Chapter 211 Convince Xiaonan
"Speaking of which, how effective is the medical machine of our chamber of commerce? I remember that Xiao Nansang bought two at once, and it is almost the same as the Five Ninja Village."

Jiekang Miki asked with a smile, but Xiaonan didn't answer at all, and the expression on his face was as calm as water, like an iceberg beauty.

"Okay, it seems that Guicun is very wary of us, so let me get straight to business."

Jiekang Miki took out a capsule, then pressed the button and threw it aside, there was a 'bang', a puff of smoke appeared, and then a large computer and a projected map appeared in the room.

Is this a special sealed scroll?After Xiaonan saw this scene, he thought with some doubts in his heart; this person in front of him is not a ninja at all, how did he use the sealing scroll?And the appearance of the sealing scroll is very strange..
"Xiao Nansang, does your village have any plans to change the year-round rain in the Land of Rain? I'm talking about changing to a climate like Konoha, where the weather is smooth and the seasons are like spring."

While Jiekang Miki was speaking, he also manipulated the computer to display the territory of the Land of Rain and the scene of rain. On this land, only a small part of the country was not covered by dark clouds, and there was heavy rain in other places.

If it weren't for the country of rain with rivers leading directly to the sea, then the country of rain would become a lake of rain.

"The land and environment of the Land of Rain are extremely suitable for farming, but because of the continuous heavy rain, the villagers of the Land of Rain have to abandon their fields and engage in other jobs. Now some food materials need to be imported from other places... By the way, most of them were bought from Jiekang Chamber of Commerce."

"Recently, the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce may have to take more care of the Saudi Federation, and slightly reduce the share of Yuren Village's purchase? I'm sorry, but this is the decision of the Chamber of Commerce."

Jiekang Miki said to Xiaonan with a slight nod, and then pointed to the demonstration image of the humid air converging into the Land of Rain

"If the status quo of the Land of Rain can be changed, then civilians in the Land of Rain may no longer need to buy food from outside, and this is why it rains all year round in the Land of Rain."

Xiaonan looked at the place Jiekang Miki pointed to. She couldn't understand the climate change map, but she could tell that it was coming from the direction of the three kingdoms of fire, grass and earth, so she asked in a slightly cold tone.

"Speak directly about your purpose."

Jiekang Miki nodded when he heard the words, and asked: "Xiao Nansang, have you and that Pei Ensang changed your mind about the Land of Rain? Jiekang Chamber of Commerce can do this and make the environment of the Land of Rain more comfortable." Like the Land of Fire, it is suitable for farming and living. The Jiekang Chamber of Commerce can also give a high-yielding grain seed. After the villagers of the Land of Rain plant it, they will no longer be hungry, and may instead sell it to the outside world. food."

After finishing speaking, Jiekang Miki also called up another image, which is a comparison image of grain planting. The left side shows the current situation of most of the fields in the ninja world. The fields are very sparse. It can be seen that the difference is that the yield of the same large field is at least three times lower.

"What do you think? Xiao Nansang, change this country so that the villagers can enjoy the care from Lord Angel and Payne. If improvements are made according to the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce's plan, the awe of the villagers in the Kingdom of Rain will turn into sincere gratitude." , they will spontaneously support you, because you have brought changes to the Land of Rain!"

Jiekang Miki kept talking, while the comparison of the images of the two countries kept appearing on the computer images.

The land of rain with continuous rain and the land of tea with mild sunshine, the civilians of the land of rain who are doing odd jobs in the rain, and the civilians of the land of tea after farming and harvesting. On the look, one is numb and flat and the other is smiling.

The last image shocked Xiaonan slightly. Although her face was still as calm as a pool of stagnant water, she recalled the vow she made with Yahiko and Nagato when she was a child.

Although the Akatsuki organization now controls the Urenin Village and even the Land of Rain, it seems that nothing has changed. At most, many rules left by the Hanzo period have been abolished.

In the end, the expressions of the two-dimensional children in the two countries also made Xiao Nan feel very awkward, and she even wanted to destroy this unsightly picture.

"Please don't do this, Xiao Nansang."

Jiekang Miki seemed to know what Xiao Nan was thinking, before she moved, he laughed and said to her
"This computer is also worth millions, and even if you destroy the computer, it's nothing more than covering your ears and eyes, and nothing has changed."

After finishing speaking, Jiekang Miki took out a scroll, put it on the table beside him, and continued: "This is a plan to change the climate of the Land of Rain. If Xiao Nansang has any ideas, you can pass them on to Payne for a look." .”

Xiaonan took a deep look at Jiekang Miki, and said calmly: "You know Yuren Village very well?"

"It's almost like you know Yuren Village, Xiao Nansang, you don't have to be so hostile to us. If you put aside the identity of the Saudi Federation, we should be the best allies, right? You have dreams, and Jiekang The Chamber of Commerce has the ability to realize dreams."

After Xiao Nan finished listening, she was silent for a while and didn't speak for a long time.

She didn't quite understand the plan Jiekang Miki said, but the images she saw later made her feel a little empathetic.

When she was a child, she lived in these endless rainy days. If Yahiko hadn't made a bold decision to find Jiraiya, it is not clear whether the three of them could have survived until now.

The oath that Yahiko once made must be changed in this weeping country, so that the civilians in the country of rain can live a peaceful and worry-free life.

And now, many people in the Land of Rain are living the same experience as they did when they were young. Although there is no threat of war, their living conditions may not have changed much.

Although Akatsuki is getting richer and richer, Xiaonan has not been very happy. Since Yahiko's death, she has pinned her hope of living on Yahiko's dream. Didn't do it.

"The scroll, we have accepted it, and we will reply to you in two days."

A voice suddenly came from above, Xiaonan and Jiekang Miki immediately looked up after hearing the words.

A man with short orange hair and some black decorations on his face stood on the wall, stretched out a hand, and in the next second there was a suction force, which sucked the scroll on the table over.

"Payne." Xiao Nan said, and then he also turned into a paper painting and dispersed, reuniting behind Paine.

After Jiekang Miki saw that Payne had taken the scroll, he smiled and said to him: "In that case, I will wait for your Excellency's news in Yuren Village, and as for other matters, we can talk about it after the cooperation is negotiated. "

If the cooperation is not right, then there is no need to talk about other things.

Both Payne and Xiaonan understood the meaning of Jiekang Miki's words, but they couldn't figure out why a mere businessman who wasn't even a ninja had the courage to say such words.

Afterwards, Jiekang Miki clicked on the back of the computer, and the large computer and projection equipment were restored into a space capsule, which he put away.

After going out, Uchiha and others who were guarding in the distance immediately surrounded him. When Payne appeared just now, Uchiha Tiehuo and others became vigilant. If there was no dispute between the two sides, they would rush in up.

"Mr. Jiekang"

Jiekang Miki waved his hand and said, "We may have to stay in Yuren Village for two more days, please, Mr. Tiehuo."

 Sorry, I worked overtime again, I came back late, the first update!
(End of this chapter)

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