LOL: Do you have any regrets?

Chapter 340 Crazy Swing

Chapter 340 Crazy Swing
Jian Ji, who was about to be killed in seconds, was protected by her younger sister, Tam.

At this time, the invincibility effect of everyone in IG has disappeared, so EDG blew the horn of counterattack!

IG's first round of skills has been used, and now it is just in the vacuum of skills.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, EDG pursued the victory!

After Chen Luoyang's sword girl came out of Tam's mouth, she went straight to iboy's Verus.

Once the Q skill is used to get close, and then it is chasing and slashing, Verus can't parry at all!

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "IG's team battle has already been defeated, and EDG wants to win the team battle. This dragon belongs to them too!"

"IG played a good game, but it just didn't hold back at the last moment."

Miller: "The most important thing is the entry of the leader, who killed the prince directly, so that IG didn't dare to beat the dragon first."

"At the same time, relying on the blood recovery array and the blood hand, it has been delayed for a long time, and the gem's big move has been delayed."

"If it weren't for Jian Ji's wonderful performance, EDG would really not be able to win this wave of team battles."

The two were saying that EDG had wiped out IG, and then turned back to fight Dalong.

After taking down the big dragon, everyone in EDG returned to replenish, and then gathered in the middle to advance.

At this time, Chen Luoyang already had a four-piece suit in his hand, while Qing Gangying only had a two-piece suit!
Now the shy's Qinggang Ying relies on a big move to fight a team.

If, like the previous wave, the group fight is directly countered by Sword Fairy's W, then he is useless.

If there is no harm, you can't bear it.

Soon, everyone in EDG came to the front of the first tower in the middle of IG with their troops.

At this time, IG has also completed its assembly, and five people are preparing to face the battle under the middle tower.

After the soldiers entered the tower, Ah Shui's Verus stepped forward to tap the tower.

Tamm, the younger sister, is right behind him, ready to protect at any time.

In fact, EDG very much hopes that IG will start a group.

The CD of the gem ult has been around for a long time, and it must have not improved now. Without the gem ult, IG team battles cannot be won at all.

But IG is not stupid here, except for King Ning who is about to make a move, no one else intends to do anything.

Seeing that the blood volume of the defensive tower is getting less and less, IG chose to give up the first tower in the middle and push it to the second tower to defend.

After EDG took down the first tower in the middle, they marched towards the second tower with a line of troops.

Soon, the line of troops entered the tower, and everyone in EDG formed a formation in front of the defense tower.

The factory manager said, "I feel like the other party is trying to make a big move, why don't I find a chance to start a group?"

Chen Luoyang: "You didn't flash, I feel like you have no chance, the other side won't give you this angle."

The factory manager thought about it after hearing it. Everyone in IG is in a relatively insignificant position. He might be shown off if he directly enters the wine barrel.

Don't tell me if the team battle can't start, maybe I will give it for nothing.

Just when the factory manager felt helpless, Chen Luoyang's sword girl moved!

I saw Chen Luoyang's sword girl walking into the attack range of the defense tower.

Jian Ji's movement not only made the commentator and the audience feel a little confused.

Both sides on the field were very puzzled, because Jian Ji was not a hero who started a group, what was he doing up there?
Just when everyone was a little confused about the situation, Jian Ji fired a skill and pointed at the prince under the defense tower.

Jian Ji used her Q skill to hit the prince with a flaw damage, and then immediately hit back.

Chen Luoyang's wave was deliberately provocative, he just wanted King Ning to take over.

In the end, he didn't expect that King Ning would really come to the fore. King Ning made a big backhand move, trying to keep Chen Luoyang under the defensive tower.

After blocking Chen Luoyang with his big move, EQ Erlian pointed directly at Verus in front of the tower.

However, Tamm, the younger sister, was prepared and swallowed Verus in one gulp, and everyone in IG couldn't follow up with the follow-up damage.

Not only that, Chen Luoyan's sword girl was still under the defense tower, covered by the prince's big move.

However, Jian Ji's W hasn't been released yet, and IG's side, whether it's gems or Qinggangying, is not easy to follow skills.

It can only be that Clockwork and Calista have a little bit of output, and Calista is still stuck by the prince's ultimate move, unable to fully fire.

On the other side, King Ning's prince has gone deep alone, don't let everyone in EDG gather fire and kill him instantly!

After the prince fell to the ground, the factory manager took advantage of the fact that the attention of the other party was on Jian Ji, and he made a move!

I saw the E skill of the wine barrel enter the field, and the big move hit the back row of IG.

At this time, IG's back row did not flash. Although they reacted quickly and moved to their positions at the first time, they were not blown back by the big move of the wine barrel.

But the formation had been completely disrupted, taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Luoyang's Sword Fairy took the lead in charging!
Now the gem ult is not good yet, for EDG, it can be crushed head-on!

The little brother's plane dived straight forward, trying to catch up with the damage as soon as possible.

Tamm, the younger sister, even made an ult on the spot, and the ult landed on the opposite high ground!
Tam, a defensive hero, was forced to be an offensive hero.

However, what is even more unexpected is that Ah Shui's Verus directly took Tam's ultimate move and followed Tamm around the back!

Everyone in the original IG was defeated, and they no longer plan to continue to accept the group.

But seeing Ah Shui's Verus appear behind him, and Tam's W has been used just now.

Everyone in IG chose Verus who focused on Ah Shui.

Upon seeing this, Wawa exclaimed: "What is this doing? It's not appropriate for an ADC to run to such a position?"

Miller: "IG focuses on Ah Shui's Verus, Ah Shui is outputting, and he is still outputting, but he can't hold it anymore."

"However, although Ah Shui was killed, it bought time for the teammates behind him. The sword girl of the night god has already killed her. First, the spring will be unwound in seconds, and then Calista."

Although IG killed Ah Shui in a flash, Chen Luoyang's Sword Fairy couldn't stop them.

Jian Ji is indeed not a team player, and it is difficult to play in a team.

But that was when the formations of both sides remained good.

If it is this kind of chaotic battle, no one cares about anyone else, then Jian Ji has too much room to play.

In the end, EDG completed the group destruction of IG in front of the high ground in the middle of IG, and then led the line of troops, preparing to end the game in a wave.

Seeing this scene, Wawa explained: "Then with IG being wiped out, this game will also be over."

Miller: "Don't tell me, if Ah Shui hadn't come here just now, and the game hadn't ended so quickly, IG would definitely be struggling."

"This may be EDG's tactic, using AD as a bait, let us congratulate EDG, take the lead in winning the victory!"

The game was over, everyone in EDG got up and walked towards the lounge.

Back in the lounge, Abu greeted him and said, "Thanks for your hard work, everyone, please sit down."

Everyone in EDG found a place to sit down, and Abramovich said: "Your performance in this game was perfect, but there are still a few problems that need to be paid attention to."

"First of all, it is the bottom lane. It is easy to give opportunities to the bottom lane. We used to think that IG would definitely play around the middle and top, but now it seems that it is not necessarily so."

"It can only be said that we are quite special. If Luoyang is very smooth on the road, King Ning will not go on the road like this situation where the third-level solo kills twice. At this time, it will be dangerous to go down the road."

After hearing this, Meikou laughed and said: "This situation is indeed something we hadn't thought of before. It's too outrageous to kill twice at the third level. If the gap is not so big, King Ning will definitely go to the road to make trouble."

Chen Luoyang was embarrassed to be praised so much by the two of them.

In fact, this game went so smoothly, mainly because of a small routine, which prevented the shy's Qinggang Ying from going online immediately.

If it weren't for this little routine, this match would definitely not go so smoothly, and there might be no chance of a solo kill before level six.

Abramovich continued: "We didn't consider this extreme situation before, and now we need to consider it."

"King Ning's style of play is more aggressive. As long as he sees an opportunity, even if the risk is high, he will try."

"So if Mingkai can figure out his wild gank route, the success of anti-squatting is quite regular."

The factory manager nodded after hearing this, and said: "Well, I thought so too. The last game was mainly to help the road back and squat. Now that I know his routine, I know what to do."

Abu nodded, then looked at Chen Luoyang and said, "If we go on the road, we should follow our previous plan. In the next game, we will be on the blue side, and we won't be able to get Kangte."

"There is a high probability that they will also leave the Conte position for the top lane, so we need to prepare in advance so that they cannot conte!"

Soon, the short break was over, and Chen Luoyang returned to the arena with everyone from EDG.

Wawa: "Okay, the contestants from both sides have returned to the field, and the second contest between the two sides will be held soon."

"In the last game, we could clearly feel that EDG's overall state is better."

"Especially on the road, the leader completed two solo kills at the third level without the help of the jungler."

"It directly made King Ning dispel the idea of ​​going to the road to help, disrupting the overall rhythm of IG."

Miller: "But this kind of three-level single kill and two kills, I think it is difficult to replicate."

"Because the shy's strength lies here, the last game was so miserable, and it has a lot to do with the hero's disadvantage."

"In the next game, IG will be on the red side. They can give Kante the top lane, so this situation should not exist. IG can find its own rhythm in the upper field."

The two are saying that the two sides are ready and will directly enter the BP stage.

In this game, EDG is on the blue side, while IG is on the red side.

Unlike the previous game, none of IG's top laners had a BAN, and all of them were released!
This kind of situation is quite rare, and Abu also pays attention to it.

In contrast, he is more used to having three bans on the opposite lane, rather than no ban on the lane.

Abu: "The opposite side must have given Kang Te a position on the road. Luoyang, you have to make preparations in advance."

Chen Luoyang nodded in response, "Well, no problem."

Entering the hero selection stage, just as Abu thought, IG has not been on the road for a long time.

Soon, BP came to EDG's side, and now only the upper and middle solo lanes have not been determined.

IG itself likes to play in the middle and wild, so Abramovich chose to put the two solo lanes in the middle and top in the thickest, so that the line is more comfortable.

Chen Luoyang glanced at the lineup on the opposite side and said, "Let's go out with Lu Xian first, and then another... Snake girl."

So EDG chose to show Lucian on the fourth floor, and the snake girl on the fifth floor.

Upon seeing this, Wawa explained: "Top laner Lucian? The leader of this hero has used it a few times on the top lane, and the effect is very good, but it is usually played second-hand."

"For a relatively unpopular top laner like this, it's easy to be Conte in the first move, and Lucian's top laner can't go against the wind."

Miller: "In short, I feel that EDG's top laner Lucian is a bit too hasty, after all, the opponent is IG."

The two were analyzing, and something happened that no one expected.

IG locked Calista directly on the fifth floor!
It's okay to pick Kalista, he is a popular ADC in this version.

The point is, now IG already has a small cannon.

Then one of these two heroes must go the other way.

And quite coincidentally, both sides have two shooters!

Although it was said that Chen Luoyang had used Lu Xi'an as a top laner before, Lu Xi'an could also go down the lane.

At first, everyone thought that Lucian was on the road, but now they are not so sure.

In the commentary seat, Wawa and Miller didn't know how to analyze this lineup.

I saw the baby said: "This...are you looking at who has the most shooters? I feel that I need to wait until the countdown is 20 seconds and the hero cannot be exchanged before I know what's going on."

Miller: "Now on EDG's side, they actually switched Snake Girl to the top lane, Lucian to the middle lane junior, and the bottom lane is the policewoman."

"I don't think this is possible. It should be a smoke bomb. Snake Girl will probably go in the middle."

"The policewoman walks on the's not very good, this hero is very powerful, but it's too easy to be caught and killed when she walks on the road."

Wawa: "On IG's side, Kalista came to the iboy in the bottom lane, and the shy in the top lane got the small cannon."

"This is more reasonable, but I don't feel very stable when Xiaopao is on the road."

"But no matter what, it's more practical than the policewoman walking on the road."

On EDG's side, Chen Luoyang was staring at the screen, and the upper and middle positions on the screen were counting down.

Playing against a team like IG that focuses on laning, the hero Conte is very important.

If you are countered by him, it is almost certain that the line will be suppressed.

Now the IG line is obviously a bit magical, maybe there is still a loss.

When the time came to 30 seconds, Abu asked: "Do you want to change? Luoyang."

Chen Luoyang waited for three seconds before saying, "If we don't change, they should."

Abu nodded after listening, then stared nervously at the screen.

In fact, EDG has been training up and down during this period of time, and even exchanged heroes in the upper, middle and lower lines.

Doing this can cause a lot of confusion, and you can get a lot of advantages in the BP stage.

However, IG seems to have this idea too.

To implement this tactic, the players must be strong and the hero pool is very deep.

It just so happens that both EDG and IG meet this requirement.

Seeing that the countdown was about to enter 20 seconds, the entire audience became nervous.

Just when everyone thought that the two sides were going to make large-scale changes.

IG has changed here!But EDG has not changed!
On the IG side, Kalista and Xiaopao switched positions, becoming the top laner Kalista, and the bottom lane Xiaopao!

Seeing this result, Doll and Miller fainted.

Because the result of their prediction is the opposite of the current situation!

They said that EDG's lineup is very unreasonable and will definitely be adjusted, but there is a high probability that IG will not!
(End of this chapter)

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