Chapter 118 Back to Konoha
"Madara, it's bad, it's bad! Your plan is going to be ruined!"

The clone of Bai Ze can send news to the main body from a long distance, and Nohara Lin is an important part of Madara's plan, so more than one Bai Ze is arranged around it; when this Bai Ze comes back, there will be other Bai Ze Never watch in the other direction.

And there is also a Bai Ze to inform A Fei who is on Obito, let him do some tricks, and slow down Obito's speed of finding Kakashi and Nohara Rin.

This is not difficult, A Fei can make the wound collapse or have a rejection reaction; and the current Obito is not aware of A Fei's small actions at all, after all, he and the Baijue clone have just fused.

"What's going on, tell me quickly."

Obito is a very important part of Madara's plan. He asked Bai Zee to monitor Uchiha for a long time before he found such a Uchiha who was suitable to execute the plan on his behalf. At such an important time, Madara will never let the plan be destroyed.

The main body of Bai Jue honestly told the information he saw. Now that the situation is serious, the main body didn't say any nonsense. Only then did we get to the point.

After hearing what happened, Madara, who was too old to fight, showed doubts; after a bright light, the girl that Obito valued disappeared, which is really weird.

"Who did it?"

"Madara, your plan is about to fail, wait for Obito to rush to the place, if you don't find that girl."

Madara suddenly interrupted Bai Ze's main body, and said: "Don't worry, as long as Obito sees the darkness with his own eyes, he will definitely carry out my plan."

"Moreover, I once let A Fei get this chakra named Nohara Rin, and now it just comes in handy."

Afterwards, Uchiha Madara called a clone of Baijue, ready to inject his will into Baijue's body, and let him replace him to complete the plan to make Obito fall deeper into darkness.

Although Nohara Lin disappeared, as long as Nohara Lin's Chakra is present, Madara can create countless Nohara Lin at any time.

With Obito's pupil power, he couldn't see through Bai Jue's transformation technique at all.

Bai Jue complained on his own body: "If this is the case, my avatar will be blown up, alas, alas, it sounds so miserable~"

"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly."

And just to be on the safe side, Madara also dug out his Sharingan, injected an illusion into it, and made Bai Ze, who carried his will, rush to the front of Obito to the place where Kirigakure and Hatake Kakashi were fighting.

At the critical moment, he used the illusion in Sharingan to make Obito see a picture he least wanted to see. This would not only make him fall into darkness, but also stimulate his Sharingan to evolve.

"This is probably one step of Uchiha Madara's plan, but fortunately, Caixiang met us, and it is considered cheap for us. Otherwise, Sanwei has been under Kirigakure's surveillance, and it would be difficult for us to succeed."

Hinata Mirai knew that Ayaka Uzumaki had snatched Rin Nohara and left successfully, and told them the whole story in a very good mood. Although he only knew the general idea, it would not deviate much from the truth.

"So that's the case, that little girl Nohara Lin is quite pitiful too." Uzumaki Caixiang looked down at the unconscious Nohara Lin. When she was taken away just now, Nohara Lin was aroused by the power of the three tails because of her emotional excitement.

However, Uzumaki Caixiang suppressed the escaping Tailed Beast Chakra with a four-element seal, and the four-element seal conflicted with the original seal on Nohara Rin, directly making her faint.

Uzumaki Caixiang asked, "Master Future, are you going to pull Sanwei out of her body?"

"I don't need it for the time being, and there is no place to put it out." Hinata Mirai also considered this issue. If it had been a few months earlier, he would have pulled out Sanwei to help No. 18 make an infinite energy furnace.

However, after the realization of nanotechnology on the 18th, the star stone energy furnace was remanufactured, and now it is not much different from the infinite energy furnace.

In addition to No. 18, only No. 19 and Uzumaki Ayaka can place Sanwei; but Sanwei's strength is average, even if it is sealed into Uzumaki Ayaka's body, the improvement of her strength is not obvious, at most her Chakra will change. many.

"Arrange a seal on her body and leave it to No. 18 for the time being. Let her check Nohara Lin's body and eliminate all hidden dangers; as for other things, let me think about it later."

Afterwards, Hinata Mirai gave a few more words of advice and ended the call.

Uzumaki Caixiang made a great contribution unintentionally, not only brought him a complete inheritance of the sealing technique, but also brought back a three-tailed Jinchuriki when she came back.

If it really involves immortality, only Kaguya who has eaten the chakra fruit can achieve this step; Orochimaru's method is only longevity, and it can still be killed by the enemy.

If Hinata Miku wants to achieve the same physique as Kaguya, Tobi is what he must obtain and study.

Cloud ninja withdrew from the battlefield. This two-year ninja world war can be said to be coming to an end.

Kirigakure is still making some small moves, but they don't dare to launch the ninja army to attack the Land of Fire, they just want to send some assassination ninjas to the Land of Fire to do some unsightly actions, so that Konoha can sign a contract with them. The peace agreement wants to use this method to obtain some benefits.

But Kirigakure's plan didn't work out, Mitsuo was lost and more than a dozen Anbu's were lost; four of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen also died, and they were still beaten to death by an unknown Konoha ninja.

According to Kirigakure's plan, the seven Ninja Swordsmen united would be enough to fight against the Golden Flash, but Kirigakure never expected that not long after the Seven arrived in the Fire Nation, four of them were kicked to death. The remaining three fled back in embarrassment.

When the ninja troops of Yuno Country were about to return to Konoha, Hyuga Miku found Orochimaru
"Master Orochimaru, what are you going to do when you go back?"

"After going back?" Orochimaru thought for a while, and then answered: "Try to practice the technique of spiritualization. I thought about it for a while, and I think the technique of spiritualization should be more useful than the curse seal in the study of reincarnation. .”

"Besides, the promised Danzo should be fulfilled for him, otherwise the root will be eyeing me, ha ha."

Orochimaru may have hidden things, but there is no need to hide these things from Hinata Mirai. The success of the Mudun experiment relies on Hinata Mirai's reminder that he has known about Danzo for a long time, so there is no need to hide it.

Hyuga Miku nodded, and asked again: "So, what about the position of Hokage? Are you not interested, Oshemaru-sama?"

"Hokage, Mirai-kun, why are you interested in this?" According to Orochimaru's understanding of the young man in front of him, he should be the same as himself, not someone who is particularly interested in politics.

Hyuga waved to Mirai and said, "It's just a random question, don't worry about it, Oshemaru-sama."

"I'm also a little interested in Hokage. The current Konoha seems to be a prosperous windmill that is about to decay. If I become Hokage, I should remodel this windmill."

There is an inexplicable light in Orochimaru's eyes. Now that he is about to achieve eternal life, he seems to be doing more things. In addition to pursuing the existence of truth, he can also use his spare time to make Konoha, the windmill, a new place. Turn up.

"Then I wish you good luck, Oshemaru-sama, if you become Hokage, I will definitely help you."

Hyuga Miku smiled and made an impossible promise. If Orochimaru had started planning for the position of Hokage a few years ago, maybe there is still a chance to fight for it today.

But now you want to be the fourth generation?It's just too difficult.

Orochimaru has a lot of military achievements, but his relationship with the ninja is mediocre. Apart from other things, if the ninja votes, only the followers of Orochimaru will vote for him. The other ninjas have already planned.

Perhaps Danzo will support Orochimaru, but Hiruzaru Sarutobi will overwhelm Danzo to death, and there will be no ninja support at that time. The other two advisors will definitely follow the trend and choose the one with the most supporters.

Orochimaru didn't understand what Hinata Mirai said, but he also vaguely guessed that Hinata Mirai was not optimistic about him becoming the Fourth Hokage.

'Could it be to remind me of the attitude of the Hyuga Clan? '

Orochimaru thought for a while, then shook his head and gave up; it was too difficult to think of the answer from this Hinata boy.

Orochimaru does not regard Hinata Mirai as a junior at all. Although Hinata Mirai has always called him a master, but in Orochimaru's heart, no matter in terms of strength, vision and hobbies, Hinata Mirai is a person of the same level as him, a true like-minded people.

After returning to Konoha, Hyuga Mirai enjoyed another welcome in the street, defeating other ninjas in Ninja Village, and made the common people living in Konoha feel honored and disgraceful.

Many Konoha children and teenagers, after seeing the imposing ninja troops, welcomed the drummers happily, and made a decision in their hearts. They will play ninja games a few times after they go back, and try to clean up the intruders in the game. .

Hyuga Miku returned to Konoha, but did not participate in the subsequent events, and was called away by Hinata Kiyoya.

"In the future, you.. have done a good job. Now that the family is discussing matters, grandfather asked me to pick you up at the gate."

Although he has shouted before, but in front of so many people shouting his name, Hinata Kiyoya is still a little uncomfortably shy. It may take a while to shout out his name naturally.

Hinata Seiya thought secretly in her heart.

"Is it because of merit? It's better to be the same as last time." Hinata Mirai asked casually

"It's not just this, the clan is still discussing other things." Hearing that Hinata Mirai gave him his achievements without hesitation, Hinata Kiyoya's footsteps were also much lighter, and he said to Hinata Mirai in a relaxed tone

"After the end of the war, it is related to the distribution of many benefits. The distribution between the Hyuga clan and Konoha's other ninja clans, including several lines within the clan, needs to be discussed before deciding; but the Hyuga clan can get so much in these few wars. The merit is also thanks to you."

"The Hyuga Clan has sent medical ninjas to the battlefield before, but the results are not as good as yours."

Hinata Mirai nodded after hearing the words: "So that's the case."

During the conversation, several people had already returned to the Hyuga Clan; the outside was very lively because of the return of the ninja troops, but when they returned to the Hyuga Clan, they could only feel quiet.

The etiquette of the Hyuga clan made them and other ninjas and civilians into two pictures.

"You're back, Seiya, take your seat."

Seeing Kiyoya and Hinata Mirai walking into the house, the Fourth Elder pointed to the seat and said flatly.

There are two cushions in front for Hinata Kiyoya and Hinata Mirai, but at a glance, it is clear that the cushion half a body behind belongs to Hinata Mirai.

After everyone arrived, Hinata Hyuzu talked about what happened today.

After the war, it will inevitably be accompanied by the distribution of benefits. This time, the Hyuga Clan has made a lot of achievements in several wars because of Hinata Mirai, which can exchange the Hyuga Clan and Hokage for many benefits that are beneficial to the Hyuga Clan.

In the Hyuga Clan, the one who gained the most is undoubtedly the lineage of the Four Elders.

Afterwards, several elders of the clan discussed the benefits they wanted to exchange with Konoha; the position of elder might be a bit difficult, but it could be exchanged for four or five if he was directly promoted to the Jonin rank.

Jonin has a lot of power in Konoha, and his status is not low.

Compared with Zongjia, Hinata Mirai is more like going through the motions, he has not expressed his opinion, and will not give him this opportunity.

The meaning of his sitting here is more equivalent to the fact that the clan said to the other branches: Look, you will be like this too, as long as you make enough contributions to the clan, you can get a very high status.

After a while, when it came to discussing the interests of the clan, Hinata Kiyoya finally couldn't help but say

"Patriarch, grandfather, in this regard, I think I can ask the future's opinion. This time, the Hyuga clan can obtain such great benefits, thanks to the future."


Rixiang Rilin frowned and scolded: "I haven't heard the words of discussion from the patriarch and elders, how can I let the branch family speak first."

After hearing the words, Hinata Kiyoya stared at him for a moment, turned his head to look in the direction of Hinata Hirin, and was about to start a debate immediately; the split family you mentioned is someone who has made a lot of achievements for the Hinata clan.

But before Hinata Kiyoya could speak, her grandfather spoke first

"Qingmi! What Zhilin said is correct, for all important matters in the clan, you must first listen to the words of the clan leader."

Afterwards, the fourth elder of the Zong family turned his head to Hyuga Mirai and said, "Future, I was called here just after I came back, thank you for your hard work."

If Hinata Mirai is still here, then his granddaughter will definitely not give up.

At the beginning, Hyuga Kiyoya was chosen as the successor of this line. Although it was helpless at first, the performance of Hyuga Kiyoya made the fourth elder very satisfied.

However, with his training, the Fourth Elder found that his granddaughter was too strong-tempered and firmly believed in strength. If he hadn't stopped her now, she would probably have quarreled with Rixiang Rilin on the spot.

"This is what it should be, patriarch, elder." Hyuga Mirai nodded knowingly after hearing what he said, then stood up and said, "Then, I will take my leave first."

After speaking, Hyuga Miku went out.

After leaving the courtyard where the meeting was held, Hyuga Mirai could vaguely hear the voice from inside

'Did no one teach him the etiquette of the Hyuga clan! '

 It's the last day, can the monthly pass break the thousand?

(End of this chapter)

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