Chapter 204 Jiraiya Dies

"Is that how you welcome me when I just came to Sand Ninja Village? You people are really enthusiastic."

Jiraiya pretended to be heroic and said, and secretly looked around the surrounding environment. Although the enchantment of the four purple flame formations covered a large area, the one who used the enchantment was Hinata Mirai's shadow avatar, with his strength. This Four Purple Flame Formation might not be so easy to break through.

Want to make a fuss?

But how did these three people stop him just after he came out of Yansu Toad's stomach?Jiraiya also frowned slightly, thinking that if the people from Sand Ninja Village came, they would not let him go, and in front of these three people, Jiraiya had almost no confidence in running away.

"Sneaked in from the checkpoint in Yansha County, my son, parade writer, heh"

Hinata Mirai said slowly to Jiraiya: "If you don't collect your materials, you will be looking for trouble all day long. Hiruza Sarutobi sent you here? Konoha actually started to attack Sand Ninja privately. It seems that he wants to break the covenant. There's war."

"Sand Ninja Village also has a lot of material, and besides, a parade writer will not be confined to one place!"

Ji Lai also laughed and said, but in his heart he was thinking about how to leave.

Hyuga Miki asked: "Where is Jiekang Miki? Still in your toad enchantment?"

"Is it because of this person that you discovered me?" Jiraiya's face was extremely serious. He had sensed something was wrong just now. An ordinary person could ignore his illusion, and he didn't behave like an ordinary person.

"Jiraiya, although you used to say that you are an idiot, you actually have a lot of eyes, but you don't care about other things that you don't care about, and you treat that poor dream as the truth."

Orochimaru walked forward slowly, and said to Jilai
"If you hadn't been influenced by those toads, you would have stood by us now, and your dream of peace would have come true sooner!"

Jilai also saw Orochimaru going up and down, and said with a sneer, "Oshewan, I won't go with you."

Orochimaru said with a smile: "What about Tsunade? Even Tsunade has joined us now, Jiraiya, among the Sannin, you may be the first one to leave."

"The art of psychic!"

As soon as Orochimaru's voice fell, he quickly used psychic techniques to seal seals, and summoned all but a few dragon cave serpents, but the snake scales on these serpents were strange, as if a mutation had occurred.

Seeing Orochimaru psychic out of Ryuji Cave's Orochi, Jirai also used psychic skills, quickly formed seals, and then psychic out two huge toads, Gama Ken and Gama Hiroshi.

And Jiraiya was also very concerned about what Orochimaru just said, and shouted at Orochimaru with anger: "Oshemaru, what do you mean by what you just said!?"

"What do you mean has nothing to do with your crane tail, Ziraiya, in fact, you shouldn't be here today, let you try my latest research now."

Orochimaru smiled with one-hand seal, and then immediately drove a few Dragon Cave Orochi to attack Jiraiya.

Fortunately, in order to accurately control Jiraiya in the future, Hinata's enchantment range is large enough to allow the huge psychic beast to fight.

And the big snake that came out of Da She Wan's psychic is not easy.

"Orochimaru is really a genius in experimentation. He actually transplanted the Blood Succession Limit into the snake's body, and even transplanted some mechanical bones into Orochi's body!?"

Hyuga Mirai opened his eyes, and quickly saw the details of Orochimaru's Orochi; Ice Shield Orochi, Crystal Escape Orochi, Magnetic Escape Orochi, and Bone Vein Orochi, and the mechanical skeleton also enhanced the ability to fight and fight. This is simply a puppet combination of his little purple and scorpion.

"Scorpion, did you help him?"

Xie tilted his head subtly and said, "It's just to provide some ideas and blood inheritance research, so I never asked for help."

Definitely begging, I will go to Orochimaru later to ask for the saved video
Hyuga Mirai thought in his heart, and then focused on the fight between the two Sannin; this place is some distance away from the Sand Ninja Village, and Jiraiya was also worried that he would be touched by the ninjas of the Sand Ninja Village because he was too close. Jiekang Miki moved a hand after he left for a certain distance.

It is also because of this that Hinata Miku can display a barrier of nearly a kilometer, and Jiraiya himself also felt the bitter fruit.

A dragon's cave snake opened its bloody mouth, and instantly spit out a huge three-meter-thick ice cone from its mouth; the psychic beast continued to limit with bleeding?This situation made Zilai also stunned for a moment, but then the ice pick was blocked by Ha Mojian.

But the huge impact force also made Hama Jian take two steps back, stirring up dust all over the sky.

Several other Dragon Cave Orochis also used all kinds of Blood Inheritance Limits, Crystal Dun Shuriken, Magnetic Dun Sand Iron Spear, and many bone spurs as thick as giant trees suddenly grew on the ground.

In an instant, Ha Toa Guang and Ha Toa Jian were in crisis. Although they had rich combat experience, they were still a little overwhelmed after being besieged by so many blood successors in a short time.

"Tu Dun·Huangquan Marsh!"

Jilai also wanted to summon two great immortals to help him enter the immortal mode, but under the attack of several blood-successing snakes, Jilai also had to make a move and tied up a big snake with the earth tunnel.

"Damn it, where did Orochimaru find so many difficult Orochis? After consuming chakra like this, there is really no hope of escape."

Although Jiraiya has little hope of escaping, but as long as there is a little bit, he will not give up easily; and this time he has obtained a lot of information. It seems that Jiekang Chamber of Commerce has a lot to do with Hinata Mirai. He must remind old man.

And Tsunade her.
Thinking of this, Jiraiya's eyes were full of determination, he had to run away, and then ask Tsunade about it.

"Toad Jian, cover me."

Jilai also jumped up, and with the help of Hama Jian, he jumped onto the body of a big snake in the cave, and after making seals with his hands, he patted his palm on the body of the big snake.

"Reverse Psychic Technique!"

The big dragon snake was sent to the stomach of the big toad in Yansu by Jiraiya in an instant through psychic techniques; but in the next second, a huge snake tail came to Jiraiya. Fortunately, the toad widely used two knives and forks Holding the tail of the snake, there was a huge metal impact sound, and Bang Zilai also blocked the blow.

"Metal bones? How many big snakes did Orochimaru transform?"

Jiraiya folded his hands together, he had to enter the fairy mode, otherwise he would have no chance if Chakra was consumed like this.

"Is it fairy mode, innocent crane tail, this method still can't let you escape, you should give up, Zi Lai Ye, obediently let me swallow it, it's better than dying in the hands of others!"

Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils stared at Jiraiya and said that he has also mastered the sage mode now, and the body-modified Orochimaru has directly controlled the perfect sage mode, and he has also learned a kind of sage art in Ryuchi Cave.

Even if Jiraiya enters the fairy mode, it will not pose any threat to him.

The two people who watched the battle from the sidelines made some comments on the biological transformation of Orochimaru with interest. It is indeed novel, but its practicality is much weaker.

"Orochimaru probably didn't care much after transforming these big snakes. He always only focused on research, and rarely spared time for the transformation of scientific research results. The cooperation of the four blood-following big snakes is not as good as your five escape mecha puppets. , so simple that two were controlled.”

After Xie heard the words, he smiled approvingly, but realized in an instant, his indifferent face returned, and he snorted and said: "This guy really doesn't pay attention to the improvement of combat power. He should be the weakest in the organization now. Even that vortex is stronger than him."

No, there's also Tsunade, although she's just joined, don't ignore her!

This sentence was thought in Hinata Mirai's mind, but he didn't say it, and then he continued to look at the battle on the field.

Orochimaru seems to want to test the advantages and disadvantages of Xueji Orochi, but only manipulates Orochi to attack, and hardly takes any action himself
Moreover, the power of psychic beasts to use bleeding to inherit the limit is indeed stronger than that of humans. Living in the psychic holy land all the year round, the transformed psychic beasts have far more chakra than ordinary ninjas. Too little, otherwise Xueji will be a good helper after transplantation, instead of being used as a disposable product like Orochimaru.

With the passage of time, the two big toads have been bruised all over under the attack of the Xueji Orochi, and Orochimaru's control over the Xueji Orochi has become more flexible, and they have found a cooperation between the two Xueji Orochi.

"Jirai seems to have summoned two little toads? What's his plan?"

Scorpion clearly saw the abnormality on Jiraiya's body through the puppet's long-sighted ability. After seeing the two toads, Fukasaku and Shima, he tilted his head and asked

Hyuga Mirai answered, "Those are the two toad sages from Mt. Miaomu. With their help, Jilai can enter the sage mode."

"Is it immortal mode? I will study it after I go back to see if I can develop immortal mode on my puppet. Do you want to do it?"

Xie spoke in a normal way, and suddenly saw Hinata walking forward in the future, he asked in surprise
He thought that Hinata Mirai was still too lazy to make a move, and he was going to try to combine puppets later.

"Well, the time for entertainment is over, Sand Shinobi may notice it later."

Hinata Mirai still doesn’t want to expose his relationship with Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, he has registered with Sand Shinobi, if the relationship is exposed, although Sand Shinobi will still not abandon Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, but he will definitely feel defensive in the future.

"Oshemaru, leave it to me next, your test should be almost done."

After hearing the words, Orochimaru saw that Hinata Mirai was about to make a move, so he waved his hand and retreated to the side: "Hehe, I wanted to try out the sage mode of Ziraiya, but since Mirai-kun said it, I'm counting on you."

After seeing Mirai Hinata, Jiraiya, who entered the sage mode, was full of dignity. The last time he entered the sage mode, he was still not the opponent of Mirai Hinata. I am afraid this time.
"Boss, big sister, I'm afraid I'm in danger this time. When there is danger, you run away immediately."

Jiraiya hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly saw Hinata Miku's white pupils turn into azure blue.

"Blue Eyes"

Sennin Fukasaku and Sennin Shima also saw Hinata Miku's Tenseigan, and one of them, two toads, instantly thought of the prophecy of Great Toad Sennin.

Although I knew before that the psychic beast of Hyuga Miku was related to the prophecy of the big toad sage, the psychic beast did not represent the person in the prophecy, and Hyuga Miku's eyes were not blue, so Jiraiya did not think that Hyuga Miku was The person who will destroy the future of ninjas in the prophecy of the big toad sage.

But in my heart's eye, the person predicted by the Great Toad Immortal is him!
"Boss, big sister, if I die, you must help me bring this news back to Konoha!"

Jiraiya's face showed determination, under those azure blue eyes, even if he entered the fairy mode, he felt a burst of inexplicable pressure.

"Jiraiya, even at this time, you still have a chance to survive"

Hyuga Mirai spoke calmly, and while speaking, green chakras appeared all over his body, a circle of goblins appeared on the collar of his body, and nine chakras appeared behind him.

"Kill those two toads on your body, and I can make you live."

After Zilai also heard the words, he immediately shouted loudly: "Don't dream, kid, come if you have the ability! Two immortals, let's fight together, Hamojian, you also use oil!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiraiya was about to use the Immortal Technique Goemon, which was the strongest immortal technique after he entered the Immortal Mode. It could fight the enemy and break the barrier, so that he would have a chance to escape.

"What a pity, I gave you a chance."

After Hinata Mirai finished speaking, a Taoist Jade behind him was controlled and floated into his hand.

Afterwards, the Daoist Jade burst out with a strong golden light.

"The golden wheel is reborn!"

A golden beam of light formed in Hinata Mirai's hands, and then pushed forward by him, it erupted and stretched towards Jiraiya in an instant.

The speed of the golden beam of light was very fast, like a meteor passing by. Although Jilai also sensed that something was wrong, it was too late when he was mobilizing the celestial chakra.


As soon as the chest was pierced, Jiraiya's chest was directly pierced by Jinlun Tensei, together with the four purple flame formations used by Hinata Mirai, and the eye mountain in the desert, they were easily pierced through like tofu dregs.

After seeing this, Xie asked in shock: "What kind of move is this? I've never seen him use it before."

Orochimaru didn't know too much, so he didn't answer, but he vaguely guessed that it was related to the pupil technique.

"Two or two, hurry up"

After Jiraiya was pierced through the chest by the golden beam of light, his heart was also broken immediately, and the wound on his chest suppressed all of Jiraiya's chakras. Now he seems to be unable to feel the pain, and gradually lost control of his body , can't even say a word completely.

"Little Zilaiya!!"

Fukasaku Sage and Sesame Sage shouted in panic, they didn't expect the other party to have this kind of ninjutsu, which was nearly a hundred meters away, and could kill Jiraiya with one blow.

"Don't worry, you go and accompany him too."

Hyuga Miku flew in front of Jiraiya at an extremely fast speed, and with his hands stretched out, he wanted to kill the two Toad Immortals.

"Old woman, run away, let me go!"

Immortal Fukasaku's reaction was relatively quick, and he jumped straight away. While pushing Immortal Shima away, he also canceled her blood contract and sent Immortal Shima back to Mt. Miaomu.

But he didn't have time to escape, and was directly pierced by Hinata Mirai's Chakra, as if being pierced by a spear.

Hama Guang and Hama Jian saw that the situation was not good, and they also took the initiative to dispel the psychic technique and returned to Miaomu Mountain.

"It's pretty quick to escape."

These two toads were not Hyuga Miku's first target, so they had a chance to escape, but Fukasaku Toad was decisive and sent Shima away immediately.

 Ask for a ticket, there will be another update in a while!
(End of this chapter)

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