Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 216 Xiaonan's Thoughts

Chapter 216 Xiaonan's Thoughts

After hearing Uchiha Mikoto's shout, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Teehuo realized that there was a third person in the house.

Then, a high-altitude landing sound sounded outside the house, as if someone jumped down from the second floor. Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Fugaku, who was close to the door, heard the conversation between Itachi and Mikoto.

"Sorry, mother, add some other ninja tools, I want to practice more today."

"It's okay, Itachi, is Dad finished?"

"I don't know, mother, just now I was afraid of disturbing my father, so I went directly to the second floor from outside the house."

"Really, just go up the stairs next time. You are Dad's pride. How could you bother him?"

The voice of speaking was getting farther and farther away. After hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku sat back and shook his head at Tiehuo.

"Let's leave this matter as it is, Tiehuo; relying on our clan, we can't control the occurrence of the war, it still depends on how the village chooses, but Uchiha has lived in Konoha for more than [-] years, and many clansmen regard it as Where they took root."

Uchiha Fugaku said helplessly, rooted here for nearly 60 years, and even the biggest secret of the Uchiha clan has been moved to Konoha, and now even the elders of the clan gradually forget the clan land before Konoha.

In any case, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't think of leaving Konoha at all; moreover, the background of the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce is not that simple. Judging from the information he collected, there may be another person hidden behind the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, that Talent is the real master of Jiekang Chamber of Commerce.

Due to Uchiha Itachi's reason, the conversation between the two ended early, and the next step is to wait for the other party to come to visit. At that time, Uchiha Fugaku will personally test the other party's ideas.

'However, Itachi seems to be a little strange recently, spending a little more time at home.'

This thought flashed in Uchiha Fugaku's mind, but Itachi's performance has not changed much from usual, but the frequency of performing tasks is not as frequent as before.

Should be nothing.

Uchiha Fugaku shook his head and stopped thinking about Itachi. His son is the pride of Uchiha, and the name of genius is no less than that of Hatake Kakashi. After Itachi asked for advice on practice, even if Uchiha Fugaku was busy, he would put aside the affairs of the guard team and come to give advice on Itachi's practice.

In this regard, Sasuke did not have the same treatment as Itachi. Although he asked Uchiha Fugaku for advice, he did not have the talent of Itachi, so Uchiha Fugaku withdrew his expectations for Sasuke.

Uchiha did not disclose the matter of Rain Country, but Uchiha Itachi heard some.

At that time, he didn't dare to get too close. Both his father and Senior Tiehuo were powerful ninjas in the clan. If he had Shisui's strength, he might dare to get close to eavesdropping, but Uchiha Itachi's current strength is only a powerful middle ninja. Ninja may have reached the level of special ninja, but for the two battle-tested Uchihas, it is still a little immature.

But even so, Uchiha Itachi also heard very useful news.

Two days later, Uchiha Itachi saw that his father was not watching him, so he asked Shisui to come out, and told Shisui all the news he heard that day.

After Uchiha Shisui heard this, he frowned, thinking about what the patriarch and Tiehuo were plotting.

Sending people out to carry out tasks privately, colluding with people outside the village, and the word 'war'
Uchiha Shisui believes that Itachi will never get it wrong, if it is vague, he will not say it.

Uchiha Itachi asked, "Shisui, what should we do now, do you want to tell Hokage-sama?"

"I don't need it for the time being. I can already lock the general area. Let's talk about it after I investigate the specific information."

Uchiha Shisui shook his head and said, through the information given by Itachi, he has been able to roughly lock in some tribesmen, and he will investigate in person next.

He doesn't want the patriarch to continue to make mistakes and accept tasks privately, which is absolutely unbearable for Ninja Village; ninjas must pass through the village if they want to receive tasks, otherwise they are digging the foundation of the village.

There is also the war Uchiha Shisui thought of the fact that recently at the clan meeting, more and more clansmen clamored for the armed forces to regain power.

The Uchiha clan and Konoha must not be allowed to go to war, Uchiha Shisui thought in his heart, it seems that he has to pay more attention to the trends in the clan recently, especially the people outside the village.

"Itachi, you don't need to inquire about the patriarch's movements recently. If you are discovered again, you will definitely be suspected."

"Shishui, I..."

"Listen to me, Itachi, you have to carry out normal tasks recently, and accumulate some merits." Uchiha Shisui interrupted him before waiting for Itachi to finish.
"I'm going to recommend you to Hokage-sama to join Anbu, Itachi, with your current qualifications, you're still a little short, so take advantage of the fact that you still have to take on some more tasks, and I'll help you when the time comes."

"Anibe?" Itachi Uchiha said with his eyes brightened slightly. Because he didn't want to join the security team, he took part in the Chunin assessment alone. But if it was Anbu, it would be of great help to him.

"I see, thank you, Shisui."

After seeing off Jiekang Sanmu, Xiaonan walked around the Land of Rain alone.

Ordinary civilians are indeed as described by Jiekang Miki. If they can earn food for the whole family every day, they can already be regarded as a good family. Afterwards, the civilians of the Land of Rain remained the same.

After walking around the Land of Rain, Xiaonan suddenly thought, if Nagato's dream is realized, will it really improve the status quo of the ninja world?

The Land of Rain may not have experienced war for a long time, and the Land of Rain did not even participate in the third Ninja World War.

But the lives of civilians have not changed, and they are still struggling to survive. Such a future should not be their dream.

"After Nagato's wish comes true, it will just expand the status quo of the Rain Country to the entire ninja world."

This thought suddenly came to Xiao Nan's mind. It was a thought that came to her after she had wandered around the Land of Rain.

Then she drove this thought out of her mind, she shouldn't doubt Nagato, the dream and purpose of Akatsuki's organization.

But seeing the children begging beside him after passing by, it made Xiao Nan unconsciously think of other things, recalling his childhood life.

The ten tails may bring peace, but they cannot bring hope to the common people of the Land of Rain.
This idea came to Xiao Nan's heart, and at the same time, she strengthened her determination to cooperate with the Saudi Federation and the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce.

If you can improve the living conditions of the civilians in the Land of Rain while bringing peace to the ninja world, and bring them hope, then it will not be in vain for them to call themselves an angel.

Xiaonan thought of this in his heart, and then Qichen returned to Yuren Village, planning to send people to the Saudi Federation to find Jiekang Miki to finalize the transformation agreement and start construction on the Land of Rain as soon as possible.

 Brothers, ask for some votes!
(End of this chapter)

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