chapter 93
When the wind from Nanshan blew away the reeds in Qingyang Lake, Ding Niu and his party hurried back to Xieyue Mountain.

On the Chilong Peak, amidst the shouts of "Let's release the pill", many seniors and juniors jointly activated the huge fortune pot. The huge fortune pot spewed out all kinds of pill energy, curling up from the Jindan Hall, circling around the whole area. On Chilong Peak.

The long-lasting air of Dancao on Chilong Peak and the familiar smell refreshed Ding Niu who had been away for many days:
"Haha, I'm back!"

Outside the green pine wooden house, Feng Yunlong had a cheerful smile on his face, with his stomach puffed out like a kind old father.

"Master, I'm back!"

"Hahaha, the bastard is back."

"...Senior Brother Feng."

"...Aha, Junior Sister Shui."

Feng Yunlong received the flying talisman sent by Ding Niu in advance, and knew the cause and effect of the incident. At this time, facing his peer, Shui Taoist, Feng Yunlong couldn't express his feelings.

Water Taoist, on the other hand, is a little timid.

The last time the two met, they had a big quarrel over the matter of Ding Niu and Yu Taoist, and they broke up unhappy. They didn't want to turn around and meet again.

Feng Yunlong's eyes glanced at Shuidaoren, and looked at Yudaoren behind her:
"This is..."

"Yu Miaozhen."


The atmosphere was awkward again.

Feng Yunlong scratched his head, cursed the brat secretly, the embarrassing old man is going to sit on wax in this mountain wind!

"...It's windy outside, please invite inside first."

"……it is good."

When they arrived at the alchemy hall, they each sat down. Feng Yunlong felt a little more at ease, and said a few dry and unnutritious homely words. , a mouth like a hair dryer:

"You son of a bitch, you have become a Taoist partner with Junior Sister Shui. In the future, are you going to call me Master, or Senior Brother?"

"Master, let's talk about each other, it doesn't matter."

"Damn Nana, you really created a big problem for this old man! You...Sister Shui, don't look young and beautiful, she looks like twenty-eight, she is much older than you!" After speaking, Feng Yunlong doubted: "Could it be Junior Sister Shui is an old cow that eats tender grass, and your kid was eaten by her!"

"...That's not there yet."

"Anyway, be careful... what do you think?"

Ding Niu hehe said: "I think about it, the female junior holds gold bricks, the female senior three hundred gives elixir, and the female senior three thousand is in the fairy class... there is nothing wrong with it."

"...Don't be so playful! Nothing wrong? You don't want to work hard anymore?" Feng Yunlong hated iron and steel: "A good apprentice, he went out and went to the woman's den of the Nanhai School, and he was useless! You don’t lie to me! You brat is really angry!”

"...Master, I don't agree with this statement. Of course, a person's life depends on self-struggle, but the process of history must also be considered."

"The course of history? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ding Niu said: "If you don't go out, you don't know that the situation is dangerous. The disciple went out for less than two months, and he personally experienced three incidents against Xieyue Mountain. It may be a long time, people's thoughts are moving, and there are various signs. The disciple thinks that some people are preparing To challenge the status of Xieyue Mountain, we have to guard against... If the disciples have more strength, of course they will wait to find a few more backers."

...Feng Yunlong didn't expect his sense to be so keen. A series of events happened inside and outside the sect in the past six months, and some signs were more or less exposed. The number of elders sent out is almost double that of previous years.

Thinking of this, Feng Yunlong said solemnly: "We old fellows are responsible for these things, and they still can't fall on your juniors, but you are right, you should make preparations early."

"Exactly, Uncle Marine is close to our Xieyue Mountain. She has quite a status in the South China Sea School. If I become a Taoist couple with her, the South China Sea School will naturally favor us... For this matter, Uncle Marine is also very concerned about it." I know it well."

"...You did a good job, Junior Sister Shui... You should go to Zhenlong Peak as soon as possible to meet the head master. Your marriage with the Nanhai faction is approved by him. Now that there are some changes, you must report the truth."


It was agreed here that Ding Niu and Shui Taoist went to Zhenlong Peak.

If there is no important matter, the disciples of the outer peak are not allowed to enter the real dragon peak, and Ding Niu has not stepped into it so far.

Now it's time to come to hand in the task of the teacher's door, and this is allowed to go up the mountain.

It can be seen that Shui Taoist is more familiar with Zhenlong Peak than him.

There is a stone step leading to the top of the real dragon peak. On both sides of the stone steps are the residences of the true disciples, neat and compact, with clear positions.

Don't walk around all the way, go straight to the top of Zhenlong Peak.

Gui Dian Lan Palace, with hills and mountains, a majestic real dragon hall proudly in the center, flying in the pavilion.

With the sound of evening drums and morning bells, the giant door that covers the sky opens without wind.

Ding Niu and Shui Taoist were taken in.

In the depths of the hall, the haze is scattered, and there are sun, moon and stars.

An old-fashioned Taoist with introverted divine light is staring at the stars on the dome. It is Huang Qiu, the current head of Xieyue Mountain.

As far as he could see, the stars above flowed, and the galaxy rushed, making it dizzying.

Ding Niu and Shui Taoist went in, looked up for a peek, and suddenly felt dizzy as if his brain had been hit hard.

He snorted and didn't dare to look any more, when he heard a rather pleasant laugh:
"Niu Zhenzi."

"...the disciple is here!"

"When you married the nephew of Nanhai Shui, I wonder if it was Dongfeng who overwhelmed Haitang, or Haitang who missed Dongfeng?"


The water Taoist shouted in embarrassment: "Master!"

"Hehe, outside the real dragon peak, next to the Chilong peak, you have a designated peak, so that Ji Ruyan will not send out another real talisman handwriting, saying that I am stingy." Huang Qiu said: "Shui Taoist, Niu Zhenzi... that peak Since you live there, why not call it Buffalo Peak."

"...Uncle Master?!"

Ding Niu was feeling speechless when he heard:
"What do you think, Makoto Niu?"

"Report to Master Master, Buffalo Peak is fine, but Shuilong Peak is even better."

"Water dragon? You are quite ambitious, so that's it." Huang Qiu flicked his sleeves: "You two go on your own, don't delay me from looking at the picture."


Ding Niu bid farewell to Shui Taoist and left the main hall of True Dragon Palace. Shui Taoist let out a sigh of relief: "The master is looking at the floating star map of Xieyue Mountain. It is said that the floating star map is all-encompassing and contains the truth of heaven and earth. When it comes to their own future and infinite possibilities, everyone sees things differently... If you see the oblique moon from it, you will be the head teacher of the oblique moon mountain."

"Oh, what can senior sister see from it?"

"I still can't see it, the cultivation base of Tyrant Realm is still a bit worse."

"..." Ding Niu stopped talking.

The two left Zhenlong Peak, and under the leadership of Ding Niu, they first went to Jiaolong Peak to meet Huang Cangtong's uncle.

Although Huang Cangtong and the Shui Taoist were of the same generation, they didn't have much contact with each other. Although he was deeply moved by Ding Niu's experience, the superficial reception was well-measured and did not embarrass the Shui Taoist.

After planning for a long time, Huang Qi, who was about to make trouble, punched the empty space.

When she learned that Ding Niu had married an uncle instead of a junior sister, she turned her eyes back and forth between Ding Niu and Shui Taoist. She couldn't figure out why a senior uncle fell from the sky.

Originally some preparations to play tricks on Ding Niu and dogs to vent their anger were aborted, Huang Qi gave Ding Niu a dangerous look, regained the temperament of the poisonous hornet in Xieyue Mountain, and left angrily.

Huang Qi's little emotions were seen clearly by the water Taoist, and when he came down from Jiaolong Peak, the water Taoist looked at Ding Niu with a half-smile:

"That Martial Nephew Huang is interested in you just now?"

"Master uncle saw it?" Ding Niu said calmly, "Not only is she interested in me, but I am also interested in her, but my relationship with my uncle is stable, and I will not be affected by her."

... After hearing this, the Shui Taoist felt a bit of taste and bitterness in his heart: Good job, you greedy and lustful Niu Zhenzi!
No wonder that Liu Shiyan from Bishui Palace gave you a belt, but you also took it!
I couldn't control you before, but I will make you change this bad habit in the future!
Shui Taoist thought to himself, and then followed Ding Niu to Qiulong Peak to visit Master Liu Wangshan who had come back from Han Old City to recuperate.

Seeing Ding Niu laughing, Liu Kanshan praised the Shuidao man:
"The so-called hero matches a fairy, Junior Sister Shui. Although you are a little older, your cultivation level is higher than Niu Zhenzi's, but Niu Zhenzi's young hero is enough to match you! Do you know about Han Laocheng? He saved a city by himself. His merits are immeasurable! Hey, I have already seen that he has a bright future, and the most rare thing is to be humble and low-key..."

Shui Dao people thought: How can he be humble and low-key... When he was in the Nanhai School, you don't know what shocking things he said, which made people... so shameful!
The Shui Taoist responded in a low voice, Liu Wangshan was very enthusiastic, and praised Ding Niu for his spare no effort, making Ding Niu who was listening on the side feel a little embarrassed.

The two had to stay for a meal at Qiulong Peak, and had a special meal of braised pearl chicken and rice at Qiulong Peak. When they were leaving, Liu Kanshan sent a wedding ceremony.

"Niu Zhenzi, you and my uncle and nephew are a family, and He Yi was sent in advance, otherwise I will be born... I will come to drink while you are doing business."

"Uncle Master, come as soon as possible, I have already prepared good food and wine."


In the next few days, on the Shuilong Peak assigned to Ding Niu and Shui Taoist, it was bustling and busy all night long, and the disciples of Xieyue Mountain's legal affairs circulation shuttled back and forth on it.

In two days, a large hall was erected visible to the naked eye.

Water Dragon Peak is located between the two main peaks of Zhenlong Peak and Chilong Peak. Although it is a small peak, because of its independent geographical location and the fierce competition in the gate of Xieyue Mountain, there has been no owner, and it is secretly coveted by many people.

Ding Niu and Shui Taoist belonged to the first case where the sect assigned a peak to a disciple, especially not a true disciple, and they were given the name Shuilong Peak, which has a profound meaning and makes people have to imagine.

Construction started on Shuilong Peak, and the excitement here was seen by the rest of the Xieyue Mountain disciples, who speculated a lot.

The news spread and intertwined several times, and everyone knew that the lucky Chilong Peak disciple Niu Zhenzi had another big luck!
This person was just going to marry an ordinary senior sister of the South China Sea School. The matter could not be more ordinary. In the end, this person went to the South China Sea School for a stroll, but he was caught by an uncle of the South China Sea School. .

... This ugly steed was directly promoted to ugly emperor uncle...

Everyone is talking about this person's luck is invincible.

Casually, I went to the Nanhai School and picked up a master uncle... a noble, rich family, and unparalleled beauty of the Dominant Realm Qi Practitioner, it is said that he is still a post!

The masters of the Overlord Realm are the mainstay even in the Xieyue Mountain. Niu Zhenzi caught the Golden Phoenix, which made the teacher have a lot of face, and he took care of his face and face.

Xieyue Mountain reciprocated, and returned to the Nanhai School to show face, matching the status of this former Nanhai School's uncle, and then gave the Nanhai School's uncle a unique peak to show his kindness.

Niu Zhenzi is completely in the light of women!

Niu Zhenzi, who is unparalleled in luck, eats soft food and hard food, earns both money and money, and makes others envious.

Everyone sighed with emotion: When you meet a good man, you start a family first; when you meet a nobleman, you start a career first;
For a while, the temptation of changing from a fish to a dragon and unparalleled koi luck was once again placed in front of many disciples of Xieyue Mountain.

To be handsome and cold, or to be ugly before getting rich, this is a question.

However, there are also different voices here. When talking about the transformation of a fish and a dragon, it involves an ancient and dusty topic:

In the early days of Xieyue Mountain, there were fish-dragon transformations, snake-dragon transformations, and flood-dragon transformations, all of which were extremely tyrannical. Why is it that most of them have practiced human-dragon transformations now?
Why was that method of cultivating demon pills gradually abandoned?

(End of this chapter)

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