chapter 156
Shi Lian glanced at Tuanzi: "In your own prize pool... what are those things, don't you have points in your heart?"

Tuanzi pointed at her finger: [This time I promise to get something good! 】

That being said, the momentum is clearly lacking.

Shi Lian grabbed the cotton ball in front of him and rubbed its soft fufu head: "Okay, go back to your space, I will find a way to save An Chen."

【Boss, just trust me again! 】

Tuanzi obediently rubbed his head against Shilian's palm: [The big villain is the new protagonist who just took office after all, and he has not fully integrated with the luck of this small world. In addition... the original protagonist has been replaced, so it will take a while for the Tao of Heaven to come out. It's time to fix the bugs in this small world, so... the big villain may not be able to enjoy the protection of the protagonist's aura so quickly. 】

That is, in case the villain doesn't make it through.

This small world will start working again...

Shi Lian closed his eyes.

When she raised her eyes again, her brows and eyes were still quiet and calm, staring at the face of the young man on the hospital bed, she said: "Let's draw a lottery."

If the system rewards, it can't help her at all.

She used her own way to save An Chen.

[Use the second chance to draw. 】

[The lottery is in progress, please wait a moment. 】

[Ding——Congratulations to the big brother for drawing the gold reward, the soul-reviving elixir. 】

The pink and white cotton ball in front of him suddenly burst into a golden light.

Then, an antique black wooden box appeared in her palm.

Shi Lian opened.

Inside the box was a dark pill, exuding a bitter medicinal smell.

It doesn't look like much.

This thing, panacea?

[I just said that there must be no problem with this lottery draw! 】

Tuanzi twisted his soft, fufu cotton body, and said with a smile: [The probability of the second lottery draw is only 10% for gold rewards! 】

Seeing the disgusted expression on Shilian's face, Tuanzi howled excitedly: [Don't look at the appearance of this panacea, but it is a medicine made by real immortals, which can bring people back to life. Cure all diseases! 】

[If you give the villain the Resurrection Pill, the villain can be resurrected with full blood! 】

System produced.

Shi Lian believed it.

She opened the door and entered the room.

An Mu, who heard the noise, quickly opened her eyes.

My first reaction was to see my son lying on the hospital bed.

Then, Xunsheng raised his eyes.

Seeing that it was Shi Lian who came in, she rubbed her sleepy eyes and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's you Lian'er, I'll just watch over at night, you should go home and rest."

"You've been in the hospital for three days." Shi Lian walked over, and put the blanket in his hand over An's mother, "I will take good care of Chen Chen, don't wait for Chen Chen to wake up, but you collapsed."

Mother An wanted to say something else.

But in the end, Shi Lian persuaded him to leave.

Shi Lian was sitting by the bed, holding the young man's slender white and jade-like hand in the palm of his hand.


In fact, she didn't need him at all to stop the bucket of chicken blood that Jiang Miaomiao poured on her.

She was fully capable when Jiang Miaomiao rushed over.

He subdued him.

He knew Jiang Miaomiao had bad intentions.

I also know that I am not healthy.

But he still has to help her block the dangers from the outside world.

So, he is really stupid.

Stupid... It made her feel a little distressed.

With his fingertips, he picked up the black panacea and fed it into the boy's mouth.

But the comatose teenager had no way to swallow the elixir.

Tried for a long time.

The panacea was still in the boy's mouth.

Shi Lian: "..."

Simply, put your hand directly against his jaw.

Let this panacea melt by itself with the little villain's saliva!
(End of this chapter)

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