Chapter 348 Unlocking Commodities (Adding Changes to the Monthly Pass)

The two skipped the topic, and Er Gang talked about wanting to get some electric fans from her, so he tentatively said: "It's going to be a hot day soon, and electric fans are sure to sell well. I know you have purchase channels, so I don't want more." , even dozens of units will do.”

Now there are less than a hundred units left in the warehouse, Yu Qing gave him fifty units after some consideration, the price will not be much cheaper, and each unit is four yuan cheaper than her own retail.

If Ergang sells these fifty units, he can earn about two hundred yuan, which is already very good. According to him, it is indeed more cost-effective than working for others.

But the premise is that he has a source of goods, and if he has no goods to sell, no matter how high the profit is, it will be useless.

Er Gang asked his brother to pull the fifty electric fans three times with a tricycle.

"Sister Yu, thank you for taking care of my little brother. If you need help with anything in the future, don't be polite to me. I will help you if you can."

With Yu Qing's signature smile on her face, she waved to him, "Sure, sure, you guys go slowly."

After the second bar left at the end left, Yu Qing suppressed her smile and started selling goods to collect money again.

After Xiang Yisen sold one fan, he naturally said to Yu Qing: "I sold some today, and with the [-] units just shipped away, there are not many fans left. There are about [-] more fans left."

Yu Qing nodded lightly: "Well, the wool and fabrics are almost cleaned up, and there should not be much left before closing in the afternoon. Let's take a day off tomorrow and open the door after the next batch of goods arrives."

The customers who were picking out the products accidentally listened to their words and asked tentatively: "Your store is closed tomorrow?"

Yu Qing nodded: "Yes, I'm too tired, take a day off."

"You guys are so willful when you open your own shop. If you're tired, you can rest if you want. It's not like us who go to work. Except for weekends, you have to report on time every day."

Yu Qing teased herself: "Haha, everyone has their own way of living. We like to do whatever we want in life, but we don't think about making progress in work."

The customers in the store smiled kindly.

"Then when will you open the door again? What will arrive next time?"

"Didn't the proprietress say that if you take a day off, the door must be opened the day after tomorrow?"

Yu Qing: "Yes, the door will open the day after tomorrow. The new products that arrive this time are mainly shoes and clothing, as well as some other products. If you need them, you will know what products are available when you come. It is definitely worth the money."

"It's so good to hear what you said, then we'll come back the day after tomorrow."

"The products you have here are good, but I have spent all my wages this month, so I can only look at them next time."

"Haha, what I'm talking about is that this money is really worthless."

"." With a stiff smile on Yu Qing's face, she didn't know what to say, it was all her fault, the goods she got were so worth the money.

After a busy afternoon, he closed the door on time and got off work. This time when he went back, there were still people following him. Xiang Yisen nimbly rode his bicycle and turned into another street, entered through the gate of a family area, and exited through the back door.

Yu Qing looked at the changed street in surprise, she gently scratched his waist with her fingers, and saw the faucet of his car swinging as she wished, she covered her lips and asked with a smile: "Why are you so fond of the streets in the city?" Familiar with?"

Xiang Yisen was pedaling his bicycle, enduring the itchiness in his waist, helpless to the people behind him, and said modestly: "It's just a coincidence that I know these two back doors. It just happened to be in this situation again, and I just happened to use it."

"Why didn't you go in from the police station like yesterday?"

"These people are very smart. They must have ambushed at the back door of the police station."

As Xiang Yisen guessed, there were indeed people squatting in the alley behind the police station, but they never expected that Xiang Yisen would not play cards according to common sense and take an unusual route.

Going home every day is like being a thief, which makes Yu Qing a little annoyed, "Can't we think of a once-and-for-all solution and send them to the Public Security Bureau?"

Xiang Yisen comforted: "Don't worry, there is always a way to solve them."

When the couple returned home, Yu Qing fed the chickens before it was dark and picked up two eggs from the chicken coop.

Seeing her movements, Xiang Yisen smiled, "Shall we cook outside tonight or go inside?"

The meaning here, the two of them knew it was the studio.

"Go inside, will you go to the construction site for tomorrow's rest?"

Xiang Yisen closed the courtyard door, "Well, I have to go and have a look. I may ask Lu Jinzhong to come over for dinner tomorrow. That kid has been thinking about coming to the house for dinner. I have never agreed, and this time I can't shirk it."

Yu Qing: "Okay, no problem, remember to call me back to ask for leave, do you need to call a few more colleagues over for dinner tomorrow?"

"No, there are more opportunities after dinner." Xiang Yisen shook his head, he could go to a restaurant if he wanted to invite his colleagues to dinner, it would be too troublesome to cook at home.

He asked again: "Why do you think about asking for leave this time? Is it because you want to see the store selling goods?"

Yu Qing dragged him into the studio, put two eggs into the refrigerator, and said, "It's not all because of looking at the store, but mainly because the purchasing department has nothing to do right now, and it doesn't matter whether you go to work or not."

Now that she has been transferred to the purchasing department, there is no need to go back to work in the security department.And she would go to a meeting every now and then, so asking for leave now could be regarded as avoiding the meeting and arresting the young man.

It won't be too late for her to go to work when the people who really need the procurement department go out to purchase.

"Oh." Xiang Yisen took Yu Qing up to the second floor and turned on the computer.

Yu Qing misunderstood him, "Package and delivery, it's not too late to cook after dinner."

Xiang Yisen looked at her with a half-smile, "Am I a workaholic in your mind?" Then, he opened the webpage to check the logistics information, "I just want to see if the motorcycle has been delivered."

"Haha, you don't have to be so impatient, do you?"

Xiang Yisen made a pun, and said in a meaningful way: "I can't wait to treat the love in my heart."

Resisting the heat on her face, Yu Qing pursed her lips to keep herself from laughing.The man was right when he said he was a snake embryo.

The background shows that the motorcycle has been shipped, and there is also logistics information.

"Qingqing, your stamp buyer has received the goods."

"Really?" Yu Qing leaned over and snatched the mouse, and checked the account balance, "It's really increased by more than 100 million."

The original balance plus this credit, the balance is nearly 170 million. Looking at the money, Yu Qing suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly entered the foreign mall from the homepage.

Sure enough, the foreign mall increased from the initial two items to five items.

"Comrade Xiang, have you noticed that the products in the foreign mall are unlocked by the amount in the balance, that is to say, the price of the product is equal to the amount in the balance, and there will be no products with a price higher than the balance in the mall , because it knows that I can’t afford it, so it only shows products with an equivalent amount.”

After listening to her explanation, Xiang Yisen found it really so. He exclaimed: "This system is still perfect!"

 Thank you for the ten monthly tickets of Zhanshanweiwang~

  Today is full of October tickets plus more~

(End of this chapter)

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