Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 197 Chapter 196 Realistic Persuasion

Chapter 197
It turned out that when he was in Konoha Hospital, Hinata Mirai often received the memory of the shadow clone being hammered and exploded. Although he could learn a lot of useful medical knowledge and sealing techniques, once he recalled the memory of being hammered and exploded, Hinata Mirai would be angry. Tooth root aches and wants revenge.

After pressing Tsunade's fist on the table, Hyuga Mirai continued to say to Tsunade: "I have already said that if you think what I said is wrong, you can refute it; but if you want to do it, then I'm welcome .”

"Tsk" Tsunade clicked after hearing the words, but she still calmed down; otherwise, she would be the one who was hanged and beaten, even if she was a fairy, she would not be the opponent of this white-eyed kid.

And Shizune is still there, by the way, for the safety of Shizune, I still won't fight this brat. Tsunade snorted thinking in his heart, and then poured himself another glass.

"Then let me ask, and you answer, Tsunade Princess."

Hyuga Mirai poured himself a glass of juice and asked, "Do you have your own dreams? What do you want to do most to exclude other people from influencing you?"

"Of course it's to protect the village."

"I've said it before, you can't hide it from me with the Immortal Seal. Protecting the village is just a dream and will imposed on you by others. It's just that this will coincides with your own dream, so you can't distinguish clearly. Under the circumstances, take this will as your own dream."

Hyuga Miku chuckled and continued: "Think about how your phobia came about. If it belongs to your own dream, it should be to eliminate war, because war will take away your most important people."

After hearing Hinata Miku's words, Tsunade's hand holding the wine glass was slightly clenched, and his eyes were a little dazed.

"I remember that Princess Tsunade went to the battlefield when she was more than ten years old? Witnessed the death of many ninjas from the same village. Even the most important people established medical institutions because they didn't want to see the death of their close ones. But in the final analysis, Still hate wars that bring death."

"Master Tsunade."

Shizune saw Tsunade-sama lowered his head and looked down slightly, his whole body seemed to be stripped clean and Hinata Miku said the most true thoughts in his heart, so he couldn't help being very worried about Tsunade-sama.

Even the wine glass that was tightly held was slowly spilling some wine without noticing it. It can be seen that Tsunade-sama is so distraught that he doesn't know what to do.

"I once argued with you about the war when I was less than ten years old. At that time, I was still young, and what I said was a little inaccurate, but I still believe that as long as ninjas still exist, the war will not end."

"Ninjas themselves are a violent class, and this class is neither unified nor orderly restrained. The reasons for the opening of the last three ninja wars make people feel ridiculous. Princess Tsunade, if you want to eliminate wars , You must jump out of the ninja class to look at the essence of the ninja world."

"As long as there are ninjas, the war will not end. There is only a short period of peace in the ninja world. From your birth to now, you have experienced three ninja wars. There may be a fourth and fifth time in the future. Princess Tsunade, What do you want to use to change? Hokage’s identity, the strength of the first generation, the wisdom of the second generation, and the politics of the third generation have not made the ninja world peaceful. Even if you return to Konoha and become the fifth generation, you can give ninja What does it bring to the world? What changes can it make?”

If the will of fire is an ideal, then what Hinata Miku said is reality.

Although the one-country-one-village system has brought short-term peace, Ninja Village has great autonomy, and the relationship between the stronger shadow and the daimyo is basically an equal relationship; a snake without a head can't do it, but a two-headed snake can't do it either.

Ninjas are equivalent to the violent class, and after the strength of the violent class develops, the power of the martial arts faction will inevitably expand rapidly; on the surface, the fuse of the third war is the disappearance of the third Kazekage. Even if it is a Chunin who is missing, it may lead to a war.

Since the end of the Second Ninja World War, after peace for so long, major ninja villages have recovered and developed, and the reduction in staff after the war has already recovered; As the number of ninjas in your ninja village increases, financial support will be increased year by year.

The Five Kages have inherited the long-cherished wish of their ancestors. The village wants to develop, but the domestic daimyo can only give so much support. If they want to develop, they can only plunder from the outside. The daimyo also lacks the restraint on the ninja group. The Five Kages have the ability to start the war. power.

In the first ninja world war, Yunin and Konoha could still trace the root cause when they fought. Hinata Mirai really doesn't know how Wuren and Iwanin fought.

Out of curiosity about this matter, Hinata Mirai also specifically asked Orochimaru, but Orochimaru didn't know, so he could only give a vague and barely reasonable reason.

There is a personal enmity between the Second Mizukage and the Second Tsuchikage, which should be left over from the first meeting of the Five Kages.
This is the most unlikely, but also the most reasonable reason. Even Hinata Mirai was stunned for a moment after hearing this statement, and could only say that he was worthy of being a ninja.

The unrestricted ninja power will be a disaster after it expands, so the system of one country, one village will never bring peace, unless there is a strong man of the six realms, who will deter the five major countries and make them dare not start wars.

"So, you want to say you can eliminate war and bring peace?"

After Tsunade's heart was stripped away by Mirai Hinata, she was already very confused. She was indeed as confused as Mirai Hinata said, but she didn't know where to go or what to do.

Looking for information related to Hinata Mirai everywhere, I just want to inquire about his whereabouts, and then ask about things.

She didn't open her mouth to ask what she should ask now, Hinata Mirai said to her in a realistic and heavy manner, directly making Tsunade not know what she should do in the next second.

Back to Konoha?

Inheriting the will of the dead to protect Konoha, she does not have the strength of the first generation and the wisdom of the second generation, and is even less politically mature than her teacher Hiruzaru Sarutobi, so she can only be a A tinker who sews and mends leaves.

In the end, nothing changed.

"Who else but me? You don't believe in the son of destiny that Jiraiya said, right? Orochimaru is the smartest of the three ninjas. Could it be that I can let him join the organization with my strength."

"Why is he the smartest of the Sannin!" Tsunade said unconvinced

"That doesn't matter, anyway, it's either he or you."

Hyuga Miku shook his head lightly, then took out a watch from his body and placed it in front of Tsunade
"This is the communication watch worn by the core members of the organization. It contains all the plans, resources and goals of the organization. Princess Tsunade, if you join, you will never regret it. Crossing over is the road to peace, and this is my I invite you for the last time, because you have taught me selflessly and helped me a lot, and your dream is consistent with my practice, and I don’t want to be your enemy.”

Hinata Miku's words seemed to be full of magic, lingering in Tsunade's ears for a long time.

Sometimes the truth is the cruelest, but it is also the most correct. After all, Tsunade's ideals are too perfect, so perfect that she herself doesn't quite believe it.

Now there is no one who has the same dream as Nawaki and Broken to persuade Tsunade, so the present world described by Hinata Mirai was quickly accepted by Tsunade.

"Master Tsunade..."

Seeing Tsunade's tendency to move, Shizune couldn't help shouting worriedly; she didn't want Tsunade-sama to abandon his dream, betray Konoha and become a rebellious ninja.

"Master Tsunade, don't be fooled by Hinata Mirai, what he said is to lie to you, just to make you betray Konoha!"

Hyuga Miku chuckled and said: "Shizune, I have been with Princess Tsunade for so long, it seems that you still know her better than I do. Between dreams and reality, I just advise Princess Tsunade to choose the latter. Whether you want to choose or not, I will not force you."

"But if it weren't for you."


Tsunade spoke suddenly, and stopped Shizune who wanted to quarrel.

Shizune heard Tsunade's call and stopped thinking about arguing, but she still looked at Tsunade worriedly, fearing that she would choose to betray Konoha
"Master Tsunade, you have to think more about the dreams of your ancestors."

"It is because of their dreams that I left Konoha, Shizune"

Although Tsunade's face still had a tinge of drunken blush, but his eyes were very sober and asked Shizune
"Mute, if there was a path to peace now, would you choose to try it?"

"This...but" Shizune originally wanted to deceive Tsunade and make her return to Konoha with a change of heart, but when she saw the hope in Tsunade's eyes looking at her, and thought of the days when she was wandering with Tsunade, the words of deception were somewhat Can't say it
"...If it were me, I should try it."

This is the answer that almost everyone will make, and Mute is no exception.

"That's all right, thank you, Mute!"

Tsunade picked up a bottle of juice and gulped it down, then wiped the juice on his lips boldly, then shook the bottle and said to Hinata Mirai

"So two bottles of shochu are not enough. I didn't drink four or five bottles before to get drunk!"

Hyuga frowned and said, "Stop talking nonsense, every time you get drunk, it's someone else who troubles you."

After Shi Jing heard this sentence, she suddenly felt a little more sympathetic towards Mirai Hinata in her heart; a person who can say such words should be a good person!

"This one is too big, is there another smaller one?"

Tsuna pointed to the watch on the table and said
"Don't underestimate the technology of the Vortex Chamber of Commerce. The watch is just the shape. If you want, necklaces, earrings, and rings are all available, and they can even be turned into anklets."

After Hinata Mirai finished speaking, she looked at Tsunade, she already had the necklace, and the earrings are a bit inconvenient for video messaging and retrieval of information
"Change it to a ring."

After finishing speaking, Hinata Mirai knocked on his watch, and under Tsunade Shizune's surprised face, the watch on the table shrank into a ring in a few seconds like mercury deformed.

"Take it yourself. Someone will teach you how to use it. After you take it, you will see a new world."

(End of this chapter)

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