Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 114 Going to the Battlefield Again

Chapter 114 Going to the Battlefield Again
"Mirai-kun, thank you for your hard work. The battlefields of the Kingdom of Kawa and the Country of Grasses saved the lives of hundreds of companions; if you weren't too young, both Kimura and Aoki strongly recommended you to be the next director of Konoha Hospital .”

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said gently to Hinata Mirai that the dean of Konoha Hospital will be temporarily replaced by Zhuan Koharu, but she doesn't take care of things too much, and Kimura manages everything in Konoha Hospital.

Moreover, what Sarutobi Hiruzen said is unbelievable at all. Even if Kimura and Aoki Medical Ninja strongly recommended him, it is impossible for him to let such a young Hinata Mirai take up this position; unless Hinata Mirai is older, or his achievements are so great I can't hold it back, so under the impetus of the Hyuga clan, there are still some possibilities.

"Master Hokage is overrated. Without the help of my companions, I would not have been able to treat so many people. The most important thing is the batch of medicines sent by the village. It was a great help." Hinata Mirai called his chamber of commerce calmly. A wave of advertisements, since the War of the Country of Grass, the finished medicine market in Muye Village should have been taken over by the Baicao Chamber of Commerce.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi laughed, then coughed twice, his face turned serious and asked Hinata Mirai: "Then Mirai-kun, what are your plans for exchanging your achievements? With your achievements on the battlefield, Even the ninjutsu in the forbidden art, you can choose one."

After Hinata Miku heard what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, he shook his head secretly in his heart; even if he was allowed to choose, it would probably be some unimportant techniques, such as multiple shadow clones, sealing techniques, or wood escape secret techniques.

Forbidden arts such as Reincarnation of the Unholy Earth and Flying Thunder God, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not open his choices to him.

Hinata Mirai said without hesitation: "Please transfer my achievements to Hinata Seiya, Hokage-sama."

"Hinata Seiya? I know her, and she is also a very famous genius among the younger generation."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi seemed to recall a bit, then said with a smile
"Then, let me confirm again, Mirai-kun, are you sure you want to transfer all your achievements to Hinata Seiya? You must know that your achievements are enough to exchange for a powerful ninjutsu in the book of seals, and there are still leftovers."

Ordinary ninjas cannot transfer merits, except for ninjas; this is the compromise of the three generations of Hokage to each ninja, otherwise once the war starts, Sarutobi Hiruzen can only let civilian ninjas go to the front line, and there will be no ninja waiting for Hokage Order.

Hokage can only command ninjas. For the civilians in Konoha Village, Hiruza Sarutobi did not have the full strength to command them to go to the battlefield; and most of the ninja clansmen with ninja strength did not have the identity of ninjas, even the Sarutobi clan.

Sarutobi clan has less than ten ninja identities in Konoha, and the others are 'commoners' in Konoha Village, even Hokage has no right to order them.

Unlike the Thousand Hands Clan, all members of the clan are ninjas, fighting together, rushing to the front, and the one who dies the fastest is the Thousand Hands Clan.

"I'm sure, Hokage-sama."

"Well, I know Mirai-kun, then all your achievements will be transferred to Hinata Kiyoya's name."

Speaking of this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed regretfully in his heart; he thought that this genius medical ninja would have some right to speak of his own, but he didn't expect that he would still be so strictly controlled by Hinata's clan.

Such a great contribution, let it go if you say so, the ninja from the Hinata branch, no matter how talented they are, they can't be reused.
Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought secretly in his heart, but then he was a little puzzled, Mirai Hinata was under the strict control of the Zongjia, why did Minato want me to pay attention to Mirai Hinata?
After leaving the Hokage Building, Hyuga Mirai did not immediately go to Konoha Hospital to conduct experiments as usual; now he has handed over most of the repeated and non-innovative experiments to No. 18. Unless new research is carried out, Hyuga Mirai has no plans to do it .

Immortal Chakra is still slowly accumulating, and the speed of Yang Sealing is not fast. Unless Hinata Mirai consciously controls the combination of refining Yang Escape Chakra and natural energy, otherwise it will be slowly absorbed by the sealing technique, at least it will take two or three years to achieve it. Fill the seal.

Afterwards, the celestial chakra in the seal will slowly overflow from the seal, feeding back to Hinata Mirai's body.

Tests have proved that Xianju Chakra is of great help to the permanent improvement of human body functions; whether it is cell life or activity, it is much stronger than Yangdun Chakra.

The war and the handling of many miscellaneous matters made Hinata Mirai feel a little tired; so the fishing he told Hinata Seiya was not a lie, but he really wanted to relax.

Hinata Mirai doesn't know when he will go to the battlefield again, but when he was in Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already hinted at him; so if he didn't take the time to relax, Hinata Mirai would go to the battlefield again and again.

When relaxing while fishing, Hinata Mirai can relax and experience the magical effects of senjutsu chakra; natural energy is definitely not limited to strengthening ninjutsu and improving physical functions, and there should be a wider range of applications.

The strong who can harm the six levels, and the dragon veins formed by relying on huge natural energy, can affect the time-space channel; for the research of natural energy, Hyuga Miku even thinks that a laboratory can be rebuilt.

Mirai Hyuga is sitting on a small recliner with a backrest, the fishing rod is placed at his feet, the river is not deep, and he can barely see the fish wandering on the bottom of the river; with the strength of a ninja, he can easily kill the fish and take them away, but he fishes quietly There is also another kind of taste.

"The art of spiritualization!"

Hyuga Mirai on the recliner slowly got seal spells, and then a spirit body flew out of his body.

"Using the spiritualization technique in the fairy mode can indeed allow the soul body to use the fairy chakra, but this will erode the soul body even more. Hey, whose chakra is this."

Under the perception of Xianju Chakra, Hyuga Miku felt that there was an awkward place in his soul body; on his forehead, he suddenly thought of the curse mark of the bird in the cage.

According to his speculation, the bird in the cage should be a curse-seal technique created by Hyuga's ancestors that barely involves the six realms; after all, the Hyuga clan was passed down from Otsutsuki Hamura, and Hyuga might have records of this Hamura in the early years.

"Use the spell seal technique to deeply root Chakra in the soul of the bird in the cage. Is it the chakra that was left when the original soul was fused? This spell seal technique is powerful. If it is improved, it may be able to affect to a person's thinking memory."

Hyuga Miku suddenly thought of studying the bird in the cage, probably because he had become a habit of studying it, and it took him a while to remember that he still had the curse mark on his body.

"Well, it's not troublesome, and it doesn't cause much harm, but let's get rid of it...solution!"

Although he was talking about the solution, Hinata Mirai did not know the solution of the bird in the cage at all. He used the technique of spiritualization to mobilize the celestial chakra, and then get rid of the heterogeneous chakra in the soul body.

After the caged bird Chakra disappeared, Hyuga Miku seemed to feel that the soul body was a little lighter; but he knew that this was an illusion, but that the use of too much magic chakra caused the natural energy to intensify the erosion of the soul body.

After that, Hinata Mirai lifted the spiritualization technique, allowing the soul to return to the body.


There was also movement from the fishhook beside him, and a half-foot-long fish was hooked.

"One rod of Pisces."

Hyuga Miku chuckled, then put away the fishing rod, and prepared to go back to roast the fish at noon.

In the Hokage Building, Hyuga Miku hadn’t had a break for half a month before being called over by Anbu again
"Future Lord, although I know that you have just retired from the battlefield, the war on Yunin's side is too fierce. In the current village, only you can take on this important task."

Sarutobi Hiruza said to Hinata Mirai with a solemn expression
"I understand, Hokage-sama." Hinata Miku did not reject this mission, but refused to be the team leader: "It's just that I'm still young, and serving as a deputy is already my limit, so please ask Hokage-sama to choose a real one." principal."

But before Hinata Mirai finished speaking, he was interrupted by Sarutobi Hiruzen
"Mirai-kun, I believe you are like trusting your own judgment. Age is not equal to ability. Isn't Kakashi also 12 years old and promoted to Jonin, so I believe you have the ability to serve as a medical team leader."

Comparing me with Kakashi is already an expression of distrust!

Mirai Hinata thought in his heart that he still had many reasons for refusing, but Hiruzaru Sarutobi and the other two advisors seemed to be taking turns persuading him. I am afraid that even if Mirai Hinata came up with other reasons for refusal, he would be rejected by these three people. Negative one by one.

"In that case, I will take over this position. Thank you Hokage-sama and the two advisors for your trust."

Afterwards, Hyuga Mirai, who had taken over the assignment, bid farewell and left; he also had to gather other medical ninjas who had accepted to go to the front line, and gathered at Konoha Gate at the appointed time.

"What do you think?"

After Hinata Miku left, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu this question

"How about it. The branch of the Hyuga clan, except for Anbe, can hold any position; of course, he is the most suitable for Konoha Hospital. Kimura has said more than once that after she abdicates, only Hyuga Mirai can convince everyone to take over as the dean. job."

After going to bed, Koharu thought about it for a while, and then told Sarutobi Hiruzen her opinion
Mito Menyan also said: "Superb medical ninjutsu, Hinata, are you sure Hinata Mirai has no master-student relationship with Tsunade?"

"No, if Tsunade accepts him as an apprentice, it is impossible for Hinata to stay in Konoha in the future."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi shook his head and said,

Turning to bed Xiaochun asked again: "Ri Zhan, why are you asking this?"

"It's nothing, it's okay." Hiruzaru Sarutobi hadn't figured out Namikaze Minato's intentions yet, and he didn't plan to tell him after he knew it, so that he would be confused.

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mito Menyan both looked puzzled, and asked them this after calling them out of a bunch of things?
It seems that Ri Zhan is really tired, and he should consider the matter of the fourth generation.

 Double monthly ticket, brothers, although there is no way to get [-] tickets, I still want to ask for it!
(End of this chapter)

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