Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 129 Looking for the Red Sand Scorpion

Chapter 129 Looking for the Red Sand Scorpion
The three holy lands have different ways of selecting contractors. Compared to Mt. Miaomu, there are very few contractors in Longdi Cave and Shibone Forest for thousands of years. The Sannin of this era can be said to be a coincidence.

Although Hyuga Mirai signed a psychic contract with Ryujidong, he seldom used psychic beasts to fight, so he picked Xiao Zi and cultivated them; for celestial arts, he also developed his own celestial model, so it can be said that he has nothing to do with it. We can ask Longdidong for help.

The White Snake Immortal is a huge white phosphorous serpent. According to Orochimaru, the immortal mode of Ryūchi Cave is that the White Snake Immortal injects natural energy from her fangs into the cultivator, and then it depends on the cultivator himself. will and ability.

If you can't withstand the erosion of the natural energy of Longdi Cave, you will be eaten by the Three Great Snake Princesses.

As for the Three Great Snake Princesses, when Hyuga Mirai came in, he saw three women with different shapes standing aside, those eyes that were no different from human beings kept looking at him, only in An Nai couldn't help Only when the greed of the three snake princesses shows the characteristics of snakes.

None of the three great snake princesses expected that Xiao Zi's contractor would be such an alluring kid.

Because Hyuga Mirai has signed a psychic contract with Ryūji Cave, so there is no need to pass the test of the three major snake princesses, and the White Snake Immortal did not appear in front of Hinata Mirai in human form.

"I didn't expect Xiaozi's contractor to have the same eyes as the two people who stopped the goddess of Mao a thousand years ago. It seems that you are his descendant."

After hearing the words of the White Snake Immortal, Hyuga Miku couldn't help asking: "White Snake Immortal, have you also experienced what happened to the Otsutsuki clan thousands of years ago?"

"Otsutsuki? I don't know about this, but all the psychic beasts are very clear about the fact that the goddess Uno brought the sacred tree to quell the war; because the sacred tree absorbs the spirit that is closely related to the psychic beasts in this world. Many psychic beasts could perceive the natural energy at that time."

Immortal White Snake slowly talked about the events of that year
"Because the speed at which the sacred tree absorbs natural energy is too domineering, it almost affects the survival of all psychic beasts; but the goddess Uno is too powerful, and we have nothing to do with her. In the end, Hamamaru thought of a way and moved Uno The two sons of the goddess of U, passed on our practice method to the sons of the goddess of U, and they defeated the goddess of U, thus sealing the sacred tree."

"What I didn't expect was that Xiao Zi's contractor had the exact same eyes as one of them back then."

Hyuga Mirai said casually: "I am a descendant of Yu Cun, so, Immortal White Snake, why did you ask Xiao Zi to call me here?"

"Well, it's embarrassing to say this."

The White Snake Immortal said slowly: "Xiao Zi's appetite has increased a lot recently, although he has learned to absorb natural energy to reduce his food intake, but sometimes he will fight with other big snakes because of the competition for prey. The second time is also because of snatching Xin Ya's prey."

"Oh" This is a bit different from what Xiao Zi said.
Hinata Mirai looked down at Xiao Zi, and found that it had closed its eyes. If Hinata Mirai was not still standing on its head, it is estimated that it would bury its head in its body.

"Another reason is to meet another contractor in Longdi Cave. If you need it in the future, not only Xiao Zi, but other big snakes in Longdi Cave can also psychic them out to help you fight."

When Hyuga Miku heard the words, he raised his eyebrows slightly, then pointed to the three great snake princesses under the White Snake Immortal, and said, "What if I want to psychic them?"

"Of course you can, but you have to leave their fairy chakra on your body first, so that you can summon them with psychic skills. If you have Xiao Zi, other big snakes really don't help you much. In this case, then As you said."

"I heard that there are two immortal arts in Longdi Cave. I wonder if I can learn them?"

"As a contractor of Longdi Cave, you can naturally learn Longdi Cave's inherited immortal arts; these two immortal arts, Tian Xin, Shichu, and Tuanjin all have Longdi Cave's immortal arts. You can ask any of them for advice."

Sending Snake Princess and Immortal Art to him, if he said he had no intentions, he wouldn't believe it even if he killed Hinata Mirai.

"So Immortal White Snake, is there anything you can do for me?" Hinata Mirai asked straightforwardly.

Who would have thought that the big white phosphorous snake shook its giant snake head and said, "Not yet."

"I understand."

Not yet, but only later.

Then, under the signal of the White Snake Immortal, the three major snake girls left their chakras in Hyuga Miku, so that Hyuga Miku could also channel them to fight in the ninja world.

It's just that with the amount of fairy chakra in the body of the three major snake girls, at least [-]% of Hinata Mirai's chakra will be consumed if one of them is to be psychic.

However, judging from the abilities of the Three Great Snake Girls, Sancheng Chakra summoned a strong man who almost surpassed the shadow level to help him fight, and he undoubtedly made a lot of money.

"Master Future, I didn't expect Immortal White Snake to be so kind to you."

Xiao Zi's voice came from below. At this time, Hyuga Mirai had returned to the territory that once belonged to Xin Ya under the guidance of Xiao Zi.

"Be good to me? No, it's just that everyone gets what they need. If you don't ask for it now, I'm afraid you will ask more in the future."

Hyuga Miku shook his head and said, "But forget it, now that I know the attitude of the White Snake Immortal, then I can let other people sign a psychic contract with Ryūchi Cave."

A good psychic beast has great combat power. A Ryujidong Orochi with a body size of more than 50 meters cannot be dealt with by a ninja of the ninja level. If it exceeds [-] meters, then even the elite jonin is no match for the psychic beast. .

The ninja who summons the psychic beast only needs to pay Chakra to get such a powerful helper, which is much more cost-effective than releasing ninjutsu to fight.

Then Hinata Mirai helped Xiaozi check her body again, and after recording Xiaozi's data, he lifted the reverse psychic technique and returned to the base.

After returning, Hyuga Mirai prepared to go out again.

Now that you know the location of the Red Sand Scorpion, you can go to him quickly, otherwise, with the cautious character of the Red Sand Scorpion, you may hide in one place to make a puppet, and you will not show up in the ninja world for a long time.

"Master Future, can I go out with you?"

Knowing that Mirai Hinata was going to go out, Ayaka Uzumaki ran over quickly, looking at Mirai Hinata with anticipation in her eyes.

"Next time, Caixiang, the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce cannot do without you for the time being."

Hinata Miku nodded Ayaka Uzumaki’s head, and then left the base directly; the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce is currently preparing to expand again, and Ayaka Uzumaki’s appearance is needed on the bright side, and since Orochimaru and him defected to Konoha, Kushim Uzumaki Nai's contact with Uzumaki Ayaka is more frequent, so it's not suitable for her to disappear for a long time.

Hyuga Miku came to the Kingdom of Craftsman in a short period of time through the flight thruster of the battle armor. According to the intelligence, the Red Sand Scorpion should lack the tools to make puppets, so it came to the Kingdom of Craftsman to buy it.

It should not have left yet, and the Craftsman's Country is an undeveloped area of ​​the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce, and the information collection on this is incomplete.

Even the information about the Scarlet Sand Scorpion came from an intelligence team of the underground gold exchange.

After launching a few more satellites on the 18th, we can basically monitor the movements of all the people in the Quannin world.

However, the country of craftsmen is not too big. With Hinata's ability to roll his eyes to the future, it should be the most convenient way to find someone.

Not long after, Hyuga Miku discovered Scorpion's secret base in a cave in a rocky desert.

"It's also a bio-combination machine, but the technique is too rough. It's good to rely on the ability of chakra to solidify the flesh and blood. Is it a self-created spell seal technique? But it's too simple to use chakra wires for the transmission components. Here, nano Chips will transmit instructions faster."

Hinata Mirai was five kilometers away, peeking at it with his white eyes for a while, until Chisha Scorpion completed the three-generation Kazekage puppet in his hand, and then slowly came to the door.

After approaching the cave, Hyuga Miku deliberately triggered the barrier that the scorpion left outside, and when he came to the cave, the red sand scorpion had already walked out of the cave.

Seeing Mirai Hinata, Scorpio at this time is also four years older than Mirai Hinata, but with a naturally tender face and a short body, he looks smaller than Mirai Hinata.

"Konoha Ninja, unexpectedly found this place" Although he didn't wear a forehead protector, almost everyone in the ninja world didn't know the white eyes of the Hyuga clan.

Hyuga Mirai corrected and said: "It's not Konoha Ninja, I left Konoha, and after a while, you will be able to hear the news of my leaving Konoha in the ninja world."

"Oh, rebellion!"

The Red Sand Scorpion noticed that there was no curse mark on Hinata Mirai's forehead, and immediately became interested; he wanted to collect all the blood successors in the ninja world and make them into his own puppets, but today's luck is good, there are actually An unlimited white eye, took the initiative to find him.

"Since you took the initiative to come to me, then obediently become one of my collections, the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, I heard that it is one of the most difficult blood successors in the ninja world. Today is really lucky."

The Red Sand Scorpion finished with a sneer, and then directly took out a scroll, and took out the human puppet he had just completed.

Hyuga Mirai asked puzzledly: "Do you want to fight? You guys are really impulsive, why don't you ask me why I came to you?"

The Red Sand Scorpion stretched out the Chakra thread from his hand, connected to the human puppet of the Third Kazekage, and said, "There is no need for that. Before you die, I will give you enough time to say your last words!"

"Last words? Is your confidence to say this because you, a puppet full of loopholes?"

Hinata Mirai looked at Chisa Scorpion in amazement, that kind of look made Chisa Scorpion instantly familiar; when he was in Sand Ninja Village, he used this look to look at other idiots who couldn't learn puppetry.

"You bastard"

Before the Red Sand Scorpion finished speaking, he saw a mass of silver-white liquid like mercury flowing from Hinata Mirai's hand; however, when this liquid approached the ground, it gradually turned into a metal puppet. Under the sunlight, the black and dark gold reflect an artistic frosted light.

"Since you want to fight a battle first, then come on. As for the fighting method, use your best puppet technique."

 Chapter 1!
(End of this chapter)

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