Chapter 34 Selling Goods
When the time came, Yu Qing came out of the studio, ate a few dumplings, and made herself a cup of whole oatmeal. This oatmeal was bought online to take care of her stomach because she always delayed breakfast.

Continuing to do the same as the night before, quietly flipping out from the backyard.

This time, with the experience of last night, although the journey was still deep and shallow, at least I didn't almost fall over.

Still at the same place, at the same time, watching the stars and stars in the distance, Yu Qing turned back around the corner, took advantage of the cover of the night, disguised herself, and then came out of the studio, holding a small canvas bag.

Don't underestimate this canvas bag, which contains more than a dozen pairs of trousers and a single coat of workwear style.These styles are old-fashioned. She used to do welfare, and she didn't sell a few pieces for the price of cabbage.

There are a lot of piles in the corner of the warehouse.

Don't underestimate these old-fashioned things. You need cloth tickets to buy them at a supply and marketing agency. How many tickets are needed for a suit of clothes? If you don't have a cloth ticket, you won't sell it.

Cloth tickets are distributed with wages, and they are only one foot a month. If ordinary working families want to buy a new dress for their family, they have to save for several months to make one.

It's not too much to buy five or six yuan for a piece of clothing without cloth tickets, right?

He weighed the canvas bag, it wasn't too heavy, the journey was not easy, this poor body made her very tired.

After walking for a while with her bag on her back, it was the same man who came out of the darkness last night. Without waiting for him to stop her, Yu Qing stuffed the two cents she had prepared into the other party's hand, turned around and sank into the market.

People coming and going in the (black) pigeon market tonight were as quiet as ever, so Yu Qing found a dark corner, some distance away from the sellers next door to the left and right.For safety reasons, she doesn't want to get too close to others.

She laid out a fiber bag for consignment and packing clothes. This kind of fiber bag is very large, and one bag can hold more than 100 summer clothes.Then put on the clothes and pants you brought.

She saw that other people did not put the products on the bright side. Customers would ask the seller what they were selling when they passed by. After confirming that it was what the buyer wanted, the buyer would take a look in the bag. If the product was satisfactory and the price was right, It will be sold.

Yu Qing wanted to sell out and leave early, so she laid out a few clothes and trousers.Then stand in the dark and wait for customers to come to your door.

Now it's the season of late autumn and early winter, not to mention the deep and dewy weather. It's too cold. After standing for a long time, she feels the top of her head is cold, and the toes of her two feet are so cold that they hurt like needles.

Just as she was about to find a black hat to wear from the studio, she saw a black figure stop in front of her.Bending down and striking a match, he hurriedly glanced at the things on the ground, and the faint fire was extinguished by the cold wind.

Yu Qing also took advantage of the short fire like fireworks to look at the man in front of her. However, the hat on the man's head was pressed down very low, and his face was hidden in the dark.

"Comrade, how do you sell these clothes? Do you have my size?"

Yu Qing visually measured the man's height, and it was a head taller than her, almost 1.7 meters eight, with a thin figure. She bent down and took a [-] for him, "Six yuan a piece. Do you want a pair of pants?"

"And pants?"

The man was very surprised, what he saw just now were clothes, he thought the pile was full of clothes.

"Yes, five yuan a pair of pants. No cloth ticket."

Pants are made of less material than clothes, and they are one yuan cheaper than clothes. Yu Qing thinks whoever buys them will make money.

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(End of this chapter)

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