Chapter 135
"In this case, it is probably a success."

In this experiment, a total of ten subjects were used. Except for the first two who died, the remaining eight survived.

It's just that except for the last two people, the other six people have different snake-like characteristics. Although it is not obvious, it is enough to prove that Hinata Mirai's experiment has certain risks and is not the most perfect.

Although people who have become snakes can also absorb natural energy, they retain many characteristics of snakes; such as swallowing food, appearing scales on their bodies, etc., in short, they are not very human-like.

It was not until the last two human experiments that Hinata Miku avoided all the disadvantages and only changed the functions and characteristics of some organs of the body.

For the eight people who survived, Hinata Mirai asked them: "You guys, do you have any plans? Do you choose to do things for me or leave here."

After a few people looked at each other, they made a decision together without thinking too much: "We are willing to follow the adults."

They are either wandering ninjas or some chakra warriors. They were all purchased from the underground gold exchange on the 18th. He would accept them as subordinates.

They always thought that the road ahead was a dead end, but there was an extra fork in the road to survive. At this time, of course they would desperately seize this opportunity.

"Since you have agreed, then I will place an insurance on you that you will not betray."

Several people have no objection, in fact they have no right to choose

Soul curse seal!

A curse mark like a whirlpool appeared on the heads of the eight people one by one.

This is Hinata Mirai sealing his celestial chakra in the brains of these people based on the principle of a bird in a cage. This is the first layer of insurance he made; Like Nohara Lin, they also installed miniature bombs on their bodies, but the power didn't have to be as big as Nohara Lin's.

"Although you all have the ability to absorb natural energy, your own strength is too weak. I will prepare ninjutsu and guides for you. After you improve your strength, let's talk about other things."

Even if these people have the natural ability to improve their physical fitness, they can barely exchange for one with the average Chunin; their foundation is too poor, and sending them out to do things is death.

As for the teacher, besides Orochimaru, Hinata Miku can't think of anyone else who is the most suitable to teach them.

After the six people were injected with Ichikijima Hime's cell-modifying potion, all of them had the characteristics of snakes. After seeing them, Orochimaru might feel a sense of intimacy.

However, Orochimaru is now traveling in the ninja world. Hinata Mirai can send people to Orochimaru's new base first, and let Shinobu teach them some basic training and ninjutsu. Hinata Mirai doesn't have much time in this regard.

After sending these people away, Hinata Mirai prepared to undergo organ transformation for himself.

This time he has absolute certainty, so he will try it on himself.

After a while, after the transformation experiment was over, Hinata Mirai got up from the test bench.

"The burden on the internal organs seems to be lighter, and I can feel a clear sense of hunger..."

Hinata Miku checked his body, and all the data were the same as those he calculated before the transformation, and there was not much deviation.

"Then, try the absorption of natural energy."

Afterwards, Hyuga Miku sat down on the spot and absorbed natural energy directly.

As soon as he started to absorb, Hinata Mirai felt that his digestive system was working quickly. After the natural energy was absorbed into the body, it was quickly digested by the stomach. As the digestive system gradually became the natural energy belonging to Hinata Mirai itself, slowly Slowly absorbed by all parts of the body.

"It is useful, but compared with the digestive system, the rate of absorbing natural energy is a bit slower, and it may also be related to the rich value of natural energy around it."

The body has indeed improved. After absorbing the digested natural energy, he felt that the fatigue of the body was eliminated directly, and his energy increased a lot.

Hinata Mirai thought about it for a while, and now there is another way to increase his strength, so after the trip to the moon, he can consider going to the Kingdom of Loulan.

"Auntie, is Hong at home?"

Yuhihong's mother saw that outside the door was Asma Sarutobi who had been coming these days, so she opened the door and said politely: "It's Asma, I'm sorry, Hong went out to practice with her father early in the morning. Under normal circumstances, you will not be able to return until near sunset.”

"That's it, then I won't bother Auntie." Asma apologized embarrassedly, and then left here and returned home.

He hasn't seen Kurenai Yuhi for a long time. After hearing the news about Mirai Hinata, Asma was very angry at first, thinking that Mirai Hinata had failed Hong's heart.

Seeing Kureni Yuhi's lost state later, Asma wanted to persuade Kureni Yuhi to stop being so depressed.

But he came to look for Xi Hihong many times, but he didn't meet him once; it was still early in the morning, not long after dawn, Xi Hihong went out to practice with her father.

'I can't waste my time like this anymore.'

Sarutobi Asma saw that Kurenai Yuhi was practicing hard every day, but he was wasting time, so he couldn't help but secretly made a decision in his heart, and then ran back home at high speed, preparing to take advantage of his father before going to the Hokage Building. Stop him and let him practice with him.

Asma now has some complaints about Sarutobi Hiruzen, since he has abdicated, don't be busy dealing with affairs all day long, wouldn't it be good to accompany his son to practice.

At this time Kakashi also got up early, Anbu has very strict rules on time, but during this period of time when performing tasks, he was a little absent-minded.

The time when he lost to Mirai Hinata almost became Kakashi's nightmare.

It was the first time that the perfected Chidori was so easily captured by someone. If Kakashi wanted to get rid of this shadow, he had to perfect Chidori's ninjutsu again, and then defeat Mirai Hinata.

He has always faced everyone with a harmless image, but under that kind face, there is such a powerful strength hidden.

Only Kakashi, who has fought against Hinata Mirai, understands the terrifying power of the other party.

He has been called a genius since he was a child, but Kakashi couldn't imagine how at this age, he has the strength close to Hokage.


Kakashi came to the quiet room and opened the storage room where his father kept the ninja knives; as one of the few strong knives in Konoha, it is naturally impossible for Hatake Sakumo to only have a chakra dagger.

If Sharingan's insight ability is of great help to Chidori, it will be even more helpful to swordsmanship. If he can't improve Chidori's ninjutsu in a short time, maybe he can change the direction.

Regarding Kakashi's recent state, the teacher Namikaze Minato also knows a little bit, but he still has the responsibility of the Hokage, so he can only take care of Kakashi properly within the scope of his power.

For example, arrange an easier task for him.

In addition, Namikaze Minato has nothing to help Kakashi, his ninjutsu is not suitable for Kakashi, whether it is flying thunder god jutsu or spiral pill.

Moreover, Hokage has a lot of affairs to deal with. Even with the help of Shikahisa and the third generation of Hokage, Namikaze Minato still spends five or six hours a day on official duties.

Konoha seems to have only one village directly under its jurisdiction, but several departments in the village can almost radiate their responsibilities to the entire Kingdom of Fire.

Such as military and diplomacy, as well as enemy investigation and so on.

"Then, according to our agreement, the deposit for this batch of orders will be delivered to the Baicao Chamber of Commerce before tomorrow."

Namikaze Minato said to the person in front of him with a smile, but the contagiousness of his smile did not make the person in front of him feel the same way, and the other person's expression remained unchanged, as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

"I understand, Your Excellency Hokage, the Baicao Chamber of Commerce will strictly follow the contract."

After finishing speaking, Nineteen got up to say goodbye and left the Hokage Building.

After Nineteen left, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, two advisors, and Danzo came to Hokage's office together.

"Three generations of adults, there are two advisors and Danzang elders, did something happen?"

For four people to come to him at the same time, something serious must have happened; Minato Namikaze asked with a solemn expression after thinking of this.

"Cough, Minato, it's not something important." Hiruzaru Sarutobi coughed dryly, then lowered his eyes slightly and said: "We just came to ask, why should we cut the funds at the root?"

"Is it just for this matter..."

Although Namikaze Minato breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the words, he also felt that Midai-sama had made a big deal out of a molehill, and even came here with two consultants just to ask about the root funds.

"It should be a misunderstanding that Root killed the Minister of Finance by mistake during the war, and Danzo was punished for it; the current Konoha still needs the strength of Root, and if you cut Root's funds at this time, then at the right time Externally, Konoha's strength may be a little weaker."

Turning to bed Xiaochun opened his mouth and explained to Danzo
"Even so, the funds needed by the roots are almost equal to those of Anbe. Konoha is currently rebuilding after the war, and the funds approved by the Daimyo Prefecture are very tight; and I don't know anything about the number of people in the roots, their tasks, and the reports they have received. It’s normal to cut expenses.”

Namikaze Minato explained plainly, and these words made the two consultants, Koharu and Mitomon Yan, choke.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly: "What you said, Minato, is also reasonable, but lacking the power of the roots, it is necessary to expand Anbu."

"Three generations of adults, I don't want to reduce the strength of the roots, but Elder Danzang needs to complete some tasks so that I can continue to allocate funds to the roots."

Namikaze Minato said, and he also understood that the four of them teamed up to find him, and the basic funds could not be reduced.

"Tracking down the traces of Orochimaru and Hinata Mirai, this task will involve the help of ninjas from the Hinata branch. The root of this task is to give me an answer as soon as possible."

 Yesterday's, second update
(End of this chapter)

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