Chapter 284

"Oh, the old man is quite capable. He united a group of people and really let him beat Payne away."

After Tsunade read the information, he handed the information to Yaoshidou, who was handling the documents. Yakushidou originally wanted to collect information on the Hyuga clan for a month, but he didn't expect that Tsunade's appointment would directly promote him to the middle school. Shinobu, and then transferred to the Hokage office as an assistant.

When Yaoshidou received Tsunade's appointment, he was stunned. He didn't even complete the order from Master Orochimaru, and he wanted to help Tsunade handle the documents; Not interested, even though there are many Konoha secrets in these documents.

After Yakushi came to work as Tsunade's assistant, there were only a few documents left on Hokage's desk, those were still used by Tsunade for display, and the rest of the documents were all in Yakushi's pocket.

"Master Tsunade, send the third intelligence team to the battlefield of the country of rain, and send the flying thunder god Kunai of Shiranui Genma's three-person team by the way? As for the logistics supplies, we can wait for a while, since the last delivery of logistics supplies has not In half a month, if we send more, the funds in the village will be very tight."

After reading the information, Yakushi came up with a plan and said to Tsunade.

"There is also the matter of Kikyo City. Today, I received six commissions from the nobles of the Fire Nation, basically all of them can be counted as S-rank, and there is also the accountability of the Fire Nation daimyo. Tsk, what a troublesome guy. It's obviously Danzo's fault."

Tsunade smashed his tongue and said, Danzo did a scandal, but let her be scolded, it doesn't make sense.

After noticing Tsunade's eyes looking at him, Yakushido sighed secretly, then thought for a while, and said, "Cleaning up the sand ninja in the Fire Country can only be left to Sarutobi Shinnosuke, but Tsunade-sama can do it." Urge him once a day, and the task level can also be lowered by one level. When the task is transferred to Anbu, the mission risk division will be re-established. With Anbu's strength, A-level or B-level should be enough."

The pharmacist breathed out the suggestion, then paused for a while to think, and continued
"Let's apply to the daimyo for another batch of funds for 'suppressing the enemy'. The front line is too tight. If there is no funds, I'm afraid Tsunade-sama will go to stop Sand Ninja himself."

The solution that Yao Shidou said would at least allow the Ministry of Finance to spend tens of millions of taels more, and in this way, the tight financial deficit in Konoha could be greatly alleviated.

After Tsunade heard the words, after thinking about it, he was also very satisfied with Yaoshidou's suggestion. If she was to deal with it, he probably couldn't think of a better solution than Yaoshidou.

"Well, let's do as you said. Today's official duties are done, and it's time for me to practice."

After finishing speaking, Tsunade got up and stretched, and then put the four processed documents in his hands on the stack of documents processed on the table of the pharmacist, and then, under the astonished eyes of the pharmacist, Hokage left quickly office.

"Master Orochimaru, it's not that the subordinates don't try their best, it's that the Fifth Hokage is too lazy. I'm afraid it will take a long time to complete the task you entrusted to me"

Pharmacist took a deep breath, then looked at the unfinished documents half a person tall on the table, and continued to deal with Konoha's business.

If you don't finish it today, there will definitely be more piled up tomorrow.

The practice Tsunade mentioned was not going to the casino or drinking. She has changed recently, and she really practiced in the forest near the Thousand Hand Clan every day.

Although she looks like she is in her forties to outsiders, her body has been rejuvenated, and now Tsunade doesn't need a yin seal at all to maintain her appearance.

The development of series of ninjutsu in Taijutsu, Wooden Dungeon, and Electromagnetic Field, as well as the curse-sealed immortal mode, Tsunade can feel that after her body awakened the wooden escape, the curse-sealed immortal mode has also changed. After injecting the gene optimization potion, the imprinting effect on her appearance became smaller and smaller.

Tsunade's strength is in a period of rapid improvement. If she doesn't practice well, it will be a waste of the gene optimization injection that Hinata Mirai developed for her.

As for the pharmacist pocket, after observing for a few days, he found that his ability to handle affairs was really not good, so Tsunade handed over all the chores in Konoha to him; In a certain way, Yao Shidou, an assistant, is even more powerful than Jing Yin.

"Fuyue committed suicide!?"

After Uchiha Tiehuo heard Uchiha Mikoto's words, his eyes suddenly widened slightly, and it has been a while since he committed suicide, so he just said it now, is this trying to hide them from them.

The more Uchiha Tiehuo thought about it, the more he could feel a surge of anger in his heart, bang, he patted the table directly, and asked in a bad tone: "What is this? Mrs. Mikoto, if you feel guilty towards the people in your heart, don't you?" Should it be better to contribute to the Uchiha clan? I thought he could figure it out and let us know after he died for so long. Is this because he thinks that the clan will covet his kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

This kind of distrust of the tribe is the root of Uchiha Teehuo's anger; he himself has a kaleidoscope sharing eyes, why bother to covet Fuyue's eyes, and Uchiha Itachi's eyes were not returned to Uchiha Mikoto, because the tribe There are too few ninjas in the country now. If an emergency occurs, the clan must be replaced with Uchiha Itachi's Kaleidoscope Sharingan to contribute to the clan.

"Fuyue's eyes have already been replaced."

Uchiha Mikoto shook her head after hearing the words, and said slowly: "I did have this idea at the beginning, Fuyu wanted me to replace his eyes to atone for the clan, but after studying the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, Mr. Future seems to be Mastering a new method of eye opening allowed me to awaken my own kaleidoscope."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Mikoto's eyes turned into a kaleidoscope pattern under the gaze of Uchiha Tiehuo.

It would have been a good thing to have an extra kaleidoscope in the family, but Uchiha Tiehuo felt very irritable. Uchiha Fuyue's family and the Uchiha family were too centrifugal.

"Tiehuo-kun, I just want to contribute to the Uchiha clan now. As for Fuyue's eyes, let Tiehuo-kun handle it."

Uchiha Mikoto took out a pair of kaleidoscopes and handed them to Uchiha Tiehuo. The sacred tree genes on Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto have been extracted by Hinata Mikoto, so he naturally despises these eyes.

".You can join the police force in the future. Uchiha Itachi's matter has nothing to do with you and Sasuke. When Sasuke grows up, if he doesn't have the potential to unlock the kaleidoscope, leave these two pairs of kaleidoscopes to him."

Uchiha Tiehuo said that the treatment given to the Uchiha clan by the Saudi Federation is not low, but there are too few ninjas they can afford, and the pay and harvest are completely mismatched. Now that Uchiha Mikoto has opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the Uchiha clan It is worthy of its current position in the Saudi Federation.

Otherwise, there are only more than [-] ninjas, but they directly occupy a high-level position in the Federation and the security team involving the entire Federation. This makes Uchiha Teehuo work very seriously every day, for fear that he will live up to this trust.

Before Uchiha Mikoto was about to leave, Uchiha Tiehuo hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Has Hinata-kun really mastered the trick to open the kaleidoscope?"

"Yes, he said a lot. But I didn't quite understand it, but he did say at the time that he was very sure that I would open Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but there was a little bit behind"

Uchiha Mikoto did not mention the slightly embarrassing scenes in the back, after all, she is still a widow, and that is not important, saying it would be misleading.
"I see."

Uchiha Tiehuo nodded and said, and then asked Inahura to take Uchiha Mikoto to go through the formalities, while he thought secretly, waiting for a suitable time, he would go to visit Hinata-kun.

Uchiha Tiehuo already had a good impression of Hyuga Mirai, who rescued hundreds of people from their family. Now that he learned that Lou Lan's merger and Hyuga Mirai's ability to evolve Sangouyu into a kaleidoscope, Uchiha Tiehuo wanted to pull it even more. Let's go into the relationship between the two parties.

After Ye Cang replied to the merger of Unified Loulan, the Federation arranged a residence for Hyuga Mirai, and the practice field near the border was quiet and convenient; Upper level ready.

Whether it's strength or influence, Hinata Mirai deserves this treatment, and other people have no objections, especially after knowing about the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce.

After joining Hyuga Mirai on the bright side, he promised to let the Uzumaki Chamber of Commerce design a set of circuits for the cities of the Saudi Federation, and build a large-scale power station outside the city, which can guarantee the use of 500,000 people in the entire federal city. electricity.

This kind of naked interest directly caused some neutral high-level officials in the federation to soar in favor of Hinata Mirai, so all the high-level federations were discussing what kind of position they would give Hinata Mirai.

Hinata Mirai is very clear about the matters discussed by the high-level federal officials, but his mind is elsewhere now.

"The art of reincarnation is like this. Is the art of creation and regeneration combined with the art of reverse psychic? It's a bit different. It's more like the art of psychic escape. It can call back the long-dead soul from the pure land, but it is too expensive. Chakra is gone."

After reading the forbidden scroll that Scorpion brought him, Hinata Mirai had to sigh at Chiyo's mother-in-law's thoughts.

When repairing and creating the body of the deceased, according to the remaining chakra of the opponent's cells, use the improved psychic technique to summon the soul back from the pure land.

Although Miku Hinata is not very clear about the specific principles of the Innate Jutsu of Reincarnation, in his opinion, Reincarnation is already the strongest resurrection ninjutsu that humans can develop.

It's just that the consumption is a bit higher. Even if a five-kage-level ninja uses this forbidden technique, he may die due to exhaustion of chakra.

"It's so pissed off, you stupid son."

At this time, Kushina Uzumaki suddenly walked in from the outside angrily. When she was teaching Naruto to use the Nine-Tails Chakra just now, her stupid son rebelled and said that she was looking for Aunt Caixiang. A little longer.

Hyuga Miku took a look at Uzumaki Kushina and then looked away, but according to his experience, even if he ignored Kushina, Kushina couldn't help running over to complain to him.

Obviously this has nothing to do with him.

Kushina Uzumaki and Naruto Uzumaki live next door to Miku Uzumaki and Ayaka Uzumaki, and they are neighbors, and Ayaka Uzumaki likes to use new ninjutsu to lure Naruto Uzumaki to betray Kushina, so the two often quarrel.

It's just that Kushina loses more and wins less.

(End of this chapter)

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