Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 127 The addition of Orochimaru

Chapter 127 The addition of Orochimaru
"Is this the future king's experimental base?"

Orochimaru was brought by Hinata Mirai to the underground base of the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce outside the capital of the Land of Fire, and along the way, Orochimaru was an eye-opener.

Although I didn't see all kinds of equipment used for human experiments, the variety of electronic instruments and hundreds of skeletal robots made Orochimaru amazed.

"Hmph, this is not a real experimental base yet. The two currently selected experimental bases are in the Country of Tea and the Country of Tang."

Hinata Mirai couldn't help but feel a little proud. Showing less than [-]% of his background in front of people who know the goods, and then gaining praise is really the best way to get a happy mood.

With Orochimaru's eyesight, he can barely guess what this base is for, but he doesn't know much about computers, so he doesn't want to speak indiscriminately.

But that super-large computer, which is dozens of times larger than ordinary computers, made Orochimaru unable to look away.

"Supercomputers, equipped with rudimentary artificial intelligence, can help you simulate and calculate many experimental results."

Hinata Miku introduced the achievements in his base to Orochimaru as if showing off, and simply calculated a process of cell fusion to show Orochimaru.

"How? If you like, I can ask Number 18 to rebuild one for you."

"It's too perfect, then I'm welcome."

Orochimaru couldn't refuse this computer that could greatly shorten the calculation time of the experiment.

Orochimaru secretly wrote down the name, and then followed Hinata Mirai to continue visiting the base.

If Orochimaru had come over earlier, he would have seen more secrets; but No. 18 was told many times by Hinata Mirai that eggs should not be put in one basket, so some time ago, No. 18 had put the weapons manufacturing center Moved to the experimental base in the country of tea.

Now here is only half of the computer production center and network data processing center, but due to the slow development of computers in the Fire Nation, up to now, the computer Internet can only cover half of the Fire Nation.

Some remote or barren places are blank areas for No. 18.

After visiting the base, Orochimaru suddenly asked Hinata Mirai: "Mirai-kun, I have never asked. With your talent, even if you don't defect from Konoha, you can climb Hokage step by step. At that time, The whole Konoha can be your help, but why don't you want to stay in Konoha?"

"This matter. I have also seriously thought about it, such as starting from the bird in the cage, changing the branch, and using the strength of the Hyuga clan to run for Hokage; then I may be bound by the atmosphere of the village and become Uchiha Madara and Chien A combination of two ideas in Tezhura, for the sake of peace, so as to unify the ninja world, and finally marry a few wives"

Hyuga Miku said slowly, then shook his head with a frown
"This kind of future is too boring. The level of ninja is too low. I don't want to be bound to that level; besides, if I stay in Konoha, it will create a deep bond. For people like us, this kind of bond is It is a very scary and troublesome thing, it will force you to do something that you do not want to do, Orochimaru, you should have a deep understanding."

"Hehe, if you say that...it is true."

When Orochimaru heard about the fetters, he immediately thought of Jiraiya. If this guy kept looking for him, with the strength shown by that idiot, he might not even have a safe experimental environment in the future.

Hinata Mirai did not explain that that kind of fetters would indeed slowly soften a person's heart. He gave Orochimaru Xiaozi's scales in order to force himself to leave Konoha's environment through Orochimaru's betrayal.

Hyuga Miku is not a native of the ninja world. The memory of the first five years old is like a super long movie to him.

After he first came to this world, he was afraid that he would be sent to the battlefield and die. For this reason, Hinata Mirai kept forcing himself to become stronger.

For the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Mirai really didn't have any good feelings for him, and that kind of superior attitude made him, a person from another world, feel extremely uncomfortable.

This kind of discomfort will turn into dissatisfaction with the accumulation of years, coupled with the fact that there will be some unpleasant things between Hinata Mirai and the Zong family in daily life, this situation will cause a qualitative change in the dissatisfaction.

If it wasn't for Hinata Kiyoya, Hinata Mirai really didn't want to let the Zongjia go cheaply. That naive young lady was still unwilling to bring him back to Konoha with the caged bird curse seal at the last moment, facing someone who was almost the Zongjia's mortal enemy , with naive fantasies.
Hyuga Miku really wanted to see how this naive young lady would grow up after her hopes were shattered.

Orochimaru asked: "Future Lord, what are your plans for the future?"

Are you going to?
"Let's transform the ninja world first. I have endured this twisted development process for a long time."

After thinking about it for a while, Hyuga Miku thought, as for changing his life form to achieve the realm of immortality, this can be let go first; He is going to create several clones, and then use the spiritization technique to combine with the curse seal, and use it as his spare life.

There are still decades before the Otsuki clan appears in the ninja world. Hinata Mirai believes that he can transform the world into the perfect state he envisioned before the Otsuki clan appears.

Instead of talking about it, say that children should not go to the battlefield, and then remove the age of ten and above from the stage of children.

After hearing Hinata Mirai's rhetoric, Orochimaru couldn't help but smiled hoarsely: "Hehe, transforming the ninja world, what a great idea."

"Believe me, Orochimaru, if you proceed step by step in a planned way, you will find that it is not difficult to transform this ninja world."

"Of course I believe in Future Lord. In fact, in just a few years, he can develop such a large whirlpool chamber of commerce; transforming the ninja world may be a joke to others, but if it is placed on Future Lord, then It’s worth looking forward to..”

Speaking of the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce, Orochimaru suddenly thought that Konoha had reached a large deal with a Baicao Chamber of Commerce some time ago, and the owner of that Chamber of Commerce happened to be named Nineteen.

With the number as the name, and it is still the two consecutive numbers of eighteen and nineteen, Dashemaru feels that his guess should be right.

"Oshemaru, what are you going to do next?"

"Next, I'm going to take a walk in the ninja world."

Orochimaru thought about it for a while, and said to Hinata Mirai
"There may be many undiscovered truths hidden in the history of the ninja world. After exploring the history of the ninja world, I may find a place to establish a power."

Hyuga Mirai asked directly, "Do you need my help?"

Orochimaru said with a hoarse smile, "Naturally, the moment I crushed the serpent, I had already made a decision." On the way to pursue all the truths in the world, he believes that Hinata Mirai is an indispensable companion.

After getting this answer, Hinata Mirai was satisfied.

The most important thing about Dashemaru is not his strength, but his value is that he has a very high desire to explore and a strong talent for experimental research.

Hinata Mirai has always had an idea, that is, when Xiaonan was in the Akatsuki organization, if Xiaonan used all the funds of the Akatsuki organization to support the research of Orochimaru, what kind of effect would it produce.

Orochimaru left the base with his watch, and he didn't know how long he would stay around, but when he had the idea of ​​establishing a power, he would definitely contact Hinata Mirai through the watch.

After Orochimaru left, the 18th came to report to Hinata Mirai
"Sir, Rin Nohara wants to see you."

Hinata Mirai asked casually, "How is her performance?"

"It's very bad. Rin Nohara thinks we are Konoha's enemies, so she has been on a hunger strike until now, hoping to starve herself to death."

"Another stubborn idiot."

Hinata Mirai scratched his head, then turned off the nano-display in front of him, tilted his head and asked No. 18, "No. 18, how about making another combat machine assistant with Tailed Beast Chakra as the core?"

"The effectiveness and configuration of weapons will be higher than the combat assistants of nuclear fusion energy furnaces. If the consciousness carried in the tailed beast chakra can be erased, I suggest developing a unique combat robot based on the characteristics of the tailed beast chakra."

Hyuga Mirai frowned slightly, and asked, "That is to say, the Tailed Beast Chakra will have a thinking influence on the nanochip of the robot assistant?"

"Twenty-one percent chance, sir."

A nano-display sticks out from No. 18's hand, and it slowly lists the influence factors of the tailed beast chakra on the nano-chip and the possible results.

"In this way, I only paid attention to the energy effect of chakra, but ignored the basic composition of chakra."

Speaking of this, Hinata Mirai paused for a moment, and he suddenly thought that No. 18 was the first biomechanical assistant to use chakra as an energy supply, and the star stone in the energy furnace is likely to be related to ten tails.

"Do you have any orders, sir." No. 18 asked calmly after Hinata Miku watched for a while.

Hinata Mirai shook his head and said, "It's nothing for now, let's go and see Nohara Lin first." At present, the orders for him on the 18th can be perfectly completed, and there are no special changes, so let's take a look first.

In this base, apart from the above-ground production plant, the only people who can go below two floors underground are Hinata Mirai, Uzumaki Ayaka, and Nohara Rin.

After Nohara Lin was taken away by Uzumaki Ayaka, she has been locked up in the underground base. Apart from the restriction of activities, the rest is very good. A computer is placed in the room, and besides networking, many games are installed.

Ordinary captives don't have this kind of treatment here.

But Nohara Rin was afraid that this was Kirigakure's conspiracy again, and when there was no order from Hinata Mirai, no one would care about her here; so Nohara Rin was afraid that she would be used by Kirigakure as a means to deal with Konoha, so she chose to go on a hunger strike suicide.

However, on the 18th, Hinata Mirai's order was perfectly executed. If Nohara Rin didn't eat, then a daily injection of nutritional supplements was enough to ensure her survival.

"Here we are, sir."

On the 18th, Hinata Mirai was brought to a room, and after opening the door, Hinata Mirai walked in.


Inside the house, Ye Yuanlin, who was depressed, suddenly heard a familiar voice. She heard the sound of the door opening just now, and thought it was a daily injection, so she didn't even raise her head. However, after hearing this voice, Nohara Lin couldn't help but look up. .

"Future classmate?"

 Chapter 2, there will be another chapter in a while, it will be very late, brothers can go to bed first, good night
(End of this chapter)

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