Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 167 The Corrupted Sand Ninja

Chapter 167 The Corrupted Sand Ninja

After several months of getting along, now that it's time to separate, Ye Cang's team is really reluctant to part with Jiekang Chamber of Commerce.

During the mission, the Yecang team perfectly protected the safety of Jiekang Sanmu and other main team leaders. No matter whether it was a greedy bandit or a wild beast in the desert, they could not bypass the Yecang team to attack Jiekang Chamber of Commerce.

Although the task commission paid for hiring the Ye Cang team is quite a lot, but with Ye Cang's strength, it completely exceeds this price.

After receiving the order, Ye Cang came to Jiekang Sanmu, explained the situation to him and said goodbye: "Then, Mr. Sanmu, after tomorrow, there will be a new mission team to replace us."

"Oh, after getting along for so long, I'm really reluctant to suddenly learn that Ye Cang Shangren is going to leave."

Miki pretended to be distressed and smiled, and continued: "After the great war, even if you are doing business in the Land of Fire, you will feel unsafe, but since being protected by the team led by Hakura Kamino, you can even sleep comfortably. A lot."

After hearing these words, the four members of Ye Cang's team couldn't help but smile on their faces; this is the best evaluation of their team, and it is also the recognition of their hard work in carrying out the task.

"I was in a hurry to learn that everyone is going back, and I didn't prepare any good gifts. Please accept some gifts."

Miki took out four gift boxes from the side and handed them to the four of Ye Cang respectively; the other three team members received gifts alone for the first time, and couldn't help looking at Ye Cang.

Sand ninjas also have ninja rules, and the behavior of receiving gifts in private has violated the ninja rules of sand ninjas.

However, the ninja rule depends on the occasion. Jiekang Chamber of Commerce is the largest trading partner of Sand Ninja Village, and many desert escort missions are entrusted by Jiekang Chamber of Commerce to Sand Ninja.

If they don't accept the gift, they will inevitably be too ignorant and suspect of looking down on Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, which will affect the relationship between Jiekang Chamber of Commerce and Sand Ninja Village.

Ye Cang nodded, and said to her disciples: "Take it, the gift from Mr. Miki is fine."

Jiekang Miki chuckled slightly after hearing the words, and then said to Ye Cang with a serious face: "Hakura Joshin, it just so happened that the Patriarch gave me an order to discuss it with Master Kazekage. If possible, please let me Let's go to Sand Ninja Village with you."

The real Jiekang family has been taken to the country of tea by the 18th, and the people who stay in the country of fire are already the substitutes arranged by the 18th, specially used for concealment and identity verification.

After the trade with Sand Ninja, the power of the Jiekang family has also expanded rapidly, but this is only one of the vest merchants of Hyuga Miki; sand ninja.

This thing has been revealed to the black market by Hyuga Mirai, but those idiots seem to keep it a secret; there is no way but to let their own vests spread the medical charm.

Ye Cang naturally has no objection to Jiekang Miki's going to Sand Ninja Village together.

So on the second day, Qichen and the group went to Sand Ninja. Ye Cang strictly abided by the rules of ninjas. He didn't ask Jiekang Miki why he went to Sand Ninja. He just escorted him all the way to Sand Ninja Village, and then came to the Wind Shadow Building.

Ye Cang has to hand over the task, and then just wait for the new arrangement.

Within a few months of her leaving the village, the reputation gained during the war basically faded away. Luo Sha did not do nothing in Sand Ninja Village during this time. Ye Cang called back.

And Luo Sha was a little surprised by Jiekang Sanmu's arrival, he asked, "Mr. Jiekang, it's not time for the next transaction yet, have you found a new vein yet?"

The Jiekang Chamber of Commerce has almost taken over all the external procurement resources of Sand Ninja, and all of them are delivered to the door. This makes Luo Sha and other Sand Ninja executives very satisfied with this. It saves them the time to go out to purchase, and the price is cheaper. few.

Because of this, the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce has almost become the best friend of Sand Ninja Village, but even Luo Sha, or other high-level Sand Ninja, seem to be unable to see the danger of sending out the procurement channels.

"It has nothing to do with mine veins. This time I received a letter from the Patriarch, wanting to sell a secret technique bought by the Jiekang family on the black market to Sand Ninja Village."

After Jiekang Miki finished speaking, he took out a scroll from his arms, which contained information about the invention of the medical talisman, how to use it, and the application of Konoha to the medical talisman, but the method of making the medical talisman was missing.

After reading it, Luo Sha looked at Jiekang Miki with solemn eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Jiekang, please speak up if you have anything to say."

"Hey, since Master Fengkage said so, then I will say it directly."

Jiekang Miki said helplessly: "The Jiekang family only wants to do business to make money at present, and this secret technique was obtained by accident, but if you tell Konoha, the Jiekang family will lose a lot of money, so the owner asked Let me ask Mr. Kazekage, is Guicun interested in medical talismans?"

Of course I am interested!

Luo Sha's eyes lit up when he heard the words. During the battle with Konoha, they also seized several medical charms; but the sealing technique used in the medical charms is completely different from the detonating charms. If there are no specific production steps, even Chiyo After several years of research, it is impossible to imitate.

This matter, Luo Sha can decide on his own, without having to communicate with other high-level officials.

Sand Ninja’s transaction here was successful, and they basically returned all the small advantages that Sand Ninja got some time ago, and Luo Sha was very happy because they got a very valuable method of making medical symbols.

Of course, Mirai Hyuga did not only trade the Sand Shinobi family. In fact, on the 18th, people were sent to the three big ninja villages of Yunin, Iwanin, and Kirinin.

Among the medical talisman information sold, Hinata Mirai slightly exaggerated the ability of the medical talisman and weakened the role of some medical ninjas, so that after they made it, they found that the effect did not meet expectations, and they would probably sell it to the outside world.

Only after the number of medical charms increases, will they flow into the market.

At that time, the role of the medical machine will be infinitely enlarged, and the functions that ordinary medical ninjas can play will be replaced by the medical machine.

Hinata Mirai has absolute confidence that the five major ninja villages cannot imitate the product of the medical machine. Each machine can be remotely controlled on the 18th. Once they use it, the ninja body data in the village will be recorded by the 18th. .

When Sand Ninja Village accepted Hinata Mirai's high-tech products step by step, they gradually turned into frogs in warm water. Even if they have strong strength, it is difficult to jump out of the boiling water of technological capital.

(End of this chapter)

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