farm group pamper girl

Chapter 308 My old 4 gave it to you

Chapter 308 My fourth child gave it to you

After being busy for half an hour, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia He took Old Madam Gu and Tian Bao to a quiet room in the backyard, which was specially reserved by Xia He for Tian Bao.

The shop in front is to be watched by a little maid.

After entering the room, Mrs. Gu put the dim sum in her hand on the table. Xia He was a little flattered by this move, her figure swayed slightly, and there was a touch of inconceivable surprise in her eyes, as if she didn't expect her wife to make such a move .

Xia He came back to her senses, and was grateful to the old lady Gu. The old lady just smiled and didn't say anything more. Instead, she changed her words and asked how her recent income was.

Xia He immediately took out all the account books, piled them up in front of Mrs. Gu, and said in a respectful tone: "Madam, this is the income of these few months, just look at it."

The old lady Gu scanned the account book and flipped through a few pages casually, her eyes could not hide her surprise. This small regular script with hairpin flowers in her hand really made people dumbfounded.

The handwriting is really good.

The old lady Gu collected her expression, and quickly began to look at it seriously.

Generally speaking, in the first few days of opening, there was no flow of people, but the number of people gradually increased in the following days, and it has only increased until today.

After a rough calculation, the income of Rouge Shop is 2000 taels, and the net profit is about 2000 taels.

That is about three months.

"That's right, the organization is clear and there is no confusion. Xia He, you have done a good job." Mrs. Gu was very satisfied with Xia He, but at the same time felt that the other party was full of mysteries.

He writes well and remembers a good account, obviously he has also learned the skills of a master.

As for why
The old lady Gu didn't think deeply about it, after all, it wasn't her business to ask.

Mrs. Gu also talked about the profit with Tianbao, and then she only took 500 taels and put it on her body, and put the rest in the shop. He also bought a death contract.

Xia He kept all these in mind.

Tian Bao continued to take something out of his arms, took out the hairpin given by the fourth brother from the space, and placed it directly in front of Xia He, and said in a childlike voice: "Sister Xia, I am entrusted by someone!"

After Tianbao finished speaking, she slid off the chair and said to the mother beside her: "Mother, let me go to the side and have a look."

After speaking, before the two of them could react, they hurried out.

Xia He's face was slightly hot. Looking at a green hairpin on the table, she only felt that her fingertips were slightly hot. She curled her fingers, and her face still looked flustered.

"Ma'am. This?"

She vaguely guessed something in her heart, but she couldn't believe that this man was so bold.

"This is given to you by my fourth child."

After observing this, Mrs. Gu felt that Gu Laosi's eyes were also very good. Although the woman in front of her was beautiful, she was thoughtful and well-read. She must have had a good family background before. What happened to the woman, but now she can get the fourth phase, there must be something extraordinary.

When Xia He heard this, she immediately felt panicked, and immediately knelt down with a plop.

"I beg your Madam to learn from you, this servant did not privately teach or accept with the Fourth Young Master!"

Xia He trembled, lowering her head and not daring to look directly at Mrs. Gu. She had seen this kind of backroom tricks a lot, and she was also very afraid.
She thought she would wait for the old lady Gu's fury, but she was helped up by the other person herself, and her legs almost went limp.

"Don't worry, I'm not the villain in the ordinary script." Mrs. Gu had a gentle expression, with a smile in the corner of her eyes, and she spoke very easily.

Xia He's nervous heart was relieved.

the other side.

Tian Bao left the room and walked towards the craftsman's workshop.

But she just stood at the door and didn't go in to disturb their work.

But he frowned.

When his eyes touched the red and swollen hands of the craftsman, the frown became even more intense.

"The annual holiday starts tomorrow!"

Tianbao didn't have time to design heaters for craftsmen, so she simply gave everyone a holiday, but as soon as the words fell, everyone stopped what they were doing, and gathered around one after another, with a cautious look on their faces.

"Boss, is there something wrong with us?"

The craftsman carefully asked a question in fear.

Tian Bao shook her head, and said in a childlike voice, "There is nothing wrong with you, it's just that the weather is too cold, look at your fingers, if you are not careful, you will be amputated!"

Hearing the words, the craftsman also looked down at his fingers, then hid behind his back, and retorted: "Master, you are wrong, we are all in good health!"

They still have to support their families, and they dare not even have time to catch their breath.

Tianbao's attitude is firm, but she can also think of the big guy's thoughts, so she proposes a compromise.

"If not, let's go on vacation here. I have a few other shops. Go and help me. If they are full, you can go to Zhuangzi to watch Zhuangzi for me, and I will pay the wages! How about it?"

When the craftsmen heard this, they looked at each other in dismay, and then shook their heads. They didn't want to do things that took advantage.

"Boss! We can't take advantage of you!" The wages here are already high, how can we take advantage of you again?
Tianbao waved her hand, and the matter was finalized.

She took out a few more tricks for the craftsmen and asked them to think about it, and it will be considered as a new product for next year.

After Tianbao finished her work here, Mrs. Gu on the other side came out.

When Tianbao heard the movement, she turned around and walked towards Old Madam Gu. When she looked up, she saw Xia He walking out with a blushing face.

Tian Bao frowned, with a meaningful smile in his eyes, obviously there was something going on.

She immediately ran towards Mrs. Gu, stretched out her hand to hold her mother's hand, and glanced sideways at Xia He. Unfortunately, she was not tall, so she could only see Xia He's side face, and that Slightly curled yellow edges.
Human skin mask?

A thought arose in Tian Bao's mind, especially when she saw the flushed cheeks, she was obviously allergic.

She took out the small pill she carried with her from her bosom, and gave it to Xia He, without saying a word, she just pointed to her cheek and said to Xia He: "Sister Xia, cure Honghong."

Seeing the movement, Mrs. Gu thought about Hong Hong?It took a moment to understand the meaning.

"Xia He, just put it away, this pill is very good for treating allergies."

Xia He's heart trembled slightly, but she still put the things away, and after sending the madam and miss away, she looked at the small white jade bottle lying in her palm, and then raised her hand to touch her stinging cheek.

He immediately removed the cork, poured out the brown pill inside, and swallowed it in one gulp.

After just a moment of effort, there was no tingling sensation on the face.

She looked at the white jade bottle in her hand in a daze, until a drop of hot tears fell on the white jade bottle, she came back to her senses, wiped the teardrops off her face indiscriminately, and with a smile on her face again, she turned and walked into the shop Inside.

(End of this chapter)

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