farm group pamper girl

Chapter 396 Going to the Market

Tianbao was in trouble for a while looking at the many mushrooms in front of her. These mushrooms are real mushrooms. She wanted to see if there were no other harvests on the mountain, but when she was halfway, she was worried that Jun Muyun would not be able to hold on, so she drank all the way. I have passed Lingquan water three times.

Then she decided not to go into the deep mountains, but to look outside, and she really found some.

She unintentionally found mushrooms all over the place, with poisonous and non-toxic ones growing together. If she meets someone she doesn't recognize and accidentally eats them by mistake, the consequences will be unimaginable.

When picking mushrooms, only she dared to do it herself, and she didn't dare to let Jun Muyun do it.

In addition, I also picked two or three small ginsengs that are more than ten years old.

Tianbao felt that the lack of ginseng dug out this time must be related to the fact that he carried a litter last time.

The biggest ones are already in her pocket.

Looking at the victorious results in front of him, Jun Muyun felt a sense of pride in his heart, he dug a lot with his hands!
"There will be a market in the county tomorrow, let's go to the market together?"

After Tianbao looked at the results of the battle in front of her, she couldn't help planning to turn these into money!Fly legs are small but also meat!

Stone Village is close to Fenglai County, and the county town only has a market every five days.The market is big and lively, and the nearby villages will take some things that need to be sold and go to the market.

The only fly in the ointment is that the market in the county seat is not like the market in the town. It is held every other day, and the number of visits is more, and it is not as lively as the market in the county seat.

When Jun Muyun heard Tianbao's words, he instantly understood. He was also very curious about the market in the county town.

Thinking of having a chance, I went to have a look.

Tianbao heard that she had a chance.

Immediately encouraged the other party to follow her to the market.

Jun Muyun hesitated, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small figure playing with the little finger on his hand, looking pitiful, and suddenly couldn't say the words of rejection in his mouth.

"There is nothing left and right. Tomorrow... Tomorrow, I will go to my husband and ask for a leave. Let's enter the county together and go straight to the market."

As soon as Tian Bao heard this, the pitiful look on his face disappeared, and with a smile on his face, he jumped up and down a few steps, and then came to Jun Muyun's side, tilted his little head, and said in a soft voice: "Then That `s a deal!"

Tian Bao put the mushrooms and ginseng back in his small basket, and planned to carry it to the market tomorrow.

But now it's a little difficult.

If she wanted to go to the county town, her parents would definitely follow her, but she didn't really want them to follow her, after all, it must have something to do with her temperament in her previous life.

Always want to sneak around.

The two little heads came together again, Tian Bao had a lot of ideas, Jun Muyun didn't agree at first, but he couldn't hold back the wet little eyes of the other party, just like the little dog he raised.

He agreed.

After the two agreed to go to the market early in the morning, Jun Muyun walked out with an empty pannier, while Tianbao told the other party to hide her own pannier.

Jun Muyun nodded without suspicion.

After people leave.

Tianbao put the small back basket into the space, and walked out of the room.


After Mr. Gu learned that his daughter and the boy were in the study, he squatted at the outer door to guard.

When he looked at the kid who came out with a small backpack, his eyes narrowed slightly, with a trace of murderous look, enough to scare an ordinary child to tears.

However, Jun Muyun is not an ordinary child. After he calmly nodded at the other party, he went to the kitchen with a small back basket.

Old man Gu was stunned.

Is the child so courageous now?
Immediately afterwards, Tianbao came out of the study, and Mr. Gu still had a murderous look on his face that could not be put away in the future, a trace of it, but
Tianbao stood at the door and tilted her head to look at her father. Mr. Gu's breathing stopped, did he scare the girl?
After thinking about it, Tianbao took out a small bottle of pills from the small cloth bag. On it was Mrs. Gu's handwriting, which said to cure eye diseases.

Tianbao gave all the medicine bottles to her father, Xiaopang's face sank, and she sighed with dignity: "Daddy, don't be afraid of medicine, one pill a day will always cure Daddy's eye disease."

After finishing speaking, she raised her little head and walked towards the kitchen with a certain attitude. She wanted to tell her mother about making a bright soup for her father.

Mr. Gu looked at the white jade bottle in his hand, and couldn't recover for a moment. Looking at the medicine bottle in his hand, he felt like crying.


In the end, Mr. Gu carefully put away the medicine bottle, it was given by his daughter!

Afternoon class time.

Mr. Wang still took the exams of the two of them, and found that they both made rapid progress, especially the young boy with red lips and white teeth, who had an amazing memory.

When class was over, Tianbao grabbed Mr. Wang's sleeve, not afraid of his seriousness at all, and said in a childlike voice: "Sir, Tianbao wants to take a rest tomorrow, and I hope my teacher will approve it!"

Before Mr. Wang also loved Tianbao, it can be said that Tianbao is the smartest one among all the people she has taught, so the love is naturally a little more.

"It's okay, but today's classwork needs to be a little more."

Tianbao complied with a decent attitude. She is not afraid of reading, nor is she afraid. It is good to learn more about this dynasty.

After getting the approval, Tianbao was overjoyed and ate an extra bowl for dinner.

The next day.

Sweet Baby got up early in the morning.

She picked out a relatively simple outfit from the many small clothes, a peach-colored thin jacket and small pants of the same color.

Changing from the sweet style of the past, she tied her black hair into two balls with a rope. Looking at it through the bronze mirror, she felt that her skills had improved.

Before, she could only pull her hair and tie it crookedly. Now, after a year, she has grown a lot, and her hair can be tied well.

After tidying up, she took the cage out of the space, and wrote another note by the way.

When she got out of the space, she went to call Jun Muyun up first, and then wandered around holding the small note, thinking where to stick the thing to be the most conspicuous, but after looking around, she couldn't find a good place.

Immediately afterwards, she turned her eyes and looked behind the closed door of her father and mother, and she immediately noticed it.

Tianbao, who was busy, carried a small basket on her back, led the little bodyguards out, and walked towards the ox cart at the entrance of the village.


Mr. Gu was in a deep sleep. He didn't notice the note that was pasted by his daughter on his forehead. He fell into a drowsy sleep. He only felt itchy on his forehead. With a flick of his hand, the note on his forehead gently fell to the side. next to the shoes.

Tianbao carried a small basket on her back and led Jun Muyun towards the entrance of the village.

There were fellow villagers along the way, and after seeing that it was the little girl of the Gu family, everyone looked at it curiously, and when they saw a young boy with red lips and white teeth beside Tianbao, some idle people used their imagination.

"Tianbao, who is the little baby next to you? Is it the baby kiss your father ordered for you?"

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