Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 241 The Night of Genocide 【Subscription】

Chapter 241 The Night of Genocide ([-]) 【Subscription】

Danzo angrily smashed a small hole in the ground of the root base with his crutches. If he was not very angry, he would rarely lose his composure in front of his subordinates.

After a while, Danzo came to his senses and continued to ask, "What was the result?"

"The heads of the nine people were all destroyed, but we found the blood of a stranger at the scene, and the worm's poisonous needle was also spat out, the target should not survive."

The oil girl Ryoma said that the corpses of the members of the root organization are still together because they are almost humiliated, probably because the target has been assassinated successfully, so they will be treated in this way.

"It's good if it succeeds, and it's not a waste of life." Danzo nodded, and continued in a cold voice: "Jiekang Miki, the reason why Sand Ninja Village can rise and annex so many small countries, This guy takes a lot of credit, and a lobbyist named Sarah, too bad she runs fast"

"But Danzo-sama, Jiekang Miki is Kazekage's assistant now, and if he died in the Land of Fire, will it cause the Saudi Federation to join the war? If so, Hokage-sama on the front line?"

When the oil girl Ryoma said this, she suddenly paused, and then silently thought of a possibility in her heart; but then he looked at Danzo's expression through the sunglasses, and found nothing wrong.

Danzo said calmly: "There won't be too much pressure on the front line. The village has assembled the second batch of support troops. If it weren't for Uchiha, they would have been able to go to the front line long ago; even if the Saudi Federation participated in the war, it would be useless. Does a country of rain need to invest the power of the two great ninja villages?"

After thinking about it carefully, Ryoma, the oil girl, felt that what Danzo-sama said was indeed correct; if it was only aimed at a country of rain, there was no need for the two major powers to join forces, and Konoha also prepared three batches of combat troops. If the third Ninja World War For comparison, these troops were prepared entirely for the Ninja Village of the Five Great Nations.

"In this cooperation with the Land of Rain, the shadow of Jiekang Miki is also indispensable. Killing him is equivalent to cutting off an arm of the Saudi Federation. Even if Ri Zhan knows about it, he won't say anything."

Danzang said in a flat tone, after hearing what he said, the oil girl Ryoma didn't know what to say, so she didn't answer at all, and stood aside as a stake.

"It's the Uchiha clan, hmph, the rebellious heart is clearly revealed, tell Uchiha Itachi to let him act quickly, I will let Zhuanzhu Xiaochun notify the Ninja School in the name of the Naruto Office, and keep his brother for a while."

"Yes, Danzo-sama."

The oil girl Ryoma answered in response to the order, and then retreated, preparing to reveal what happened today to Itachi Uchiha.

The Uchiha clan has no possibility of peace talks with Konoha now. If you don’t want the reputation of rebellion to tarnish the Uchiha clan, then Itachi must solve the entire Uchiha clan.

This is Uchiha Itachi's promise to Danzo. He will bear the bad reputation of slaughtering his own clan to preserve the Uchiha clan's reputation of not being rebellious. At the same time, he will leave his younger brother Sasuke and not attack him.

This request was agreed by Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun. What they want is that there will be no civil strife in the village. As for how the Uchiha clan dies, it has nothing to do with them; Uchiha Itachi is willing to do it himself. It is enough to deal with the aftermath, and it can also preserve the combat power of the village.

In order for Konoha's high-level officials to guarantee Sasuke's safety, Uchiha Itachi even showed his kaleidoscope Sharingan, and because of Shisui, he was very vigilant against Danzo.

Each pair of kaleidoscopes has special abilities. Compared with Shisui's other gods, Danzo doesn't know what Uchiha Itachi's pupil technique is. Before getting the information, he only agreed to Uchiha Itachi's request; and according to According to the investigation of the roots, Uchiha Sasuke's talent is average. Although his grades in ninja school are No. 1 in general, he is not as good as Kyuubi Jinchuriki in actual combat.

There is no threat, just a slightly talented Uchiha, who has not yet reached the strength of Genin, and is far behind geniuses like Itachi and Shisui.

Danzo acted very quickly, and went directly to Tanju Koharu and Mito Menyan, and asked them to conduct a drill in the ninja school in the name of the Hokage Office, so that Sasuke could not go back immediately after school.

Itachi, who was performing the task of monitoring Uchiha, decided to do it after seeing this document.

"Have you decided to do it?"

Uchiha Obito suddenly appeared behind Uchiha Itachi with Kamui and asked.

Uchiha Itachi didn't speak, but directly threw the ninja school's activity arrangement to Uchiha Obito. After reading it, Obito knew the time to do it.

"Is that so? It seems that you have to finish off the people before your brother returns to the clan. There is no problem on my side. It depends on how fast you are."

Obito Uchiha said lightly that he wanted to help Itachi Uchiha deal with the guard team, which is considered a powerful violent department in Konoha. He seemed to regard the guard team as a ninja school, and he could kill them at will.

"There will be no mistakes on my side," Uchiha Itachi said in a cold tone. Although there are more ordinary people in the tribe, Itachi is also the Uchiha who has opened the kaleidoscope. For some ordinary people, it is still very easy.

"Yes, that's fine."

After agreeing on the time to do it, Uchiha Obito left here with Kamui. After Uchiha Itachi bears the reputation of exterminating the genocide, he can pull you into the Akatsuki organization. At the age of 13, he opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Uchiha Itachi His strength has reached the standard of a full member of the Akatsuki organization.

With the addition of Uchiha Itachi's words, the official personnel will soon be assembled, and the Moon's Eye Project can be launched.

As for the reforms with the Saudi Federation, Uchiha Obito has never taken it seriously. The more real world reforms, the more pain will be accompanied. Only the Moon's Eye Project can satisfy everyone's desires and eliminate all wars.

Otherwise, it will be like now, the Kingdom of Rain wants to develop, but it has attracted Iwanin and Konoha; the desire in reality will never be satisfied, this is something that will change forever.

Clan of the Uchiha Clan
After Uchiha Tiehuo came back, he went to inquire about the news. After learning that Uchiha Itachi had briefly appeared in the guard, he and several other people approached Uchiha Fugaku.

They want Uchiha Fugaku to give an explanation. If there is a coup, Uchiha Itachi must be detained first.

This time, the six of them left Konoha through the secret passage of the Uchiha clan, but they were followed by Nemo; after the coup was decided, the patrol of the guard team became much stricter, and Konoha Anbe and Genbu could only be carried out outside the Uchiha clan. Surveillance is not clear about the movements in the clan area at all.

If the people at the root can even find out when they leave and where the exit of the secret passage is, then what kind of coup is the Uchiha clan doing?Faced with such a powerful root, it would be better to just surrender and suffer death.

Someone must have leaked the secret, and it was someone from the clan!

Thinking of Uchiha Itachi, a person who is usually not seen in the clan meeting, but suddenly appeared in the security team, it is not clear who leaked the secret.

Uchiha Yatsushiro couldn't accept this either. The last time he had a conflict with Itachi because of Shisui's matter, he looked at Itachi as the son of the patriarch, even if he was punched, he didn't fight back because of the patriarch's face.

But now Uchiha Itachi's behavior is killing the clansmen.

The root of the collusion was to attack the tribe, and Zhishui's death was quite suspicious. Even if he was not tortured and interrogated, he would have to be detained and locked up, and then released for investigation after the attack.

"Why did you come together, what happened?"

Uchiha Fugaku was a little surprised to see Yatsushiro, Tiehuo and others coming to his house together; moreover, the expressions of the six tribesmen were all a little strange, which made Uchiha Fugaku feel bad in his heart.

"I have something to discuss with the patriarch."

Uchiha Yatsushiro said, and then several people were brought into the house by Fugaku, but before Mikoto brought the tea, Uchiha Yatsushiro said to Uchiha Fugaku with a serious face

"Patriarch, please also detain Uchiha Itachi, at least before the coup, don't release him!"

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes changed slightly after hearing the words, and then he sighed and said, "Is it because of Shisui, Yatsushiro, Itachi is Anbe."

"It's not all because of Zhishui, patriarch, in fact, we plan to arrange ordinary clansmen before the coup"

Uchiha Yatsushiro took out the agreement signed with the Saudi Federation from his arms, and at the same time explained the whole process of the matter.

After Uchiha Fuyue finished listening, his face showed surprise and confusion. He, the patriarch, didn't even know about such a big matter, and they came to report to him only after the agreement was signed.

"Patriarch, this is what I mean. In the case of a coup, the safety of ordinary clansmen cannot be guaranteed. It is better to send them to a safe place in the name of eliminating the clan. The blood of Uchiha can be preserved even if the coup fails."

Uchiha Tiehuo said in a cold voice, but he seemed to have no hope for the success of the coup in his words.

"Tiehuo, with the strength of our clan, as long as we use Sharingan to control Kyuubi."

Before Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, he was interrupted by Uchiha Tiehuo and said: "Patriarch, I remember Itachi didn't agree to lead the tribe to plunder Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Are we going to rush into the ninja school during the day?"

The ninja school is not only Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but also people from other ninja races; if they Uchiha do this, they will definitely involve other ninja races.

At that time, I am afraid that their enemies will not only be Anbe and Nebu, but also all the ninjas in Konoha; if a ninja draws [-] people to deal with Uchiha, they will have hundreds of enemies.

Uchiha Inahura persuaded from the side: "Patriarch, it is also a good thing to resettle the clansmen. Tiehuo may have been impulsive and didn't tell you, but we think this matter is no problem."

Not just Iron Fire, none of you six told me about it.
Uchiha Fugaku slowly closed his eyes. He suddenly felt that he, the patriarch, had failed. Even his most trusted subordinates began to disbelieve him?
Without waiting for Fugaku to think about it, Uchiha Tiehuo continued: "Patriarch, this matter is a foregone conclusion. The root has already known about this matter through the spies in the clan. The most important thing now is to control Uchiha Itachi, otherwise it will endanger It's the entire Uchiha clan!"

Crack, crack!
After Uchiha Tiehuo finished speaking, there was a sudden sound of teacups breaking outside the house, accompanied by a woman's muffled groan.

When the people in the house heard it, they all knew that the noise was made by the patriarch's wife.

But then there was another sound of opening the door, and then several people in the room heard Uchiha Mikoto say in a little panic

"Itachi, are you back?"

(End of this chapter)

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