Chapter 266
"What kind of anger is there! There is no overnight feud between father and son. He is born rebellious and always likes to fight against me." Xiang's father disagreed with his wife's words, but thinking about it, he, the father, did not fulfill his responsibilities, which caused them The relationship between father and son is not salty or weak now.

"I decided to take this time to take a vacation. I will go there. As a father, I don't know about the child's marriage. If I know, I have to go there."

"This..." Wu Lizhen glanced at the two children, "There are a lot of things at home, and it's hard for you to take a vacation, so you can't spend more time with the children and me?"

"There's nothing you can do about it." Xiang's father patted his wife's hand, "You have to take care of me at home. I haven't worried about that child for more than ten years. This time is a major marriage event in my life. I don't care about it. I have to go and do my duty."

"Alright, you have to be more careful on the road and take care of yourself." Wu Lizhen smiled helplessly, and told him patiently.

"I know, the train at twelve o'clock at noon, you go and help me pack my luggage after breakfast."

Wu Lizhen felt suffocated in her heart, she had made a decision long ago, and only now came to discuss it with her, and this project for face was too perfunctory.

Father Xiang seemed to have just remembered, and said again: "Prepare 2000 yuan for me."

"Two thousand!" Wu Lizhen jumped up in shock this time.

Xiang Xue also raised her head in shock, two thousand, that's not a small sum!

"What's wrong? Is there a problem with the two thousand?" Father Xiang looked at her suspiciously.

"Two thousand is too much. Your monthly salary is just that little. After deducting the family expenses and the children's tuition fees, how can there be any money left?" Wu Lizhen looked embarrassed.

Father Xiang didn't believe it at all, so he did some calculations for him, "My basic salary is 8000, not counting other welfare subsidies. This is five times the salary of ordinary workers. I have been in the research institute for more than four years. Not counting welfare subsidies every year, the salary alone is nearly [-] yuan. Now you tell me that you have no money? Then tell me where you used the money?"

Xiang's father's age and experience are there, and he is more terrifying than Xiang Yisen with a cold face.

Wu Lizhen was so frightened that her heart shrank, but the thought of taking 2000 yuan out was more painful than cutting her flesh.

"With such a big family, don't spend every month. Your little money looks like a lot, but it's useless in practice. I don't have any money left!"

"Then tell me where you used it?"

"The children have to buy clothes, food for the family, coal, electricity, water, etc. every year, as well as the children's tuition fees, and human relations. All these need money. Lao Xiang, I really don't have that much money."

"Then you go and bring the passbook and I'll see how much money is left." Father Xiang's serious attitude made Wu Lizhen terrified.


Forced to do nothing, Wu Lizhen went into the bedroom resentfully, and handed him his passbook.

Father Xiang opened the passbook and looked, and almost vomited blood with anger!

Before he entered the research institute, he had saved more than 1000 yuan in the passbook, but now more than four years later, there is only 500 yuan in the passbook.

After checking carefully, he found that the woman withdrew the whole sum of money every month when she was paid, and she didn't know why she didn't take out the 500 yuan in time.

Otherwise, you may not even be able to keep the 500 yuan.

"Did you deposit all the money you took out into your own pocketbook?"

When Wu Lizhen heard this, she jumped up immediately, "Why should I save your money in my book? I have nothing to do when I'm full? I told you that your family has expenses every month, and I pay you every month. It was taken out for family expenses. But you just don’t believe it, what can I do?”

If it weren't for his salary being too high, she would have taken out all of the original 1000 yuan in his passbook and the one-off 500 yuan in subsidies in the last few years.

In addition, she was afraid that he would get angry when he came back and found out, and she was even more afraid that he would take back the passbook, so she didn't get worse.

"Okay, I see." Father Xiang knew that it was useless to say anything now, he didn't feel sorry for the money being used by her, but at this moment he realized that this woman seemed not so perfect.

Wu Lizhen watched helplessly as Father Xiang put the passbook into her pocket, but dared not say a word.

Father Xiang entered the room and simply packed a few changes of clothes. While Wu Lizhen was taking care of the child in the living room, he went into the study and opened his safe, and took out a small box from it to put it in his luggage.

in the living room.

Seeing Xiang's father leave, Xiang Xue asked Wu Lizhen in a low voice: "Mom, have you really spent all his money?"

Wu Lizhen stared, "Why do children care so much? You just need to do well in your school, and you will graduate in two months. You can give me more attention to study, and you don't have to worry about it at home."

"Mom, you know my grades are not satisfactory, you gave him all the money, how can I find a relationship to join the factory after I graduate?" Xiang Xue was anxious.

"With him here, are you afraid that you won't find a relationship?" Wu Lizhen didn't bother to talk to this silly boy.

These words hit the nail on the head, and Xiang Xue froze in place.

Father Xiang packed his luggage, took the money from the bank, and went directly to the train station by car, and got on the train going south.

Xiang Yisen didn't know what happened in the capital, maybe he wouldn't care if he knew.

At this moment, he was kicked out of bed by Yu Qing, and he was kneading noodles in the kitchen, preparing to make hand-rolled noodles for eating.

It took Yu Qing a lot of effort to get up from the bed, put on her pajamas and go downstairs slowly.

Passing by the kitchen, he ignored someone who was cooking in it, yawned and took a picture in front of the mirror in the bathroom, damn it!The whole person looked numb!
People can tell at a glance that they are seriously lacking in sleep, their eye sockets are a little dark, and their eyes are dull.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I looked much better.

Sitting at the dining table, looking at the steaming hot noodles in front of me, I have no appetite, but I am hungry if I don’t eat.

"Hurry up and eat. The soup base is the chicken soup from last night. It's very filling." Xiang Yisen handed her the chopsticks.

Yu Qing glanced at him resentfully, took the chopsticks in his hand, and took a tentative bite. The noodles were very strong and the chicken soup was also fresh.

"Is it delicious?"

Yu Qing ignored him, sucked on the noodles, and quickly finished a bowl.

Xiang Yisen asked again: "Are you full? Do you want more, is there still in the pot?"

"No need." Yu Qing stared at him, "After you finish eating, go to work in the afternoon." The main reason is that he was at home affecting her rest.

Xiang Yisen nodded, "I was just about to tell you that I will go to the construction site in the afternoon, and you can rest at home when you are tired."

Hearing that he was going to the construction site, Yu Qing's mood improved a lot, "Well, then I'll go up and rest first, you eat slowly."

Xiang Yisen looked at the woman who was running upstairs quickly, and shook his head. This woman has not really experienced the joy of married life.

However, don't worry, in the days to come, he will slowly adjust.

(End of this chapter)

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