Chapter 53 Well, it's jogging

There was no dream all night, and she woke up the next day as soon as Dongfang vomited fish.

Lying on the bed and looking at the whitewashed prefabricated roof, I was a little overwhelmed for a while, and it took me a while to realize that this is the room allocated by the unit.

In name, this is her first home in another world.

Living in this simple and strange place, she thought she would recognize the bed, but in fact, the opposite was true, she slept very well the night before.

She thought it might be because she walked too much the day before yesterday and was too tired.

But last night, he also slept very peacefully. When he woke up until dawn, this was the quality of sleep that no one could envy.It seems that people have to have their own nest, otherwise the mind has no place to rest.

After getting up and washing up, I went out to exercise.

At this point in time, the residential area is still immersed in sleep, and the community is silent, except for the occasional crisp chirping of the early birds.

Although it is early winter, the north wind in winter is not blowing, and it is extremely powerful.

Yu Qing jogged along the perimeter of the residential area, and the cold wind almost made her breathless.Her lungs felt like they were freezing.

With the increase in the amount of exercise, slowly feel the body warm up.

However, her breathing became heavier and heavier.
After running for two laps, I realized that there was still a person running in the morning in the thick fog ahead, and soon the figure disappeared into the thick fog.

She didn't run very far when she heard footsteps behind her again, and only after she turned her head did she realize that the figure in front of her had just caught up with her.

When the figure came close, Yu Qing was slightly taken aback, why is it him?

"Comrade Xiang Xiang, you also run in the morning."

Xiang Yisen saw a big lump slowly moving in front of him from a distance, and he guessed it was Miss Yu, because she was the fattest in the entire power station.

No, there is no fat person in the entire power station, she is the only one.

Moreover, she is also the only one who does not show contempt or fear in her eyes every time she faces him, which is why he responds every time she greets him.

This time was no exception, he wanted to nod and pass her, but when he easily ran to her side, he saw that her head was sweating profusely, but her eyes were filled with envy and jealousy.

He asked in a strange way: "Miss Yu is also coming for a run?"

Yu Qing was overwhelmed with self-esteem, and strongly corrected: "It's jogging."

The two of them are the control group now, she envies him that he can run easily, it's nice to have a healthy body.

However, having said that, his voice is really nice, deep and mellow, sweet and pleasing to the ear, this should be the first time he has spoken to her after meeting her several times.

"Well, jogging."

As if to prove her slowness, the man passed her quickly without looking back, and disappeared into the thick fog again quickly.

After repeating this, when Yu Qing was envious of his long legs for the third time, she could no longer run, and holding on to five laps was her limit.

She walked slowly on the side of the road, admiring the man's vigorous figure as he ran down round and round, until the sweat subsided and her body felt chills.

Yu Qing reluctantly got up and went back to her residence.

On the first day of work, Yu Qing learned about the scope of job duties. She was very glad that she didn't ask to change jobs yesterday.

She and the other two eldest sisters are responsible for the sanitation of the residential area.

During working hours, I scan the community every morning and afternoon, and control the rest of the time independently.

At present, if she wants to take care of her body, she can't be too tired. There are only four buildings in the residential area, and the three people are responsible for one building and one unit on average, which is quite easy.

Moreover, as long as she does her job well and spends other time freely, she can do more of her own private affairs.

Why not do it!
(End of this chapter)

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