Chapter 88

Huang Qi was trapped in the Dongyu faction, and he couldn't get out easily. Ding Niu left alone. This time, he was like a beast out of the cage, and his whole body was relaxed.

Knowing that there are masters of martial art secretly following, hoping to lure the snake out of the hole, as a pawn, Ding Niu swaggered and acted methodically according to the original plan.

Due to the delay of a few days due to the incident of the Dongyu faction, the original itinerary plan was sped up a lot.

Some things can only be done in a hurry.

Buy, worship the mountain.

The act of sending messages and keeping in touch with Feifu, a disciple from the outer mountains who had dealt with before, was the foreshadowing in the early stage to play a role at this time.

Regardless of the status of the outer mountain disciples he met, he received warm hospitality wherever he went.

In order to save time, Ding Niu only stays for one day as a guest in each mountain sect, and collects the unique wind and characteristic water of different mountain sects.

Calling friends all the way, on the fifth day, I came to the coast of the South China Sea.

At this time, Ding Niu was accompanied by five Qi practitioners, namely Wuyang Sect, Baguimen, Xuanqingmen, Zhongzhuo Sect, and the Waishan brothers from Tianlun Sect. They all volunteered to act as Ding Niu's envoys , help up.

Ding Niu took out the Luofu Yunzhou from the Dongyu School, and it became bigger when it fell into the water. A group of people boarded the Yunzhou, watched and asked carefully, amazed.

Not long after, a few more lights fell, but it was Zhou Zizheng of the Minshan School and the three heroes of Minshan.

Ding Niu greeted him, and Zhou Zi made a serious accusation: "Brother Ding, I asked for an errand to deliver posts on this trip, and traveled around several fairy mountains. I am late. Forgive me, forgive me!"

"Haha, it's not too late, but it's just in time." Ding Niu invited him to board the boat.

Zhou Zizheng smiled and said: "When I went to send the post, I heard that brother Ding has done another earth-shattering thing in the past few days, and made new achievements in your Xieyue Mountain?"

"Senior brother Zhou is well-informed, but the stories of meritorious service are exaggerated."

"Really? Hey! I don't want the Dongyu faction to have such a rebellious person, harming others and oneself..." Zhou Zizheng shook his head and sighed, and the three masters of Minshan who followed him stepped forward in a respectful manner, saluting Ding Niu : "Meet Master Uncle."

"..." Looking at the three fat men, Ding Niu was speechless for a moment: "You three...we are old acquaintances, why are you so different?"

One of the leading three heroes said gruffly: "That's fine, let's call you Senior Brother Ding!"

Zhou Zizheng reprimanded: "You idiot!"

The other two giggled silly.

A group of people boarded the boat, and Ding Niu introduced in the middle: "This one is senior brother Zhou Zizheng from the Minshan Sect, and this one is from the Wuyang Sect..."

Not long after, a few more people came one after another, namely Wang Wenjing from the Zhenfu Sect, Lu Feiyuan from the Qingxiao Sect, Zhan Tianhong from the Toshi Sect... This group of people is the battle of Han Laocheng, Ding Niu's new acquaintance A friend of mine knew that Ding Niu was going to Nanhai to welcome his relatives, so he came here to help.

Everyone agreed, after welcoming the relatives, we will go to Xieyue Mountain to pay homage to the birthday together, so we just go together.

The disciples of various sects on the ship greeted and chatted with each other.

Wait for a while, Yangzhenzi, Fengzhenzi, Langzhenzi and other Yangdan five masters come together and talk about what happened on the road:
"Oh, junior brother, I rushed here after I delivered the errands in Han Laocheng, and I was almost caught as a young man when I passed by Qingfeng County."

"Junior brother has a lot of face now! If we hadn't reported the name of junior brother, we wouldn't be able to get through!"

"Chaos! The Dongyu faction is really chaotic now."

"Junior Brother, I heard that you have a great hatred...Hey, there are so many senior brothers here?"

Yang Zhenzi and the others saw people crowded on the Luo Fu Yunzhou.

Those who knew each other greeted each other: "The senior brother from Xieyue Mountain is here? Come up and talk!"

"Hey, isn't this Luo Fu Yunzhou from the Dongyu School? The Dongyu School also supports the younger brother like this?"

Ding Niu smiled: "It's the love of the chief of the Dongyu School."

"Ah, that's how it is! Junior brother has such a wide range of friends now." Yang Zhenzi was amazed.

Seeing that all the envoys formed by friends had arrived, Ding Niu boarded the boat and started, and the Luofu Yunzhou sailed away from the beach, enjoying the slight north wind, and headed south.

Riding the wind and waves all the way, after nightfall, the boat turned to the southeast. At noon on the second day, a black line appeared in the line of sight, which was Shenshui Island where the Nanhai faction was located.

Although seen, the distance is far away.

Before getting close, several disciples of the Nanhai faction inspecting found them and came rushing to ride the wind and waves. The waves of more than ten meters high blocked the way:
"Who is coming!"

On the Luofu Yunzhou, there was a clamor of gongs and drums, and Lang Zhenzi went to the battle and played a popular song "Welcome to Huanxi" in Han Old City, which was extremely festive.

This person ate Niangzi soup in the cold old city, and he was influenced by his ears and eyes. Practice makes perfect, and now he is applying what he has learned.

A group of Qi practitioners stood erect, and Ding Niu stood on the bow of the boat, explaining his purpose loudly:

"Xianyue Mountain disciple Niu Zhenzi, come to ask for the senior sister of the South Sea School, and come to Najinazheng!"

"...Ah! The people from Xieyue Mountain are here!"

The patrolling disciples of the Nanhai School immediately divided into two groups, one group went back to the teacher's gate to report the news, and the other group boarded the ship for inspection:
"Brothers, forgive me, brother Niu Zhenzi, you still have to verify your identity."

"As it should be."

After inspecting the jade card of the master's gate, he released it: "Brother, go straight ahead, there is the port of landing, please trouble to register at the Foreign Affairs Hall after landing... We still have the duty of patrolling, so we cannot accompany you gone."

"Trouble senior brother."

Go all the way, log in and go ashore, and then go to the Foreign Affairs Hall to register, there is no disturbance.

After coming out of the Foreign Affairs Hall, Yang Zhenzi said: "It's strange, those inspecting disciples landed on the island one step ahead of us, and the Nanhai faction should have known the news earlier, why didn't they respond at all?"

Feng Zhenzi and the others also felt strange.

"That's right, the junior brother's marriage proposal was originally requested by them, why is it so indifferent when the matter comes to an end?"

Zhou Zizheng said: "Could it be that you want to give Senior Brother Ding a blow?"

The others immediately laughed and said, "The case has been solved. Since ancient times, when a woman comes to ask for a marriage, the woman always tries to test the man's sincerity."

Lang Zhenzi shook his head and shook his head: "Since that's the case, brothers, why don't you beat the gongs and drums to add some joy!"


A group of people were bustling and joyous, and walked forward with Ding Niu arched, and everyone said in unison:
"There are gentlemen in Xianshan, who are generous, humble, respectful, like raw jade, with great talents, who know the fairy gate of the South China Sea, and there are women who are true, kind, benevolent and righteous, with good character and virtue, and they are as good as God..."

All the way forward, all the way to promote.

Not long after, a group of Nanhai faction disciples came to stop them:

"Who is making noise here in the place of Qingxiu!"

"..." These friends would indeed make trouble. Ding Niu smiled and apologized, explaining his intention again: "Fairy forgives sins because of me. Dare to ask fairy, how do you get to the Obscure Moon Palace of the Nanhai School?"

"Hazy Moon Palace? Are you looking for Uncle Sailor?"


The disciple who took the lead looked at Ding Niu again: "Disciple of Xieyue Mountain... Oh, I know who you are."

She looked at Ding Niu and thought to herself that this man has two horns flying on his head, his eyes are like a bright sun, and the sun horns are bulging.

The female cultivator's complexion suddenly became a little strange, with a meaningful expression, and she pointed out: "By the water in the inner bay, the Yishui Palace is the Obscure Moon Palace."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Yang Zhenzi was puzzled: "This girl is a little strange, she seems to have something on her mind."

Lang Zhenzi smiled and said: "Brother Yang's level has improved recently, and he can see through a woman's mind at a glance. It can be seen that Han Laocheng has worked hard."

Zhou Zizheng frowned slightly: "This woman is really amazing."

The three masters of Minshan, who were looking around, nodded again and again, agreeing: "The female cultivators here are really surprisingly tender."

"...Shut up!" Zhou Zi was looking at Ding Niu, Wang Wenjing and others, and they also noticed the weirdness at this time.

At this time, there was no one who formally greeted them. The Nanhai faction was so negligent that they didn't take Xieyue Mountain seriously.

Ding Niu suppressed his doubts and said, "Go to the Obscure Moon Palace."


The drums behind him played, and Ding Niu stepped a little faster.

Not a moment later, a group of people have arrived outside Obscure Moon Palace.

The palace is entirely made of corals on the seabed, the surface is moist, showing a faint yellow light under the sun, on both sides of the palace gate, there are green pines and green bamboos.Very quiet.

At this time outside the Obscure Moon Palace, dozens of women in white lined up on both sides, holding jade treasures in their hands, shining brightly under the sun, the women in white were separated by a few feet, moving forward slowly.

When Ding Niu and others approached, there were already several people blocking the way: "Come on, friend!"

"Who are you?" Ding Niu saw that the costumes of these people were not the costumes of the South China Sea School, and there was such a scene outside the Obscure Moon Palace, and someone in the palace could clearly hear a loud salute in his ears:

"...a pair of jewels and jade, a pair of treasure chests...a dragon and a phoenix..."

The person blocking the way said politely and proudly: "We are the servants of the Sun Moon God Palace on Treasure Island in the South China Sea, please give me some favors! Today, my young master came here to propose marriage and is offering a betrothal gift. You cannot pass through this place, lest you I have disturbed a good thing, so I delayed the trip of all my friends, please forgive me a lot..."

The three heroes of Minshan were furious: "Block me here! If you are from the Nanhai faction, that's fine. What kind of things are you crawling out of a turtle shell, and you dare to block the way?"

"A few things like pigs and dogs, who dare to call you friends?"

"Step aside!"

Three fat men jumped out, one of them pinched the blocker in two hands, and threw them aside, causing them to babble and yell in pain.

Ding Niu and his friends walked past quickly.

The movement outside the palace alarmed the people of the Sun Moon Palace, and the sound of greetings in the Obscure Moon Palace stopped, and after a while, more than a dozen people with sun and moon patterns embroidered on their robes came out, angrily saying:

"Who is so bold? Dare to act wildly against our Sun Moon God Palace!"

Ding Niu didn't respond, he stood outside the hall and said loudly:

"Xianyue Mountain's disciple Niu Zhenzi, came here by appointment, and came here to pay a visit to Uncle Shui!"

"You... Xieyue Mountain, so what! You are so rude!" The people of Sun Moon God Palace didn't even look at them when they saw Ding Niu, feeling that they were being ignored, and they were furious.

At this moment, there was a clear voice in the palace:

"Please come in."

Ding Niu took the lead and climbed up the stairs with a group of friends, stepping forward steadily.

Because of the palace master's words, the people of Sun Moon Divine Palace could only retreat to the sides angrily, make way for the passage, and glared at Ding Niu and others.

Yang Zhenzi and others swarmed up and greeted the people from Sun Moon God Palace:

"Haha, haha! What are you looking at? Go outside!"

Wang Wenjing and others also warmly invited: "Come out, come out and play!"

Ding Niu stepped into the hall of the hall, and saw a cold and beautiful woman sitting high on the head, looking down with her cheeks, her face worried.

Below her, there are a man and a woman kneeling. When they heard Ding Niu enter the hall, they turned their heads to look.

A man with red eyes and weeping, with a sad face, was Yu Daoist. Seeing Ding Niu's eyes widen for a moment, he was quite surprised: this man has a majestic appearance, with a special charm, which is very different from the monster he saw at the beginning.

And the man kneeling beside him, with pink face, red lips, and luxurious clothes, was also surprised when he saw Ding Niu. Could this be the ugly man that Yu Daoist said... Seeing the flickering eyes of Yu Daoist beside him, the man felt suspicious Heavy.

Ding Niu also frowned, looked at the men and women kneeling side by side, and said MMP in his heart, he already had a premonition of what might happen in the future.

The glamorous woman with frosty eyes at the top showed a gleam of joy when she saw Ding Niu coming.

This person is none other than Shui Haoyue, the master of Obscure Moon Palace, the future "mother-in-law" whom Ding Niu often communicates with by means of talismans. When Ding Niu was oppressed by Huang Tianhua's thoughts, he asked for the true talisman spirit of his master. The book was sent to the head teacher of Xieyue Mountain to put pressure on him, and he secretly supported Ding Niu.

Although the two haven't met each other, they are quite familiar with each other and understand each other.

"Meet Uncle Sailor!"

"Please get up."

The two looked at each other and smiled, falling into the eyes of the kneeling men and women, and their hearts skipped a beat.

 Thank you everyone

(End of this chapter)

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