Chapter 72 Purity 90.00% [-]

As soon as Ding Niu made a move, he called the people of the Minshan faction who were watching, and a lot of discussions broke out.

"...the human cooking method?"

"Using true water to lock the medicine's properties, forming a seal between true qi and mana, is a good method. It is in line with the secret of water alchemy. This person actually understands the principle of water alchemy."

"Hmph, it's just like a tiger painting a cat. I learned a similar shape. The water method of alchemy lies in a word of stability. Now he is fully fired, which is actually the opposite of the water method of alchemy."

"That's right. In the final analysis, although he temporarily locked the medicinal properties with real water, the impurities in the snow lotus also melted into the real water. How will we deal with it then?"

"Yes, now under the firepower, the medicinal power is mixed with the real water, all kinds of qi are more entangled, and it is more difficult to drive away. How to be pure?"

"If things go on like this, we can only practice a few miscellaneous pills, which are only at the human level."

"That's all, it's better to just make soup and drink it!"

As soon as this remark came out, the others immediately laughed out loud, full of joy.

The mature and prudent person shook his head:
"It's too early to say these things at this time, and everyone should wait and see what happens."

"This statement is justified. If it is only at this level, it is expected that this person will not lose face in front of us."

People from the Minshan faction who were watching talked a lot, and Ding Niu was concentrating on the field, gradually raising the temperature.

The snow lotus paste wrapped in zhenqi has been melted and melted into the collected morning dew. It is filtered and separated many times with the condensed zhenqi filter to filter out the large impurities.

Visible to the naked eye, the liquid pill gradually became clear.

True Qi has quality and formlessness. The disciples of the Minshan School who observed such a scene couldn’t figure out how it was separated for a while. Some people who are good at pills scratched their heads and speculated:

"Hey, it's weird, how did you separate it? What method?"

"Yes, how did this person separate the clear from the turbid?"

"What method? Does any senior brother know?"

"The washing method in the water method of alchemy?"

"I don't see it!"

Many people are thoughtful.

Just as he was speaking, the alchemy furnace of that disciple of Xieyue Mountain was closed.


"It must have gone to a secret place."

"Huh? You're being petty like this...

Seeing this, some people are dissatisfied.

The others listened, echoed a few words, and just smiled on their faces.

A large part of their Minshan sect's water alchemy method is also operated in a closed alchemy furnace. How can it be easy to show the secrets of it to the public?

It is the consensus of many Qi practitioners to maintain their personal secret recipe.

On the other hand, the alchemy furnace cuts off other people's visits and perceptions. Ding Niu's move is to seal the box to prevent others from peeping, and to create a sealed environment, which is convenient for alchemy and separation of alchemy.

The principle of cooling separation in modern industry is used.

As the temperature gradually rises, the pill liquid boils, and all kinds of gas inside are entangled and spewed out into a mess.

Ordinary Qi control methods are difficult to control under such high temperature. If one is not well controlled, either the pill liquid explodes, or the pill Qi cannot be controlled and escapes, losing the potency of the medicine.

The gas cylinder in the furnace starts to work at this time, and the air flow is ejected to cool down, which is also called air cooling.

This time, Ding Niu deliberately added two air-conditioning bottles, which were filled with the newly collected evening wind from the Minshan School.

The icy evening wind from the snow-capped mountains blows into a tower-shaped qi hood, forming a cooling layer at the uppermost position. At this time, the dan qi that rises to the cooling layer forms two parts when it is cold: one part continues to go up, and the other part encounters cold soluble in water,
A gust of qi went up, and a gust of cooling turned back into a dan liquid and continued to churn.

Because the heat source at the bottom is still there, the elixir is continuously vaporized. The gasified elixir reaches the cooling layer and is separated, shunted, and circulated continuously until the different components are separated.

And the elixir that goes up meets the real water again for washing, purification, and separation of impurities until it becomes pure.

The final dan qi is cooled, liquefied, and solidified into regular and fine crystal-like particles, with a purity of 90.00% [-]. Such an industrial-grade standard relies on the perception of qi.

Ding Niu wrapped these small and numerous small grains of pill crystals with true energy, slowly kneaded and fused them.


At this moment, other participating disciples had already released their pills, as if some kind of switch had been turned on. Within a similar time, almost all of them were collecting pills at the same time, unwilling to fall behind others.

Snow lotus pills kept flying down from the alchemy furnaces everywhere, and the participating disciples collected the alchemy to show their skills, showing their individuality and characteristics, and at the same time, they were all waiting and watching.

All of a sudden, there was a strange fragrance on the field, and snow lotus pills flew around.

Seeing this, Ding Niu also began to collect pills.

The door of the new version of Liujin furnace was opened, and a total of 9 round and shiny snow lotus pills came out of the oven.

With a turn of Ding Niu's hand, the pill flew out and landed in his hand smoothly.

After about the same time, everyone finished the exercise.

In terms of Cheng Dan's time, the participating disciples were in the same position.

The presiding elder stroked his beard and nodded. Just looking at the alchemy time, these disciples have a solid foundation in alchemy.

The next step is to test the potency and purity of the medicine, which is the key to victory.


One by one, the participating disciples sent their own works:
"Hou Shanjun, Dancheng 6 pills."

"Li Zitong, Dancheng 8 pills."


Every time one was reported, the people of the Minshan School who were watching made some comments. Most of the participating disciples handed in pills between 7 and 8 pills. He exclaimed.

Judging from the size of the standard pill, there are only two possibilities for the same snow lotus pot to be 7 pills or less:

First, the selected snow lotus is not good enough, so the number of Chengdan is small.

Second, the refining technique is not in place, and the potency of the medicine is lost.

No matter which one it is, it means that there is a high probability that you will not get A.

At this time, Ding Niu stepped forward to deliver the pill:

"The disciple got 9 pills of pills."

Seeing this, the disciples of the Minshan sect who were watching immediately whispered to each other, "Dan Cheng 9 Pills, just the number, it is the first at this time!"

Could it be that this disciple of Xieyue Mountain really wants to win a Jia from their Minshan faction?

The presiding elder observed the pills he handed over, calmly, and was actually observing and evaluating secretly.

Judging from the appearance, it is definitely a superior product.

"...Xianyue Mountain is so tall, it really is extraordinary." The presiding elder said meaningfully.

Ding Niu nodded, without humility, using modern industrial methods combined with "qi sense" to purify alchemy, compared with others who rely solely on "qi sense" to refine alchemy, it is not surprising that he has an advantage.

Knowledge is knowledge.

"Disciple Wang Qingjun, got 9 pills of pills!"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Qingjun stepped forward steadily and presented his own works.

Elder Liu Feng at the side looked at his beloved disciple with color on his face.

At this time, Wang Qingjun looked at Ding Niu, with a look on his face that seemed to be contested.

Ding Niu saw it and nodded to him with a smile.

Among the disciples of the Minshan School watching from the field, someone suddenly shouted:
"it is good!"

"Senior Brother Wang is really up to date!"

"The other seniors of Dancheng Eight Pills are actually not bad, but without the Green Gourd Pill Furnace, they are indeed a little inferior."

Afterwards, there were applause one after another, and the position was clear.

Ding Niu just thought it was funny, and amidst the applause, someone suddenly shouted: "Niu Zhenzi is amazing!"

Very abrupt.

Looking over, it was Huang Qi who raised his eyebrows at him to cheer him on. Zhou Zizheng and the three masters of Minshan also looked over and signaled to him.

Ding Niu nodded in response, at this time, the pill test began.

The number of pills, color, smell, and taste all have criteria for judging.

A total of three judges judged, watched, heard, asked, tasted, and scored all the pills of the participating disciples.

The three elder judges of the Minshan sect constantly tested the pills and exchanged opinions.

Master Wang Qingjun, Elder Liu Feng, is one of them.

In the end, there were only two pills left in front of the three of them, which were made by Ding Niu and Wang Qingjun.

The three looked at each other with serious eyes.

One of the elders surnamed Zhao suddenly spoke out with complicated emotions:

"These two elixirs are premium products, but in terms of purity, this one is even better."

Elder Zhao pointed out that it was Ding Niu, and the other two elders did not refute.

Another Elder Lou looked at Liu Feng:

"How does Elder Liu feel?"

Elder Liu Feng was silent for a moment, nodded and admitted: "Yes, this pill is extremely pure."

"Elder Liu, if you come to refine it, can it be so pure?" Elder Lou asked immediately.

Liu Feng was silent again, and after a while he said:

"not necessarily."

To say it is not necessarily true is to admit defeat.

...The other two elders, disappointed but not surprised, couldn't help sighing at the same time:
"This kind of rising star in alchemy, who refines such a pure alchemy, is absolutely invincible and invincible... It's a pity that it is not from our Minshan sect..."

"But not necessarily." Liu Feng said.

"Oh, how?"

"I think the method of refining is very knowledgeable." Liu Feng guessed: "It should be because of the method of boiling with fire in Xieyue Mountain. This method is similar to the method of boiling in the world, but it can refine such a pure pill. Medicine, even with my cultivation base, if I want to refine it to this level, I may not be able to."

"It is indeed possible."

"I don't know if I have underestimated the cooking method in the world, or Xieyue Mountain has other tricks." Elder Lou said: "Hey, we use the water method to make alchemy, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years. At this time, we are lagging behind. .”

"It seems that this time, the Danjia will be awarded to this rising star of Xieyue Mountain." Elder Zhao said: "Although this person's current cultivation level is low, but his sense of aura is so profound, he will get twice the result with half the effort in the process of cultivation, and he will give you a lot of money." Backed by Xieyue Mountain, your cultivation will not be bad in the future, so why not form a good relationship with him today..."

Although Ding Niu is not from their Minshan sect, Elder Zhao still seems to appreciate Ding Niu very much.

Unexpectedly, Liu Feng opened his mouth and expressed his disagreement again:

"I don't think so."


Elder Liu Feng expressed his considerations: "Two elders, Xieyue Mountain suddenly sent this person to our Minshan School to show his skills. What's the purpose?"

His question caused the other two elders to be stunned at the same time, thinking more:

"how do I say this?"

"There are ten kinds of spiritual plants in Zhao State, each with its own characteristics. There are moonlight grass in Xieyue Mountain and pearl rice outside. Xianshan has its own kind, as spiritual food and elixir, combined with the unique martial arts of the sect, it is the long-term reliance of the sect, otherwise, without the foundation, it cannot be regarded as the authentic sect of the immortal sect."

Elder Liu Feng talked eloquently: "Our parties have their own traditions in how to deal with these spiritual plants. Our Minshan School's water method of alchemy corresponds to the spiritual plant of snow lotus. Now the disciples of Xieyue Mountain are dealing with snow lotus. It is more subtle than our Minshan School's method, and the reason behind it must be taken seriously by us."


"This statement makes sense." Elder Lou frowned deeply, and the three of them looked at each other, suddenly having a bad guess in their hearts.

Xieyue Mountain secretly came up with the "water boiling method" for refining snow lotus, which is more effective than their water method for alchemy. The reason behind it is really dreadful.

The more you think about it, the more frightened you feel.

Otherwise, how could their thousands of years of alchemy with water be suddenly compared by an ordinary disciple of Xieyue Mountain with some human cooking method?
Is this hitting them?
Xieyue Mountain, this is eye medicine for Min Mountain!
Reminiscent of the birthday banquet at Xieyue Mountain, the three of them became more dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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