chapter 128
"You should know what I want."

Huo Muchuan looked at the panicked face of Mrs. An, and laughed viciously: "I want you to use this document to prove that I am the eldest son of An, and restore my identity as the eldest son of An!"

Old Madam An tightly pressed the document in her hand: "Impossible... Huo Muchuan, your surname is Huo, not An!"

Huo Muchuan slowly pressed down on the table again, his brows and eyes returned to their original moistness, but the smile on the corner of his lips was extremely gloomy: "Grandma, ever since I came back, you have never had the chance to reject me."

He took out another document and put it on the table: "As for me, besides being the eldest son of the An family, I also have the position of the heir of the An family."

Old Madam An's eyes widened, she stared at the document, her face turned pale with anger: "You still want to settle down? Your ambition is too great!"

She left the document alone.

Huo Muchuan slowly opened the document and placed it in front of Mrs. An: "How can I call this ambition? I am clearly... just taking back what belongs to me!"

It was a share transfer contract.

It was the contract under which Mrs. An transferred all of her An's shares to An's eldest son, An Muchuan, for free.

It already has Huo Muchuan's signature and handprint on it.

As long as Mrs. An signs her name.

The contract takes effect immediately.

How could Mrs. An agree to such an outrageous request?

She pushed back the two documents that Huo Muchuan brought back, stood up with the table propped up, with an angry face on her face: "Huo Muchuan, you have nothing to do with An's family, today is my birthday banquet, I don't want to give up because you are broken." My interest, you get out now! I can act as if nothing happened!"

No matter how good the care is, old lady an can still see the traces of time on her face.

This angry.

Wrinkles are more noticeable.

After finishing a sentence, some of them began to breathe lightly.

She covered her chest and sat down heavily again.

The hand that was resting on the table began to shake.

Seeing that the old man was angry, Huo Muchuan laughed in a low voice instead, with a casual and sullen tone: "You can pretend that nothing happened, but I can't..."

"Grandma, I finally came back and finally found a chance to stand in front of you again. How could I give up so easily?"

He straightened up slowly, crossed the mahogany table, and walked towards old lady an.

Put one hand on the table.

One hand was pressed on the back of the old man's chair.

Just like this, he looked down at the old man who was trapped by him in an absolutely oppressive manner: "Whether you agree or not, you only have one choice today."

The man's gloomy breath was overwhelming.

It's like a mouse dormant in the dark, suddenly drilled out, revealing sharp and poisonous teeth.

Old lady An's breathing became short of breath: "Are you threatening me?"

"Even if grandma leaves the mall, she's still so smart." Huo Muchuan moved the two documents back, and put the share transfer contract in front of her again, "So, a smart grandma should be very clear about what to do, right? "

"" Mrs. An raised her hand and pointed at Huo Muchuan tremblingly.

His complexion is getting whiter and paler.

Breathing became more and more rapid.

Painful expressions appeared on their faces.

However, Huo Muchuan didn't care much.

As soon as he grasped the raised hand of Old Madam An, he said with a sneer, "Grandma, just obediently press your fingerprints and sign!"

 The fifth chapter has been updated, continue tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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