chapter 126
Huo Muchuan seems to be very familiar with An's old house.

Those who were familiar with the road, bypassed the garden and went straight to the front yard.


It happened to be the room that Shi Lian just turned out of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Mrs. Ann's room.


When he passed the door of Mrs. An's room, he paused slightly.

Then, move forward.

Standing in the study not far from the bedroom.

Following behind, Shi Lian narrowed her eyes slightly as she turned sideways to hide in the dark.

She stared at the clear and moist face of the hero of the world, under the cold moonlight, revealing a distinctly cool and treacherous haze.

Obviously, this dog thing has bad intentions.

What did he come to Mrs. An's study for?
Shi Lian observed the structure and orientation of the house.

He pondered for a moment.

He dodged decisively and walked around to the garden.

After finding the location of the study, she used the same method to climb into the balcony from the carved railing.

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the study are covered by curtains.

Shi Lian just approached.

I heard movement in the study.

It was Mrs. An's surprised voice: "Are you... the young master of the Huo family?"

That dog thing, entered the study?
Isn't Mrs. An at the birthday banquet?

How could it appear in the study?

Shi Lian leaned close to the window.

There was a faint wind, blowing the covered curtains through the French windows that were not closed tightly.

Shi Lian opened a gap with her slender hands and looked towards the study.

In the study room, the furnishings are elegant and simple, with an antique atmosphere.

Mrs. An was sitting in front of a mahogany desk, looking up at the man in white clothes and black hair who walked into the study.

From Shi Lian's angle, she could see Mrs. An holding a white note in her hand on the table.

After Huo Muchuan walked into the study, he closed the door of the study.

With a "click", the door was locked.

Old Madam An's complexion changed slightly, but her tone remained calm: "Fourth Young Master Huo, what are you doing?"

Step by step, Huo Muchuan walked up to the mahogany table with his long legs, lowered his eyes slightly, and still had that clear smile on his brows: "Old Madam An, I didn't expect you to really come to the study."

There was a moment of silence in the study.

Then, old lady an stood up abruptly.

The mahogany chair covered with soft cushions hit the ground and made a loud noise.

Old Madam An was shocked: "It's you...?"

Huo Muchuan stood in front of the mahogany table, with those dark eyes, admiring the shocked expression of the old man in front of him with an attitude of appreciation.

While showing a malicious smile, he slowly put his hands on the table.

"it's me."

He leaned over and approached Mrs. An: "It seems that Mrs. An has never forgotten my existence."

The original warmth faded from his face.

Instead, there was a sinister smile.

Old Madam An stared at Huo Muchuan's face without blinking.

For a long time, for a long time...

There was a shrewd and sharp look in those slightly cloudy old eyes: "You are that child back then, I didn't expect... to grow up so big."

Looking at the old man in front of him, he regained his composure from the previous shock.

Huo Muchuan could not calm down anymore.

What he wants to see is the shocked and terrified appearance of this old man who once cruelly abandoned him, after seeing him again.

Why after doing those things back then.

How could she face him so calmly?
Why is she so calm?
Huo Muchuan pressed his hand on the table, and patted the mahogany desk heavily: "Yes, didn't you expect it? I am still alive, and I can appear in front of you again! Do you think that I have died 20 years ago? Before, that night when you were abandoned by your family?"

(End of this chapter)

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