Chapter 353
"Honey, Lu Jinzhong hasn't come yet, I'll go pick him up." Xiang Yisen was riding on the motorcycle, the blood in his whole body was screaming, and he wanted to go out for a ride.

"How dare you!" Yu Qing ran to the door of the kitchen with a spatula in her hand, said angrily with a dark face, "This is the first new car we bought, I haven't even ridden it yet, you want to Riding to pick up someone else, have you ever thought about my feelings? I bought it with the money I worked so hard to save, and you don’t want to pick me up, won’t your conscience hurt? "

At the end, there was a trace of grievance in his tone.


Xiang Yisen reacted belatedly, he seemed to have offended his wife.

He got out of the car awkwardly, pinned the key on his belt, "Then we're done eating, and I'll take you for a drive."

"It's dark at night, aren't you afraid of falling?" Yu Qing was in a better mood.

"Motorcycles have lights."

"Okay." Yu Qing was about to go back to cook, and seemed to think of something, then turned around and vaccinated him in advance: "This motorcycle can pick me up in the future, it can pick up gay men, but it can't pick up lesbians, remember !"

Xiang Yisen smiled, and asked fearlessly: "Can't Grandma Ruan be with you too?"

Yu Qing looked at him sympathetically, "Comrade Xiang, there's no point in your arguing!"

"Hehe, I see." Xiang Yisen took a long step and followed into the kitchen.

The husband and wife worked together, and dinner was ready in no time.

Xiang Yisen put the food on the table and was about to say why the boy hadn't come yet, when there was a knock on the courtyard door.

"Here, I'll open the door."

Xiang Yisen wiped his hands clean and went to the courtyard gate.

Yu Qing watched the fuming man go out, smiled and shook her head, and began to help them serve meals.

They planned to go for a ride after dinner, but they didn't bring out any wine even if they were treats.

And poured three glasses of freshly squeezed apple juice.

"Sister-in-law, I'm bothering you today."

Lu Jinzhong arrived before the sound came.

Yu Qing waited for them to enter the living room, and then said politely: "They are all my brothers, don't be polite, I just cooked the food, and you came as soon as the table and chopsticks were set. It's really a coincidence that you came early, Comrade Lu, come here quickly Have a meal."

Lu Jinzhong thanked: "Thank you sister-in-law."

Yu Qing wondered why Lu Jinzhong was so polite today?
"You rush over after get off work, and drink some fruit juice to moisten your throat when you're thirsty." Yu Qing picked up the fruit juice and signaled him to take a sip.

"Apple juice?!" Lu Jinzhong was stunned. He was so busy on the construction site every day, and he hadn't seen the fruit for several months. Brother Sen actually squeezed apple juice to drink here!

Look at this table of dishes again. There are four dishes, three of which are meat dishes. With this standard of living, where did Brother Sen get rich?
"Brother Sen, sister-in-law, I would like to offer you a toast by borrowing flowers to present Buddha."

Xiang Yisen glanced at him, raised his glass and clinked, waiting for his next words.

Yu Qing took a sip of the fruit juice, picked up the bacon and put it into her mouth, chewing slowly, "The bacon made at home is delicious, Comrade Lu, try it."

Ever since she knew that there are beauty pills in the mall, Yu Qing hasn't been on a diet for the past two days, and she can eat whatever she wants in order to satisfy her appetite.

"Okay, thank you sister-in-law, Brother Sen, your family's food is good, where did you get rich?"

Lu Jinzhong was excited when he thought about the last time he went to Yangcheng, he earned enough money in just a few days that he couldn't save in a year.

Xiang Yisen didn't even look at him, "It's true that there is no foreign money, and the salary of our husband and wife is enough for us to eat and drink."

"Haha, Brother Sen is right. I have no other intentions. I just want Brother Sen and sister-in-law to have a way to make money. Don't forget brother, let me have some soup." Lu Jinzhong really wanted to make more money, The salary at work is not enough for his monthly expenses.

Xiang Yisen asked earnestly, "If I bring you money, how much will you pay?"

"Uh" Lu Jinzhong scratched his head, what did he say, he wanted to make money because he had no money, and he couldn't say it if he didn't pay the principal to make money.

Xiang Yisen expressed his thoughts, "You can't figure out the principal, and you just want to get a share of the action by following us?"

Lu Jinzhong's old face couldn't help but blushed. Brother Sen had already guessed about this shameless thing, how should he deal with it?

"The food is getting cold, you two talk less and eat more." Yu Qing came out to smooth things over in order to ease the embarrassment.

Xiang Yisen snorted lightly and lowered his head to eat.

Yu Qing said truthfully: "Actually, during this period of time, we came back from Yangcheng for a few batches of goods and opened a shop in the city. The business was pretty good. We sold two batches of goods and made about [-] yuan. The cost was about [-] yuan."

They sold two batches of goods for more than 2 yuan. Although the cost was an online account, the cost was nearly 2 yuan based on the purchase price in Yangcheng. It is not bad to earn a few thousand.

Therefore, what Yu Qing meant by saying this is that she wants to drink soup with us. With such a large cost, you have to invest a few thousand in it to be ashamed to claim dividends.

Hearing this, Lu Jinzhong gasped, and he looked at Brother Sen. How long has it been since we met, and you and your wife have done such a big thing?

Earned more than 1!

What is that concept?
If calculated based on his current salary, he would have to work for more than ten years without eating or drinking to make so much money!

"Brother Sen, sister-in-law, don't you care about opening the store?"

Xiang Yisen smiled, "We have obtained a business license and are in regular business. What do they care about?"

"business license?"


Lu Jinzhong wanted to say something else, but Xiang Yisen interrupted him, "Hurry up and eat, and I'll show you something good after dinner."

Lu Jin swallowed the words in his mouth, and asked instead: "What good thing?"

"You'll know later." Xiang Yisen picked up the juice and clinked a glass with Yu Qing.

The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled mysteriously, which made Lu Jinzhong even more confused and curious.

After dinner.

Xiang Yisen brought Lu Jinzhong to the yard, turned on the electric light under the eaves, and the dim yellow light shone on a huge monster covered in black cloth next to the door.

"Brother Sen, what is this?"

Xiang Yisen raised his lips slightly. He didn't show off, he raised his hand and pulled hard to tear off the black cloth, revealing the true face of the behemoth.

The body with black metallic luster and smooth lines immediately attracted Lu Jinzhong's attention.

He was dumbfounded in shock, and pointed at the motorcycle, "This, this, Sen, brother Sen, is this your car?"

Xiang Yisen nodded, stroked the car body and smiled lightly: "How is it? It's beautiful. We spent all the money we earned during this time on it."

Lu Jinzhong opened his mouth, his eyes were filled with embarrassment, and he was glad that he didn't have a chance to say what he just borrowed money, otherwise it would be embarrassing for both of them.

Afterwards, he looked at the motorcycle, his blood was boiling, "Brother Sen, can you lend me this motorcycle for a few days?"

Xiang Yi asked gloomily, "What do you think?"

"Hehe, then you will send me back tonight?" Lu Jinzhong asked for the next best thing.

Xiang Yisen refused without thinking, "I don't have time, I'm going to take your sister-in-law for a ride tonight."

Lu Jinzhong, "."

(End of this chapter)

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