Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 230 Undercurrent before the war

Chapter 230 Undercurrent before the war
The cooperation between Yuren Village and the Saudi Federation has become very popular. Several other ninja villages have received information, especially Yanren Village and Konoha. These two ninja villages are in line with Yuren and the Saudi Federation. Urenin Village and the Saudi Federation, Iwanin and Konoha have raised their full vigilance.

The Saudi Federation has annexed many small countries and noble territories, but those were actively delivered under the leadership of the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce. Even the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Earth can't say anything.

What reason do you have to jump out of the way of what you want to do?
Moreover, Iwanin suffered a lot of damage in the third ninja world war. Even if Konoha did not ask for compensation as a victorious country, Iwanin would need to cultivate for a while; Mirai led the medical team to die for a while, and finally was attacked and killed all the elite by Namikaze Minato.

Even if Yan Shino knew that the Kingdom of Birds and the Kingdom of Demons were merged into the Saudi Federation, he had no energy to stop it at that time.

But this time the cooperation between Rain Ninja Village and the Saudi Federation is different. It has been five or six years since the third Ninja World War, and each Ninja Village has recovered its strength; The big Konoha also slowly recovered in terms of the number of ninja troops.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to go to war when Yunin made trouble a few years ago, then Konoha's armament strength must not have recovered; situation.

Now the armaments of the major ninja villages are gradually returning to before the war, and ninjas are the product of war. With such a large number of ninjas, if there is no war, then the usual tasks cannot satisfy the increasing number of ninjas.

This is also the same as after the daimyo of the country of wind handed over the number of missions in his country to Konoha, Sand Ninja Village couldn't wait to start a war.

If there is no mission, then the ninja will have no future and will be accompanied by destruction.

Under the call of the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce, many businessmen and partners of the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce chose to entrust the task to the Saudi Federation.

Among them are not only the Jonin from the Land of Fire, but even the merchants and nobles from the Land of Earth, because of the Jiekang Chamber of Commerce and the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce, they chose to hand over the task to the Saudi Federation instead of Iwanin.

If it is said that these things have made Iwanen almost unbearable, then the cooperation with Yuren Village is the last straw that makes Iwanin Village unbearable.

The Saudi Federation, which has a unified political power, has been disliked by the big names of various countries. This time, it has cooperated with Urenin Village. If Urenin Village is annexed in the Saudi Federation, it will be dangerous for Yanren Village.

Onoki is extremely vigilant towards the Saudi Federation. If it is Sand Ninja Village alone, he really does not pay attention to it; although Sand Ninja Village used to be one of the five major ninja villages, its strength is even stronger than Kirigakure in the island country. weak.

But the Saudi Federation is different. Only the financial power belongs to the village, and Ohnoki knows how beneficial this is to a village.

"As for the cooperation between Yuren Village and the Saudi Federation, I decided to take action with Konoha and test them out."

Onoki summoned a group of high-level Iwanin and announced the matter to them.

"Master Tukage, is this too impulsive?" A high-ranking Iwanin said after hesitating for a while

Another person refuted the previous person's words and said: "The Saudi Federation has great ambitions. If they are allowed to cooperate with Yuren Village, then the passage of Yanren going out will be almost blocked by the Saudi Federation. At that time, the external mission will be repeated. You have lost a lot, Tsuchikage-sama, and I support your decision."

"However, attacking two Ninja Villages at once, and Iwa Ninja Village has just recovered. This will definitely fall into the quagmire of war. Master Tsuchikage, please consider carefully."

Ohnoki waved his hand to that person and said: "Don't worry about this, the old man is not a person who loses his impulse, and Konoha will not sit still this time. Compared with Iwanin, the combination of the Saudi Federation and Cloud Ninja Village is more important to Konoha. The threat is even greater, and the aristocrats of the Chuanzhi Kingdom who took refuge in the Saudi Federation were exterminated, I am afraid that the Saudi Federation still remembers it."

"Heh, is that Ninja Darkness's handwriting really cruel as always?"

Someone thought of this incident and said with a sneer. In his words, he despised Danzo's behavior, but his eyes were still full of vigilance towards Danzo.

It is precisely because of its cruelty and no bottom line that Danzo is called the darkness of the ninja world; ninjas will inevitably attack civilians in wartime, but they always abide by the principle of not harming civilians.

Only this guy, Danzo, will not be soft when slaughtering. No matter whether the opponent is an ordinary person or a ninja, as long as he thinks there is a threat to Konoha, he will raise the butcher knife without hesitation.

Ohnoki continued: "Konoha is also a little worried about the alliance between Urenin Village and the Saudi Federation, and they chose to join forces with us secretly."

"Then in Yuren Village. Will the Second Ninja World War reappear?" Huangtu said slowly with his arms folded
This is the method Sand Ninja and Konoha used to deal with Hanzo, and now they are going to do the same.

The territories of the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire do not intersect. They are separated by the Land of Taki, the Land of Grass, and the Land of Rain. If Yanin and Konoha go to war, they will definitely choose one of these three countries as the battlefield.

During the third ninja world war, they chose the country of grass. Now the two major ninja villages are targeting the rain ninja village and the Saudi Federation, so they will naturally place the battlefield on the territory of the country of rain.

Ohnoki nodded appreciatively and said: "That's it, and Konoha also promised that they will send troops first."

"In this case, you don't have to worry about Konoha cheating, and you can effectively control Yuren Village and the Saudi Federation. Master Tsuchikage, I agree with this matter."

"I agree too, Tsuchikage-sama"

Soon, the high-level meeting of Iwanin unanimously passed this matter. The threat to them from the Saudi Federation is increasing day by day. The high-level Iwanin who opposed it just now is also worried that they will lose too much if they deal with two enemies at the same time with the power of one village. Now that Konoha has joined them, they are not so worried.

Targeting the Saudi Federation is not only the wish of Konoha's high-level officials, but also the meaning of the name of the country of fire.

Although there are many nobles in the Land of Fire on the side of the Jiekang family, the daimyo is not a fatuous person. He is well aware of the impact of the ninja organization integrating power and government on the daimyo mansion, and any signs of it will be poured out. This is also the reason for the demise of the country of the vortex.

Regarding sending troops to the Land of Rain, Hiruzaru Sarutobi decided to convene a group of ninjas to discuss first, and after the main force was determined, he would draw manpower from civilian ninjas.

The Hyuga Clan also received invitations to discuss matters. Every time a war starts, Rollan is an indispensable strategic force for Konoha.

And every time the Hyuga clan would discuss it internally before sending people to the ninja meeting, and then go to the ninja meeting after obtaining the unified opinion of the clan.

But this time, the Hyuga clan will be a little less peaceful.

"Where is the representative of the branch?"

Before the clan meeting started, Hyuga Kiyoya suddenly said
"In the past, there would be Jonin from the branch family participating in the clan association. Why is there no one this time? Or is the branch family no longer considered a member of the Hyuga clan?"

The Second Elder Hyuga said in a cold voice: "Hyuga Seiya, this is the clan meeting before the war, and it is enough for the clan to discuss it."

"You should call me Fourth Elder, Hyuga Zongyun, I haven't seen any etiquette passed down by the Hyuga clan for thousands of years from you."

Hinata Seiya said in a cold but majestic voice, although the white pupils did not open their eyes, they seemed to be able to see through everything. When she looked at Hinata Zongyun, it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

 There are indeed a few changes from Monday to Friday, and there must be more changes on Saturdays and Sundays!

  By the way, please count the votes!
(End of this chapter)

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