Chapter 271 Add fuel to the fire
Later, there is no later.

He failed to be her brother-in-law.

She never saw him again.

until today.

Pei Jiahui, who came to the mall with Lin Zhishu to buy a class end gift for her tutor, saw this scene, and felt inexplicably as if something terrible had happened to her.

A woman's sixth sense told her that this girl looked at Lin Zhishu with unusual eyes!
Could it be a girl who likes Lin Zhishu?

Like this nerd?Elm head?

Apart from Lin Zhishu's better brain and good looks, what's so good about him?
Pei Jiahui rolled her eyes, and pulled Lin Zhishu back half a step.

"You have seen other girls cry, don't you know how to wipe them with a handkerchief or toilet paper? Can you be a little gentleman, but you still claim to be someone else's half brother."

Pei Jiahui directly took out a piece of paper from her bag and handed it to Cheng Yuan, her tone became much gentler.

"Sister, what's your name? Don't cry, girls tend to have dry faces after crying in winter, which is not good for the skin."

She was in the same year as Lin Zhishu, and was a classmate of the university for four years. Since Lin Zhishu claimed to be an elder brother, she could naturally call her a younger sister.

After all, this girl is fair and soft, and she looks so pitiful and aggrieved when she cries, which really makes people feel distressed.

Cheng Yuan took the piece of paper, tried hard to control the tears, wiped away the tears and raised her head again.

Lin Zhishu's expression was still a little worried.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyuan. I haven't seen you for so many years. I don't know what happened to you. Are you crying because of something at home? Or because of other things? Can you tell me? Maybe I can help you."

He seemed to be different from the boy who was full of bitterness and hatred before.

No longer full of gloom all day long, and never a smile on his face.

Now he looks clear and calm, and his voice sounds much more stable than what he heard on the phone last time.

Cheng Yuan forced herself to smile and shook her head.

"Actually not. Just now, I suddenly thought that I failed the final exam. My mother gave me money back to let me go out and buy things for myself. I just suddenly felt that I was useless, so I couldn't hold it back."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

She is not very good at lying, but she hasn't seen her for many years, and Lin Zhishu didn't see it for a while.

After all, Cheng Yuan has changed a lot, at least she is no longer the dirty little girl she was a few years ago.

She has grown up, and her appearance, clothing and conversation are much more decent than before.

Lin Zhishu raised his hand, wanting to touch her head as before, but then he lowered his hand again as if he suddenly thought of something.

"That's good, as long as it's okay, how is your mother now? How is your family?"

"My family has all moved to Beijing, so I haven't gone back to see it in the past few years. Has the town changed a lot?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the wrench in Cheng Yuan's hand again.

"Are you going to buy a wrench and go back and fix something? Something broke in the dormitory?"

Hearing him raise this question again, Cheng Yuan realized belatedly that she actually took a wrench in her panic!

Why is she buying this thing?
She doesn't know either!

But until now, I can only bite the bullet and explain.

"It's not a dormitory, but I have something to do at home. I just wanted to see what size wrench I should buy. But after thinking about it carefully, I should measure the size of the screw before buying."

While talking and laughing, she put the wrench back in place.

Lin Zhishu didn't doubt her, instead he chatted with her.

Although Cheng Yuan wanted to escape very much, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and chat.

Although the more she talked to him, the more she couldn't control her heartbeat.

He had decided to give up early on.

It has long been planned to just fight for him as a learning goal.

But after seeing him with his own eyes, the surging emotions that had been suppressed and hidden before still boiled again.

It's like boiling water that was already boiling. It was supposed to pour cold water into the stove to turn off the fire, but then poured a handful of oil instead.

The flame that was about to be extinguished was burning again, with the momentum of a comeback, and the boiling water was boiled to bubbling madly in an instant!

"So, you are also studying medicine now, and you will also settle in Beijing in the future?"

After learning that Cheng Yuan had also been admitted to a good university in Beijing, Zhishu Lin was very happy for her.

Especially after learning that Cheng Yuan chose to major in medicine, Lin Zhishu looked at her differently!

Obviously, there is more appreciation than the previous comfort!
Pei Jiahui, who had been silently eating melons next to her, also admired Cheng Yuan, and couldn't help but exaggerate.

"Studying medicine is very hard and tiring, and it is difficult to get ahead. It is really great that you have the awareness to fight for the country and the people and work hard for it!"

As she spoke, she elbowed Lin Zhishu.

"Now she is your junior girl, and the school is not far away. You are now in graduate school. If you have the opportunity, you can mention her more."

"Before, she must have cried because it was too difficult to study medicine, and her grades were not as good as before. You, an older brother and a senior, are duty-bound."

Pei Jiahui's relationship with Lin Zhishu is very equal, and she even has a feeling of being superior to Lin Zhishu, which often makes Lin Zhishu helpless and speechless.

Watching their interaction, Cheng Yuan felt even more bitter.

Sure enough, he should have let go.

Otherwise, I wouldn't care so much about myself, and I wouldn't violate my oath to date others.

They are a good match.

Just when Cheng Yuan accepted the truth painfully and began to bless them, Pei Jiahui suddenly walked up to her and asked her with a smile.

"Fuck you, Xiao Yuan, where do you live now?"

"Didn't you say that your mother moved near your school? The houses over there are pretty good. Lin Zhishu and his family also bought a house there. If you live close by, you should seize the opportunity." !"

"He is a well-known top student in the Department of Medicine of Tsinghua University. His professional knowledge is thorough. If you have the opportunity, you must go to him to give you tutoring. There are not many opportunities like this."

"At least let him, a guy who only knows how to take advantage of his words and let you call him brother, take some practical actions, right, among other things, at least let him improve your grades, at least he won't cry outside secretly in the future. "

Pei Jiahui was very enthusiastic, and she didn't look jealous at all.

In Cheng Yuan's heart, she felt that this girl was too kind. She was just like the big sister in the neighbor's house, warm-hearted and kind.

She is really nice.

"Thank you sister Huihui, I will study hard."

Cheng Yuan's voice paused, and she didn't think about asking Lin Zhishu's address.

"He should be busy too, I'd better not bother, I"

"Damn! What's he busy with? He's doing experiments and papers all day long, and most of the time he's helping his tutor teach his younger siblings. If he can teach a group, he can't teach you alone?"

Pei Jiahui suddenly interrupted her and patted her shoulder with a smile.

"You're just too shy, let him take all the benefits by himself, and he's not a real brother or sister, why should you call him brother, right? Since you've already been asked to call him brother, how can he learn this little thing? Help must be helped, otherwise it is too meaningless, I despise him!"


Hey hey hey, almost got Pei Devil!

(End of this chapter)

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