Chapter 232 War is approaching
magic lantern

Payne used this technique to summon the members of the organization, because except for Nagato and Konan, everyone else is basically not in Yuren Village.

Jiaodu was the first to speak and said, "Boss, I'm about to go to the underground gold exchange now, so hurry up if you have anything to say."

"Is Kakuzu-san working again? I'm really tired." Gan Shigui said with a strange smile. Before he could say another word, Kakuzu's teammate Heihe Leiya complained
"I'm really fed up with this guy. Who wants to change a teammate with me? This guy is either completing the bounty or on the way to receive the bounty. If the leader said that two people should be in a team, I would rather be in my own team."

Jiaodu said indifferently: "Only money will not betray you. It seems that you still haven't grasped this realm."

"A group of two is a rule that the Akatsuki organization cannot change. There is no need to talk about this."

Payne said, and after seeing that everyone was here, he talked about the purpose of convening everyone this time

"In addition to inquiring about the tail-tailed beast, there is a task for you to complete now. Who is closer to the Land of Wind?"

"We are in Tang Country, looking for the trace of the new member that the leader said."

"I'm still in the Iron Country."

After hearing the words, the black hoe Leiya said, "Kakudo and I are in the underground gold exchange near the country of Chuan. Chief, what is the mission?"

Payne looked at the phantoms of the black hoe Leiya and Kakuzu, and said, "Assassinate the daimyo of the land of wind and some nobles of the land of wind, and I will ask Bai Jue to give you information later. They are just some ordinary people. requirements are sufficient.”

Jiaodu asked, "Do you want to go to the Land of Wind? It's another long journey, leader, how much is the reward for this mission?"

"No pay."

"No pay? Then let the other members go. The time wasted by going back and forth will at least waste the time of my two rewards."

Payne didn't have any reason to complain, and said in a slightly heavier tone: "The others are not as close as the two of you. This task is somewhat important to the Xiao organization."

Hearing Payne's tone, Jiao Du snorted, and said in agreement, "Okay, but don't come to me again for such boring tasks in the future."

"Payne, my avatar has detected a new piece of information, everyone, do you want to guess together, what kind of information is it!?"

Bai Jue suddenly said mischievously, and instantly attracted the attention of all members of the Xiao organization.

"This information is very rare, if you guessed right, there is."

Before Bai Jue could finish his mischievous words, he was interrupted by Payne: "Just talk about the information, Jue."

"Well, you guys are really boring. You know, without me, the Land of Rain might be attacked without knowing the information. Now Konoha and Iwanin are gathering troops, and the target may be the Land of Rain."

After Bai Jue was interrupted, he revealed this information very unhappily.

The two ninja villages dispatched ninjas to the border, no matter how secretive they were, they couldn’t hide from the investigation of Baijue’s avatar. What’s more, Obito had recently received news of some changes in the Uchiha clan, and had already personally gone to Konoha, and he just noticed the changes in Konoha.

Obito is also a little dissatisfied with Xiaonan's actions. He thinks that what the Akatsuki organization should do now is to recruit enough regular members and start a war plan earlier; instead of attracting the attention of other ninja villages so much that they provoke the two ninja villages to attack the country of rain .

However, he also thought that this kind of war can consume the strength of Konoha and Iwanin, which will also help the next plan. At least when Akatsuki organized to capture the tailed beast, Konoha and Iwanin were powerless.

So he chose to watch from the sidelines. If possible, Obito wanted to stir up conflicts between Uchiha and Konoha, so as to destroy this family.

War is the best way to promote Uchiha's eyes. If this war starts and Konoha lacks combat power, the Uchiha clan may also be sent to the battlefield. At that time, stimulated by the war, Uchiha will emerge Many people who have been promoted to Sharingan.

Obito's Sharingan is the product of stimulation in the war, so he is very aware of the potential of the Uchiha clan.

As long as you open your eyes, under the stimulation of love and hate, there is a chance to evolve a kaleidoscope sharingan; and each kaleidoscope sharingan has different abilities, maybe there will be a kaleidoscope sharingan that restrains the power of God.

Obito was born in this clan, but he is also afraid of this clan. No one knows better than him how great the potential of Uchiha is; he also has a promising junior in the Uchiha clan. If the plan goes well, members of the Akatsuki organization will gather immediately up.

Every additional pair of Kaleidoscope Sharingan is a threat to the Moon Eye Project, so he is looking for an opportunity to get rid of the Uchiha clan; and there is also a sign of war between Uchiha and Konoha, Obito only needs to add a little fire. up.

After Konoha's ninja meeting, the other patriarchs left with calm faces. Although some clansmen had to go to the battlefield, this time they joined hands with Iwanin to deal with the Land of Rain, and it was a victorious war.

Except Uchiha Fugaku.

The Uchiha clan was excluded, not only failed to participate in the war, but even part of the patrol range during the war was taken away by Anbu.

Isolation and precautions were almost nakedly engraved on Uchiha Fugaku's face. Danzo did not give the Uchiha clan any face at all at the ninja meeting.

Although the patriarchs of other ninja clans are relatively good, and there is no expression on their faces, Uchiha Fugaku seems to be able to feel that the people around him are laughing at their Uchiha clan.

Mutiny! ?

This idea dissipated after lingering in Uchiha Fugaku's mind for a short time. He knew that with the strength of the Uchiha clan, it would be difficult to succeed in the rebellion.

Anbu, Genbu, and the Sarutobi clan who don't show their mountains and dews, these alone make it difficult for the Uchiha clan to deal with; plus there are other ninja clans, they may not participate in the beginning, but the Uchiha clan exposed in the rebellion After getting tired, ninjas who are friends with Naruto will definitely participate.

After returning to the garrison, a group of clansmen gathered in front of Uchiha Fugaku and asked

"Patriarch, what did the ninja meeting say?"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at the clansmen, sighed in his heart, put away his dissatisfaction, and said to the clansmen of the security team: "It's not convenient to say it here, go back and inform the clansmen that the clan meeting will be held tonight."

After seeing Fuyue's expression, the other Uchiha members of the security team also guessed that the matter might be unusual, so they nodded to express their understanding, and then dispersed to inform other people.

Afterwards, Uchiha Fugaku returned home.

In addition to Mikoto who is doing housework, Uchiha Itachi is also accompanying Sasuke to practice gymnastics in the backyard.

After seeing Sasuke, Uchiha Fugaku remembered that Ninja School is on holiday today.

"Father, you are back."

After seeing Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke also stopped practicing and said hello to Fuyue
"Itachi, come with me." Uchiha Fugaku said to Itachi, he ignored Sasuke's hopeful gaze, now the Uchiha clan has more important things, and being with his family is a luxury for him, the patriarch.

After the father and son entered the house, Uchiha Fugaku didn't beat around the bush, and asked Itachi directly, "Itachi, did you collect any new information in Anbu?"

After Uchiha Itachi heard the words, his dark pupils became deeper, and then he said to Uchiha Fugaku in a flat tone: "Father, the news of Anbu cannot be disclosed to the outside world."

"Itachi, you are from the Uchiha clan, don't forget your identity!"

After Uchiha Fugaku heard the words, he felt slightly angry, and raised his tone and said to Itachi: "The reason why I sent you to Anbu was to let you find useful information for the Uchiha clan. I hope you don't forget your heart."


Uchiha Itachi felt a little irritated in his heart. He hated his father talking to him in such a tone. He kept his mouth shut. Why couldn't Uchiha, who lives in Konoha, think more about the wood industry instead of focusing on this A small family.

Among this group, only Zhishui's capacity is worthy of his approval; the rest of the people are extremely small in capacity.

"I haven't forgotten who I am, Father"

He is Konoha's ninja, Uchiha Itachi did not say this sentence, but said it silently in his heart; after a moment of silence, Uchiha Itachi slowly said
"Anbu hasn't changed much recently."

 Ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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