to do?"

"Brother Zhou, I watched your disciples of the Minshan sect compete in alchemy during the day. Your water alchemy method inspired me a lot. The water method of alchemy, the essence obtained, can be used where the fire method of alchemy is not enough. , I intend to buy a snow mountain boy for the purification of medicinal materials, and this time I want to make alchemy for the teacher's birthday banquet, I want to be perfect."

"...Brother Ding's filial piety, I can understand." Zhou Zizheng nodded: "If it is an ordinary snow mountain boy, it is rare, but since Brother Ding has spoken, I will fight for one or two."

"However, this snow mountain boy ate half a cup of thousand-year-old snow lotus, which is too valuable. It is said that my uncle has suggested that this snow mountain boy and half a cup of thousand-year-old snow lotus be refined into a rare snowman pill..."

"Yeti pill?"

"Yes, it is a special kind of elixir. Snowman Pills can not only increase the skill, but also prolong life."

Huang Qi, who was listening, let out an ah.

The matter of lifespan is the most important thing for Qi practitioners, it is related to lifespan, so it is inappropriate to talk about cruelty.

However, Ding Niu still has doubts: "Your Minshan sect should have more than one thousand-year-old snow lotus. Although Xueshan boys are rare, they are not without them. Since the combination of the two can be practiced to prolong life, such pills can make people want Ruyu, in the world of alchemy, he is a divine alchemy, why is his reputation not obvious?"

Zhou Zizheng shook his head: "I'm not good at alchemy, I just heard about it. Snowman Pills are difficult to refine, and there are many restrictions, so this proposal has not been passed, but there is no doubt that this Xueshan boy is precious."

"Brother Ding, since you have opened your mouth, I will give it a try. I am afraid the chance is not great. Even if I go to ask Master, Master may not go to the elders to mention this matter."

"I made it difficult for Brother Zhou." Ding Niu was very grateful: "Brother Zhou, if your faction is willing to part with this Snow Mountain boy, I will offer you three ice-sealed pills."

"Frozen Pill?" Zhou Zizheng had never heard of this unpopular pill.

He doesn't know, it's normal, because it's an ancient pill in Huang Liang Tu, Ding Niu explained: "After swallowing the Frozen Pill, it can freeze everything for the user, and the user will be frozen in a deep sleep, and it will last for up to ten years. Also known as Feign Death Huitian Pill."

"...Okay, I'll go ask."

(End of this chapter)

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