Chapter 281 Dealing with Payne
"Shinnosuke, look at this mission."

After calling Sarutobi Shinnosuke, Tsunade handed him the task directly.

After watching the mission, Shinnosuke Sarutobi's heart skipped a beat. He originally wanted to use the Anbu system to slowly train the members of the Sarutobi clan, but he never thought that he would let the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan go to the battlefield so quickly.

However, apart from Anbe, the village seems to have no other choice. Sarutobi Shinnosuke is the leader of the Anbe, so he is naturally very clear about some situations in the village.

The general mission team cannot be mobilized for the time being, and the third batch of support troops will be formed at any time. The family ninja needs Hokage to hold a ninja meeting, but Tsunade has just served as the Fifth Hokage, and he definitely doesn't want to sign all of them just because this is not a very important thing. Ninja favor.

The root ninja is still lying in the hospital, so looking at it, only the full-staffed Anbu can perform this task.

According to the information sent back, at least 80 people of sand ninja sneaked into the land of fire. From this point of view, he would have to bring three to four dark troops to deal with it.

"I understand, Fifth Generation, after the subordinates go back, they will gather people and go to the back of Kikyo Castle to stop Sand Shinobi."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke seemed to have eaten a fly, but he had to swallow it.

The corners of Tsunade's mouth raised slightly, but she covered her smile with her hands, coughed and said to Sarutobi Shinnosuke: "Well, go, keep Kakashi's team, I still have tasks to give to him."

".Yes, the fifth generation."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke responded with a very ugly face under the mask, and then left Hokage's office directly after Tsunade waved.

If things go wrong this time, the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan will have to pay a lot of casualties; when the people of their clan were trained in the clan, they were good at ninjutsu and taijutsu, but the only shortcoming was that they had never dealt with sand. Ninja.

It must be too late to teach now, Sarutobi Shinnosuke can only try to come up with as much information about sand ninja as possible, let the Sarutobi clan preview more.

After Sarutobi Shinnosuke left, Tsunade called Kakashi again, asking him to keep an eye on the information sent back from the Battle of the Land of Rain, and summoned the three members of Namikaze Minato's shadow guard who would fly Thor, if If there is a change in the front line, then Tsunade can quickly rush to the battlefield of the Land of Rain through the three-person Flying Thunder God technique.

After the gene-optimized injection, Tsunade felt that his body was getting stronger almost every moment, and he did not need a Yin seal to maintain the activity of the cells, but the cells in the whole body returned to the activity of about 20 years old, and There is also a stronger trend.

Now the amount of chakra she can refine has almost doubled, and after trying to blend the chakra of the two attributes of water and soil, a sapling grew directly in the palm of her hand.

This accident brought a very satisfied smile to Tsunade's face. Only by inheriting Mu Dun, the blood successor limit, can he regain the name of Senzhi Qianshou.

Coupled with the fact that Hinata Mirai left a lot of sage chakra in Tsunade's curse seal before leaving, Tsunade is more than twice as strong as before, whether it is the battery life of the spell-sealed sage mode or its own strength. Even if she doesn't use the technique of creation and regeneration, her body's recovery power has a recovery effect of one-third of that of creation and regeneration.

Except that Tsunade was puzzled by the fact that Uchiha's body was going to be taken away, Tsunade hoped that Hinata would come to Konoha a few more times in the future.

On the battlefield of the Land of Rain, Urenin also formally assembled a group of ninja troops, and formally confronted Konoha and Iwanin.

However, Konoha's second batch of reinforcements came to the front line not long ago. In terms of strength and numbers, it can be said that it is several times stronger than Urenin. , couldn't stop Konoha's attack at all.

Just like in the Second Ninja World War that year, Konoha's ninja troops defeated Yu Ninja, but no one could stop Sansho Hanzo; not only his personal strength is amazing, but the poison of Sansho is also harmful to a large number of ninja troops. A great threat.

Unable to deal with the leader of Urenin Village, Urenin Village is always a threat to Konoha; if Konoha pushed Hanzo into a hurry, Hanzo could have abandoned Urenin Village, killed Tsunade and the others, and let Konoha Ninja Suffer a big loss.

In the current Urenin Village, Hiruzaru Sarutobi felt the feeling when he faced Hanzo in the second Ninja World War; and it was even worse than that time, because although Hanzo is strong, it is difficult to defeat a thousand enemies except toxins .

The current leader of Urenin Village doesn't even care about Dust Dun of the third generation of Tsuchikage. A single technique can kill hundreds of ninjas.

In order to guard against Reincarnation Eye, Sarutobi Hiruzen arranged a lot of investigation and patrol teams, and scattered some of the camps, just to prevent the leader of Urenin Village from performing a large-scale repulsion ninjutsu in Konoha's camp.

One day, when Konoha's security team was patrolling outside the camp, the Hyuga branch ninja in the team opened his eyes as usual, and suddenly saw a rain ninja running towards Konoha's camp.

"Orange hair, a coat with red clouds on a black background, and circles of eyes, he is the person mentioned in the mission, be on guard, be on guard!"

After the ninjas in the same team heard the words of the captain of the Hinata branch, they quickly took out a signal flare from the ninja bag, and then sent it into the sky.

Boom - Boom!

The fireworks from the signal flare exploded in the air, and in the next second, Konoha's camp saw this highest-level alert signal.

Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately ordered: "All teams, according to the mission of the exercise in advance, effectively evacuate, and give priority to escorting the wounded and medical troops."

It is useless for ordinary ninjas to stay here in the face of reincarnation eyes. Letting them leave first is the best arrangement; and the ninjas chosen by Sarutobi Hiruzen and Ohnoki are not afraid of the encirclement of Urenin's large forces, so as long as you can deal with reincarnation eyes with peace of mind. enough.

After Hinata Kiyoya came out of the tent, seeing the signal flares in the air and the slightly chaotic evacuation in the camp, he couldn't help but snorted softly, and said to Yuhihong who came out of the tent a step slower: "Illusion can deal with reincarnation. Eyes may not be effective, so don't be too confident when the time comes."

Even Baiyan has the ability to resist illusions. Hinata Seiya does not believe that the most mysterious reincarnation eye among the three major pupil techniques will fall under illusions; although Kurenai Yuhi's illusions are powerful, Hinata Seiya does not want to see special relying The illusionist Yuhihong falls into danger.

"Hee hee, thank you Captain Seiya for your concern."

Naturally, Hinata Kiyoya could not admit Yuhihong's words, and said with a cold snort, "What stupid things are you talking about? I'm afraid that the best time to attack will be lost because of saving you."

"Don't worry, apart from illusion, my physical skills are not weak, and I will definitely surprise Kiyomizu." Yuhihong said with her chest slightly puffed up. Under the guidance of her father Yuhi Makoto, she has already realized Realizing the principle that phantom ninjas cannot leave weaknesses, they followed their father and Maitekai to practice Taijutsu for a period of time.

Because of Yuhihong's long-term perseverance, and her father's request for gifts, Yuhihong learned the forbidden art of Bamen Dunjia from Maite Kai. Now Yuhihong has been able to open the gate of life. After using Bamen Dunjia, She can almost do the normal body in an instant.

Hinata Seiya looked at Kuroyuki's bandaged hands and muscles on his body, and found that there were indeed traces of long-term physical training, and it seemed that someone was pointing it out, otherwise it would definitely be obvious.

Afterwards, she felt a little relieved, this time the enemy was different from before, not to mention that Hinata Kiyomi had changed a pair of white eyes, even if she changed two pairs again, she might not have the confidence to deal with Samsara Eyes.

In the distance, Xiaonan also saw the movement in the Konoha camp in the giant tree transformed by the Shikiji technique, so he turned his head and said to Nagato: "It seems that Konoha has already thought that you will find them."

"Well, they're ready."

After Nagato finished speaking, Animal Dao had already used the psychic technique near Konoha, and psychicized the other five Dao's Payne beside him.

At this time, the transfer in the Konoha camp was almost done, except for the forty elite ninjas who were left to deal with Payne, the rest of the people had already evacuated.

"Come on, all six of them have eyes of reincarnation. According to Nara Commander's analysis, the leader of Urenin Village is one of them, or none of these six people."

Hyuga Kiyoya's cheek meridians burst, and Rokudo Payne's figure and features were clearly seen a few hundred meters away.

After Rokudo Payne walked into the siege that Konoha had set in advance, he saw Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Onogi at the front.

"Is the Iwanoki Konoha united? It seems that the pain Iwato suffered last time was not strong. Only when you feel the real pain will you let Onoki withdraw from this war."

Thinking of his son Huangtu, Onoki crushed the rock in his hand, and shouted angrily to Tiandao Payne: "I swear by the will of the rock, I will definitely avenge Huangtu and the rock ninja killed by you!"

"That's it. The big country invaded the small country, and after the small country counterattacked, new hatred was bred, but it made the big country feel like it was standing on justice. It's really ridiculous."

Tiandao Payne said to Onoki in a calm tone, because there were casualties after the invasion, it was ridiculous to put on a righteous vengeance.

"The art of psychic!"

Animal Dao suddenly used psychic skills and summoned a huge rhinoceros, and the rhinoceros appeared behind Liudao Payne, its huge shadow just blocked the shadow coming from the ground behind.

Tiandao Payne looked sideways slightly, saw Nara Shikahisa who was hidden behind but was noticed by Human Dao, and asked, "Is it the shadow imitation technique of the Nara clan?"

"Tu Dun·Heart Beheading Technique!"

Before Tiandao Payne finished speaking, a hand suddenly stretched out from the ground, trying to pull him into the ground; but Tiandao Payne's reaction was also very fast, a black stick stretched out from his palm, quickly Stab to the ground.

A puff of smoke flashed, and the shadow clone that used the heart beheading technique was pierced by Tiandao Payne's black stick.

"Shadow clone...a boring trick."

After finishing speaking, Tiandao Payne raised his arm slightly, ready to attack first and said: "Next, it's your turn to taste the pain thoroughly."

Halfway through speaking, Tiandao Payne suddenly felt that he was under control and couldn't move his whole body.

"Shadow imitation, success!"

At this time, Shikahisa Nara, who was hiding behind the Akimichi clan, also showed his figure. He successfully used the shadow imitation technique through the burrow at the foot of Tendao Payne.

A burst of smoke flashed, and the 'Nara Shikaku' from the other direction also released the transformation technique, and became another ninja of the Nara clan. The ninja of the Nara clan was sweating slightly, while controlling such a big psychic beast. It is necessary to maintain the transformation technique, but it consumes a lot of chakra.

 there is another chapter in the evening
(End of this chapter)

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