Those who eat qi, live long life

Chapter 75 The Honorary Elder of Dan Hetang

Chapter 75 The Honorary Elder of Dan Hetang

Due to the shortage of materials, the subsequent refining must be done to perfection. For Ding Niu, it is not difficult, except for the ready-made alchemy formula and process to follow, and his own alchemy business level is extremely good.

Ding Niu took out the formula of Bingfeng Pill that he got from Huangliangtu bullying Tianmen, and after deliberating again, he started to prepare.

Just because the strength and concentration of the main materials are not up to the standard, more auxiliary materials need to be used to fill them up, and the amount of various materials naturally needs to be adjusted.

Cooperate with the observation of Niu Leiyan Qi, then calculate, and quickly calculate the dosage, take them out one by one, sort them, put them in place, and then start the furnace for refining.

Generally speaking, compound alchemy is alchemy with fire method, which is also Ding Niu's old profession.

While firing, he observed, and when the progress was almost halfway through, Ding Niu knew it was done when he saw the stable and clear pill liquid. The fine-tuned pill formula did not cause major changes during the refining process, which proved that his adjustment was correct. Effective.

This also shows that the dosage of the main supplementary material, the extreme yin energy, is not so strict for the recipe of the bully Tianmen in the Huangliang picture, and the amount of other ingredients is also specious... The old boy who sells the pill recipe by the bully Tianmen must have left a hand .

Thinking of this, Ding Niu felt a little depressed, this was the first time he encountered such a thing in Huangliangtu.

Bullying Tianmen, bullying Tianmen, actually deceived him, the head of Huangliangtu.

Not all good people are in the Huangliang map.

However, he was able to trace the information of the world in the picture and was almost "omniscient". The means of bullying Tianmen can be seen.

This ancient treasure left by the Huangliang Fairy Gate still has great potential to be excavated inside.

Out of the most basic doubts and precautions, Huang Liangtu's inner world has been transformed by Ding Niu several times. After he dominates some basic functions, he implements economic means, and does not need to plunder or use the original method of "bartering". Through the rules set by the former Liang Longshi and the original creator, he exchanged functional services for the resources of the world in the picture, allowing him to get started quickly.

In an alternative way, he essentially controlled the entire Huangliang map.

The "digital currency" he recently launched has also been implemented smoothly, and the creatures in the Huangliang map have accepted it very peacefully. Until today, his multiple methods have inserted his own rules in this world.

Now that he has roughly controlled the world in the map, the next step is to dig into its potential.

While thinking about it, the liquid pill of Bingfeng Pill became clearer and gradually took shape. When the fire was ready, Ding Niu's true energy rushed out and captured it in one go.

A total of three elixirs came out of the oven, no more, no less, spinning around in the zhenqi package.

Just when Ding Niu thought it was an ordinary alchemy, he suddenly frowned, the vitality of the surrounding world was agitated, obviously more than usual, and he kept hitting the frozen pill he had captured.

Such visions reminded Ding Niu of the records he had read about the General Outline of the Alchemy of the Xieyue Mountain: the cultivation of a great elixir is accompanied by extraordinary splendor and auspiciousness, and heaven and earth celebrate it. Of.

This kind of magic pill is a life-prolonging pill.

Generally, the cultivation of divine pills is the condensation of the essence of heaven and earth, which can be regarded as a kind of new life, which is going along with the sky, while the refining of longevity pills is to change the fate of the sky, for the displeasure of heaven, the loss of vitality is small, and there are powerful ones. Doom.

Right now, the vitality of the world is restless, and there are signs of wanting to break through Ding Niu's true energy capture and seize the elixir.

Ding Niu quickly stabilized his anger, and at the same time he was quite surprised.

Bingfeng Pill is not a real life extension pill, but a fake life extension pill. The vitality of heaven and earth has such a strong change. I don't know what will happen when the real life extension pill is completed.

In Ding Niu's heart, a kind of vigilance arose.

At the same time, he also thought that the selfless ancestors of the Chilong Peak lineage of Xieyue Mountain made the Longevity Pill Huoliwan, how precious is the Longevity Pill?Ordinarily, it is impossible not to leave a legacy, Xieyue Mountain is such a big school, such a continuous inheritance, there is a blank period of hundreds of years in the middle, why no one made Huoliwan after that?

The strangeness in it, and the vision I experienced today, can't help but make people think about it.

Don't think too much at this moment, Ding Niu pressed his mind, quickly collected the elixir and put it into the jade bottle, and the vitality riot in the elixir room dissipated.

Ding Niu observed for a while, and found that it was all right, then he untied the restraint on the alchemy room and went out.


Elder Qi and the others stopped and stood.

When Ding Niu came out, seeing his calm expression, Elder Qi knew that it was done, and immediately his face was full of joy:
"Nephew, congratulations!"

"Master, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life." Ding Niu smiled, and offered the jade bottle with both hands: "The three ice-bound pills are all inside."

Elder Qi took over the jade bottle, and it seemed that he was going to get it in his pocket. Elder Liu Feng had been watching it for a long time:
"A snow-capped boy turned out to be only three pills, which shows how precious these pills are."

The inside and outside of the words are suspicious and beating Ding Niu for stealing raw materials.

Ding Niu pretended that he didn't understand, and nodded along with the man's words: "Indeed."

Elder Liu Feng and several other elders of Danhetang suddenly laughed: "In this case, we have to broaden our horizons."


"I have never heard of the frozen pill made by nephew Niu Zhenzi. I am ignorant. I have the opportunity today, and I want to learn more. How can senior brother Qi be so anxious to accept it? Don't let us watch it!"

"That's right." On the side, another elder echoed.

The request of Liu Feng and others is reasonable.

Elder Qi readily accepted the pill, showing no doubts, but in fact, there was a little worry in his heart about the efficacy of the pill, whether it is really as miraculous as Ding Niu said at the beginning, this person is so young, it is indeed a bit worrying.

It is a safe move for several elders in the sect who are good at alchemy to control their eyes and guard them.

It would be best for Liu Feng and others to propose this kind of matter, so as not to let him be the villain and ruin the relationship.

Elder Qi waited for them to speak, he laughed, looked at Ding Niu, and seeing him nodding, he felt relieved and said with a smile: "That's fine, let everyone see my good nephew's craftsmanship."

Elder Liu Feng quickly took the jade bottle, and the moment he uncorked the bottle, a wave of vitality fluctuated for no reason, making his heart tremble, and inexplicably, the pills in the bottle seemed to be shining.

Several other elders were also watching from each other, and those who knew the goods took a breath of air: "It's the appearance of the gods!"

People in the way of alchemy learned the basics and general outline of the way of alchemy when they first learned the art. Although the records of different schools are different, the content at the beginning is not bad.
They will naturally remember the vision of life extension pill in their hearts.

The vision just now is just a little aftermath of the divine elixir. Although it is small, the surroundings are basically Qi practitioners in the realm of the overlord. They have keen senses and are most sensitive to the fluctuations of the vitality of the world. How can they not notice it?

Elder Liu Feng, the first time he caught a glimpse of the vision, he quickly put the cork back on the bottle without thinking, fearing that the divine elixir would disturb the vitality of the world and be taken away.

This move, no one thinks it is wrong.

The elders of the Minshan School looked at each other, and then at Ding Niu, all of them moved.

At this time, no one doubted the authenticity of the pill, and the fluctuation of vitality just now explained everything.


Even Elder Liu Feng, who was quite hostile to Ding Niu at the beginning, immediately changed his attitude towards Ding Niu.

After showing real value, no one will keep their heads down, but offend a genius of alchemy who is very likely to refine the real life-extending pill.

You must know that their Minshan School has blindly lost the Yanshoudan Snowman Pills. The main material is also Xueshan boy, and no one has been able to restore it so far.

Today, a pill with the same main ingredient as Yiwan Bingfeng Pill appeared, which has the aura of life-prolonging pill, which also shows that the refining of Snowman Pill is extremely promising.

If you can get the refining method of Bingfeng Pill from this junior from Xieyue Mountain, then:

Stones from other hills, can learn.

For the refining of snowman pills, it will definitely have great reference value.

A little grudge from before is worthless in front of the longevity pill.

Elder Liu Feng changed his face so quickly, it was amazing. He was the first to praise loudly, especially enthusiastically, smiling from ear to ear, as if the previous unhappiness and targeting had never happened at all.

The other elders also did not give in, and began to talk about their friendship with Xieyue Mountain. Gradually, Ding Niu's master, Feng Yunlong, gained several old friends whom he hadn't seen for many years for no reason.

This incident made Ding Niu dumbfounded, these old guys are obviously not Feng Yunlong's true friends, otherwise, they would have taken care of him from the beginning, and could not wait until this time.

Ding Niu agreed one by one, and everyone enjoyed themselves happily. Before leaving the Danhe Hall, Elder Liu Feng proposed:

"My nephew also won the first prize in the Danjia competition. The rewards set at the beginning should not be missed. Although our Minshan faction gave out two Danjia rewards this time, it is a gratifying event. What do you think?"

Several other elders secretly scolded him for being shameless: If it weren't for the sect's face, your disciple Wang Changqing wouldn't be able to get the first rank. It's a big advantage to get a reward for nothing. Now you want to snatch this favor?
Really shameless!
Everyone still can't dismantle his platform, and they can only hum and haw when they are taken advantage of by his false public affairs and selfishness.

Following Elder Qi leading the crowd to Snow Lotus Manor, they then met Elder Xuelian.

This elder with white beard and hair was not very polite, he was originally a master of Alchemy, he took out the ice pill to check on the spot, his expression was so calm, it was hard to guess.

Great Elder Xuelian moved very quickly, everyone saw him just glanced at it, and sealed the Bingfeng Pill again.

No one could guess what he was thinking, but Elder Xue Lian's subsequent understatement was shocking:

"Everyone, from the very beginning of the establishment of the Danhe Hall of the Minshan School, we set a rule that we must prosper with the Dao of Alchemy. How about inviting Niu Zhenzi's nephew this time to be the honorary elder of our Danhe Hall?"


The rest of the elders of the Minshan sect who were present at the scene twitched their eyelids when they heard that they were all insignificant.

The scene was a little cold for a while.

Although their Minshan sect is not considered a great sect, they have a long history and status in the world of alchemy because they have the Lingzhi snow lotus in Minshan, and their inheritance is not bad. Fame, of course, spread far and wide.

The titles of honorary elders given out by Danhetang over the years have a high gold content, and those who can win this honor are all masters of alchemy who have been famous for many years and are well-known outside the world, and they are convinced by everyone.

And this Niu Zhenzi from Xieyue Mountain, how old has he lived since he was born?Put him on a par with those Dan Dao masters who have been famous for many years?

It will definitely cause dissatisfaction among many people, and their reputation and credibility of Danhetang may be greatly reduced in the alchemy circle.

If someone refines longevity pills, no matter how old they are, they can be called alchemy masters, and no one will be dissatisfied. It's just that the ice-sealed pills that Ding Niu has practiced at this time are just "fake longevity pills", which is not enough. If the standard is forced to be pushed up at this time, I am afraid that others will not accept it.

Great Elder Xuelian looked calm, watching others' reactions quietly.

The honorary elder of Danhetang is a great gift. It is not just a small talk, but they have to be endorsed by the Minshan faction and officially passed on to the fairy mountains and fellows everywhere. Behind it is the reputation of their Minshan School.

His big gift is not insignificant. Compared with the petty attitude of Elder Liu Feng to give some Danjia rewards, it can be said to be extravagant.

Everyone on the field was silent for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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