Chapter 268 Bruising
Yu Qing turned her head slightly, glanced at the man who was walking beside her on a bicycle at some time, looked in front of her, then tilted her head to look at him, raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Why did I meet you again? "

Er Gang chuckled: "This shows that we are destined to meet each other on the street."

Yu Qing spat at him: "I think it's evil fate!"

She glanced at the Ergang with a hippie smile, and explained in advance: "Don't put your hopes on me, I don't have anything for you recently."

Recently, she has spent more than 5 yuan in Yu'ebao. This month, she spent more than [-] yuan on antiques, but she spent more than [-] yuan from her own capital, which made her feel bad.

How can there be any spare money to buy goods and trade with the second bar!
"Sister Yu, are you really out of stock?" Er Gang asked a little bit more unwillingly.

Yu Qing stared straight ahead, "Really not."

Er Gang was very disappointed, glanced at Yu Qing's clothes, and accidentally saw the silk scarf around her neck, "Sister Yu, the silk scarf around your neck is very beautiful, where did you buy it?"

Yu Qing didn't comment, but said: "How old are you, and you still call me sister, don't call me old."

"I don't call you by age. If you can keep supplying me, I can call you the boss."

"Come on, I don't want to be the boss of the black market, and I don't have the skills to be one. If we don't have the diamonds, we won't do the porcelain work."

Er Gang followed Yu Qing all the way, and he was sweet-mouthed and measured in his words, so he couldn't even speak ill of him, so he followed him all the way home.

Yu Qing had no choice but to sell him dozens of silk scarves in the warehouse, two yuan each, 62 pieces, a total of 120 four yuan.

The two bars returned with a full load.

After sending Er Gang away, Yu Qing closed the courtyard door and took out some dishes to be prepared for the evening from the warehouse while no one was at home.

Then I went back to the bedroom and closed the door. I couldn't wait to enter the studio. I took pictures of the antiques I picked up in the afternoon and hung them in the shop.

The price of 100 yuan is [-], the price of [-] is [-], and the price of [-] is [-].

The prices of the two worlds are not equal, and the antiques of the later generations are more valuable, so Yu Qing doesn't know whether her price is right or not.

Let's hang it up first.

The later period depends on the sales situation.

Coming out of the studio, I raised my wrist to look at the time, it was only four o'clock in the afternoon, it was a bit early, and it was too early to cook dinner.

What do you do with this time?
Going around the yard, the soil of the vegetable seedlings planted the day before yesterday was a bit dry, so Yu Qing brought a bucket of water over, took out some compound fertilizer from the studio, and added some to the bucket.

It took three buckets of water to water the vegetable seedlings in the entire yard. After watering the vegetables, she took the remaining compound fertilizer back to the side room where the sundries were placed.

To be honest, her legs were a little sore all day today, and she looked at the time, only half an hour had passed, Yu Qing was really tired and panicked, she went to the second floor, picked up her pajamas and entered the studio, when the hot water rushed onto her body, she Only then did he seriously examine the imprints on his body.

Good guy!
In addition to red marks and bruises, where did the bruises come from?

Is that man Xiang Yisen really Iron Man?The random collision twice actually caused bruises to appear on her body.

After taking a hot shower, I feel more sleepy.

Yu Qing found a bottle of medicated oil and wiped all the bruises, then put on her pajamas and went back to the bedroom.

Nesting himself in the big red quilt, he fell asleep in a short while.

Waking up again was woken up by Xiang Yisen.

Yu Qing squinted her eyes stimulated by the dim light, nestled under the quilt and asked sullenly, "Why did you wake me up, what time is it?"

"Where are you injured?"

Xiang Yisen lifted the quilt and started to unbutton her pajamas.

"What are you doing?" Yu Qing was so frightened that she tightly hugged her pajamas.

"I smell medicinal oil, where are you injured, let me see." Xiang Yisen said, making gestures and wanting to make a move.

Yu Qing quickly rolled herself into the quilt, her face flushed to the neck, and she gave him a coquettish look, "It's not because of you that I got hurt, snake embryo!"

Now that you know you care about her, why did you go earlier?

Xiang Yisen looked puzzled, "I'm not at home today."

Yu Qing didn't want to focus on this topic, it was too embarrassing!

"When did you come back and what time is it?"

"It's already seven o'clock. When I came back, I found that you were sleeping, so I didn't disturb you. I came up to wake you up after cooking." Xiang Yisen was very persistent and wanted to know where she was injured. "Let me see where it hurts. gone?"

If it weren't for the fact that the concern on his face didn't seem to be fake, Yu Qing would have suspected that he was doing it on purpose, and she was always entangled in this matter.

She shouted in shame and indignation: "I'm really not hurt!"

If a man really wants to fight a woman, her resistance is meaningless.

The quilt that Yu Qing rolled up was picked up by the man after a few times, Xiang Yisen did not unbutton her this time, but directly lifted the hem of the clothes.

On both sides of the waist, on the white and smooth skin, the glaring bruises were particularly glaring, as if they were accusing him of rape last night.

Xiang Yisen rolled his eyes, and glanced at Yu Qing with a guilty conscience. There was still a smell of medicine on his legs, and he knew why without looking.
Yu Qing became annoyed and kicked him lightly, "I'm satisfied now, I never thought Comrade Xiang, you are actually a beast under your gentle appearance, don't you want to sleep with me tonight , let me sleep in the bedroom opposite."

After all, she got up from the bed angrily, went downstairs to eat, and she was starving to death.

Xiang Yisen pressed his fist to his lips and coughed lightly, followed him downstairs with a smile on his face, but he didn't take her anger seriously at all.

Looking at the delicious dishes on the table, Yu Qing felt better.

Xiang Yisen filled a bowl of rice and put it in front of her, and then filled a bowl for himself, and then helped her pick up the food after sitting down, "Eat more."

In fact, Yu Qing was not really angry in her heart, young people always get excited, besides, she was also excited last night.

It's just that I always hope that he will say something soft to coax me.

But he didn't expect that the man just picked up a dish to let her eat more and there was nothing to say.

It made her want to be hypocritical, but she was too hungry to allow her to be hypocritical.

Seeing that she was eating well, Xiang Yisen smiled and lowered his head to eat seriously.

In fact, he can see that a woman wants to coax her, but he will not make a promise about this kind of thing. He is instinctive to be excited about the woman he likes. , the name is justified, why does he need to restrain himself?

Otherwise, you ask if there is a man in the world who would agree?

So what to do and what to do tonight!

It's just that he needs attention during the movement!
Sitting next to her, Yu Qing didn't know what was going on in this man's mind, or else the job in her hand would have directly covered his head.

Calling him an animal is light!

(End of this chapter)

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