Chapter 268

A large number of Iwanin's troops marched in the humid forest like the country of rain, and the speed was not slow.

Onogi was very happy to learn that the vanguard troops had taken down the largest steel storage warehouse in the Land of Rain. They, Yannin, made a lot of money this time, and transported the steel resources they got back to the Land of Earth. There is no need to worry about the military supplies for the next two years. up.

The happy Ohnoki didn't mind revealing the news to Konoha's Nara Shikaku. There was an agreement between the two parties that this place was originally to be attacked by Iwanin; but Nara Shikaku didn't expect Urenin to be defeated so quickly. This is simply surrender without resistance.

Following Lujiu, Yume Shisuke and Hyuga Homon, both of them were speechless after hearing the news: "Senior Lujiu, why don't we attack here?"

Lu Jiu sighed and shook his head: "Who knew that Yuren didn't respond at all, this is completely different from the performance during the Second Ninja World War, and the leader of the reincarnation eye"

Having said that, Shikahisa Nara paused for a moment. He didn't doubt the authenticity of the information he obtained, but he just couldn't figure out the intention of the leader of Urenin Village;
A loud noise directly interrupted Shikahisa Nara's thoughts.

The three of them looked at each other, and then immediately moved towards Onoki's position.

"Fire Gate." Nara Shikahisa whispered

"Understood, Senior Lu Jiu; roll your eyes, open!"

Hyuga Homon responded, and then Jieyin opened his eyes and looked directly in the direction of the explosion sound.

After watching it for a short time, a shocked expression suddenly appeared on Hinata Himono's face.

"What is this!? The eyes of reincarnation? Why are there six people?"

Hinata Himono exclaimed directly, and his reaction made Nara Shikahisa and Yume Shisuke look sideways in surprise.

"Senior Shikaku, there are six people with reincarnation eyes in front of Iwanin troops, and they"

Hinata Himono quickly told Nara Shikoku what he saw, Nara Shikoku was also very shocked after hearing it, and was speechless for a while

"Six pairs of reincarnation eyes"

When did the most mysterious of the three pupil techniques, which had not been heard for hundreds of years, suddenly appear in six pairs?
"No, this should be the pupil technique of the reincarnation eye"

Nara Shikahisa's brain turned quickly, combined with Hitomi and his thinking, he quickly thought of this possibility; then he immediately turned his head and said to Hinata Himono and Yume Shisuke: "I will tell Ohnoki some information later , in exchange for him to let us watch the battle from the sidelines, Huomen, Zhisuke, you must write down the information about the Eye of Samsara later."

Nara Shikoku always had a feeling in his heart that people like Iwa Ninja would not be the opponents of the leader of U Ninja Village.

Then Shikahisa Nara quickly found Onogi, and before the ninja reported by Iwa Shinobi had not returned, he quickly told the information Hinata Homon had seen: "Master Tukage, the ninjas from Urenin Village are in front, they should be them The leaders, but there are six of them, all have reincarnation eyes, but this should be a kind of pupil technique of reincarnation eyes."

At this time, the frontline troops also photographed the summoning ninjas, and came back to report to Onokihui: "Master Tukage, there are a few Urenin blocking the way ahead. Their abilities are very strange, and the forward troops have suffered many casualties in a short period of time."

"Let the loess command and respond with the third combat method." After giving the order, Onogi turned his head and glanced at Shikaku Nara, and said, "You can watch it if you want, but stay away, so as not to interfere with the battle of Iwanin. "

The other party came to tell him the information immediately, and the two parties were still in the stage of cooperation, so Onogi couldn't turn his face away.

"Yes, I understand, thank you, Tsuchikage-sama."

Shikahisa Nara did not expect Onogi to agree so happily. You must know that this may expose Iwa Shinobi's fighting style. It is probably because of the reason he decisively revealed the information just now that Onogi made this decision.

"Damn it, what kind of ninjutsu does this guy use? Why does the ninjutsu bounce off when he gets close to him!?"

And not only that, but also the weird suction ninjutsu, the unpredictable psychic technique, and the strange body transformation. Two people on the other side didn't make a move, and they paid such a big price.

Iwanin, who was commanding the battle on the front line, was so angry that there were more than [-] corpses of Iwanin lying on the ground, but the other party didn't even pay any injuries.

"The art of psychic!"

Animal Dao used psychic skills again, and this time summoned two huge flying birds, each seven or eight meters long, and what was even more shocking was that even the eyes of the spirit beast were reincarnation eyes.

After seeing this, the front-line commander of Iwain shouted loudly: "He summoned the psychic beast again, and attacked with Earth Dungeon!"

But before they could use Earth Dungeon, the two psychic beast Asuka rushed towards Iwanin quickly, so fast that they could hardly use joint ninjutsu.


Iwanin's front-line commander's pupils dilated to think, but then he suddenly heard a familiar voice
"Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!"

A white beam of light instantly struck from the sky behind Iwanoshi, the speed was so fast that the two psychic beasts of the animal realm couldn't react, and they were hit by Onogi's dust escape.

After being attacked by Chen Dun, the two psychic beasts and big birds did not release their psychic skills, but fell to the ground dead, only turning into four corpses.

"Three generations of Dokage, Ohnoki."

After Tiandao Payne saw the figure flying over from the sky, he said lightly, "Is that Dust Dungeance just now? straight to death."

"You guy, is the leader of Rain Ninja Village, Payne!"

Ohnoki floated in the sky and shouted to Payne Liudao. When he saw the corpse belonging to Iwanin on the ground, he shouted angrily in his heart.
"Not only sheltered the murderer who attacked Iwanin, but also caused Iwanin to suffer such a large number of casualties. It seems that we don't have to hold back against Urenin anymore."

After Tiandao Payne heard Ohnoki's shameless remarks, he glanced at him coldly and said, "The shamelessness of the ninjas of the big country is beyond my imagination, Ohnoki, after you have tried the pain, maybe you can understand Xiaoguo a little bit. If you don’t have the same experience, you can’t have the same resonance.”

When Onoki and Payne were exchanging words, Huangtu also rushed to the front line. He quickly took over the command, and then ordered the Iwashi ninjas to quickly occupy the surrounding positions in a three-person team.

At this time, Nara Shikahisa and the other three were also standing in the distance, and they were going to collect information here.

"Iwanin's actions are really fast. Shikajiu-senpai, if surrounded by Iwanin like this, apart from time-space ninjutsu and flying ninjutsu, it should be difficult for others to escape, right?"

Hyuga Homon opened his eyes and saw the movements of the Iwanin team. This kind of stance and the nature of the ninjutsu of Tudun, once surrounded, basically can only be caught in endless Tudun attacks. The third generation of Raikage should be like this at the beginning Die.

"Pay attention to collecting information, our main thing is to collect the ability of the eyes of reincarnation."

Nara Shikahisa said with a solemn face, the legendary eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths, the priority of this kind of information is definitely higher than that of Iwa Shinobi.

"The leader of Rain Ninja Village dares to face so many Iwa Ninjas. He definitely has the confidence that we don't know. Maybe today we can see the most mysterious reincarnation eye among the three pupil techniques."

(End of this chapter)

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