Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 225 I can't explain it clearly

Chapter 225 I can't explain it clearly

"What is the reason for Anbu to come in and search?"

"An intruder attacked an important place in the village just now. The people in Anbu suspected that the intruder was in our Uchiha clan's clan, so they wanted to enter our clan and search carefully."

"Why do they!?"

Uchiha Tiehuo immediately shouted angrily after hearing the words, he didn't trust their security team, and it was fine if they didn't let the security team members go to investigate the situation, but they still suspected that their Uchiha clan had something to do with the invaders?

Searching the clan land late at night?

Konoha's high-level officials are really pushing their feet, can other people come in and search the clan's land at will!
"Patriarch, I will lead people to drive away the people from Anbu." After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tetsuhiro wanted to call the members of the security team who were resting. Why dare to ask for the search of the Uchiha clan.

"Tie Huo, wait a minute."

Uchiha Fugaku shouted and stopped Uchiha Tetsuho, who was angry in his heart. Although he was as angry as Tiehuo, if he called his tribe now, it might intensify the conflict and cause greater friction.

"You go and settle down with Jiekang and Miki first, and I'll deal with Anbu's matter."

"Patriarch, do you want the other party to come in and search?" Uchiha Tiehuo was slightly taken aback when he heard that Fuyue asked him to settle down with Jiekang Miki; wouldn't the settlement mean to let him transfer people away.

Uchiha Fugaku said in a condensed voice: "We can't conflict with Konoha now, we are not ready for anything."

Although he knew this truth, Uchiha Teehuo felt that if people from Anbu came in to search, that would be something that the Uchiha clan would absolutely not tolerate.

Even if he fights with Konoha's Anbu without shoes or weapons now, Uchiha Tetsukuri also knows that Fugaku is thinking about the whole family, so he nodded silently and agreed to the matter.

If we go to settle down Jiekang-kun now, we can only send the other party out of Konoha in the middle of the night; Send people away overnight.

What a shame!
Uchiha Tiehuo was full of anger to arrange the affairs of the patriarch, and their voices were slightly raised just now. Except for Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Mikoto had already woken up.

Uchiha Itachi also put on the forehead guard and ninja bag, and observed the following conversation from the window of the room.

After sending Uchiha Tiehuo to send Jiekang and the two away, Uchiha Fugaku came to the place where the former security team and Anbu confronted each other.

Not long after Fuyue appeared, Sandai Hokage and Danzo also appeared together.

Before coming here, Hiruzaru Sarutobi went to the hospital to see Naruto, and learned from the mouth of Anbe that Naruto was not attacked, only Kushina was planted with a curse seal, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was released Take a breath.

However, after seeing the shape of the curse seal and hearing the identity of the intruder from Anbu's mouth, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt very heavy again, and it was Hinata Mirai again.

Jiraiya died in the hands of the other party. It seemed that he had found very important information in Sand Ninja Village, but the other party's response was very timely, and he blocked Jiraiya directly with Orochimaru, and finally made Jiraiya even escape. If he failed, he died directly in Sand Ninja Village.

When Hiruzaru Sarutobi heard the news, he was so shocked that the pipe on his mouth fell to the ground, and the burning tobacco fell on his upper hand and went out, Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't even react from the shock.

His most promising apprentice died in Sand Ninja Village because of the task he entrusted.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi thought of the teacup that Jiraiya gave him for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he seemed to have aged a lot in an instant.

The loss of Jiraiya, a powerful ninja in the village, was another heavy blow to Konoha after the Nine-Tails Rebellion; although there are many rising ninjas in Konoha's new star generation, such as Kakashi, Uchiha Shisui, Hinata Kiyoya and Yuhihong and others.

But they haven't grown enough to shock the Konoha pillars of other Ninja villages, so Jiraiya's death is a heavy blow to Konoha and him.

Now it happened that Hinata Miku attacked Kushina again, which made Hiruzaru Sarutobi very nervous now.

From the branch of the Hyuga clan who defected, it seems that no one in Konoha can guess his thoughts. Even the intelligence department, taking all the information about Hinata's future for analysis, can only come up with a perfect character of gentleness and dedication. .

Of course the intelligence department knows that this is fake, but based on the existing intelligence, they can only analyze this result; therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzawa has the highest vigilance against Hinata Mirai, for a person who can't guess his thoughts and purpose , Hiruza Sarutobi had a hard time predicting what the other party was going to do next.

For example, when Kushina was attacked this time, he was able to sneak in quietly under the protection of Anbu. In the end, he just attacked Kushina and fled. idea.

However, Hinata Mirai is a very dangerous guy, Sarutobi Hiruzen does not deny this, not only his defection from Konoha, but also the prophecy of killing Jiraiya and Miaogishan.

In relation to Hinata Mirai, nothing can be slack.

Inuzuka, Yume and other ninjas who are good at investigating traced the Uchiha clan all the way from a little clue outside Kushina's house, but were stopped by Uchiha's security team.

After the people from Anbu came back to report, Danzo on the side suggested in a strict voice: "Nichizane, this matter must be investigated. It is related to Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and the Nine-Tails Rebellion a few years ago cannot happen again."

"Ok, I know"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly, Kyuubi Jinchuriki, Hyuga Mirai, and the Uchiha clan, almost all the people from the Kyuubi Night, this time Anbe discovered it early, if there is no awareness, then Konoha will be finished.

He and Danzo came here one step ahead of Uchiha Fugaku, and after Uchiha Fugaku appeared, the two showed up together.

Uchiha Fugaku is the only one in the guard who can negotiate with the two of them.

"Lord Hokage."

After seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha Fugaku yelled calmly. As for Danzo, he didn't like him at all, so he ignored it.

This so-called darkness of the ninja world has been targeting their Uchiha clan. From the relocation of the clan after the Nine-Tails Rebellion to later interfering with the law enforcement of the security team, the root of Danzo almost puts malice on the surface.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said in a calm tone: "Fugaku, I'm really sorry to disturb you late at night, but a major event just happened in Konoha."

"What's the big deal?" Uchiha Fugaku asked with a slightly dark face: "Why do the Anbu people restrict the travel of the guards and search the Uchiha clan? Naruto-sama, did the Uchiha clan make any mistakes?"

Danzo interrupted in a stern tone: "It's about Konoha's safety, and the Uchiha clan should cooperate with Anbu's actions!"

"Danzo!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi yelled at Danzo: "As the captain of the security team, Patriarch Fugaku is no worse than anyone else in protecting Konoha's safety. Don't doubt Fugaku."

Originally, Danzo's words made Uchiha Fugaku dissatisfied, but Sarutobi Hiruzen's later attitude calmed down the little anger in Fugaku's heart.

"The Uchiha clan shoulders the duties of the guard, so they will naturally protect Konoha without hesitation."

Uchiha Fugaku expressed his attitude and said that he didn't want the tribe and Konoha to conflict, so he chose to take a step back.

"But Hokage-sama, what happened to search the Uchiha clan land? Could there be a traitor hiding in here?"

"This matter... Fugaku, don't tell other people." Hiruzaru Sarutobi hesitated for a while, but decided to tell Uchiha Fugaku, otherwise they would not be convinced if they searched for the Uchiha clan for every reason.

"Kushina was attacked, and it was Hyuga Miku who shot it; he was there during the Nine-Tails Rebellion a few years ago, and according to the investigation of the Inuzuka Clan and the Oil Girl Clan, Hyuga Miku was probably from the Uchiha Clan Had a long stay."

After Sarutobi Hiruzen falsified and aggravated the news reported by Anbu, he told Uchiha Fugaku.

"Day to the future..?"

Uchiha Fugaku frowned slightly. He didn't expect tonight's incident to be related to this person, and Hinata Mirai also appeared in the Uchiha clan. Didn't the security team find anything?

"Wait for me, Hokage-sama."

After Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, he went to the tribe and called the captain of the security team on duty tonight to ask for news, but after asking all the security members on duty, the news was the same, and no one was found.

Afterwards, Uchiha Tomigake returned to Sarutobi Hiruzen and told Sarutobi Hiruzen what the security team hadn't found.

"The Uchiha tribe is relatively remote, and the area is very large. It's normal for the guards to not find it. At this time, Inuzuka and Yume should come and investigate. Otherwise, Hinata Mirai is still in Konoha. Who will cause the consequences?" Come bear it!?"

Danzo put a big hat on Uchiha Fugaku's head, and Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent and did not speak. Although Anbu found out that Hinata Miku left from another direction, how did he come in? Yes, we must find out.

Today, no matter what, we have to search the land of the Uchiha clan. This is something that Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo had discussed before coming, so one person oppressed Uchiha Fugaku with a red face and another with a bad face.

Uchiha Fugaku was silent for a moment, then slowly said

"I know, although Anbu can enter the Uchiha clan to search for the whereabouts of the rebellious ninja, he must be accompanied by a security team; I am responsible for the old and weak in the clan, and I hope Master Hokage will agree to my request."

"Naturally, the request of the Fuyue clan leader is very reasonable." Hiruzaru Sarutobi agreed with his nod, and then sent two teams to search the Uchiha's clan, accompanied by the security team.

On the other side, after hearing Uchiha Fugaku's words, the people in the security team were shocked and couldn't understand. Many people opened Sharingan, and a dozen pairs of scarlet pupils suddenly appeared under the night, and Uchiha Fugaku hurriedly Appease and explain, and show the majesty of the patriarch before letting the clansmen accept this decision.

Although accepted, it does not mean that the Uchiha people in the guard will give Anbu a good face.

It was said to be accompanying, but a team of Uchiha people opened Sharingan all the time, staring at Anbu who entered their clan's land to search. If the Anbu people made a slight move, the Uchiha people would probably do it immediately.

Anbu who came in to search was under the surveillance of Sharingan. Although he was a little uncomfortable, he followed Hokage-sama's order to search for traces of Miku Hinata.

The ninjas who are good at scouting, such as Inuzuka and Yume, found some traces left by Hinata Mirai, and followed the clues to the Uchiha clan.

When a group of people came to the door of Uchiha Fugaku's family, Inuzuka and Yume, two ninjas who were good at searching, looked up at each other at the same time, and then shook their heads in sync to signal each other.

There are no clues about Hinata's future here.

(End of this chapter)

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