Konoha: Scientifically transforming the ninja world

Chapter 247: The Roots of the Failure to Exterminate the Clan Dispatched

Chapter 247: The Roots of the Failure to Exterminate the Clan Dispatched
"I know, and I'm not a ninja from the Hinata clan."

Hyuga Mirai lifted the rescued Uchiha boy to have a look, and found that he opened Sharingan because of seeing his mother's death. He didn't go to ninja school, and didn't learn to gather chakra in advance, and passed out after opening Sharingan.

"Uchiha's talent is indeed a bit unreasonable. You can open the double-gou jade sharing eyes without practicing chakra. Itachi-san, do you think he should thank you?"

Hinata Mirai asked with a smile: "If he goes to the ninja school, he might be an even better genius than you. All this is thanks to your help." If killing his mother is also considered a help.

Uchiha Itachi's face gradually turned cold. He remembered the information he had read in Anbe, and said in a cold tone: "Hinata Mirai, why did you appear in the Uchiha clan."

"Because I was entrusted by Jiekang Chamber of Commerce to protect and pick up the Uchiha clan, but I came a little late, and you killed so many people."

Hyuga Miku saw with supercilious eyes that almost all of the Uchiha tribe in this area had been killed. There were roughly a hundred of them, and there were some guards lying on the battlefield after the fight. One of them It is the eight generations of Uchiha who are more familiar with Miyuki Hyuga.

"Then, that's the end of the 'good thing' you did today!"

As soon as the words fell, Hyuga Mirai's left hand condensed chakra, and then slammed in the direction of Uchiha Itachi.

In an instant, Uchiha Itachi suddenly felt as if a mountain was falling towards him in front of him. Such a huge impact pressure made him not even have time to use the crow avatar.


Uchiha Itachi quickly used the third pupil technique of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but just as he built the skeleton and skeleton hands in front of him, the shock wave with a huge range approached him.

Uchiha Itachi, together with the house under his feet, was directly hit by a huge shock wave and shattered. This violent roar spread across half of the Uchiha clan in an instant.

Hinata Mirai's empty palm in sage mode can directly blow down a mountain. He saw with his white eyes that there were no living people in that direction, so he used such a powerful move.

To deal with neuropathy, fists are definitely better than mouths.

"Shadow Clone Technique."

"After you send people out, search for living people and let the remaining Uchiha people protect them."

Boom, two shadow clones appeared next to Hinata Mirai, and then one shadow clone took over the comatose Uchiha boy from the main body, and the other shadow clone went to call for them to rescue the non-ninja Uchiha.

"As expected of Uchiha's genius, the empty palm that resisted me is still alive, and you are the only one who can do this in Konoha."

Hinata Mirai's white eyes saw Uchiha Yu who crawled out of the ruins, and he couldn't help but applaud and praise.

After Uchiha Itachi pushed away the rubble stones pressing on his body with Susanoo, he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood before standing up.

When he looked at Hinata Mirai again, his eyes were filled with seriousness and fear.

He has read the information records about Mirai Hinata in Anbu, because it is top secret, only the team leader or above can see it, and Uchiha Itachi just so happens to have this authority.

The series of information from Hinata Mirai's defection to Konoha to last year has never shown that he has such great strength.

This kind of rebellious ninja, after uniting with Uchiha, will definitely pose a great threat to Konoha. He must be dealt with here!

Itachi Uchiha made up his mind in an instant. His confidence in thinking this way comes from his kaleidoscope pupil technique, the strongest illusion and the strongest fire escape.

The triangular dart pattern in his eyes rotated rapidly, and a dark Hokage appeared out of thin air where Hinata Mirai was; but the moment the black flame appeared, Hinata Mirai's figure disappeared instantly.

"Blinking Body Technique?. So fast"

Uchiha Itachi's complexion changed drastically, and even the Kaleidoscope Sharingan could barely see Hinata Mirai's figure clearly. After avoiding the Amaterasu black flame, Hinata Mirai rushed towards him.

'Susano...it's too late! '

Itachi Uchiha's eyes were bloodshot, blood flowed directly from the excessive use of the kaleidoscope, and he couldn't even condense Susano in the face of Miku Hinata's close-up attack.

The cohesion of Chakra also takes time, and Uchiha Itachi cannot use Susano immediately because of the frequent use of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

At the very moment, a hand suddenly appeared from behind and placed on his shoulder.

Hyuga Mirai punched the ground into a pit several meters deep and tens of meters wide; under his punch, almost all the surrounding houses collapsed.

"Time and space ninjutsu? You came in time"

Hinata Mirai patted the dust on his hands, turned around and smiled at Obito wearing a mask; this guy is really his lucky general, he helped Hinata Mirai a lot, if there is no Uchiha Obito, then Hinata The reputation of the future will be half bad.

Uchiha Obito wore a mask, and asked with a flawless voice: "As a rebellious Ninja of the Hyuga clan, what are your plans when you return to Konoha at this time?"

"It has nothing to do with the rebellion of the two Uchiha clans."

After Hinata Mirai finished speaking, his hands instantly formed seals; under the control of Senju Chakra, the inorganic bodies on the ground under the feet of Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi were instantly controlled by Hinata Mirai, and dozens of sharp blades were stretched out.

But it still didn't take effect. The sharp blade extending from the ground passed through Uchiha Obito's body, but there was no feeling of being stabbed.

"Time and space ninjutsu is really troublesome, you are too, and so is Namikaze Minato"

Hinata Miku shook his head slightly and said, Uchiha Obito's ability is too troublesome, he must be attacked continuously for five minutes, if he still has a Sharingan, then he must be attacked continuously for ten minutes.

Subsequently, Uchiha Obito released Uchiha Itachi from the Kamui space.

"My situation is not very good, because you gave some wrong information, there are two pairs of kaleidoscopes in the guard, and there is nothing left to deal with this guy; if you have a second hand, then use it, if not I'll take you out of here first."

Uchiha Obito said flatly, in fact, there is no need for his explanation, Uchiha Itachi just saw those wounds, he knew that Uchiha Obito had nothing left to do.

However, the information of the two pairs of kaleidoscopes still surprised Uchiha Itachi slightly, but the situation is not right now, and it is not the time to ask who the other kaleidoscope Sharingan is.

"The Uchiha Guard still retains nearly half of its combat strength, and more than half of the ordinary Uchiha clansmen have survived. Tonight's operation is considered a failure."

"No, it hasn't failed yet."

Uchiha Itachi said flatly: "If Uchiha's problem cannot be completely resolved, then Konoha will definitely fall into the vortex of war, so the matter must be resolved today."

After Uchiha Obito heard the words, he looked at Itachi with the only exposed Sharingan and thought in his heart, saying that he is a young genius, but in fact Nagato is no different, for him it is just a pawn that can be used.

"So, what else do you have?" Obito Uchiha reminded him and said, "I will at most guarantee your safety, and when things go wrong, I will take you away directly."

"Yes, root and dark."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Itachi took out a signal flare and released it directly into the air.

When this signal flare is sent out, it means that he is no longer able to deal with the Uchiha clan, and Nebu and Anbu must do their best.

Uchiha Itachi never thought of using this signal flare, but there were too many variables tonight. First, there was an extra pair of kaleidoscopes on the guard side, and then he met Hinata Miku, who was so powerful that he surpassed Hokage.

After the flare was lifted into the air, Genbu and Anbe's ninjas who were entangled on the edge of the Uchiha clan retreated together, but they didn't go far, they just retreated to a distance, and they didn't leave the sight of the guards and others.

One of the guards asked: "What are they going to do? Lure us over?"

The other person shook his head and replied, "I don't know."

But in this situation, they definitely can't chase after it without authorization, otherwise if they chase deeper and deeper, they will definitely be ambushed.

"Senior Ren, the patriarch ordered you all to return to the clan land except those who stayed behind to watch."

A member of the security team came here, and after saying Uchiha Fugaku's order, he immediately left and went to the next location to inform the people of the security team.

At this time, the three people who were waiting for the news in Hokage's office, Koharu, Mitomonyan, and Danzo, also received a report from Anbu at this time.

After hearing Anbu's report, Mitomonyan shook his head and said, "I didn't expect people from Anbu and Genbu to take action."

"Even if Uchiha Itachi is a genius, he is only 13 years old. To say that he can solve the Uchiha clan by himself is probably trying to be brave."

Turning to bed Xiaochun is also not optimistic about Itachi Uchiha, a genius is a genius, but how can the strength of the guard team be solved by anyone?Even if Zhishui is not dead, he may not be sure of it.

Mitomonyan looked at Danzo, and said to him: "Danzo, I will leave this matter to you. Haru and I will gather ninjas from other ninja clans. If Uchiha is difficult, please let us know."

"Well, I see."

After Danzo responded flatly, he left the Hokage Building with two root guards.

As soon as he walked out of the Hokage Building, he asked Ryoma, the oily girl beside him, "Where is Nine-Tails Jinchurina now?"

"At the practice field behind the school, Danzo-sama."

Danzo nodded, and told the oily girl Ryoma to say: "Bring him here, I feel something is wrong, with the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki by my side, I can release the Tailed Beast to deal with the enemy if necessary."

The oil girl Ryoma was startled when she heard it, and quickly persuaded: "Master Danzo, it may be too dangerous to release Kyuubi, and Kushina is still outside the school."

"Don't worry, the old man has a way to control Nine Tails, it's absolutely safe."

Danzo interrupted Ryoma's words, and said confidently; he not only has the kaleidoscope Sharingan, but also has a Mudun subordinate, and it is not easy to control a sealed Nine-Tails.

"Let's do it this way. If Kushina dares to stop her, just shoot her directly. If necessary, I will also bring it along with you. If you want Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to fall into the darkness, Kushina is indispensable. Only the darkness is better." Suitable for ninjas, Konoha has no roots, and it will only end up as a rotten giant tree”

(End of this chapter)

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