Chapter 185 Persecution
"Once upon a time, there was a demon fox that endangered the world! It had nine tails, and if the fox was far away, it caused landslides and tsunamis."

"The people suffered so much that they summoned ninjas."

"There was a ninja who spared his life to seal the demon fox, and he himself died of exhaustion."

"This ninja is called the fourth generation, named Hokage."

This is the message on the new ninja game released by the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce, and it is accompanied by exquisite special effects and animations.

The latest version of the ninja game can be said to be extremely well-made, and it has added a variety of gameplay, team confrontation, weak point special effects and many other new changes. Once released, it has attracted the love of countless teenagers.

Especially for games with the Fourth Hokage as the protagonist, Konoha and other people in the Fire Country know about Namikaze Minato, the golden flash that became famous in the third Ninja World War, at that time Sarutobi Hiruza deliberately pushed Feng Shuimen is in the top position, so he has done a lot of means to make Namikaze Minato famous.

In addition, it has not been a few years since Namikaze Minato died, and everyone's memory has not faded.

The latest version of the ninja game, known as the fourth generation of Naruto, naturally attracted a lot of interest.

Not only teenagers, but even ninjas can't help but go in to have a look after passing by a store that sells ninja games and computers.

This game uses the nine-tailed demon fox as the final boss. It is extremely difficult. It is absolutely impossible for one person to pass the level. Only five people work together, and their technical level is particularly high, so it is possible to pass the level.

Almost five Nara team up, you can pass the level.

And there is also a very insane setting, that is, every time you are killed by Kyuubi, you will be repelled by two levels; Now, the levels of the game are not static. It is wishful thinking to rely on continuous attempts to increase the number of points.

Unless you play for a few years and master all the levels with more than one hundred changes, you will have a chance.

After playing this game, there will definitely be many people who will yell at Nine-Tails. The teenagers will be out of breath after being unable to pass the level, and they will have the idea of ​​asking their parents for news about Nine-Tails, which will cause the villagers to experience a few years ago. past fear.

Sometimes games do not bring joy, but fights. After the people in Konoha are awakened again to bring fear to Nine Tails, this emotion will continue to spread.

As long as someone adds fire, the fear of Nine-Tails will turn into hatred of anger and hostility, rushing towards the little guy representing Nine-Tails like a torrent and tsunami.

"A game related to the fourth generation?"

In the bottom base of Genbu, after Danzo picked up the game presented by Genbu's subordinates, he saw the hateful imperial robe and Naruto hat.

"Hmph, so what if you become Hokage, you're not dead, the fourth generation chosen by Hirizhan is simply wrong."

"My lord, there are many teenagers in the village who have played games, because of the nine tails in the last level"

The people at the root found out the news very clearly, mainly because many people not only discussed Kyuubi on the street, but even many students asked the ninja teacher about Kyuubi in the ninja school.

Although no specific answer was received, the trend has already spread in the village.

Talking about tailed beasts should have been stopped, but the Uchiha Guard did not take action.

One is that there are too many people talking about Kyuubi this time, more people talking about Uchiha than last time. If they really want to be arrested, it is not enough to build three guard prisons.

The second is that the people in the security team really don't want to take care of it. At the beginning, they said that Nine-Tails was controlled by many people. Now they go up and take care of it.

Unless there is an order from Hokage, the guard will take action; this is not only the meaning of the captains of the guard, but also the meaning of Uchiha Fugaku.

After Genbu Ninja finished talking about the situation, Danzo pondered for a while, and then sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, does the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce want to make money with the fourth generation's reputation? It just happened to help me once; just in time, I also want to know how to protect the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki when the anger of the whole village is pouring towards you, Hirizhan , Kushina"

Danzo then summoned some root ninjas and ordered:
"Spread the news that Uzumaki Naruto is Kyuubi in the village, be careful, don't be caught by other people for evidence Wait a minute, not only in Konoha, but spread the news to the country of fire, and see what Hirazan will do then .”

As for the safety of Uzumaki Naruto, Danzo has also thought about it. For decades, except for Yunnin who will attack Renzhuli, no other ninja village has done this; as long as he lets the root ninja keep an eye on Uzumaki Naruto, he can be guaranteed Don't be targeted by ninjas from other villages.

At the same time, the more people involved in discussing Kyuubi, the greater the chance he will be able to control Jinchuriki; a former Kyuubi Jinchuriki, without Kyuubi's power and greatest support, it is impossible to keep Kyuubi tail.

Danzo can already imagine that he is in control of Kyuubi. At that time, Kyuubi and Mutun will be under his control, and the position of Hokage will be at his fingertips. He will use Konoha as a starting point to create an eternally peaceful ninja world. That is a feat far surpassing that of the first Hokage!

At the same time, the same scene was happening in Sand Ninja Village, and it was far more intense than Konoha.

The ninja game is released simultaneously. In the ninja game of the Kingdom of the Wind, the last boss is naturally Izuo, and the seal of the sand ninja is not as good as Konoha, which can completely protect Renzhuriki from the tail beast.

Sand Ninja's Jinchuriki will suffer from Ichibi's noise all the time. If his mind is not firm, it is very likely to cause a Tailed Beast riot.

Among Luo Sha's reforms, one of them is to let his son control the power as soon as possible.

Only by successfully controlling the Tailed Beast can Sand Ninja have confidence on the battlefield.

However, Luo Sha's plan was destroyed by a ninja game. Of course, the series of scorpions also played a big role.

In front of the Kazekage Building, many ninjas and villagers gathered here. Most of them knew about Ichibi through ninja games, so they came to the Kazekage Building together and wanted to ask Kazekage for an explanation.

The ninjas and civilians here are not causing trouble, they are just shouting and discussing, and there are a lot of people, so Sand Ninja Anbu is not easy to drive away; they are all from the same village, and they can guard against these people from attacking the Kazekage Building. They use ninjutsu to drive people away.

"Master Kazekage, please come out and give me an answer!"

"That's right, Kazekage-sama, please give me a solution for Kazuo's matter."

"That's right, we don't want to worry about it anymore!"

"Master Kazekage, the life of villagers and other ninjas is also life, please stand up and reply."

These people did not rush into the Fengying Building because of the large number of people, but shouted outside, the voices were wave after wave, and even attracted more people; other people knew that what happened here was related to Yiwei After that, he immediately participated in it.

Unlike Konoha, Ichio often erupts in Sand Ninja Village, because Luo Sha too much wants Gaara to master Izuo's power earlier, so sometimes he often sends people to actively stimulate Gaara, so that Ichio will not stop Outburst, and in the process let Gaara become familiar with the power of the tailed beast.

But Gaara must live in the village, and it is impossible for Luo Sha to put Gaara outside the village; if Yiwei explodes completely, only he has the strength to suppress Yiwei.

Because of this, the ninja villagers of Sand Ninja Village will see Gaara rioting from time to time, and because of Sand’s protection, Gaara does not restrict Gaara’s freedom. Every time you see Gaara on the street, Sand The villagers of Ninja all seemed to see a scourge.

In fact, Gaara's mood swings will cause a tail of chakra to leak, and the tail will turn into a beast in the village, thus hurting many people.

The connection between the ninja game and some people completely ignited the contradiction in the one tail incident. Thousands of people gathered in front of the Kazekage Building, and they had to ask for an explanation.

And among these people, there is also a powerful and prestigious ninja, Zhuo Dun Ye Cang.

Because of a friend's request, Ye Cang had no choice but to follow, and after listening to other people's appeals, Ye Cang also felt that it would be better to settle the matter as soon as possible, at least to prevent the villagers from worrying.

 the second
  ask for votes

(End of this chapter)

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