Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 148 Cooperative Transformation

Chapter 148 Cooperative Transformation

In order to love her people all the time, Queen Sara had to bite her lip, and reluctantly agreed to Hinata Mirai's proposal.

She disobeyed the order of her ancestors, and in her generation, she gave up the dragon's veins; but Sarah thought that all this was for the common people, and comforted herself that her decision was worthwhile.

"Master Future, that's amazing!"

Uzumaki Ayaka saw the whole process of Hinata's 'persuading' Queen Sara in the future, with a gentle tone and a confident attitude. The Queen of Loulan was led away like a child in front of the future adults.

It would be even better if the future adults were so gentle to me at the beginning; but such future adults are also very attractive, even though they are only teenagers...

When Uzumaki Ayaka is delusional in her mind, she usually ignores the changes around her, and from time to time she will make a "hey hey hey" sound, plus the expression on her face, it is very easy to guess.

"Caixiang, if there is no problem with Nohara Lin, then you can stay with Loulan for a while."

Hyuga Miku spoke to Uzumaki Ayaka
After hearing Hinata Mirai's words, Uzumaki Ayaka slightly recalled Nohara Lin's performance, and said: "Nohara Lin's recent behavior is very normal, except for saving some civilian orphans, maybe..."

"Of course, I will also stay in Loulan for a while to study the dragon veins."

"Master Future, Nohara Lin's performance is completely fine, and I can monitor her remotely. If there is anything abnormal, I will immediately fly back to her with the T1 armor."

Uzumaki Ayaka said with a 'sure' face, thinking of what a rare opportunity it is to be able to spend a period of time with Hinata Mirai
Next, it was time for Loulan and Jiekang Chamber of Commerce to start a comprehensive cooperation.

For this reason, it is necessary for Queen Sara to come forward in person and announce this matter to the common people in Loulan. people calmed down.

"People of Loulan, I am Sarah"

With the help of the equipment transferred by Hinata Mirai, Sara quickly launched a solemn national declaration in Loulan. With the help of loudspeakers, her voice spread to every corner of Loulan.

Explained to everyone the cooperation between Loulan and Jiekang Chamber of Commerce. Thanks to this, the people of Loulan can enjoy many benefits.

Work and remuneration, a large number of favorable materials, and opportunities for education and some military protection.

These performances seemed to be very good treatment for Loulan, and Sara agreed to all of them.

For this, she only needs to give up the high tower that seals the dragon's veins and the range of 500 meters around; for this, Hinata Mirai needs to expand another palace for Sara.

"Then, everything will be executed as if the contract was signed, Queen Sara."

With a gentle smile on his face, Hyuga said to the queen who was a few years older than him in front of him.

"Many, thank you for bringing new changes to Loulan. As the queen of Loulan, I am very grateful for that."

Queen Sara showed a complicated expression and said to Hinata Mirai that after announcing her cooperation with the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, she once changed into a disguise and went to the street to personally inquire about the reactions of the people.

Almost all Loulan people had a happy expression. They were all praising Queen Sara and the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, thinking that Queen Sara must have put in a lot of effort to obtain so many benefits for them.

Cheaper and more plentiful supplies than ever before, jobs that pay more than ever before, education for the children, and someone to help clean the oasis from the sandstorm.

With so many benefits, Sara walked with her head down, and almost all she heard were words of praise.

'Mother, I did nothing wrong, everything is for the people of Loulan.'

After returning to the palace, Sara thought silently, the last remaining hesitation in her heart disappeared, but there was still some worry, worried that Loulan would experience the Anlu Mountain incident again.

Sara bowed a little embarrassedly and said, "Future-san, I hope you will allow me to observe the dragon's veins from the sidelines, because this is what it is."

"Are you worried that I will use the dragon veins to do bad things?"

Hyuga Mirai smiled dumbly and said, "Of course it can. After all, An Lushan used the power of the dragon veins to cause great harm to the people of Loulan. It is normal for Her Royal Highness to be worried about this."

Besides, apart from the cloak of Queen Loulan, Sara is just an ordinary person who doesn't go to school much, and probably doesn't even know how to use a computer, so it's okay to let her watch

After Hyuga Miku said this, the tension on Sarah's face disappeared a little.

"As for coming to the Dragon Vein Tower, that's of course no problem; but I'm only doing research on the Dragon Veins. To avoid accidents, there won't be many people in the tower; if the queen wants to watch from the sidelines, then the number of people who come each time is at most no More than two people, okay?"

"Two people are enough, thank you very much for Mirai-san's understanding."

Sara bowed again, and said sincerely to Hyuga Future that she was not as polite as the queen of a country, and there was also a reason why Hyuga Future was too powerful, and the country of Loulan had no power to resist in front of him.

After reaching an exchange, Hyuga Mirai asked the 18th to start a major renovation of Loulan. Through Kaduo's Shipping Chamber of Commerce, a lot of materials were shipped to Loulan by sea.

The country of Loulan is on the edge of the Kingdom of Wind, and it is more convenient to transport it by sea than to take the distant land route.

And as long as a few tracks are built on the coastline, supplies can be transported to Loulan at an extremely fast speed; and there are no ninjas to destroy the tracks here, and there are not even bandits and bandits in the desert.

And on the other side of Loulan is an undeveloped area, maybe there are undiscovered mineral deposits there; but even if there is no, Hyuga Mirai will not let himself lose money, the people of Loulan are rich, what he can earn There is more money.

"The base of the Kingdom of Tea can be used as a branch. It's actually pretty good there. It's a waste to leave it empty. What do you think, No. 18."

Hyuga Mirai asked a little tangled, the research base of the Country of Tea was built by him at a large price, and the internal facilities are extremely complete. Neither Orochimaru nor Scorpion knew much about the base facilities of the Country of Tea, otherwise they would definitely want to stay there Research.

But Loulan has the energy of dragon veins, and Hinata will practice and study here in the future, so that she can become stronger.

After the transformation of the digestive system, Hyuga Mirai's demand for natural energy is increasing day by day. Although some natural energy can be absorbed in other places in the ninja world, the efficiency is definitely not as high as that of Longmai here.

"All according to your will, sir."

"Number 18, sometimes I need you to give me some advice, such as now" Hyuga Mirai turned his head and looked at the expressionless face of No. 18 and said
"Let others use it, so that the base will not be idle and waste the utilization of equipment."

"You mean Orochimaru, he is the only one at the moment." Hinata Mirai sighed, there are very few people in the ninja world who are equipped with his research equipment, and now there is only one Orochimaru who is suitable.

"Help me connect to Orochimaru."

After Hyuga Miku finished speaking, a nano display screen protruded from the wrist watch on his wrist, and remotely called Orochimaru.

After a while, Orochimaru was connected.

"Future Lord, what can I do for you at this time?"

"It's nothing important, I just want to ask how your research base is getting ready?" Hinata Miku saw a pale-skinned boy following Orochimaru, and couldn't help but ask, "Who is this kid?"

"Hehe, I got a good harvest in the country of water, Kaguya-kun Maro of the Taketori clan, when he grows up, he will become my capable subordinate."

Orochimaru's hoarse laughter revealed pride. In his opinion, the blood successor of the Taketori clan is not weaker than the Uzumaki clan at all, and has great research value and investment value

Then Orochimaru continued,

"As for the research base, I have already selected the address, and I will need your help soon; Mr. Future, I know that the Red Sand Scorpion has also joined the organization, and I am no worse than him in terms of the value of the research results."

"I see. For this kind of thing, you can contact No. 18 directly, and she will arrange everything."

Hinata Mirai said helplessly that the two of them probably choked up again, and then the Chisha Scorpion probably showed off his research equipment, which made Orochimaru jealous.

"Since you have made your choice, then I won't bother you; by the way, give me a copy of Junmalu's cell gene, I want to study it too, and there are Mizuki clan wandering in the land of water The descendant of Da She Wan, if you meet it, you can bring it back by the way."

"I see, Future Lord."

After the chat, Hinata Mirai said to the 18th: "The base of the country of tea is temporarily empty, and I will arrange it after I find a suitable person in the future."

No. 18 nodded and said, "I understand, sir; for the reconstruction of the Dragon Vein Tower, it will take 27 days to complete the renovation after the start of construction."

"Before then, please send over the genetic modification fluid and equipment of Ichikijima Hime. If Caixiang stays in Loulan, she can also practice immortality. Caixiang, are you listening?"

Miku Hyuga stopped suddenly, and Ayaka Uzumaki behind him hit him directly
After regaining her senses, Uzumaki Caixiang hurriedly nodded and replied: "I understand, Master Future, everything is up to you."

"Be serious. Although you can quickly control the immortal mode after the transformation, you still need to study it yourself to apply the immortal chakra to the strengthening of the spell."

Hinata Mirai's vision for Uzumaki Ayaka is Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but he can only cut Hu Kyuubi after Obito kills his teacher; otherwise, Uzumaki Ayaka says she hates Kushina, but Kushina is after all One of her few clansmen, it was a bit inappropriate for Hinata Miku to take action against Kushina.

After learning the Uzumaki Ayaka from the Immortal Queen, you can forcibly lock Nine Tails in your body and capture Nine Tails Chakra almost without double seals.

Although seizing the tailed beast will put him on the opposite side of the Akatsuki organization, Hinata Mirai is confident that he will use his ability to change Nagato's thinking.

Sometimes, combining benefits with a stick is more effective than talking about it.

 first change

  Can I ask for a count?Monthly ticket recommendation is fine!
(End of this chapter)

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