Chapter 192 Scorpion's Shot

Luo Sha usually brings an Anbu team with him when he travels, and this time he is going to meet the daimyo. He doesn't think he will encounter any trouble in the land of the wind.

The matter with the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce has always been a matter of strict secrecy in Sand Ninja Village. In such a short period of time, it is impossible for the Daming Mansion to receive the news and respond. Luo Sha also wanted to quickly solve the Daming Mansion and his party, and then came back Finalize the covenant agreement with Patriarch Jiekang.

But when Luo Sha was on his way in the desert, he suddenly encountered four people blocking the way.

The four of them wore uniform black-bottomed red cloud coats, and the wristbands on their foreheads were all signs of rebellion, and the ninja village before the defection was not uniform.

"Eight hundred million heads, I'm not welcome."

Kakuto waited until Luo Sha was behind, and he couldn't wait to make a move; the other party was one of the five kages in the world, so as soon as Kakuto came up, he prepared to summon four masks of earth grievances to get rid of the fourth Kazekage as soon as possible.

"Rebellion, although I don't know who hired you, but the Kingdom of Wind is not something you rats can come to."

Luo Sha said with a cold expression, and Anbu beside him also instantly moved in front of him, protecting Luo Sha's body.

Jiaodu tore off his clothes and said to Luo Sha: "I hope you can say that in a while..."

"Kakutsu-san, first let me test the strength of the fourth Kazekage."

Dried Persimmon Kisame stood in front of Kakuzu with a big sword in his hands, showing his shark-like teeth and said to him with a smile
"Isn't the leader going to test my strength this time? The identity of the Fourth Kazekage should be enough for a test paper."

Heihe Leiya clicked his tongue after hearing this, he thought this junior was too rampant; this was dealing with the fourth generation of Kazekage in the desert, and he dared to go up alone, he really didn't know what to say.

When he will be beaten to the ground, he must make fun of this guy Ganshiguixie.

"Let him do it, Kakuzu."

Xiaonan said from the side, since Kisame Kisame took the initiative to ask for a shot, it was a good time for them to see the strength of the new members.

"Hmph, I hope you don't lose too badly, otherwise we will be ashamed too."

Seeing what Xiaonan said, Kakuzu had no choice but to compromise, and took a few steps back to let Ganshiguixie take the first shot.

Luo Sha in the distance saw that this group of traitors dared to underestimate him so much, he couldn't help feeling angry.

"You back away!"

Luo Sha said to Anbu beside him, and then put his hands together, and the chakra in his body burst out instantly.

The ground vibrated continuously, and in just a few seconds, gold placer like a tsunami rose from the ground; this is Luo Sha's blood succession limit, magnetic escape·gold placer technique.

Use the magnetic force to condense as many placer gold as the sea in the ground, creating a battlefield that is beneficial to you.

"Magnetic Dunge Gold Burial!"

"Get rid of you four ignorant guys in an instant!"

Luo Sha said with a cold face, and then under the control of Chakra, the gold dust under his feet seemed to roll out of seven or eight meters high waves, and rushed towards the four members of the Xiao organization.

Heihe Leiya was horrified at producing gold dust comparable to ocean waves in the desert, and the corner of his mouth twitched as he thought that he was worthy of the Fourth Kazekage.

"Hehe, gold dust, it just doesn't match my compatibility."

Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark smiled with shark-like sharp teeth, then threw the shark muscles to the sky, and quickly formed seals with both hands.

"Water Escape·Big Explosion Water Impact!"

A huge amount of water spewed out from the mouth of Kisame Kisame in an instant. It would be a disadvantage to use Water Dungeon in a place without water, but Kisame Kisame insisted on using Water Dungeon to deal with the Fourth Kazekage.

Although Water Dune has some advantages in the face of placer gold, environmental issues are always factors that ninjas cannot ignore.

However, Kisame Kisame seems to have broken this common sense. The amount of water he spit out from this ninjutsu is really amazing.

The sound of rolling water kept coming, and in an instant, a tsunami wave not weaker than gold dust appeared.

"Hey, this chakra volume, isn't it too cheating!?"

The black hoe Lei Ya said with a shocked face, the ninjutsu of the dried persimmon ghost is already better than the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, why is this guy still a subordinate of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost when he disappeared in the fog?

After seeing Kisame's ninja, Kakuzu couldn't help but recognize his strength, but he still snorted and said, "It seems that I don't need to take action, but Kazekage's head must belong to me."

Dried Persimmon Kisame continued to use ninjutsu continuously, and did not stop this ninjutsu until it turned the nearby few kilometers into a small lake.

And Luosha's placer gold, also under the impact of the water waves, lost control like muddy water and sank in the water.

Magnetic escape cannot be used in water, and placer gold is also difficult to manipulate after being soaked in water.

Luo Sha and several Sand Ninja Anbe also stood on the water after avoiding the impact of the explosive water.

Sand Ninja Anbe said in shock: "It's this guy, I remembered, Kirigakure rebelled against Ninja Kisame, who defected not long ago because of his failed assassination attempt on the Daimyo of the Water Country."

Another sand ninja Anbe followed up and said: "It is amazing to be able to use this kind of ninjutsu in a land without water, the amount of chakra is too amazing, go help Kazekage-sama!"

But just as Sand Ninja Anbe wanted to get close to Luo Sha, a bolt of lightning struck them in the distance.

The powerful lightning ninjutsu hit the water surface, instantly creating a conductive water area, separating Sand Ninja Anbe and Rasa.

"Don't make trouble in the past, your heads are worthless, and you can survive if you stay honest."

Floating beside Kakuto, who had finished using the Thunder Dunnin Jutsu, said to Sand Ninja Anbe in a cold voice

Sand Ninja Anbe, of course, can't listen to Kakuzu's words, even if Yuyin uses ninjutsu
"Wind escape, wind cutting technique."

A sharp wind blade hit Kakuzu in an instant, Sand Ninja Anbe saw that Kakuzu was using Thunder Dun, so he responded with Wind Dun.

Jiaodu snorted coldly and said: "If that's the case, then you all might as well die!" After that, another Di Yuanyu came out of him, opened its weird mouth directly, and used the fire escape ninjutsu

"Huo Dun · head hard!"

After a ball of flame was spit out by Ji Yuanyu, it instantly expanded to a fireball with a length of ten meters, which instantly swallowed Sand Ninja Anbe's wind escape ninjutsu, and at the same time pushed them further away.

"I'm going to deal with the little guy, remember to tell that guy that Kazekage's head is mine."

After saying this, Koku took off his coat, broke free from his body, and then rushed in the direction of Sand Ninja Anbe.

Konan doesn't care much about Fengying's head, but if the reward worth [-] million is not given to her as Kakudo said, even if Payne is here, Kakuto will definitely fight with Kanshikisame.

'Let's talk to Kanshi Kisame in a while, at least leave the body behind, if you don't get the reward, Kakuro might go berserk. '

Xiao Nan thought in her heart, seeing that Kisame and Shidai Kazekage had the upper hand in the fight against each other, and she also recognized this new member. This kind of strength is of great help to the development of Payne's plan.

Not far from the battlefield between Luo Sha and Ganshi Guixier, Xie was on standby here. Through a monitoring puppet, he could clearly see the fighting between the Akatsuki organization and Luo Sha.

"I'm going to save Anbu from these four people later? You guys are really going to cause me trouble."

Xie complained and said to Hinata Mirai that the four members of the Akatsuki organization knew that they were not weak at a glance, and there were only seven puppets after his transformation. It is really hard to say whether he can win these four people.

"Don't worry, after they kill Luo Sha, they definitely don't dare to stay for a long time, and you are the best in the ninja world in manipulating puppets, so it's no problem to save a sand ninja Anbu from these four people."

Hinata Mirai's voice reached Scorpion's ears, and it has to be said that this kind of praise is still useful to Scorpion.

"I'm not trying to save people, but Luo Sha, who can magnetically escape, is also a good material."

Although the mouth said so, the corners of Xie's mouth were still slightly raised, and then he continued to observe the fighting in the distance.

In the battle between Luo Sha and Qianshi Guixier, it can be said that the restraint was too great. The Water Dungeon not only restrained the Magnetic Dungeon, but also made the placer gold extremely heavy.

Every time he uses gold placer, the consumption of chakra is several times that of before, and Luo Sha's opponent is still Kisame Kisame, who is known as a tailless beast in Kirigakure.

Unless Luo Sha leaves the lake immediately, there are still black hoe Lei Ya and Xiao Nan in the distance, who can block Luo Sha's retreat at any time.

This thought came to Luo Sha's mind, but Kisame didn't give Luo Sha too much time to think. The successive attacks of ninjutsu and physical arts made him overwhelmed.

After a while, Luo Sha and Sand Ninja Anbu were both very dangerous. Two of the four Anbu had already died, and the rest were in danger.

"It's almost time, but when will the space capsule be researched? It feels much more convenient than the sealing scroll."

"Hurry up, I'm researching a new generation of nano-space capsules, and I'll give you the first one when I'm done; Scorpion, I won't bother you." After saying this, Hyuga Miku cut off the communication.

Regarding Scorpion's ability, Hyuga Mirai is absolutely assured; with the new-style armor puppets and manipulation methods, the trouble Scorpion said is just that it is troublesome to kill these four people.

While talking, Jiaodu killed another Anbu with Earth Resentment, leaving only the oldest one, but he even had his mask shattered.

The Sand Ninja Anbe gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it."

Jiao Du sneered and said: "You have already missed the chance to live, so just accept death obediently."

A scorching beam cannon instantly shattered the mask of an Earth Resentment. Such a sudden change made Jiaodu look stunned for a moment, and then he immediately turned his head and said, "Who is it?"

One Earth Resentment represents one life, and the method of smashing Earth Resentment's mask just now was almost silent, and the vigilance in Jiaodu's heart instantly rose to the highest level.

Just as Jiaodu tilted his head, he saw another attack. He quickly controlled Di Yuanyu to dodge. The beam cannon rubbed against Jiaodu's body, blasting the ground into a two-meter-deep crater.

And just as Kakuzu was dodging, Scorpion controlled a puppet to directly rescue the Sand Ninja Anbe, and brought him to his side.

"Sand Ninja is getting worse day by day, the four Anbu can't even do justice to one traitorous Ninja."

Scorpion finished speaking to this sand ninja Anbe, and threw him aside.

"Puppet? Are you Lord Red Sand Scorpion?"

Looking at the somewhat familiar face and short red hair, this sand ninja Anbe instantly remembered the identity of Scorpio.

 Just ask for a ticket, recommend a ticket


(End of this chapter)

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