Chapter 250 Nine Tails Riot Again
"Tie Huosang?"

Hyuga Mirai yelled again, calling the stupefied Uchiha Teehuo back to his senses.

Uchiha Tetsuhuo looked far away, he thought he saw Jiekang Miki just now, but just now on the other side, Uchiha Tetsuhuo already knew most of the news from Hinata Miku's shadow clone, but after seeing the scene, Uchiha Tetsuhuo Huo and the others were still a little shocked.

"Thank you very much for your help, Hinata-kun."

Uchiha Tiehuo was still a little uneasy about certain things about Hyuga Mirai, but just now the other party's shadow clone saved many of their clansmen, and also stopped the frenzied Uchiha Itachi and another masked man here, anyway, Hyuga Mirai They are all benefactors of their clan.

Since it is a benefactor, the Uchiha clan must be grateful. As for the past, let's inquire after this incident is over.

"Uchiha Itachi has been seriously injured, Tiehuo-san, do you want to do it yourself?"

Hearing Hinata Miku's words and address, Uchiha Teehuo felt that when he communicated with Jiekang Miki, he unconsciously said what he said: "Let him live a few more minutes, and wait to bring this traitor in front of the tribe." , execute him again!"

Regarding the treatment of Uchiha Itachi, the other members of the security team have no opinion. Two of them looked at Uchiha with full hatred. The two families living in this area have a lot of relatives with them, but now But died under Uchiha Itachi's hands.

If it weren't for the prestige of Uchiha Tiehuo and the fact that he had to deal with this rebellion in front of all the clansmen, the members of these guards would have liked to chop him into pieces immediately.

The lives of hundreds of clansmen died at the hands of their own people, and that was the son of the patriarch who opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

They have already seen how powerful the kaleidoscope is. If Uchiha is united and has three pairs of kaleidoscopes, how can he be afraid of Konoha?
Under the signal of Uchiha Tiehuo, the Uchiha clansmen of the two guards walked over and twisted Uchiha Itachi's arms together without any politeness to prevent him from escaping. Noisy, no one cares.

"Tiehuo-san, with the current situation of the Uchiha clan, if the coup continues, I'm afraid."

Hyuga Miku’s words were not finished, but Uchiha Tiehuo could already face the reality. He followed Hyuga Miku’s words and said: “The coup is hopeless. If there is no masked man, with the ability of me and the patriarch, we can control the nine There is still some possibility at the end."


Before Uchiha Teehuo finished his sentence, a huge beast roar came from a distance.

Then an abnormal red cloud appeared in the distant sky, but all the guards could feel that it was not a normal red cloud, but was affected by the huge chakra.

A member of the Uchiha clan asked hesitantly: "Squad leader, is that the patriarch...'s Chakra?"

"How could it belong to the patriarch?"

Uchiha Tetsuhuo's face instantly sank, this feeling is very similar to the Chakra that caused the turmoil six years ago.

But they didn't attack Kyuubi, and none of Uchiha's people broke out to the center of Konoha, and they didn't even know where Kyuubi Jinzhuriki lived.


"Well, it's a huge chakra. It should be the Nine-Tails Jinchur. The person who confronts Nine-Tails is the patriarch of the nobles, but he doesn't have much Chakra, so it looks very dangerous."

Before Uchiha Tiehuo finished speaking, Hyuga Miku opened his eyes and reported the situation in the distance; his eyes could see the movement ten kilometers away, but after the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki appeared, the roots of Danzo seemed to be Another layer of one-sided barrier was set up, probably to prevent Nine-Tails' attack from spreading to the village.

Although it was only a one-sided barrier, its defense power had been greatly improved, and even Hinata Miku's supercilious eyes could not see through this barrier.

"Nine tails!?"

The Uchiha tribe, including Uchiha Tetsuhiro, showed shocked expressions; they didn't expect that Konoha was the first to release Nine-tailed Jinchuriki before their own side caught Kyuubi's attention.

And if I remember correctly, the current Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is less than seven years old, let alone control the Nine-Tails Power, a Jinchuriki of this age will be seriously injured if he is eroded by the Tailed Beast Chakra once! ?

"Squad leader, we..."

"Feng, Aoki, you lead a team to take Uchiha Itachi back to reunite with the clansmen. Remember, no matter who speaks, don't let him go. If anyone dares to do something, kill him immediately!"

Uchiha Tiehuo said to the members of the security team he named with a stern expression, his last sentence was about the patriarch's wife Uchiha Mikoto, if she saw Uchiha Itachi like this, she might beg for mercy or even fight .

But this rebellion must be executed, even Uchiha Mikoto's mouth is useless, if Uchiha Mikoto intends to forcibly save someone, then they don't have to be polite, just kill Uchiha Mikoto for the crime of treason.

"Understood, Captain."

The members of the guard team who received the order responded immediately, and they could do it without any scruples under the order of Uchiha Teehuo.

"As for the others, follow me to support the patriarch!"

After Uchiha Teehuo finished his decision, he turned his head to look at Hinata Mirai
Hyuga Mirai didn't wait for Uchiha Tiehuo to ask, so he said with a smile in advance: "I'll go with you, after all, my mission is to bring the Uchiha clan back to the Saudi Federation."

"Then I will trouble you, Hinata-kun."

Talking with this person, you can also feel the same ease as Jieyasu-kun; Uchiha Tiehuo quickly threw this idea out of his mind, and then immediately set off in the direction of Uchiha Fugaku.

On the way, Hinata Mirai also treated them with medical ninjutsu. Uchiha Tiehuo and others heard the name of this untitled "medical master" when Hinata Mirai had not defected, and he After some treatment, the injuries on his body were almost unharmed, and even Chakra recovered a lot.

This naturally made Hinata Mirai gain a lot of goodwill, and not long after that, several people came to the place where Uchiha Fugaku was.


Uchiha Tiehuo came to Uchiha Fugaku's side with a blink of an eye, and quickly told him what happened just now: "The tribe is fine, someone is guarding and transferring, we will help you."

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't even maintain the kaleidoscope. Even if he opened the three-god jade, it would be a great consumption for him; Illusion can be controlled.

"That's good, Tiehuo, the Uchiha clan will be handed over to you in the future; I didn't expect Danzo to use Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, he is really crazy."

Uchiha Fugaku said weakly to Uchiha Tiehuo, and then coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

"He's not crazy, patriarch, the three-pointed jade in the eyes of Nine-Tails Jinzhu Riki is the best excuse to destroy us!"

Uchiha Iron Fire's eyes turned into the shape of a kaleidoscope of triangular darts, and then one hand was placed on Uchiha Fugaku's body.

"The King of Yuga!"

After the pupil technique was activated, Uchiha Fugaku felt a magical force restoring his body; this feeling was not treatment, but a more miraculous restoration.

Uchiha Fugaku turned around and saw that Uchiha Tetsuhuo's left eye was bleeding, and said worriedly: "Tiehuo, is this your pupil technique, stop, I'm fine."

In addition to wasting excessive pupil power, Uchiha Fugaku felt as if he had never experienced battle.

"Patriarch, have you seen Danzo?"

Uchiha Tiehuo turned his eyes back to the state of Sangouyu, and asked in a cold voice; there are a lot of ninjas in the distance, and they should be around here to take advantage of both sides, but he looked around and couldn't find Danzo. The figure, he is the mastermind behind the death of Jie Yasu-kun, if there is a chance, Uchiha Tiehuo will never let Danzo go.

"No, this old guy hides very deeply, and I don't know who cast the sharingan illusion on Kyuubi..."

Before Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, the Nine-Tails Chakra on Uzumaki Naruto rioted again.


With a violent beast roar, a powerful chakra impact erupted from Uzumaki Naruto's mouth. This power is simply much stronger than B-level wind escape ninjutsu!

Under Uzumaki Naruto's beast roar, the houses tens of meters away were directly uplifted from the ground.

 Soliciting opinions, Uchiha Itachi will die now or after a while.

  Both ways of writing are almost thought out, and now death is a matter of a knife.

  If you die after a while, you will be betrayed by all relatives, and you will die after punishing your heart.

  Which one do you guys think is better?

(End of this chapter)

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