chapter 144
Call it the Cold War.

Who is used to it?
Anyway, she's not used to it!
Shi Lian stood in a very dignified posture.

There is quite a posture of "you and other ministers have not come over quickly to plead guilty".

An Chen looked at her upright posture and wanted to laugh.

A hint of helplessness gradually opened up in those dark and deep eyes.

The two stalemate.

In the end, one side has to give in.

And the one who backs down will only be him.

Not his queen.

Because it is impossible for the king to back down.

There was a heavy rain last night, and it is still raining lightly, and the weather is extremely wet and cold.

When the cool wind blows over.

Bring the coolness of the rain.

The damp air made him feel cold even with his coat on.

What's more... The girl was only wearing an off-white casual suit.

thin layer.

I can't resist the cold and damp wind at all.

So, in the end, An Chen took a step back.

He took out a black umbrella from the car, opened it, and walked towards Shi Lian.

A tall and tall young man stood in front of Shi Lian, with his umbrella raised above her head.

"Let's go, go home."

An Chen stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and his voice returned to its usual softness.

Shi Lian didn't move.

Under the big black umbrella, the bright eyebrows carried the pride unique to girls, and the black eyebrows were raised slightly to look up at him.

Mo hair red lips, like a bewitching demon.

Bewitch his heart.

An Chen lowered his head and softened his tone, his voice was particularly magnetic in the rain: "'s my fault, I'm sorry."

Shi Lian squinted her charming eyes: "What's wrong?"

An Chen's hand moved to Shi Lian's slender shoulder, and he lowered his head slowly, looking at her level.

"I shouldn't be angry with my sister, I apologize."

The young man's eyes seemed to have shattered starlight, bright and holy.

It looks like a large loyal dog acting like a baby to its owner.

Milky and tender.

Shi Lian stretched out her hand, and her slender white fingers lightly touched the boy's chin.

Pick with your fingertips.

Eyebrows bent lazily: "Why are you angry?"

The boy's crow-feather-like eyelashes trembled slightly, but he didn't answer.

Shi Lian scratched his chin with fingertips: "Don't want to say?"

"...Mmm." An Chen responded in a low voice, with forbearance in his eyes.

Shi Lian let go of him, and turned to hold his fair wrist: "Tell the driver that we will take grandma back later, and we will return to the old house later."

An Chen didn't know why, and looked at her suspiciously.

Shi Lian shook the hands they held: "It's hard to come out, I'll take you to a place you haven't been to."

Shi Lian asked for a small private room and two bottles of not low alcohol.

The two sat face to face.

A bottle of wine is placed in front of each person.

An Chen put one hand on the table, raised the other, and tapped lightly on the wine bottle: "You bring me to drink? If you want to drink...there are many at home."

Shi Lian filled a glass for herself: "No, originally I wanted to take you to the bar,'s still too early."

She raised her glass and drank it down with pride: "Drinking at home, how can there be atmosphere here?"

What's more, with An Chen's physical condition.

How could those stalkers at home let him drink?

After Shi Lian finished drinking, she propped half of her face on her elbows limply, and looked at him with raised eyelids: "What's the matter? Doesn't Chen Chen know how to drink?"

The girl who had drunk a glass of wine gradually had a blush on her bright and gorgeous face, like rouge, adding a bit of sweetness to that face.

Even those eyes were dyed with a flowing haze.

It made her look like a lazy and noble cat.
[The author's desire to survive: Sister Lian's identity is a female emperor, her personality dictates that, and people usually cater to her, so in her perception, she can't encourage the little villain's love of the cold war, and she also wants to force the little villain to speak out what's on her mind. Only then can the conflict be solved, so don't scold sister Lian, if you want to scold me, scold me QAQ]

(End of this chapter)

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