Chapter 319

There are not many people on the train from south to north.Yicheng Station is not far from the departure station, and there are not many sleeping berths sold.

Xiang's father bought sleeper tickets like them, but they were not in the same carriage.

Yu Qing asked him to stay in the same carriage with them for the time being, and he would go back to his bed when they got off the car in the provincial capital.

And the carriage where Yu Qing and the others stayed happened to be just the two of them, and there was one more Xiang father for them to take care of.

On the way to the provincial capital, because we just got up in the morning, we didn't feel sleepy when we got on the bus.

Yu Qing sat and chatted with Xiang's father. From the chat, she got a better understanding of the Xiang family in the capital.

In fact, Xiang Yisen's family is quite complicated. His parents divorced and reorganized the family, and both parents gave birth to their own children.

He can be regarded as an existence that belongs to the oil bottle in any family, no wonder he hasn't gone back all these years.

However, for the sake of future educational resources for her children, she thinks she will consider whether to go to the capital, but she has no plans at the moment.

Before you know it, time passes.

Xiang Yisen handed Yu Qing a glass of water, and said distressedly, "Aren't you tired after talking so much? Come, drink some water!"

Father Xiang picked up his own enamel jar and swung it forward, staring at his son, "Stinky boy, married a wife and forgot my father, only caring about my wife, didn't you see that my cup is out of water?"

Yu Qing suppressed her smile and poked the man sitting next to her, "Dad is thirsty too, quickly pour him a glass too."

Xiang Yisen didn't refute, hummed, picked up his own enamel jar, and poured half a glass of water into Father Xiang's glass.

Father Xiang's eyes widened, "You let Father drink your saliva?"

"Would you like to drink or not!" Xiang Yisen provocatively picked up his tea mug and took a sip.

Father Xiang stared blankly, as if angry, took a big sip from his cup, and when it was over, he still muttered: "Forget it, you drank my saliva when you were young, and now you drink yours when you are old. We are even. gone."


Yu Qing couldn't bear it anymore. Rao, I drank your saliva when I was a child, but is it necessary for you to say it?

Xiang Yisen's face turned black, and he couldn't do anything to the old man, so he reached out to grab his cup, but Xiang's father also reacted quickly, dodging his attack, and drained all the water in the cup with a tilt of his head.

He wiped his mouth and said, "We're even!"

Yu Qing who was caught in the middle was so embarrassed, the father and son were fighting, how could she ease it?

She raised her wrist to look at the time, and said quickly, "Ah! It's noon so soon, no wonder I feel hungry. Dad, Comrade Xiang, let's have lunch."

When Xiang Yisen heard his wife shouting that he was hungry, how could he remember staring at the old man, he looked back lightly, "We'll eat when we're hungry, do you want to eat the buns in the box or go to the dining car?"

The buns in the lunch box were bought at the state-run restaurant in the morning, and they were already cold, but the weather is already in May, so it doesn't matter if it's cold, it can be dealt with.

But she only ate bun porridge in the morning, and Yu Qing didn't want to eat buns at noon.

"Let's go eat in the dining car, we'll save this bun for dinner."

"Okay, then let's go to the dining car for dinner."

At this time, Xiang's father said: "You guys go, I will stay and look after the luggage. When you come back, remember to bring me a glass of boiling water."

"Dad, don't eat the buns. We'll get you a meal when we come back." Yu Qing picked up a lunch box and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Any meat dish is fine, I don't care about it." Xiang's father was very satisfied that his daughter-in-law was always thinking about taking care of him.

After chatting for a few hours in the morning, after lunch, Yu Qing couldn't keep her eyes open, and Father Xiang was also a little tired, so they went to rest.

When he woke up again, it was already sunset.

The afterglow shone on the fast-moving train, the light and shadow flowed, and the interior of the carriage flickered.

"woke up?"

Yu Qing turned her head to the side, and saw Xiang Yisen sitting in front of the window with a book in his hand, looking at her tenderly at the moment.

The two smiled at each other.

"I've been sleeping for so long, where is this?"

"There are still two hours. When we finish our dinner and rest for a while, we will be there soon." Xiang Yisen said, "Would you like to get up and move around now?"

Yu Qing sat up and looked at the bed opposite, the opposite was already empty.

"The old man went to the aisle outside to stretch his body."

"Oh." Yu Qing got up and folded the quilt, "You stay here with your luggage, I'll go outside and wash my face."

"Well, go ahead, be careful." Xiang Yisen put the book in his bag and began to tidy up the table.

Yu Qing walked out of the carriage, except for one or two smokers standing by the window, she didn't see Father Xiang, she went to the bathroom to tidy herself up, and when she returned to the carriage, Father Xiang hadn't come back yet.

"Dad hasn't come back yet, and I didn't see him outside just now."

"It's okay, I can't lose it. Do you want to eat cold buns or go to the dining car for dinner?"

Yu Qing put the toiletries back into the luggage bag, got up and sat back in front of the small table, "It's better to eat some buns to rest your stomach, grandma and grandma will definitely be waiting for us to have dinner together, I want to go home and eat with them. You Are you hungry?"

Xiang Yisen shook his head, "I'm not hungry, it's fine to go back to eat, but the food on the train tastes so good."

There is boiled water on the table that has been boiled in advance. It has cooled down now, and it is only a little warm, which is just right for drinking.

The two of them had a mouthful of steamed buns and a mouthful of warm water. One person solved two steamed buns and didn't eat any more.

Father Xiang came back slowly from the outside after an hour.

As soon as he entered the door, he asked, "Have you eaten buns?"

"Well, we ate two buns." Yu Qing noticed his oily lips and asked, "Dad, did you go to the dining car to eat?"

Father Xiang walked to his bed with his hands behind his back and sat down. He took a sip of water from his own cup and said, "While you are still here, help me look after my luggage. I'll go eat first. I don't know if there is any food for the rest of the way." So convenient."

"Dad, if you want to go to the dining car for dinner tomorrow, you should bring your valuables with you. It should be fine to put other luggage in the car." Hearing what he said, Yu Qing was really worried that he was riding alone in the car.

Father Xiang pointed to the oil drum under the bed and smiled helplessly, "I have to take it with me when I go to dinner tomorrow. It's a good thing. No one will watch it in the carriage. I'm afraid that someone will steal it."

Yu Qing thought it was really possible, "It's not that serious."

Xiang Yisen raised his hand and pinched her cheek, and said with a light smile, "Qingqing, do you know that this barrel of oil is a year's supply for ordinary workers?"

"I know." Yu Qing pouted and slapped his mischievous hand away, and looked at Father Xiang, "Dad, then you should be more vigilant all the way."

The three talked and laughed, the train slowly drove into the provincial capital station, and Xiang Yisen settled Father Xiang to his original bed.

He turned back and picked up the luggage with Yu Qing and walked towards the car door.

(End of this chapter)

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