Chapter 350

Three poles in the sun.

On the big bed covered with red quilt, Yu Qing's white arms formed a sharp contrast with the big red quilt, shocking people's visual perception.

Xiang Yisen opened the door and saw this scene when he came in. He saw her curled eyelashes tightly closed, leaned over and kissed her smooth arm lovingly.

The air fluctuated, and without warning, the woman's other hand waved back.

Fortunately, Xiang Yisen reacted quickly and avoided it in time.

"You pretend to be asleep! Qingqing, you want to murder your husband!"

"It's nothing, I'm just exercising." Yu Qing's eyelashes trembled slightly, slowly opened, glanced at him, and hummed unconvinced.

Xiang Yisen saw her slightly swollen lips, starlight flashed in the bottom of his eyes, slightly raised the corners of his lips, and coaxed him in a good mood: "Okay, now do you want to get up and exercise your muscles?"

When Yu Qing turned around slightly, the bones in her body made a 'cracking' sound, and she even suspected that the man standing next to her could hear it.

"Are my bones broken and reorganized by you?"

This movement scared me to death!
It's too big!
"Hehe." Xiang Yisen put his lips to his lips and chuckled, signaling her to move more before getting out of bed.

After all the bones rang again, Yu Qing sat up, only to find that she didn't feel weak like she had done too much in the previous night.

Now she is full of energy, full of strength!
She asked in disbelief: "Is this the effect of taking the Dali pill?"

"Probably so." Xiang Yisen replied ambiguously, "Why don't you get up and go to the yard and try to lift heavy objects?"

"Try it." Yu Qing was just about to get out of bed when she realized that she was gone. She quickly took the nightgown folded at the head of the bed and put it on, pushed Xiang Yisen who was standing next to her, and ran into the room quickly bathroom.

I am ashamed to meet people today!
After washing, driven by curiosity, Yu Qing came to the yard. There was a bucket of water under the faucet. She walked over and tried to lift it up.

It can be said that it was effortless, and she carried the bucket of water and ran around the yard.

Put down the bucket, roll up your sleeves, and check the muscles on your arms, they are no different from usual.

"Dali Wan is really useful, two hundred thousand yuan is not in vain!"

Yu Qing stared at Xiang Yisen leaning on the door frame with bright eyes, "Comrade Xiang, how strong is your strength?"

"I don't know the limit." When he got up this morning, he was also startled by the sound of bones on his body, and then tried the strength, it was great!

But what is the limit he didn't test?

This kind of ability beyond his cognition has had a great impact on him. He is still in a daze until now, wondering how many unknown powers there are in this world?

Yu Qing was very curious about her new power, and it happened that the vegetables grown in the yard hadn't been watered for several days.

She took out the fertilizer from the side room, mixed it into the bucket, and then poured it over with the bucket in one hand and the spoon in the other.

No breaks in between!
It was during lunch that Yu Qing remembered, "Comrade Xiang, did you call me this morning to ask for leave?"

"Already called and they agreed."

"Thank you for your hard work in the morning, shopping for vegetables and asking for leave for me." Yu Qing picked up a few pieces of meat and put them into his bowl.

Xiang Yisen said inexplicably: "I worked harder last night."

"Pfft!" Yu Qing laughed, but fortunately she had already swallowed the food in her mouth, she gave him a reproachful look, and said teasingly, "No wonder you bought a pair of pork kidneys today, don't worry, I'll fry them tonight Make up for you."

"Ahem." Xiang Yisen blushed from the choking, and waved his hands speechlessly. He was the one who always underestimated this woman.

The food in Yu Qing's family is pretty good, and in the same city, some families almost can't even afford to eat.

For example, Chen Daniu's house in the hemp spinning factory.

Their family's lunch is a bowl of sorghum porridge with a bowl of pickles.The sorghum rice was boiled slowly on the coal stove all morning. Although it was rotten, the taste was really not good.

Wu Weimin pushed the family's old bicycle back home. Although the sun was not at its strongest at the end of May, it was still uncomfortable after running outside all morning.

He was sweating from the heat, and returned home hungry. As a result, there was only clear soup and little water for him to entertain him. He was suffocated in the morning, and now he found an outlet to vent.

"Ms. Chen, what do you mean? I can only eat porridge and pickles when I come back after running away for a long time?"

Chen Daniu glanced at him, filled the enamel jar with water, put it in front of him, and handed him the only cattail fan at home.

He said angrily: "Now there is only coarse grains in the house, you still dare to dislike it now, after a few days, maybe you will not have to eat this coarse grains porridge, and if you can't find a job again, you just wait to drink the northwest wind, when the time comes You don't even have the right to be disgusted."

"What do you mean by that?" Wu Weimin's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the family is at the end of their ropes?

"Literally, eat quickly, it's good to have something to eat now."

The children in the family ate first and went out to play. Chen Daniu's stomach was already rumbling with hunger. If it wasn't for waiting for the man to come home to eat together, she might be hungry again after eating.

Life was too hard. During these days, when the night was quiet, she tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, so she really wanted to cry aloud without suppressing it.

You said that so many workers have been laid off, are you still letting these people live?
Originally, there were many unemployed young people in the city, and now all the educated youths have returned to the city. With the addition of these laid-off workers, it is no exaggeration to say that it is hard to find a job in the city.

Looking at Wu Weimin's expression when he came back today, no need to ask, he must be angry that he didn't find a job, otherwise he wouldn't be crying as soon as he returned home.

Not only the man is working hard in this family, she is also working hard to find a job, but the reality is very unsatisfactory and cruel.

"Master, why don't we set up stalls like others?"

Wu Weimin raised his eyelids and glanced at her, "What do you know?"

"I can steam steamed buns and sell them on the street." Chen Daniu thought about what she knew.

Wu Weimin shook his head, "It's not that I'm belittling you. Your cooking skills are not good enough. We can barely make buns and steamed buns for us to eat at home. I think it's embarrassing to take them outside to make money."

"Then I'll cook tea eggs and sell them at the train station."

Wu Weimin denied, "Whoever buys food buys eggs specifically, but if you take the train, you will buy eggs specifically for eating. Others sell all kinds of food and food together. Customers can buy enough for one time."

Chen Daniu gritted her teeth, "Then I'll go to the street to help others shine shoes, right?"

"But you don't have the shoe-shine kit."

"Enough!" Chen Da Niu slapped the table and stood up, pointing at the man sitting opposite, and scolded angrily: "Wu Weimin, you bastard, you won't help me nail one without tools, and you can't make money if you talk about making money!" What comes out of your mouth is all difficulties, and you are afraid of wolves and tigers, as if there is no way to succeed in this world."

 Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommended tickets~

  good night~

  Continue to ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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